This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Neverwinter Nights, its Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark expansion packs, and any user-created or premium modules.
I was actually suprised that this topic had not yet come up on another thread.
It seems like all the really cool characters in the "Forgotten Realms" books work alone. For example, Artemis Entreri, Drizzt's archnemesis in R.A. Salvatores books, always works alone and is quite good at what he does (killing people). Another example is Elminster the Sage. Elminster the millions of other titles he has. He rarely works with other and he still might the most powerful mortal to ever walk on the land of Forgotten Realms.
So, what is the best class in NWN for playing without a henchmen? Please list stats and weapon and etc.
Like many others on this forum, I will say thank you in advance.
Thank you, LeMasterMind
The name's Sauce, Special Sauce.
"Throw the first punch and make it hard so you don't have to throw another."
i have played it solo with the majority of the classes now. my favourite solo character is an elf sorceror with medium dexterity, low strength, maxed out charisma. no weapon as never use one with a sorceror. spells consist of a mix of buffing spells and offensive spells.
another fave is a solo human paladin with reasonably high wisdom, high charisma, reasonably high strength and lowish dexterity. i usually use a bastard sword or a great sword (2-handed sword) with this character.
my fave was primarily a cleric, with a handfull of levels in monk and ranger.
build was average str, highish dex, average con, decent int, max wis, average cha.
cleric gains buffs, and some attack spells, healing, resonable hit points, resonable bab. ect. of primary usefullness was darkflame or somesuch that causes your weapons to do additional fire damage / hit. also gains decent summons if need be. further the enchant weapon spells can augment the enchantment level of most magic weapons.
monk gives evasion, converts wis to ac, flurry of blows w/ kama, monk only items.
ranger gives dual wield, more weapon feats, additional hp and skills.
in hindsight swapping 4 ftr levels for the ranger levels may have been better long term.
the basic attack pattern was buff, used some feats to further augment the buffing spells (empower, ect ect) use wpn finesse, dual kama's (or kama main hand and another finessable weapon offhand, and darkflame - hit often for minor weapon damage but deal a lot of elemental damage. enemies that resisted flame damage obviously caused some problems but that's what the rest of the cleric's spells and or the ranger's weapon selection were for.
I'm assuming that by "BEST" you mean strongest since this is about soloing which can be difficult for weaker builds.
I've had alot of success soloing with this build:
Bard 4 / RDD 10 / Paladin 3-5 (depends how high you get in OC)
STR 14
DEX 10 (would be 8 if playing HotU)
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 12 (would be 14 if playing HotU)
CHA 14
Sword and Board (longsword and a good shield).
Important feats: Divine Might, weapon focus (longsword), power attack, cleave, toughness, improved critical (maybe great cleave too).
Putting all ability point increases into STR combined with the draconic ability increases from the RDD makes this build extremely powerful (so powerful its almost sickening). The increased saving throws and disease immunity come in very handy. Immunity to fear is very handy for many fights encountered in the OC. Bard song is a nice bonus and bard allows a few skill ranks to tumble and UMD.
[QUOTE=Arius]I'm assuming that by "BEST" you mean strongest since this is about soloing which can be difficult for weaker builds.
I've had alot of success soloing with this build:
Bard 4 / RDD 10 / Paladin 3-5 (depends how high you get in OC)
STR 14
DEX 10 (would be 8 if playing HotU)
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 12 (would be 14 if playing HotU)
CHA 14
Sword and Board (longsword and a good shield).
Important feats: Divine Might, weapon focus (longsword), power attack, cleave, toughness, improved critical (maybe great cleave too).
Putting all ability point increases into STR combined with the draconic ability increases from the RDD makes this build extremely powerful (so powerful its almost sickening). The increased saving throws and disease immunity come in very handy. Immunity to fear is very handy for many fights encountered in the OC. Bard song is a nice bonus and bard allows a few skill ranks to tumble and UMD.[/QUOTE]
You were very clear with this build, but could you tell me the race of this character that would work the best?
Thanks, LeMasterMind
The name's Sauce, Special Sauce.
"Throw the first punch and make it hard so you don't have to throw another."
Starting as
Human Fighter
STR 14
DEX 15
CON 14
WIS 10
INT 14
CHA 10
Of course, there were a fore runner who got the following items for the WM.
