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trouble with the console

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trouble with the console

Post by Aznbabygirl101 »

I wanted to try out the cheat to get as many xp points as you want, but when i type it in, the computer just freezes. any suggestions?
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Post by mr_sir »

To use the console without freezing your game you need to press Esc to get to the pause menu before opening the console. Then type in the code and press enter and exit the console before returning to the game. Trying to use the console without going to the pause menu first will just crash your game due to a bug or something with the console.
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Post by Shairkon »

If you use the console without pressing escape first and landing in the main menu, you can type "chareditor" after you typed in whatever you wanted and that will put you in the Character Editor menu (with exp points and so on) and you can just press escape then to exit and resume the game. :D
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