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FO3 will hit the Market on Fall 2008

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FO3 will hit the Market on Fall 2008

Post by sultanselim »

Thus says the trailer on Fallout: Welcome to the Official Site

So I guess we can put aside the discussions about "if the game will ever be developed" etc. and as a community make contributions to its development with our ideas.

We have about 15 months I guess.
I'd hate to see the game as a complete disaster like "Fallout Tactics".
FOT was a disaster, because we couldn't tell the producers what we liked about FO1&2.

It was the freedom of choice. Not the graphics, fighting style etc.

I bought FO2 ~7 times I guess. Every time I told a friend about the game, they borrowed the game, and none returned it...
What I told them was not 'the turn based combat system', or the multiple weapons we could use, or other things.

I just told them about the freedom...
"Here is a slave camp. You need to talk to a guy named Vic there, and get some information. I played several times, and all the times I accomplished it using a different tactics.
1) I came with Sulik, stormed inside and killed every slaver, and freed all slaves.
2) I came as a diplomat, bought Vic as a slave and went on.
3) I came as a female kamasutra master, and laid with the slave leader, and bought Vic on a discount.
4) I came with Sulik, sold Sulik to slavers as a slave, started to work with them as a slaver, went on raids etc. And when my position grew strong in them, I got keys and talked to Vic to get the info I needed.
5) I came as a dumb(2 int) guy. They tried to take me as a slave, which was fine for me. Though I didn't have enough intelligence to talk to Vic properly, I was able to free him and move on :P
6) I came as a thief, stole the key, sneaked to Vic's room, got the info I needed from him, than moved on.
7) I just went outside and talked to Vic from the window :P "

Now compare this with FOT... Where you even won't have the option to talk most of the times.

It seems the developers didn't know about the origin of our love of FO.

My intention is to prevent Bethesda making the same mistake. Like leaning on graphics and fight-style etc. too much, and not caring about the RP part, the freedom part etc.

I guess I'll need help about that :}
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Post by Kipi »

sultanselim wrote:Thus says the trailer on Fallout: Welcome to the Official Site

So I guess we can put aside the discussions about "if the game will ever be developed" etc. and as a community make contributions to its development with our ideas.

We have about 15 months I guess.
I'd hate to see the game as a complete disaster like "Fallout Tactics".
FOT was a disaster, because we couldn't tell the producers what we liked about FO1&2.

It was the freedom of choice. Not the graphics, fighting style etc.

I bought FO2 ~7 times I guess. Every time I told a friend about the game, they borrowed the game, and none returned it...
What I told them was not 'the turn based combat system', or the multiple weapons we could use, or other things.

I just told them about the freedom...
"Here is a slave camp. You need to talk to a guy named Vic there, and get some information. I played several times, and all the times I accomplished it using a different tactics.
1) I came with Sulik, stormed inside and killed every slaver, and freed all slaves.
2) I came as a diplomat, bought Vic as a slave and went on.
3) I came as a female kamasutra master, and laid with the slave leader, and bought Vic on a discount.
4) I came with Sulik, sold Sulik to slavers as a slave, started to work with them as a slaver, went on raids etc. And when my position grew strong in them, I got keys and talked to Vic to get the info I needed.
5) I came as a dumb(2 int) guy. They tried to take me as a slave, which was fine for me. Though I didn't have enough intelligence to talk to Vic properly, I was able to free him and move on :P
6) I came as a thief, stole the key, sneaked to Vic's room, got the info I needed from him, than moved on.
7) I just went outside and talked to Vic from the window :P "

Now compare this with FOT... Where you even won't have the option to talk most of the times.

It seems the developers didn't know about the origin of our love of FO.

My intention is to prevent Bethesda making the same mistake. Like leaning on graphics and fight-style etc. too much, and not caring about the RP part, the freedom part etc.

I guess I'll need help about that :}
Sorry, but I wouldn't compare Fallout: Tactics and Fallout 1&2 to each other, as those are very different kind of games, and they were meant such. FO:T was turn-based, squad strategy game, with hints of RPG situated in Fallout -world. It wasn't meant to be like two original Fallouts, it was meant to be squad based strategy game. And it did very good job in being such game.

