Things I don't like about KotoR
My biggest complaint
Okay people, in many item is says some thing like "but because of a very rare cortosis weave, it can spar with lightsabers". Focus on very rare. When you pull a lightsaber on a stupid Gammorean and he pulls out and axe that can spar with your lightsaber, I was a little surprised. I just wish that BioWare had made it so that some enemies weapon got chopped in half and they had to fight with fists or something like that. I'm just saying that when Common Joe pulls a sword and it has the "very rare cortosis weave", it seems a little unrealistic.
Okay people, in many item is says some thing like "but because of a very rare cortosis weave, it can spar with lightsabers". Focus on very rare. When you pull a lightsaber on a stupid Gammorean and he pulls out and axe that can spar with your lightsaber, I was a little surprised. I just wish that BioWare had made it so that some enemies weapon got chopped in half and they had to fight with fists or something like that. I'm just saying that when Common Joe pulls a sword and it has the "very rare cortosis weave", it seems a little unrealistic.
And the Cosmic AC said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!"
- Snowtrooper
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1) The game needs to be longer, I mean its waaaaaay to short
There should be a lot more starmaps to be found (10 or more)
There should be some cool locations like Coruscant and Chandrilla and Corellia etc.
2) The romace subplot needs to be thickened
3) Tons of useless items
4) More non-linear gameplay (i know light and dark but.... think of Deus Ex 2)
5) The fact that u can only have 3 chararcters in ur party. The limit should be 6.
6) There should be more enemies and more big fights with rooms full of sith troopers and dark jedis.
7) You should actually hear the Character speak, it would really make it better
8) There should be more opportunities to gain LS and DS points
9) It might be fun if u could actually fight a space or ground battle with other republic troops.
KotOR was good but KotOR 2 should be amazing.
There should be a lot more starmaps to be found (10 or more)
There should be some cool locations like Coruscant and Chandrilla and Corellia etc.
2) The romace subplot needs to be thickened
3) Tons of useless items
4) More non-linear gameplay (i know light and dark but.... think of Deus Ex 2)
5) The fact that u can only have 3 chararcters in ur party. The limit should be 6.
6) There should be more enemies and more big fights with rooms full of sith troopers and dark jedis.
7) You should actually hear the Character speak, it would really make it better
8) There should be more opportunities to gain LS and DS points
9) It might be fun if u could actually fight a space or ground battle with other republic troops.
KotOR was good but KotOR 2 should be amazing.
To fight is supreme, to conquer, divine. - Motto of the Galactic Empire
- firesong100
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Things I Don't Like
I know this thread is a bit old, but I just got the game recently and played it through. I really enjoyed playing the game, but these things had a tendancy to mar things a little.
First of all, graphics problems. Why?? Anyone with a halfway decent computer should not have to disable all the graphics features to keep the game from crashing. (I know it was fixed on the second game.)
Other party members always "box" you into a corner, then won't move. Argh.
Long cut scenes *just* before the big battle. They last long enough for the stims and shields you loaded to run out.
Whodunnit murder mysteries. I'm surprised nobody mentioned these before. It's a lot of boring trudging about, pestering obscure people, poking your nose into stuff you never would have thought to go to without a walkthrough, and then you have to wrangle in super long dialouge scenes with officials on the finer points of interplanetary law. Oh, yes. this is what I bought an action adventure RPG for!
I hate Manaan. I know it's a strong thing to say, but I do. You can't do anything except wander around without getting arrested, and the persnickety fish people take forever to say anything. And unless you answer exactly right, they execute you and you get to do the whole trial over again. honestly, you get arrested every time you do anything here. And, if that isn't bad enough, Jolee pesters you to take on a side quest here to guess what?? Solve another murder mystery! Joy!
The underwater missions maps are too long. This would be great if they were shorter. And the puzzles in the Sith base are a pain in the butt. The Flow Chamber is an endless waste of time. I say let the Sith have a fish fry.
Sometimes it seems that there was a couple too many doors that could not be opened except by a computer way across the level. and you don't have enough spikes. If you cleared out the level of enemies already, this was boring. if not, it was fun.
