It was inevitable... *sigh* I ended up reinstalling again because I was not totally happy with some of the things I'd added. "Darker Morrowind" is indeed beautifully done, but a touch *too* dark, I found, so instead I went with the various visual packs, overlaid by a few others (Egyptian Vivec/Velothi by Tygirwulf, Faylynn's Rustic Hlaalu, Jarrod's Imperial Forts)
Still thinking about what else I'm going to add, since I'm going slowly, so far I have:
Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm
Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm
Better Heads.esm
Book Rotate.esm
Texture Fix 1.8.esm
Weapon Rotate.esm
Balmora, Guild of Mages Home.esp
Better Bodies.esp
Book Rotate - Bloodmoon v5.3.esp
Book Rotate - Tribunal v5.3.esp
Hlaalo Manor.esp
Lantern replacer By Leeloo.esp
Provincial_Bath _Shoppe_v1.esp
Slof's BB neck fix.esp
Slof's Better Beasts b.esp
Suran Archery Store_v3.0.esp
Weapon Rotate - Bloodmoon.esp
Weapon Rotate - Tribunal.esp
Weapon Rotate - Vendors.esp
So my game is still relatively virginal
when I checked some of those LGNPC mods were temporaily unavailable. The series is good and adds lots of depth to the game, I have played it in the past. I do have a few critiques though. By the nature of the project, since it has multiple authors, I have sometimes found the writing to be a bit inconsistent, I also occasionally wonder if they haven't went a little full bore on some of the xenophobic interpretation. *shrugs* But that is probably just me, those mods do breathe some much needed life into the gameworld
I've also found that the LGNPC series can occasionally cause conflicts.
So yeah, great recommendation, but I'm holding on it for now.
What have peoples' experiences been with MCA? Is it stable? Does it generally play nicely with other mods? Is it well written?
I looked at the Tamriel Rebuilt module and was tempted, but then I saw it is still in Beta. So.. I'm curious, has anyone else tried it?
I'm also considering Silgrad Tower, thoughts on that one?
I don't use multimark, so that isn't really a problem for me. But, in moments of extreme laziness
(actually, with my old PC it was just a tactic of trying to avoid as many loading zones as possible), I have used the COC command. When you type
coc "Mournhold" into the console exactly the same thing happens, you end up in the void. So I don't think it is so much a problem with multimark as it is a function of the game.
Though, I'm not exactly tech savvy, so that is just a guess.