Armour, Iron Skeleton
Cowl of Warding
Ring of Universal Elemental Immunity
Ring of Resistance +3
Cloak of Protection + 5
Greater Belt of Guiding Light
Greater Amulet of Health
Enserric the Longsword with Rizolvir's upgrades (Keen)
Another longsword with upgrades (Keen)
Boots with Con + 10
Feats to go for
All the Criticals (Improved, Overwhelming and Devastating)
Levels to have.
As much WM as possible. and 1-3 levels of Rogue.
Skills to have.
Heal, Discipline, Tumble, Persuade and Lore.
Allows me to play mindlessly without having to hit the shortcut keys most of the time. Enserric leeches so much i hardly need to hit potions of heal.
In the end, everything will be alright. If it is not alright, it is not the end.
[QUOTE=LeMasterMind]You were very clear with this build, but could you tell me the race of this character that would work the best?
Thanks, LeMasterMind[/QUOTE]
Yes sorry, a human is highly recommended for that build since there's no way to get an experience penalty from the multiclassing and you get the extra feat/skill points.
In the OC you will also have to use a character editor like Leto because it is impossible to change your alignment between lawful and chaotic (bard can't be lawful and paladin must be lawful so you'll need to change it at least once).
I am currently playing an elvish bard with following stats. This is very fun character to solo with.
Str 8
Dex 16
Con 7
Wis 8
Int 16
CHR 17
Put all points in CHR . Wear all +CHR items for max spell resist minus the shield and armour. This will give you 38 CHR. Several of the NPC items are perfect for you. Get curse song and enchantment focuses. Go to the beggars nest first for some target practice with the ice wand. VEry easy clear out. I suggest Charm Person, Identify, Sleep, and MAge Armor. For second level spells, Ghostly Visage, Invisibility, Hold Person,. and Silence. The quick cast feat is very good as Silence, Invisibility, Hold Person, Charm, and Sleep are all sick. Ghostly Visage will become inneffective eventually so you can switch it out for something else. Very fun character. Not so strait forward using charms and sleep, but very fun. low HP makes battle daring!
For skills,
Use Magic Item high but not max
Appraise High but not max
Concentartion high but not max
Diasrm trap only one rank, bard song +gear will max this to the highest disarm possible for non-rogue
open Lock Max
Searrch Max
Perform- you can sluff a bit at first but max
Tumble- to twenty
Spellcraft- to twenty
hide and sneak are a bit weak when you can just turn invisible over and over.
For gear, Nymph Cloak +5, Crystal RObes, Greater Mask of PErsuasion, Lilting Note, Gloves of Dex +5, Dragon's Slippers, NPC RING +4 CHR, NPC Belt+5 CHR, NPC Ring +4 DEX, Amulet slot switches. NPC amulet is good +4 DEX, Spell Resistance is good. You can switch the NPC DEX ring for a +FOR Save ring when you need it as you have abysmal fortitude saves.
He is a mixture of stilled buffs, few agressive spells ,2 katanas, and focus and spezialization for fists and katanas(fist is for stunning fist and blocking arrows)
He has improved critical too, and main skill is tumble.
The most important feat is still spell, couse it lets me to use magic while wearing armour. Of course ambidex, two weapon fighting and improved two weapon fighting.
here is his idea said short:
He buffs himself up, starts the fight with ranged spells.
When the enemy gets close, he uses stunning fist and knockdown.
Finally he finishes the helpless opponent with his katanas, having improved critical and keen edge. If the opponent still lives, he still can easily kill him with high attack and AC.
WARNING: This char is only good at very high levels. I got badly beaten in the beginning.
YOU DONT KNOW THE POWER OF THE DRUNKSIDE ill beat you up with my bottl ...lightsaber!!!And Drunk Side is a bar in KOTOR1... check these out!
At 20: Without stat raising items...
str:31(33-36 buffed)
dex:8(10-13 buffed)
At level 20 with only +2 items (armor/shield/amulet/deflection/weapon) and boots of speed the build has 46-47 ac and 28 ab doing good damage a hit.
And since you dont start with martial proficiency I would suggest exotic at level 3 for katanas. And you need to get heavy armor proficiency at level 1 too...
And if you plan on going through the expansions with the character I would suggest getting Dev Crit.