Retreat is not an option, nor is choosing to ignore the 645th Kath Hound in this field so you can finally get to the objective you have been trying to reach. You disengage combat only to realize you obsessive compulsive buddies charged right in and are being eaten.
And lastly, ranged weapons. You get the ranged guys decent guns, decent armor, good feats like super power shot, invest in targeting and sniper skills, blaster weapen focus, and all that.The strategy being that I will take my jedi with the lightsaber into melee mode while a ranged wepen guy takes down henchmen on my flank. Then in a firefight watch in amazement as your ranged weapon guy immieadately closes into melee range with their opponets and gets chopped up as they plink away with their default atttack only at a nearby wall, totally missing the enemy just inches in front of them!
I know this thread is a bit old, but I just got the game recently and played it through. I really enjoyed playing the game, but these things had a tendancy to mar things a little.
First of all, graphics problems. Why?? Anyone with a halfway decent computer should not have to disable all the graphics features to keep the game from crashing. (I know it was fixed on the second game.)
Other party members always "box" you into a corner, then won't move. Argh.
Long cut scenes *just* before the big battle. They last long enough for the stims and shields you loaded to run out.
Whodunnit murder mysteries. I'm surprised nobody mentioned these before. It's a lot of boring trudging about, pestering obscure people, poking your nose into stuff you never would have thought to go to without a walkthrough, and then you have to wrangle in super long dialouge scenes with officials on the finer points of interplanetary law. Oh, yes. this is what I bought an action adventure RPG for!
I hate Manaan. I know it's a strong thing to say, but I do. You can't do anything except wander around without getting arrested, and the persnickety fish people take forever to say anything. And unless you answer exactly right, they execute you and you get to do the whole trial over again. honestly, you get arrested every time you do anything here. And, if that isn't bad enough, Jolee pesters you to take on a side quest here to guess what?? Solve another murder mystery! Joy!
The underwater missions maps are too long. This would be great if they were shorter. And the puzzles in the Sith base are a pain in the butt. The Flow Chamber is an endless waste of time. I say let the Sith have a fish fry.
Sometimes it seems that there was a couple too many doors that could not be opened except by a computer way across the level. and you don't have enough spikes. If you cleared out the level of enemies already, this was boring. if not, it was fun.
Retreat is not an option, nor is choosing to ignore the 645th Kath Hound in this field so you can finally get to the objective you have been trying to reach. You disengage combat only to realize you obsessive compulsive buddies charged right in and are being eaten.
And lastly, ranged weapons. You get the ranged guys decent guns, decent armor, good feats like super power shot, invest in targeting and sniper skills, blaster weapen focus, and all that.The strategy being that I will take my jedi with the lightsaber into melee mode while a ranged wepen guy takes down henchmen on my flank. Then in a firefight watch in amazement as your ranged weapon guy immieadately closes into melee range with their opponets and gets chopped up as they plink away with their default atttack only at a nearby wall, totally missing the enemy just inches in front of them!
Kotor is a great game but... (SPOILERS maybe)
Well, there are some things I don't like. I'm still on Taris so maybe I'll change my mind but...
1) Too few skill points, especially for soldiers. Even with Int 12 I get only 1 skill point per level. Basically soldiers can just shoot things... and Carth calls your PC "an Elite Commando" or something like that!
2) A common problem with BioWare games like NWN (the original set): if you want to be bad you have to be a "B-Movie Evil Guy": sell the Rakghoul serum for money, selling the "promised lands" journals to satisfy Izgoul's (or whatever his name) power lust... I mean, Dark Side does not necessarily mean "Greedy and downright Bast*rd".
Look at Anakin SW I-III: he falls to the Dark Side but doesn't do this sort of things. Rather, he chooses "the easy way out", and acts out of selfishness and rage, with no self control...
I'd rather have a bit more DS options, but then again, I'm only at the beginning and my charachter's a bit low on persuade, so maybe as I play more I'll be able to find a way to be Dark Side the way I'd like it
Well, there are some things I don't like. I'm still on Taris so maybe I'll change my mind but...
1) Too few skill points, especially for soldiers. Even with Int 12 I get only 1 skill point per level. Basically soldiers can just shoot things... and Carth calls your PC "an Elite Commando" or something like that!
