Well we're progressing nicely.
Just about leveled up(... I level up first, then really start playing) and allocated my attribute points wisely.
Next we start questing quickly + "nose poking into each cave/tomb" etc...
Would like some advice and tips
Playing as a Thief/Scout ... using Bow + Spear
1) Are all "Spears" considered equal in reach ?
Seems the Glass Halbred has more reach than my previous Silver Spear ...maybe it's my imagination
Can I get by with that weapon + absorb health(?) or should I upgrade as a find an Ebony/Daedric Spear ... last game I needed 30pts of absorb health on my Wakazshi just to beat some of the big baddies
I'm trying not to cheese this character too much.
2) Security ?
Well, we bungled this one early ... did not use it enough and ran into a 75 lock
Now we have to buy it
Doing the Thieves quests.
What level of Security + Master picks/probes will be enough to open a 100pt lock.
3) Enchantments
We "Bound Longbow" to a ring ... nice
Saved me 24lbs.
I'm using "Light Armor"(... hooded outfit sold in the Suran Archery shop mod).
But, I will up my Medium Armor to accomodate the Bearclaw helm(... bleieve it was Medium).
Any useful enchanted items out there for my character ... looking for attribute enhancements(CE)
4)Now, what CE would be my best choice ... taking into account my character(...Dark Elf)/build(... agility + speed)/my physical limitations
Do I go all Agility = won't help vs spellcasting
Do I go al Speed = would help me attack faster with the spear/halbred ... might disrupt attacks + spells ?
Do I use both ... not sure how the game calculates points .. by that, I mean: "at a certain attribute level is the jump exponentially greater" ... thus better to load up on one attribute = am I making sense
5) Sneak
Since I can't Auto-Sneak, this skill is very tough for me ... toggle feature would have really helped
Is it required to do a thieves quest ?
If it would be of great help, what level should I aim for = I'm very clumsy using it, so I'd probably have to over level it, if I use it ... tough holding it down, since 2 hands on the mouse is required for me to not run into walls/fight effectively
6) Goodies
What level do I need to be so that caves etc start spawning better items.
Don't mind the tougher fights, but at least I'd like to find something I can use
Up till now it's been a few quests + 2 tombs ... lots of "nose poking" available
7) Adding Up Enchanted items
Ring of Surrounding + Amulet of Shadows ... if used together, will I become 100% invisible for 30sec
Sometimes I seem to be invisible when stealing ? ... sometimes I get caught
8) Staff
Just out of curiosity, do they hold big enchantment points ?
Since they are so low in physical damage, I'm trying to figure out their usefulness = maybe for my next character
If it matters, I have Witchgirl as a companion.
Thanks for the help.
Trying not to be too cheesy, but dying constantly is worse