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Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 4:07 pm
by Waverly
LOL Magus. I will try, for now, but keep in mind its part of my evil, sick mentality. So here goes:

Waverly looks around the darkened room, three women... the vision of the daggar returns... he grimaces; what if one of these women was the one? Here he is half asleep and surrounded by three of them. Once again he has put himself in a predicament.

Waverly: <to himself> No, none of them is the one... but best to be safe.

He places a medium sized bag of coins on the floor. Before heading into the light rain he collects his things, turns, and smiling, picks up the bag of coins and returns it to his pouch.

Waverly: Perhaps some distilled refreshments would warm me some. <currently walking about the docks>

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 4:08 pm
by Aegis
Don't worry. Remember though, as I said in my intro, I was on my way back to the Radiant Heart, and in pure chance, I overheard a bit of talking. I thought it was an interesting plot line.

And Ubik, why would Magus want Sloppy Seconds? Thats just slimy...

Plus, I'm harder to kill then you'd think. I have a few years of interesting chat skills that always come in handy...

I am the defender of the light! The champion of Justice! And the slayer of really big lizards!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 4:16 pm
by Magus
To Ubik: If I wanted a sex toy familiar, I would create my own Image, but that would upset Aerie, and I can't handle any more "additions" to my role. I already have to control Magus, Aerie, and his semi-sentient cloak. Besides, there's younger ones Craig. But the real reason I objected to your guys' antics is that it doesn't mold into the story too well. Your characters seem too ruthless and power-hungry to waste their time with such such frivolous activities.

Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
----And yes, I am magusg, but I got tired of looking at that silly "pick an alternate name" name

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 4:17 pm
by Aegis
How is getting a little nooky frivolous! It is a need thing in this society!

I am the defender of the light! The champion of Justice! And the slayer of really big lizards!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 4:20 pm
by Magus
To the evil party: I wouldn't object if one of you *seriously* romanced Viconia. But cut out the obscene pornographic experiences. Image

Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
----And yes, I am magusg, but I got tired of looking at that silly "pick an alternate name" name

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 4:23 pm
by Waverly
Now you have gone to far, Magus. I felt I had developed the character fully, even to the point of explaining his need for female companionship (he yearns for the older, wiser, and dead beauty Midia; who probably never saw him as more than a travelling companion).

I have a special imprisonment spell memorized for Aerie Image

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 4:29 pm
by Waverly
An old lady stops Waverly, having seem him with the harlot earlier: "Repent sinner!"

Waverly: <hiding his feline-green eyes, and stooping so as not to attract attention> "Please, old one, go your own way. I have no quarrel with..."
Hag: <louder> "You speak with the fallen women, even in the shadow of the temple..."
Waverly: "Not more temple talk, sigh..."
Waverly: casts polymorph other
Waverly: Shoo, kitty.

I gotto go, don't try to enounter the mad Waverly too much. I will check in tonight Image

[This message has been edited by Waverly (edited 01-22-2001).]

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 4:55 pm
by Aegis
Aegis enters the Large building of the Order, and immeditaly heads for the Prealit's office.

Aegis: Praelit Keldorn! I have returned from my mission in the Windspear Hills.

Keldorn: And? What of the Wyvren?

Aegis No more, Sir. But, I do have news to report.

Keldorn: (intrigued) Go on?

Aegis: (Takes a moment to gather his thoughts) Earlier this morn, I was awakened on my way back to Athkatla.

Keldorn: (nods) and?

Aegis: I overheard to people talking. I know not who they were, but I know one was a Mage, and the other an elf, possibly Drow.

Keldorn: I see... Do you have any idea what they might've been discussing?

Aegis: Only that of a powerful artifact...

Keldron: I see. From what I understand, a mage named Ubik is in the area searching for such an artifact. The Shadow Theives have a man tracking him. My advice would be to find this man tracking Ubik, and see what you can learn from him.

Aegis: As you wish, Praelit.