2) A common problem with BioWare games like NWN (the original set): if you want to be bad you have to be a "B-Movie Evil Guy": sell the Rakghoul serum for money, selling the "promised lands" journals to satisfy Izgoul's (or whatever his name) power lust... I mean, Dark Side does not necessarily mean "Greedy and downright Bast*rd".
Look at Anakin SW I-III: he falls to the Dark Side but doesn't do this sort of things. Rather, he chooses "the easy way out", and acts out of selfishness and rage, with no self control...
I'd rather have a bit more DS options, but then again, I'm only at the beginning and my charachter's a bit low on persuade, so maybe as I play more I'll be able to find a way to be Dark Side the way I'd like it
- Chuckchizzle
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i love kotar!!! but i hate
Is it just me but does the computer always seem to get the correct cards in paasak.....ex: i hold at 19 the computer has 16 an always gets a 4 OR the computer will have 14 or better and bust on the next darw , but ALWAYS has the perfect minus card OR when they do have the minus card it will take them down to 17 or so and guess what they get the card to beat my 19 or tie my 20....i still love the game though :mischief:
Is it just me but does the computer always seem to get the correct cards in paasak.....ex: i hold at 19 the computer has 16 an always gets a 4 OR the computer will have 14 or better and bust on the next darw , but ALWAYS has the perfect minus card OR when they do have the minus card it will take them down to 17 or so and guess what they get the card to beat my 19 or tie my 20....i still love the game though :mischief:
pazaak is pretty much the only thing i don't like about kotor, its a lot better the way they do pazaak in kotor2. as for the ds thing, you can still become ds without being completely greedy and just a thug - it just involves taking ls hits sometimes and not always taking every ds option. granted you might not get ds mastery as early on, but you do get there eventually.
hang on, thought of another thing - the romance with carth is really annoying me at the moment. its a pain having to get through the conversations by certain points (to the extent it even influences what order you do the planets) so i've never bothered with it before. trying it this time and you have no way of knowing if the romance is still on track or if you have said something to screw it up as there is no influence thing (another thing i like in kotor2 and sometimes wish was in kotor1)
hang on, thought of another thing - the romance with carth is really annoying me at the moment. its a pain having to get through the conversations by certain points (to the extent it even influences what order you do the planets) so i've never bothered with it before. trying it this time and you have no way of knowing if the romance is still on track or if you have said something to screw it up as there is no influence thing (another thing i like in kotor2 and sometimes wish was in kotor1)
- The Reaper
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Now I'd be lying if I said the game was perfect it had it's ups and downs. But most of the game was good. The only real complaint I have about KOTOR I is somthing Fable mentioned in the first post. I really hated how a compainion would bother you half-way through a mission needing a friendly chat. I mean, for me, it always seemed to happen at the most crappiest time... I'd be in a dangerous area, busy, or about to be mobbed by a gang of aliens... I'd be sitting there in front of my Xbox, planet of Taris, exploring the UnderCity, trying to watch out for any ghoulies that could be hanging out there and then BANG! "Carth seems to have a problem, would you like to chat?" and I'd be like "well this is hardly the time or place to whine about your problems now is it?"
Also what I didn't like about these converstations was they would draaaaaggg... I'm sure many people after a couple of chats with any of the compainions did not want to talk again, but they knew they had to or they would most probably miss somthing vital to the story. And you'd be sitting there listening to whoever was talking and they'd keep going... I for one would be flicking through the texts checking my watch ha-ha.
I think maybe for the texts, especially if they were to make a third game is make the texts and convo's alot shorter... Have more if you must but make each chat shorter so we're not waisting our time chatting to some old guy...
Well there's my whine...