So, I wouldn't count Tactics as a disaster just because it wasn't like 1&2... ;)

About F3 being disaster, well... if Bethesda stays on it's latest style, it will be IMO disaster... :(
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Post by Xandax »

Kipi wrote:Sorry, but I wouldn't compare Fallout: Tactics and Fallout 1&2 to each other, as those are very different kind of games, and they were meant such. FO:T was turn-based, squad strategy game, with hints of RPG situated in Fallout -world. It wasn't meant to be like two original Fallouts, it was meant to be squad based strategy game. And it did very good job in being such game.

So, I wouldn't count Tactics as a disaster just because it wasn't like 1&2... ;)

About F3 being disaster, well... if Bethesda stays on it's latest style, it will be IMO disaster... :(
Agree 100%.
Fallout Tactics was a good game, if you did not play it because you wanted Fallout 3. FO 1+2 are different game genres from FO:T, so comparing them is pretty useless, save them using the same "story".
It would be like comparing World of Warcraft with Warcraft, Warcraft II and III. Not useful nor serious.

And I doubt Fallout 3 will be a Fallout game. It will just be called Fallout and use some of the setting, that's it. Bethesda can't make quality games anymore. (Quality of course being subjective as I know a lot of people apparently liked Oblivion and dumped down gameplay)

The piece which convinced me most was that it'll be developed for consoles as well, and that generally means crappy controls.
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Post by Fallout skater »

I saw elder scrolls and I realized that the game was pretty good when it comes to game play and gtaphics and then I thought that they will make a very good fallout game.But then another thought -they aren't the original falloutdevelopers and maybe they won't do as well as the real developers. I am just hoping for sth good. And I think Xandax is right about the consoles they would just spoil the game.
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Post by Blumpkin »

I'm pretty impressed with the article in Game Informer that everyone posted scans of.. The only disconcerting thing is the first person view which i'm just not fond of in general, not because it isn't like the OG Fallout games. The rendering and art is beautiful. It looks like they've spent alot of time on the story and each individual person in the game has a history. Being able to do a few different things and take a whole different set of quests toward the end of the game is very appealing, maybe it's just how they explained it, but it appears as though it's even harder to play the same game twice than in Fallout 2. Everything else appears left untouched.. Better graphics, more things to do and just an all around more in depth game than before makes me want to give it a try. Granted, maybe they are planning on just hitting an alltime high amount of sales based on the fact its Fallout 3 and not actually make a great game... But I doubt it. If they made a horrid Fallout 3, they wouldn't sell another game from that point on lol. I'm willing to pay the $30+ for it based on the fact i've been waiting almost 10 years for a Fallout 3 (and the slow motion crit deaths just look cool)... But then the Dragon would probably call me a sheep, too :)
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Post by Deadalready »

It really sounds like they've turned Fallout into a first person shooter.
Imagines PR guy: "But NO! This not a first person shooter, you have skills!"

I'll end up getting it no doubt, I admit I have Fallout 1 & 2, Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel and enjoyed them all. Though that doesn't mean I wasn't dissappointed that they weren't true sequels.
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Post by DesR85 »

I'll give this game a pass. Not a fan of the Fallout series and neither am I a fan of hybrid FPS/RPG type games, given the description by Bethseda regarding Fallout 3.
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Post by Lazigothi »

I came across the few other [url=""]screen shots/ art ideas[/url] for FO3, and I thought combined with the teaser has me eager to try out the game.
I don't think there's enough to definatively say it will be a 1st person shooter, or 1st person game. The shot of vault 101 could just be from a cinematic shot. However, that it's also intended for consoles and the past record of Bethesda creating 1st person games makes it likely that it would be at least a 1st person game. As for it being just a 1st person shooter, there's still not enough. How likely could a game be altered to suit the consoles and retain flexibility to have more roleplaying on the PC?

They're giving themselves another full year before release, and I hope that means the quality will be a top priority. I've always felt that I'd wait any amount of time if it meant a solid, classic game without bugs.

I'm intrigued they have Liam Neeson casted as the father. He's got a great voice.

I remember early 1st person games, and I'm very greatful that if this will be such a game, that we won't be looking at cubes and rectangles with weird human skins on them.

If it comes out for $50 or so, I'll have to wait until I can get a cheaper used copy, though, on Amazon.
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