Hi, i was wondering if its possible to cancel the quest "execution tree rescue" i accidently chose the evil quest and have played the game as a good character all the way up too now.
i have tried teleporting out of the quest area to abandon the quest but when i do this a window pops up giving me a choice to either resume what im doing in the area or reload to the start of the quest.
i thought to myself, agh screw it ill just do an evil quest just this once. so i did the quest, now everyone in the town hates me and the guards attack me when im walking around the forest areas.
ive also had a look to see if i could load it back to before i got the quest, but the only save file i had was after i grabbed the quest, the only other save dates back to when i first started the game and loading that up would be pointless.
Please help me, i dont want to be forced to convert my character to become evil or forced to start a new game.
reply a.s.a.p! i need to cancel this mission
Please help! i dont want to be forced to make my character evil, ive gotten this far as a good character
Help!!! - Forced to do evil quest!!
Are you fully good or bad? Because if you want a town to stop being hostile to you, you should wait for one game day and everything will be back to normal.beneeboi wrote: and just a quick question - If i give money at the temple of avo, will guards stop attacking me and will citizens stop being scared of me?
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match" - Captain Price
I never knew that guards would attack you on sight if you were eviland just a quick question - If i give money at the temple of avo, will guards stop attacking me and will citizens stop being scared of me?
- A very wise man"There is no knowlenge that is not power."