KotOR rrepublic is my favorite game. i love it but still....
taris took sooooo long. it was such a pain in the butt. there were times when i just wanted to pull out all my hair and scream in frustration. in my opinion, you should have just crash landed on a planet with a star map already on there. and in the process of trying to get off the planet, you discover the star map. then bastila (shes already in your party, or she finds you or whatever) says that they have to go to dantooine to discuss it with the counsel. then the game goes on as it did.
romances. i wish there was more to them. thicken them up in my opinion... oh i dont know have bastila (if your playing as a guy) say something about the kiss instead of you. make carth a less whiney wanker. this guys supposed to be a soilder? gimmee a break... ive seen girl scouts that complain less then him.
more planets, more dark side options, more robes, less stupid NPC charaters, more realistic things, seriously, you have a fraking lightsaber and you cant chop a guy in half with it? wtf...
a lil more detail in the madilorian war aspect, some back story.
i know i know but... too may quests to get what you needed to get... that just infuriated me like no other. i mean, in order to get bastila i gotta go get to the undercity, in order to get to the undercity i gotta get to the lower city, in order to get to the lower city i gotta get sith armor. i get my armor i get to lowercity and now i gotta get papers. to get papers i gotta talk to gadon and be his stupid lap dog. i get to the lower city and gotta help mission find her stupid wookiee, then i gotta get to the stupid vulkar base steel the stupid accelorator(sp) bring it back to gadon then race. bastila's a fraking jedi. shes not exactly helpless... im sure that after she was sold into slavery that she would have been able to escape. and you know what? im sure shes not the only jedi with battle meditiation.... urgh....
a more useful party. i mean, after i get into the sith base on taris... am i REALLY going to use T3 again? no.
i agree with Mission, "Just DIE already!"
"Lord Malak was most displeased when he learned you escaped taris alive." do we have to hear that everytime i run into a stupid dark jedi?
that is it. im done venting.
taris took sooooo long. it was such a pain in the butt. there were times when i just wanted to pull out all my hair and scream in frustration. in my opinion, you should have just crash landed on a planet with a star map already on there. and in the process of trying to get off the planet, you discover the star map. then bastila (shes already in your party, or she finds you or whatever) says that they have to go to dantooine to discuss it with the counsel. then the game goes on as it did.
romances. i wish there was more to them. thicken them up in my opinion... oh i dont know have bastila (if your playing as a guy) say something about the kiss instead of you. make carth a less whiney wanker. this guys supposed to be a soilder? gimmee a break... ive seen girl scouts that complain less then him.
more planets, more dark side options, more robes, less stupid NPC charaters, more realistic things, seriously, you have a fraking lightsaber and you cant chop a guy in half with it? wtf...
a lil more detail in the madilorian war aspect, some back story.
i know i know but... too may quests to get what you needed to get... that just infuriated me like no other. i mean, in order to get bastila i gotta go get to the undercity, in order to get to the undercity i gotta get to the lower city, in order to get to the lower city i gotta get sith armor. i get my armor i get to lowercity and now i gotta get papers. to get papers i gotta talk to gadon and be his stupid lap dog. i get to the lower city and gotta help mission find her stupid wookiee, then i gotta get to the stupid vulkar base steel the stupid accelorator(sp) bring it back to gadon then race. bastila's a fraking jedi. shes not exactly helpless... im sure that after she was sold into slavery that she would have been able to escape. and you know what? im sure shes not the only jedi with battle meditiation.... urgh....
a more useful party. i mean, after i get into the sith base on taris... am i REALLY going to use T3 again? no.
i agree with Mission, "Just DIE already!"
"Lord Malak was most displeased when he learned you escaped taris alive." do we have to hear that everytime i run into a stupid dark jedi?
that is it. im done venting.
"Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya...."
"Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya!"
"Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya!"
- lonewolf13
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romances. i wish there was more to them. thicken them up in my opinion... oh i dont know have bastila (if your playing as a guy) say something about the kiss instead of you.[/QUOTE]
If your talking about the "kissing" scene in the barracks, then she will tell you to kiss her if you choose to continue arguing about your relationship instead of telling her kiss you.
romances. i wish there was more to them. thicken them up in my opinion... oh i dont know have bastila (if your playing as a guy) say something about the kiss instead of you.[/QUOTE]
If your talking about the "kissing" scene in the barracks, then she will tell you to kiss her if you choose to continue arguing about your relationship instead of telling her kiss you.
