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camera headache

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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camera headache

Post by CoreTwo »

The camera wiggle when I move and then stop hurts my eyes.

I tried a few times, but after a few minutes I kill the game.

I wasn't going to post just to complain but I saw Fable2 is coming out and maybe some of importance will read this. Not that they will change anything.

Hard to believe noone complained about this in testing.

Also, I want to be able to move and turn with either hand so when I am drinking a soda or punching my brother, I can use the other hand. This is probably the only really awesome game ever to have such a stupid limitation. I don't care what other platforms the game runs on, I play on a PC and if I want 2 keys to turn left, you better have 2 places to program the key or you don't get my 2$, only my 2c.
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