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Righteous Wrath of the Faithful alignment?

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Righteous Wrath of the Faithful alignment?

Post by Nefty »

I am curious about the bonus alignment-based effects of this spell. For those to kick in, how close to my cleric's alignment must other party members be?

For example, my own cleric is Chaotic Evil. Does the fighter in my party also have to be Chaotic Evil in order to get the extra attack, +2 to hit/damage, and +2 saves? What if he only shares the Chaotic part of the cleric's alignment (e.g. he's Chaotic Neutral), or only the Evil part (e.g. he's Lawful Evil)?
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Post by AvatarOfLight » ... elfive.php

Unfortunately doesn't display the whole spell description. If I recall correctly you only get the extra attack bonus if you are of EXACTLY the same alignment. Sharing only chaos/law or evil/good won't get you an additional bonus. Fortunately I was in my bigot phase. Party of lawful good fanatics ^_^
Sage plays a paladin,
because other classes would be frowned upon for laying their hands on a wounded companion
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