When all else fails, try brute force.
yea i know but thats not what i meant. i dont know but just have more indepth diolouge or something. i mean at the beggining when you ask her about darth revan, she tells you that she doesnt want to talk about it because its painful or something like that. she knows your revan and its painful for her but she goes around kissing you? i just thought that was weird a lil bit. i dont know... but thats what i meant by "thicken them up"... i think... lol
"Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya...."
"Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya!"
"Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya!"
- firesong100
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While I'm At It...
I've played both this game and TSL through some more now, and thought about it some more. I really like the game.
No one will ever make the perfact game, and that's ok, but if this game came close. Some people brought up some other good points though.
The NPC interaction was not expanded enough. After you solved their side quests, they were done with you. You did your last planets with minimal input from your team. Bummer.
Actually, I thought Carth had a good enough reason to be be a walking angst miester. If my mentor and hero did that to me, I'd whine a bit too. However, after helping him deal with both his son and Saul, one would expect him to open up a whole next level relationship with the PC, but he just clams up after that. (?) I liked Mission, she was being a teenager.
There are three characters in the team I don't use. Zalbaar, because he is slow, doesn't interract with anyone or anything in his environment outside of Kassyyyk, always looks totally depressed, Jolee because he is useless in a fight. he keeps saying "I still got it" just before he collapses to the ground after being hit once. Or twice. T3 who's just in the story to remiend us of Artoo. He unlocks one door, that's it. He does not interact at all with anything else in the game, not even other droids. Ironically, he's the one character with the most level-ups. He gets all his feats. But he's real boring.
The best weapons are to be found a bit too late in the game. I would have loved to take on Bendek Starkiller with the double bladed vibroblade that all those Vulkars carried but took with them to Vulkar Heaven when my PC killed them. (not that it's the best weapon, but it would be handy on Taris)
Fortunately, there's mods. Through mods, I can replace T3 and Zalbaar with better companions, and fix the Carth romance loop. If I hated Carth, I could do him in with fiendish glee. I can have a "fish fry" on Manaan.
Yanno, a KToR Expansion Pack would be a blast!
I've played both this game and TSL through some more now, and thought about it some more. I really like the game.
No one will ever make the perfact game, and that's ok, but if this game came close. Some people brought up some other good points though.
The NPC interaction was not expanded enough. After you solved their side quests, they were done with you. You did your last planets with minimal input from your team. Bummer.
Actually, I thought Carth had a good enough reason to be be a walking angst miester. If my mentor and hero did that to me, I'd whine a bit too. However, after helping him deal with both his son and Saul, one would expect him to open up a whole next level relationship with the PC, but he just clams up after that. (?) I liked Mission, she was being a teenager.
There are three characters in the team I don't use. Zalbaar, because he is slow, doesn't interract with anyone or anything in his environment outside of Kassyyyk, always looks totally depressed, Jolee because he is useless in a fight. he keeps saying "I still got it" just before he collapses to the ground after being hit once. Or twice. T3 who's just in the story to remiend us of Artoo. He unlocks one door, that's it. He does not interact at all with anything else in the game, not even other droids. Ironically, he's the one character with the most level-ups. He gets all his feats. But he's real boring.
The best weapons are to be found a bit too late in the game. I would have loved to take on Bendek Starkiller with the double bladed vibroblade that all those Vulkars carried but took with them to Vulkar Heaven when my PC killed them. (not that it's the best weapon, but it would be handy on Taris)
Fortunately, there's mods. Through mods, I can replace T3 and Zalbaar with better companions, and fix the Carth romance loop. If I hated Carth, I could do him in with fiendish glee. I can have a "fish fry" on Manaan.
Yanno, a KToR Expansion Pack would be a blast!
I did not like that the non-Jedi characters got very rarely used once you became a Jedi. There were some areas where you're forced to take a character along for an NPC quest, but I would have liked a little more opportunity to rely on the non-Jedis more. Also one slight issue with the game is that you can still get the computer-oriented experience bonuses after clearing an entire area. I don't like that the boss battles were not really that difficult even on the highest difficulty. Calo Nord and Darth Bandon were a bit too easy. There were some challenges, but the AI should really have been a LOT better to make it tough to finish the game on the highest difficulty.
