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Becoming a jedi

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Becoming a jedi

Post by Jurosementalistile »

Hi, I've just started the game and I have one quick question. Sorry of this is answered elsewhere in the forum, but while browsing through I was seeing alot of information that I didn't want to see for fear that it would spoil things for me.
I'm not impatient and I realise it may well take a good amount of time to become a jedi, but I just wanted to find out how it happens to make sure I don't do anything silly. I'm the kind who likes to explore everything and do everything possible in an area before moving on, and I'm a little afraid that I'll level up a bunch of times as a warrior/scout/scoundral and then learn too late that I could/should have been leveling up as a jedi a long time ago.
So could someone please tell me, while giving away as little as possible, how it is that you get access to the jedi class(es)? Is it just once you reach a certain level, or is it unlocked somehow in the process of the game?
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Post by fable »

Interesting approach to getting information. As for becoming a jedi, let me give you just the simplest skeleton of an idea: you escape from a spaceship. You have adventures on one planet, then leave. The second planet you visit will lead you automatically onto the jedi path. You just have to talk to everybody, as you do, but you really can't take a misstep--unless you try to kill all the good guys. Which I don't think you would.

Some people do hesitate to level up until they become jedis. It's not necessary, however. You'll end up with more than enough power to kill anything in your path, and the combat AI is pretty dumb, in any case.

Hope that helps. :)
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Post by Jurosementalistile »

Cool, thanks :)
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h k 4-7
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Post by h k 4-7 »

Is there any possible ways of avoiding the jedi trials? because i was thinking of trying to start a dude with only melee weapons and not lightsabers? :confused:
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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod »

non jedi

I'm pretty sure you have to become a jedi to get the main quest, but that doesn't mean you have to use those powers. Sounds like an interesting way to play the game.
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Post by Nightmare »

I'm still of the opinion that a cool mod would be to change the story somewhat (mostly dialogues, which are a problem since they're all voice overs) which would allow the main character not to pursue the jedi path at all, and become a level 20 scout or something that uses blasters for the whole game.
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Post by Lightning Rod »

LS DS Non Force user
Nightmare wrote:I'm still of the opinion that a cool mod would be to change the story somewhat (mostly dialogues, which are a problem since they're all voice overs) which would allow the main character not to pursue the jedi path at all, and become a level 20 scout or something that uses blasters for the whole game.
Sounds good for LS, but DS can you be Lord of the Sith and not have force powers?
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Post by h k 4-7 »

yeah, that would be a problem... im just going to keep using melee weapons and not lightsabers... maybe a couple of non-combat powers, i'll never use them ,i'll tell you how it turns out :)
HK-47: Can I break his neck now master? It's been a long time fantasy of mine...
Revan: Maybe later...
HK-47: Did you hear that meatbag? "I'LL BE BACK!"
Yuka Laka: Err, well... ah...
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