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Which level of difficulty are you playing?

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Which level of difficulty are you playing?

Post by Edwin »

After my first time, i started playing the most difficult level...and the second and third times were not so difficult, probably because you know something about the game and you have better strategies.
What about your level of difficulty?
Edwin, mighty founder of the Council of Mages; Co-founder of the Shadow Mages

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Post by Karembeu »

Hey...whatever made you think about that question????
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Post by Edwin »

Don't know....i was wandering in my sleep.... Image
Anyway I'm interested, because i really didn't find any difference, and it's strange....
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Post by Waverly »

I think it's a good question. Everyone answer honestly, of course. I use core rules. I won't make fun of anyone playing at lower difficulty, but I will be thinking you are something less than a man (or woman) at all times.
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Post by Mr Sleep »

Normal when i am playing with mages due to the fact that i can't be a$$ed to loose timestop and scrolls of it's ilk, just because the computer decided to be annoying.

The rest of the time core, apart from my SPRINT where i used normal because my brother had been on the computer and changed the default settings and as soon as i realised this it was way to late (hell)
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Post by jdougan1 »

I played through at the middle setting (can't remember what that is called - normal or core?) with a couple of exceptions:

1) I always set it to easy when doing "write magic" because I really hate the part of the rules which makes you unable to learn a spell.

2) I reduced the difficulty level on a couple of battles I just could not seem to win otherwise. I think I did this twice - the demon heart battle in planar sphere and the lich in the drow city. In retrospect, there were obviously strategies I could have used to win these battles. For example, I had yet to realize the power of summoning creatures when I went up against the demon...

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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

Normal since I dont have to reload the game until I copy that spell or until I get a good roll to my HP.And that does not change the dificulty of the Game itself.

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Post by Nighthawk »

I play normal. It's exactly like core rules except in BG1 I found myself re-rolling levels and was tired of it. Going higher could be a fun challenge, but I'd rather do things like try to solo with a beastmaster for a challenge.
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Post by Edwin »

Nighthawk, soloing with a beastmaster is not is like crashing your fingers with a war-hammer....HORRIBLE!!!!! Image Image
Edwin, mighty founder of the Council of Mages; Co-founder of the Shadow Mages

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Post by samcu »

Core rules for game except when learning spells. Two nights ago, I have spent about 2 hours on quick saving/reloading when writing spells for my four mages.
Afterwards, I realised I did something wrong in the last scene and had to do it again Image , I changed the settings to easy and got about 250,000 x-points. Image
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Post by Sir Percy »

Personally, I concentrate on the hack & slash stuff, so core is more 'natural'.

With learning spells, though, wouldn't you be chugging down a couple of intelligence-boosting potions first so you escape the int/spell limit, in which case, don't you end up with 100% chance to write successfully?
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Post by Rasputin »

Normal first time. Core rules now.
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