Except for Taris, money was easy to come by. This makes the appeal of the dark side less attractive since you'd easily have money for good upgrades following a pure Light path. I have to also agree with opinions of others here in saying that Lightsabers were too powerful. There were insufficient penalties for the double-bladed and dual-wielding saber users. Some of the feats were a waste compared to others that were overpowered. The same thing is true for force powers. And let me also say that Force points should have been lowered and replenishment reduced so that there was more of a probability that you'd have to decide which powers you wanted to wield in a fight.
Except for Taris, money was easy to come by. This makes the appeal of the dark side less attractive since you'd easily have money for good upgrades following a pure Light path. I have to also agree with opinions of others here in saying that Lightsabers were too powerful. There were insufficient penalties for the double-bladed and dual-wielding saber users. Some of the feats were a waste compared to others that were overpowered. The same thing is true for force powers. And let me also say that Force points should have been lowered and replenishment reduced so that there was more of a probability that you'd have to decide which powers you wanted to wield in a fight.
I'd rather be part bull than a complete sheep. - Might and Magic 6-9 patches - Might and Magic 6-9 patches
My experience was a bit different from most people's, in that I played KOTOR2 first. Quite apart from the fact that I'd therefore figured out something rather important about the PCs identity and so wasn't surprised by the revelation, it meant I really noticed the lack of the various improvements that were made for KOTOR2.
The single worst aspect of KOTOR is the lack of any (significant) random elements, especially item drops. As a result, the game doesn't, for me, have any replayability. I finished it LS, finished it DS, did it one more time as the 'perfect' run, making sure I did every last thing, got bored and went to play KOTOR2 another 10 times through. A couple of times I've started a new game, but never bothered to finish it. I usually get bored out of my wits on Manaan and give up. A lot of this is because I know everything that I will find and where to get it. Repeating KOTOR simply consists of doing the exact same things again, getting and equipping the exact few (optimal) items.
Two other things also seriously affect its replayability. One is the pointless and annoying level cap, which means that there's no point bothering to get all the XP you can.
The second is that there is a single optimum order in which to do the planets; do them in any other order and you don't get the opportunity to complete all the quests/get all the items. So again, you find yourself doing everything the same way again.
Last thing which really annoys me; the way the most recent save is down at the bottom of a huge list of all the other saves you've ever made, by now about 300 of them. I mean how obvious is it that it would be easier if the most recent save was at the top???
The single worst aspect of KOTOR is the lack of any (significant) random elements, especially item drops. As a result, the game doesn't, for me, have any replayability. I finished it LS, finished it DS, did it one more time as the 'perfect' run, making sure I did every last thing, got bored and went to play KOTOR2 another 10 times through. A couple of times I've started a new game, but never bothered to finish it. I usually get bored out of my wits on Manaan and give up. A lot of this is because I know everything that I will find and where to get it. Repeating KOTOR simply consists of doing the exact same things again, getting and equipping the exact few (optimal) items.
Two other things also seriously affect its replayability. One is the pointless and annoying level cap, which means that there's no point bothering to get all the XP you can.
The second is that there is a single optimum order in which to do the planets; do them in any other order and you don't get the opportunity to complete all the quests/get all the items. So again, you find yourself doing everything the same way again.
Last thing which really annoys me; the way the most recent save is down at the bottom of a huge list of all the other saves you've ever made, by now about 300 of them. I mean how obvious is it that it would be easier if the most recent save was at the top???
Man, these posts are long! My main problem with Kotor is that you can't keep playing after you win. You should be able to do side quests AFTER the main quest/quests, like Morrowind, the world's GREATEST rpg. The game is also pretty short, extremely linear, and has really cheap, and shallow background stories for the party members (especially the "romance" thing).
Hmmm, let's see what else... horrible, randomized, roll-of-the-dice combat system; too few artifactual items to use (partially due to the fact that the best items you can get are acquired at the END OF THE GAME!!); too much of the Sith fighter minigame, and a limited number of swoop bike races; not enough significant npcs to talk to; not enough side quests or chances to be DS/LS; no places to explore/small maps; no swoop bike upgrades (grrrr!); stupid-looking visors and such; only a few dialogue tracks for alien races; no visual customizable character options (for YOUR character); unfair prerequisites/restrictions on characters for weapons/armor/robes.... Anyway, the list goes on and on and on....... BUT there is a solution; go buy Morrowind.