Aegis turns on his heel, and begins to walk outside. If he is too find this man the Shadow Theives have tracking Ubik, then it would be best to talk with them.

He steps outside, and motions Tag to follow along. He decides to make his way to the Copper Coronet first. Maybe someone there would know who Aegis is now seeking for...

I am the defender of the light! The champion of Justice! And the slayer of really big lizards!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 5:05 pm
by Magus
Waverly: You weren't excessive, I was talking more of Gruntboy, Ubik, and Omar. In the other story Ubik and Gruntboy went a little too far with the perversion (they were constantly raping Aerie), and I thought I saw things beginning to degrade here as well. If you all can make it fit your character, then A LITTLE perversion isn't necessarily bad. Still, the story shouldn't revolve around the character's perversion. It should center on their endless craving for power.

Drakron: I took a look at the Crown of Horns. That looks really cool. If Ubik agrees, then that can be the main plotline of the story.

Ubik: Go to [url=""][/url] and download Volo's Guide to All Things Magical. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read it. I'm sure that can be downloaded somewhere if you don't have it, and it comes with the Sound Blaster Live! CD. If you like it, then we can center the story around your quest for it. I suggest that no one else read it because it would ruin the surprise.

Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
----And yes, I am magusg, but I got tired of looking at that silly "pick an alternate name" name

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-22-2001).]

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 5:10 pm
by Waverly
As is typical with Waverly, he looks around to see if anyone is watching only AFTER casting the spell. There is a solitary beggar within sight.

Waverly <readies fireball> "Wait! I am doing it again. There may be a better way. <slips the man a coin> "You saw nothing"
Beggar: obviously shaken, agrees and it is clear he means it.
Waverly: Just as the exchange ends, Waverly catches sight of a man with a large dog. "Who is the foppish dolt? Ah, the Copper Coronet. That is what I was looking for."

Waverly: resists the urge, chuckling to himself, to turn the man into another cat to bait the dog with. "Nope thats how trouble started back in Baldurs gate." <enter CC>

Now I really got to go Image

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 5:36 pm
by Gruntboy
BIG sidenote: Woah there Magus! I've started in this one nice and sensibly and resisted all temptations (thus far Image). Look at my char - not a nymph summoning device or oddly shaped wand to be seen (even though my name is daft). Now I have indulged in a lot of banter on this forum but *none here*. Yet. Don't push me.

As for the Aerie thing. Well, that was irresponsible. But I took it back (you did read that bit right??) and have inferred nothing of the sort since. Image

BTW Just so I I know, how old are all you guys if that's not too personal? I know Ubik is an old fart ( Image). I'm almost over the hill at 24...

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 5:45 pm
by Weasel
I be 29 but with the brain of a man 129. Image

The Defender of Truth ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 5:59 pm
by Magus
Aegis: The Shadow Thieves don't specifically have one agent following Ubik (in fact they're still on his trail trying to locate him) The agent I was referring to was following me, for whatever reasons (reread it and decide for yourself) And how would the Order of the Radiant Heart know of the Shadow Thieves' activites? They're big on brawn and honor, but I would imagine their information network to hardly be very expansive.
(Back to the story)
Magus and Aerie appear back at the Rift. Magus begins summoning invisible stalkers, one each to search out his old friends.
Aerie (after he instructs the last one): Who is this Ubik, my love? You never mentioned him before.
Magus (turns around, looks sadly at Aerie): That's because I hoped I wouldn't have to remember it ever again. It was about ten years ago...the Cowled Wizards came to me at my home in the Planar Sphere to request my help in disposing of a renegade necromancer named Ubik, who was challenging their power in Athlatka. I never liked the Cowled Wizards, but they maintain authority, and their collapse, or their replacement with an even less reputable organization, would have dire consequences. So I accepted their commission, and called up some friends of mine. The friends I called up today were among them. We found their hideout, and a terrific fight ensued that reduced the area to cinders. Ubik and his allies were much more powerful than we had ever anticipated. At the end, they found me lying on the ground, unconscious and almost dead. Many died that day, good friends of mine included...(voice cracks, stops for a moment)
Aerie (walking up to him and putting her arms around him): I'm sorry, my love. i-If you can't continue...I-I'll understand.
Magus (composes himself): No, I'll be alright...Ubik and his friends were routed that day, but at such a terrible cost. I lost many friends that day, but there's others who lost even more. Entire families were engulfed in flames; people lost their houses and their livelihood as the sky rained death upon the streets. The demons summoned in the battle continued to rampage through the city for days after, until the last one was finally hunted down and killed by the guards. It was a bad time for mages, and because of the public outcry, I was forced to flee the Planar Sphere, and set up my new home here. It took several years of hard toil, but I finally finished. It is constructed of my essence. The labor told on me, and it took another few years before I recovered my full strength. But that is how I made certain that no one could ever invade my home again. (Magus relapses into deep thought, and Aerie knows to leave him be for now.

