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Walkthrough error: Bridge district *spoiler*

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Walkthrough error: Bridge district *spoiler*

Post by DeKamme »


I've been using the fine guide on my 3rd run through BG2, thanks to whoever wrote it!
I think it's good to have it sorted out per area, that way I can first do the area my way, then check if I missed something - keeps it somewhat challenging.

My reason of joining this board: I'd like to point out an alternative path in the bridge section.


I quote the guide:
If you originally did not have enough evidence to persuade a confession out of the tanner, you can still force him into battle. This will net you some Human Flesh and a letter. Using the letter, you can visit Umar Hills and talk with a man there in order to have the Human Flesh forged into the most powerful leather armor in the game - the Human Flesh +5. Evil, I know, but it's great armor. At this point, you can return to Aegisfield the town guard and get your reward for solving the murders.
/end quote

I'd like to add:
Alternatively, you can confront him for the XP, and take the letter from the bookshelf and the human skin from the bed (not the one that is "searchable", the one that is "interacteable").
This will not give you XP from Aegisfield for solving it. But, to be honest, if he's stupid enough to be killed by the man he was unable to find for all that time, then he should have chosen a different career path - amongst bridge district inhabitants (and especially law enforcement) it seems survival of the fittest is law :)

I haven't tried out where this leads to, but I assume you can take the armor-making path from now on, as both required items are available.

I tried searching for a similar post with this topic, but have not found it - without gravedigging too deep :)
Can this somehow be added to the guide? I'd be happy to contribute to it's completeness.
Or, if you can point me to the writer(s), I'd be happy to send it in - I seem to have missed any contact details.


Ps: I once found a guide partially made by Per Jorner, she made a quite complete guide for Fallout, which I found on NMA (maybe some of you know this). A pearl to anyone who can point me to that guide?
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Post by Kipi »

Welcome to the GameBanshee! :)

There is link just under the map of Bridge District in walkthrough section to submit your corrections and findings. I would suggest using that as well, as it increases the chances that your finding gets noticed. Though, as mentioned elsewhere ([url=""]here[/url] actually) it may take a bit time before the correction or change gets to actual site.

Oh, and even though this has nothing to do with BG2, the link for the walkthrough of Fallout 2 is [url=""]here[/url]. Just a friendly hint though, next time try to search in the correct forum before posting, as this site has been mentioned there several times. Also, you get bettern chance to get answers faster when asking in correct section of the forum...
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Post by chickenhed »

DeKamme wrote:Ps: I once found a guide partially made by Per Jorner, she made a quite complete guide for Fallout, which I found on NMA (maybe some of you know this). A pearl to anyone who can point me to that guide?
I'm not certain what you are asking, but if you are asking to be pointed to the guide again, it is still at NMA here Fallout Walkthrough

EDIT: or are you maybe asking for a BG2 guide made by the same person? If so I apologize, but that I have not seen :)
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