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Akura's guide

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Akura's guide

Post by akuravrn »

Hey, my name's Autumn and this is my guide on how to;

-Make Money

-Own Towns

With these there are a few other things i show, like getting legendary weapons along the way.
I'll start from where I feel is best.

After you get your guild seal head straight for your first quest.
(Wasp Menace) kill the small wasps with your melee, and beat the queen with ranged. (the way I did it)
After this, you can head for the first town, Bowerstone.
Once you enter, skip the cutscene and go back to the entrance of the town, there should be a trader here. Agree to trade with him.
Now making sure you didn't spend all of your money on anything, buy a pile of a certain item. The best items are always GIFTS, Gifts aren't consumable (so you don't accidently eat them) and are pilable (unlike weapons, armour & clothing) Also make sure the pile you buy is affordable and atleast over 15, otherwise the money you earn won't be a far gap. And since you're at the start of the game, you don't get big piles of expensive items, meaning the gap will be a short one, round about 20gold maximum I think.
For example. Maybe there was 23 boxes of chocolate, these chocolate were at half their price. so maybe they were 50 gold and it was 25 gold now. This means they're on offer like this 25(50)
After buying all of the boxes (make sure you buy them all in one go, otherwise the price will raise) sell the pile back all in one go again. before you actually click SELL, it will show you how much money you will earn from each box. So if the store was to buy the chocolate boxes back for 50(50) now, this would mean you earn 25 gold for each one.

(GUIDE NOT FINISHED, please tell me if this guide is hard to understand. I can change it)
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Post by swcarter »

There are already several threads on how to use the buy/sell trick to make money in the game, including one [url=""]here[/url]. If you've figured out something new, then great. Otherwise, I don't know if there's any real reason to repeat what's already been posted.

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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