Sidenote: You good-aligned/neutral people out there can toy with my invisible stalker summons however you want. Decide for yourself if you are summoned or not, and the circumstances of the summons. I've got to go for now, but I'll be back in a few hours.

Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
----And yes, I am magusg, but I got tired of looking at that silly "pick an alternate name" name

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-22-2001).]

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 6:02 pm
by Aegis
I am but a measly Cavalier of the age of 37. Getting there, and obviously well learned. I'm also very experianced.

I am the defender of the light! The champion of Justice! And the slayer of really big lizards!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 6:12 pm
by Gruntboy
Well gee Magus. Should I take your complete ignoral of my post as an apology? Image

Gruntboy- Hello Gruntboy, how are you tonight?
Gruntboy- Why, just smashing Gruntboy, thanks for asking.

Image Man, some of you *are* over the hill Image

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 6:13 pm
by Magus
Gruntboy: I know you didn't doing anything...yet. And I don't hold anything against you. I just didn't want it to reoccur.

All: It seems I'm a bit unpopular now. I apologize if I offended anybody. I don't have the right to tell any of you what to do. You can go on with the porn if you want...I won't object anymore. I just thought I was doing the responsible thing, and I couldn't always see how your sexual activities tied in with your character's personalities. BTW: I'm 17 (Anyone surprised besides Weasel?)

Edit: I wasn't ignoring you, Gruntboy. I was writing that huge addition to the story Image If I don't respond it's because of the lag. I'll always answer...eventually Image No hard feelings?

Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
----And yes, I am magusg, but I got tired of looking at that silly "pick an alternate name" name

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-22-2001).]

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 6:21 pm
by Weasel
Well I'll take the flames.... As Bad as the word sounds we need some kind of rules.(FLAMES) Or it will all fall apart again....right(FLAMES) We all know we hate being limited to this or that(Possible FLAMES) Maybe the leaders of both groups need to set them(REAL FLAMES)

The Defender of Truth ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 6:29 pm
by Magus
Yeah, you're right Weasel. Ughh...everyone hates me now. Image

Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
----And yes, I am magusg, but I got tired of looking at that silly "pick an alternate name" name

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 6:32 pm
by Alienbob
Alienbob wakes up with a start. he looks around his small rented room in the Five Flagons Inn. there by the door is a strange shape, nearly transparent and humanoid in apearance but with no discernable features.

it speaks- An old fffriend rrrequessstss yourr aid. you willl ffind himmm innnn the rrrrift.

the shape abruptly disapears, leaving Alienbob to ponder its message. An old friend? hmmmm obviously someone with power a mage perhaps? ah yes, that would be Magus. why would he need my aid? oh well too bad i wont be going. he doesnt understand how good it feels to be evil and probably never will. Weasel was right. i wonder where he is now? i guess i should go look for him. Alienbob steps out of the in and into the cold dreary night. ahhhhh darknesss....