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Inventory Full

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Inventory Full

Post by SerpWAR »

I am a packrat, but this is starting to become a problem. I am unable to hold any junk items, and I don't know if I am able to hold anymore non junk items or not as I got tired of dropping an item to make room to pick up an item just to id it and see I already had one of it then drop it again to pickup the item I dropped to make room for it. Is there anyway to get around this aside from dropping items I am carrying in my inventory that I only have one of. I am sort of obsessed with trying to find every item/spell/ect... in the game that I can without cheating (aside from the open chest, reload and repeat till I get something new). Is this a bug, or is there an ingame limit to how many items total you are allowed to carry?


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Post by kathycf »

When I first started reading this I thought you might be playing the old version of the game when the junk drawer didn't work properly, but since you are using the 1.5, it seems like an odd problem.

You should be able to carry one of each type of thing in your inventory drawer and duplicates of the item go into the junk drawer. Once you ID an item in your inventory all the duplicates in the junk should be identified as well...until you drop or sell them all.

Once your junk drawer is full, any further duplicates you come across will be discarded, and I think they are discarded in terms of monetary value. So, for example, if your junk is full of daggers and fangtip blades, the game will stop adding any further daggers to the junk drawer because fangtip blades are worth more money.

Some of the items you will find in the game are frankly...well, junk. I clean out my inventory of things I know I am not going to use. I am not sure where in the game you are, but unless you are in an area where there aren't any shopkeepers to sell junk to, it might be worthwhile to stop every so often and go through your junk drawer and just discard things.
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Post by SerpWAR »

The thing is I can't pick up any more items unless I drop something first even junk items, I get the message my Inventory is Full, and the items just floats along side me for a second or two and then fall back to the ground. My "Junk Draw" is completely empty not a single item in it. I had to keep droping items from it so I could get other items. I know somethings are worthless like the dagger, rusted dagger, ect..., but I still keep them as a sort reminder as to what I have and have not found as I like to keep a complete log of all items found with a char by keeping them on that char. I know I could drop them and write down the items name in a file or something, but some items are very similar in name, and not being able to alt/tab out of the game without it crashing is a real pain in the butt.

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Post by kathycf »

If you were playing the 1.1 version then it would be a well known game glitch. The junk inventory wasn't even working then, but as you say you have the Collector's edition. Odd.

I did a search and skimmed through a few of the threads and they seem to deal with very early versions of the game. Not sure what to suggest as I have not read or come across a bugged junk inventory in the Collector's edition.

Here is my search result, try reading through...maybe something will help. ... id=1085270
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Post by SerpWAR »

Thanks for the information, and the search link went to a search page with no matches. I looked over the boards too before posting, but with no luck. I guess I could always start another game and see if I run into the same bug/glitch later on. Granted if I do I will be mad once again.

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Post by DenverDLfan »

There comes a time when a packrat must sell junk

I ran into the same issue just entering Fargrove the second time. To resolve, I just went to a shop and sold all items without modifiers or magic. Inventory started working again, including junk pile.

I see no issue except for an annoyance of having to re-identify, but shops charge 0 if you used to hold the item.
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Post by joebob »

super shop

you can load a game in single player and save, making your fav char last single saved. then load in multi and sell everything you own to a shopkeeper. save again, then load that save game, but this time load last single saved char. you still have all your stuff and you also have the option of buying it again in the shop you sold it to. this takes away the fear of dropping something you think you might need later. also, if you indulge in editing, as i sometimes do, you can build a char with every item, sell them all, and you will have a sort of uber store that you can take new chars to. this even works with the items not available in normal gameplay, eg you can sell a hacked ballista spear to a store, load a non-hacked char into that save, and there you have it, a clean char with some pretty cool stuff you normally wouldnt have had.
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Post by file read error »

I suspect that you can only have 255 different items all together (can be another number, maybe 127, but I believe one of them is the limit). If you go over that number, the game says "inventory full". Solution: Sell unneeded stuff (like short swords, adept maces and all the other low-level equipment) and your inventory will have enough space for new items again.
TerrQuad_OpenTerrFileInfoHead: Open Error On D6SEG00.NFO
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