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Help!!! Please!!

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Help!!! Please!!

Post by IvanD »

okay, so i was lvl 14 and people started telling me i looked "rather pale".
i ignored it.
when i turned lvl 15 the comments continued but the NPC's wouldnt talk to me and told me to stay away you filthy beast.
i checked my status and i wasnt a vampire,
so right now im like REALLY confused.
i tried loading my game before becoming lvl 15 and using a cure disease item( it being the claws from the "dinos" inside oblivion gates")
but nothing.
the comments continued and the NPC's wont talk to me.
including important ones like Raminous.
i really need help on figuring out what i have or what i am becoming. :mad:
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Post by Belthan »

Hmm, that sure sounds like the dialog you get when you're turning into a vampire, and then after you become one. Before you turn completely a cure disease will fix it, but after you turn completely cure disease won't work; then you have to do a special quest to get rid of it (search the forum for "vampirism cure" to find many threads about that quest). However, in either case it should show up in your active spell effects page, either as Porphyric Hemophilia before you turn, or Vampirism after you turn).

Might be a glitch with the spell effects page. Is your character's appearance changing, or do you have any of the vampire powers? You might want to do the vampirism cure quest even if vampirism doesn't appear in the spell effects tab.

Or if you're playing on PC maybe there's some other mod loaded that triggers the vampire dialog?
Can the answer to this question be "No"?
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Post by IvanD »

this is what i did
i slept for 1 hour to see if i was infected with the vampire disease
i was, so i reloded my game before falling alseep
i cured it and fell asleep for twelve hours but i would get the same reactions.
their reactions were the same before falling asleep as when i was a vampire though.
telling me to stay away and all.

right now im thinking about just becoming a vampire an dealing with it.
but i really hope there are some alternatives.
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Post by vickstick »

you were probably already a vampire when you loaded but there are some different 'stages' within vampirism:
stage 1: no sun damage, a little bit stronger than normal, 1 new power(life detection and night eye
stage 2:1 pt of sun damage, stronger than stage 1, another new power: vampire seduction(charm to you and me)
stage 3: 3 pt(i think) of sun damage, even stronger(i think some attributes +15!!), and invisibility as another new power
you are here: stage 4: civilians flee from you and guards usually attack you when you talk to them, 8 pts of sun damage, even better skills & attributes, new power:terror+silience(not sure about the silence but defenitely terror)

to get back to phase one: bite someone's neck while he/she sleeps(beggars are easy) so you get no sun damage. now: dont wait/sleep if you want to stay in stage 1! complete the quest(it starts with raminus polus at the arcane university and you have to get a bottle for count skingrad's wife too and i know a trick here:
im on xbox btw, after you complete the quest, a new topic comes up with count hassildor called 'reward'. if you select it you normally get a lot of money(10000 maximum!) i have never seen the topic move and you can ask for reward as much as you want(ended up with 2 mill this way :D )
you can get more vampire cures after the quest should you want to cure yourself again

hope this helps ;)

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