Drunkside wrote:my build really works, even in multiplayer!
race: human
classes:sorc´10/RDD 10/fighter 20
He is a mixture of stilled buffs, few agressive spells ,2 katanas, and focus and spezialization for fists and katanas(fist is for stunning fist and blocking arrows)
He has improved critical too, and main skill is tumble.
The most important feat is still spell, couse it lets me to use magic while wearing armour. Of course ambidex, two weapon fighting and improved two weapon fighting.
here is his idea said short:
He buffs himself up, starts the fight with ranged spells.
When the enemy gets close, he uses stunning fist and knockdown.
Finally he finishes the helpless opponent with his katanas, having improved critical and keen edge. If the opponent still lives, he still can easily kill him with high attack and AC.
WARNING: This char is only good at very high levels. I got badly beaten in the beginning.
i will take that back, there are some things that just wont work, I found out that cleric/Wep master/ Monk works a lot better, with nearly same abilities. If you take 22 wep master levels, you will be on the same line with 2 medium weapons in ab with anybody else non wep master.
YOU DONT KNOW THE POWER OF THE DRUNKSIDE ill beat you up with my bottl ...lightsaber!!!And Drunk Side is a bar in KOTOR1... check these out!
I really don't understand why you would multiclass a cleric with a fighter type class. The cleric has a spell which gives them fighter AB. This signals to me that a cleric is a fighter already and doesn't really need to raise his AB by multiclassing. Sure maybe you might take some Torm levels and a single paladin level or two for feats and saves, but I would take a multiclass for AB. The spell gives you 40 lvls of fighter AB. Why would you need anything else? The existence of that spell is a strong indication ot to do this.
limitedwhole wrote:I really don't understand why you would multiclass a cleric with a fighter type class. The cleric has a spell which gives them fighter AB. This signals to me that a cleric is a fighter already and doesn't really need to raise his AB by multiclassing. Sure maybe you might take some Torm levels and a single paladin level or two for feats and saves, but I would take a multiclass for AB. The spell gives you 40 lvls of fighter AB. Why would you need anything else? The existence of that spell is a strong indication ot to do this.
Divine power sucks couse it wont stack and have you ever heard of superior and epic superior wep focus? I get extra ab every three levels after 10, so i would get same ab with two blades a no wep master would have with one. Never argue with me about two weapon chars, im an expert in them
YOU DONT KNOW THE POWER OF THE DRUNKSIDE ill beat you up with my bottl ...lightsaber!!!And Drunk Side is a bar in KOTOR1... check these out!
A few good buff spells, some big explosive ones and some nice swords in each hand you'll blast and carve through everything the game could ever throw at you.
.fighter weapon master dwarven defenders geared towards high con decent str and high hp and damage resist. guess you could do fighter barb dd too.
.my personal fav is (cant remember level amounts exactly been a few years)
1 sd 10 ranger 29 assassin prime abil = str, 16 int, all the hide feats possible
.5 fight enough cleric for good attack buffs (trickery domain for imp inviso) rest in WM sorry cant remember exactly
Dwarf Fighter(8)/Cot(X)/WM(7). Strength focused build with secondary statistics being Constitution dual wielding Dwarven War Axes as the weapon of choice. Note for Fighter(8) to be taken at character level 21 for Epic specialization.
Strength focused and full BAB more than makes up for the heavier offhand penalty for dualing waraxes. Max number of attacks per round coupled with high chance to hit and pretty much maxed out damage from magical weapons choice, weapon specialization and strength means incredible damage output per round (concept of "best defense is a good offense"). And then there are those Epic critical feats...
CoT saves means amazing Fort, and more than decent Reflex and Will.
Waraxe trumps Bastard swords in average output when factoring criticals; although almost no unique choices of weapon to be found in OC/expansions...
Pretty good HP (approx +13 per level) to take what damage that can be doled out against you in the short amount of time you take to permanently stop them from dealing any more damage to anything else. With regenerating items, the best heavy armor he can afford, swapping in damage reduction items when/if required, and some potions of heal as backup, I don't remember having to need to rest to heal...
Edit: I liked it best when taking him through HotU where I had both waraxe +10, +2d6 acid, +2 regen, keen, haste, truesight etc etc... expensive, but way worth it.