I'm planning out the characters from my other thread. Everything looked good until the Bard/Rogue. The synergies I was expecting aren't quite as good as I'd like.
My thought was that because they shared so many class skills, it would be very effective. If I take my first level as rogue, and made him a human, I'd have a ton of skill points to apply to rogue only skills, and some more for the rogue/bard common skills. Then take bard levels to get the songs and spells, and concentration and common rogue/bard skills.
This is what I ended up with as far as initial skill levels.
Bluff – 2
Diplomacy – 2
Disable Device – 4
Intimidate – 4
Open Locks – 4
Pickpocket – 2
Search - 4
It turned out pretty good for the rogue only skills. I ignored use magic device. Is that OK? I thought bard levels could bump it up maybe later, as well as pickpocket, and of course bluff and diplomacy. The rogue only skills may lag though after a bit.
When I turned to feat selections, I found most of the important bard feats unavailable to a rogue. Namely, Lingering Song, Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting. Lower priority spell focus feats were available, though (strange...). So the human bonus feat and regular first feat would go somewhat to waste (like on Luck of Heroes and maybe Mercantile or Dodge or maybe Pack Mule to make up for his low strength). I could use them for spell focus evocation and enchantment, though...
This means I don't get Lingering Song until 3rd level, Combat Casting at 6th, Subvocal at 9th (after when it's needed in the campaign). BTW, I'm assuming this Bard will be staying out of melee... Singing and spellcasting seems a lot more effective.
Another issue is a lack of focus on the same attributes. For rogue skills - intelligence is useful, for concentration bonuses constitution is useful, for people and spellcasting charisma is important. So now I have a character that needs good dex, con, int, and charisma. Wisdom should be 10 to have OK will saves, and strength should be 10 or more so he can carry something. There are no real dump stats for this MC combo.
This is my current idea for beginning stats
Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18
I'd increase constitution at level ups after this to boost his concentration checks. It would be nice to have higher dex and int for the rogue skills, though. I hope the low strength doesn't make low carrying capacity too much of a pain.
So are there better options for MCing with rogue levels? Or are they equally not so good.
For example, giving a rogue level to my wizard. I wouldn't give him any people skills, so his other rogue skills would start off better. But as he adds wiz levels, his rogue skills probably wouldn't be as good as the bard/rogue. But the pure Bard would be a better singer and spellcaster. Of course, the wizard spellcasting skills may suffer and he may lose an important spellcasting feat at the beginning (but I could gain the spell focus feats early instead).
The Bard wouldn't be as good at all the people skills, especially intimidate. His skills levels would be lower if I poached his intelligence attribute for spellcasting helping attributes like constitution and charisma.
I could give my sorcerer points in intimidate, but it'd be a cross-class skill, and his few points would probably be better spent on concentration (assumes I poach his intelligence).
Any advice appreciated!
Thanks in advance (I'm hoping)