Hmmm, let's see what else... horrible, randomized, roll-of-the-dice combat system; too few artifactual items to use (partially due to the fact that the best items you can get are acquired at the END OF THE GAME!!); too much of the Sith fighter minigame, and a limited number of swoop bike races; not enough significant npcs to talk to; not enough side quests or chances to be DS/LS; no places to explore/small maps; no swoop bike upgrades (grrrr!); stupid-looking visors and such; only a few dialogue tracks for alien races; no visual customizable character options (for YOUR character); unfair prerequisites/restrictions on characters for weapons/armor/robes.... Anyway, the list goes on and on and on....... BUT there is a solution; go buy Morrowind.
Official TES: Morrowind forum ex-member. PM me if you want to know anything and everything about Morrowind (it'll take a while for a response).
Actually what bothered me the most about the game was the limited ability to pick feats. That and if you had to cripple your character early in the game to make it most effective later on. I just don't like not being able to change stuff on my char around. Then I found the Save game editor. This solved that problem, as I could change my feats around the way I wanted. That and I made Mission a Jedi. Always fun to have a Twi'lek Jedi, and she is better than Juhani in my opinion.
Can't agree more. Thanks to the very low level cap of 20.Kyln wrote:Actually what bothered me the most about the game was the limited ability to pick feats. That and if you had to cripple your character early in the game to make it most effective later on.
Another beef I had with the game is how stupid the AI is. When left to their own devices, they tend to do some very stupid things that will get them killed instead. Had to switch to the other characters to prevent them from getting themselves killed. I really dislike this method as it is equivalent to babysitting (to me, at least).
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
- Darth_Ruin
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Thats the only problem with this game. The level Cap. It does not let you go further and gain more power to crush your enemies. I need a constant flow of bloodshed to keep my rage alive. I am Darth_Ruin after all.
Chris (Darth_Ruin)
Chris (Darth_Ruin)
Deliant's Top Ten Irk's:
10. The thing with lightsabers vs. normal weapons. Anybody see a major issue when metal hits laser? Metal goes buh-bye. Or... so we thought...
9. Juhani. Ugh. Whiny, annoying, arrogant... cat!
8. And, while we're at it, we'll throw in the general whiny nature of many other characters as well. Carth and Bastilla I could stand. Actually... while Carth whined, it was a sort of whine I myself found kinda attractive. I'm just one of those darn girls that sees a hurting man and... yeah, well, we get the picture.
Jolee could do his piece, but Mission drove me nuts until she calmed down. Took her a while though.
7. Once again, getting stuck in a people sandwhich. It's murder: Carth, Bastilla, me, in the cantina, with the table. Or several tables, even. Thankfully, it could be fixed pretty quickly by switching characters and moving them manually. Until they come running back when you switch back to you again. *growl*
6. Yes, I'll admit it: it was a pretty easy game. My little brother cheered and jeered when he defeated Malak (in the first, mini battle) with two strikes. What I didn't tell him, however, was that I'd done the same thing. Drat.
5. We'll reserve this particular spot for the bright yellow combat suits and the "robes" that stuck to you like fly paper to a wall. Darn annoying, that was. I wanted a jedi outfit, not a speedo, thanks. I'll admit that they're character specific clothes were alright, but I ended up selling alot of the silly armor. I mean... who can take one seriously when they're hopping about in a yellow space suit? And we'll never forget looking like we're the dude from Star Trek, with the funky visor. *sigh*
4. Oh. Oh, we all know how long it took to get around Mannan. The vast Mannan actually made the game more realistic. But, as much as we love the realism, we hate it. Boredom. Oh, boredom... after seeing the hundredth Selkath flapping about, you're ready to damn them to the Sith.
3. But what murdered me was the underwater pieces. That and any part in space. "Uh oh. Here we go again out in space. Alright, all I gotta do is get to that door over there. Yep. I'm going. Should get there... ah, maybe next century." And it didn't help that, on the Leviathan, I kept getting confused in the airlock and going back outside.
Yes, we all appreciated the realism... as much as we hated it. Thank goodness they fixed that in the next one.
2. Ah, Taris. Why did you take so long to release us? They coulda given us a planet or two more in place of the dull monotony that was running back and forth, back and forth...
1. And we'll end it off with the cliche "Light/Dark" things. Such as: we're not entirely sure why these Sith, this Malak, these random people would do things like this... and in more then one instance, it could have no real backup. Yes, I know... did Darth Vader have a specific reason? (Emitting the silly background they gave to him in the later three movies... yes I hate them, and ignore them as best as possible) No, he didn't. So why should Malak? But everyday people? Classic "Bad Guy"-s and "Good Guys"-s, though the good guys definetly get the better half. I swear, I was devistated the first time I finished the game... Carth ran off on me!
Bastilla's all "We don't need him" and I'm all "I don't need YOU! Can I trade?"
Despite my whining, I really think this is one of the best games I've played. And that's a rather selective list: Fatal Frame 2, Morrowind, KOTOR... yeah, those are my top three.
10. The thing with lightsabers vs. normal weapons. Anybody see a major issue when metal hits laser? Metal goes buh-bye. Or... so we thought...
9. Juhani. Ugh. Whiny, annoying, arrogant... cat!
8. And, while we're at it, we'll throw in the general whiny nature of many other characters as well. Carth and Bastilla I could stand. Actually... while Carth whined, it was a sort of whine I myself found kinda attractive. I'm just one of those darn girls that sees a hurting man and... yeah, well, we get the picture.
7. Once again, getting stuck in a people sandwhich. It's murder: Carth, Bastilla, me, in the cantina, with the table. Or several tables, even. Thankfully, it could be fixed pretty quickly by switching characters and moving them manually. Until they come running back when you switch back to you again. *growl*
6. Yes, I'll admit it: it was a pretty easy game. My little brother cheered and jeered when he defeated Malak (in the first, mini battle) with two strikes. What I didn't tell him, however, was that I'd done the same thing. Drat.
5. We'll reserve this particular spot for the bright yellow combat suits and the "robes" that stuck to you like fly paper to a wall. Darn annoying, that was. I wanted a jedi outfit, not a speedo, thanks. I'll admit that they're character specific clothes were alright, but I ended up selling alot of the silly armor. I mean... who can take one seriously when they're hopping about in a yellow space suit? And we'll never forget looking like we're the dude from Star Trek, with the funky visor. *sigh*
4. Oh. Oh, we all know how long it took to get around Mannan. The vast Mannan actually made the game more realistic. But, as much as we love the realism, we hate it. Boredom. Oh, boredom... after seeing the hundredth Selkath flapping about, you're ready to damn them to the Sith.
3. But what murdered me was the underwater pieces. That and any part in space. "Uh oh. Here we go again out in space. Alright, all I gotta do is get to that door over there. Yep. I'm going. Should get there... ah, maybe next century." And it didn't help that, on the Leviathan, I kept getting confused in the airlock and going back outside.
2. Ah, Taris. Why did you take so long to release us? They coulda given us a planet or two more in place of the dull monotony that was running back and forth, back and forth...
1. And we'll end it off with the cliche "Light/Dark" things. Such as: we're not entirely sure why these Sith, this Malak, these random people would do things like this... and in more then one instance, it could have no real backup. Yes, I know... did Darth Vader have a specific reason? (Emitting the silly background they gave to him in the later three movies... yes I hate them, and ignore them as best as possible) No, he didn't. So why should Malak? But everyday people? Classic "Bad Guy"-s and "Good Guys"-s, though the good guys definetly get the better half. I swear, I was devistated the first time I finished the game... Carth ran off on me!
Despite my whining, I really think this is one of the best games I've played. And that's a rather selective list: Fatal Frame 2, Morrowind, KOTOR... yeah, those are my top three.
What the female Revan really thinks when Carth says his little catchphrase...
[url=""]"Down you go!"[/url]
[url=""]"Down you go!"[/url]
- Darth_Ruin
- Posts: 106
- Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:42 am
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