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What Do You Want in KotOR III?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Djengo Torx
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Post by Djengo Torx »

My turn...

There's been a lot of comments on this thread. A lot of them are actually pretty good, but a lot more make me laugh my head off.

If this isn't obvious, the next game you're starting off as the exile and you're gonna hunt down Revan.

First off, before the 3rd game is released, I really want to have a content patch come out for KOTOR II. That's all I need to be happy for now.

- A lot of people have been complaining about the engine. Personally, the game is clockwork on my computer with a few glitches that have nothing to do with the engine. I don't think anyone has complained about the engine from the frist game, which the same.

- There's a lot of light saber comments that I like too like how you can choose custom hilt models and tucking it in your belt when not in use. That should go for other weapons too. Then there was a comment about how come sabers don't cut through other weapons. That was explained at the begining of KOTOR I. A suggestion that would kill two birds with one stone here would be to give non-saber weapons HP or something and when they're gone, you can proceed with the ever so fun limb dismemberment. This might sound pretty DSish but I wanna see people get cut up by sabers.

- Unless there's some sort of law about putting PC games on CD, it would be convenient if the game was released on DVD, DVDs also hold more than 4 CDs. That means... more models and more textures! I would really love to see a brand new texture package come out for KOTOR 3 especially since we're going to the Outer Rim.

- On the topic of more, someone suggested new animations and a more interactive 'extras'. Please do. I can't help but laugh my ass off when someone is supposed to be in agony when all they do is put their hands on their heads and bob. Has anyone tried telling the Khoonda Militia they're doomed? It looks like an N'Sync video. Seriousely, all that was missing was a disco ball.

- More battle animations too. They were an improvement in KOTOR 2 but it could use a lot more flow. Right now, the battles seems to be way too Final Fantasyish to me. Except for the graphics (Yuna & Lulu are hot), I really hated that game.

- And now for an ultra stupid request... A multi-player mode!! That's right! let's turn KOTOR into a MMORPG!

haha. I'm stupid.
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Post by MasterEwok »

As said by many people already there are a few things about kotor I & II that i don't wanna see in kotor III first i wanna start with my lightsaber maybe just having joined Sith/Jedi accademy and i would like to be able to start as 1 side and lets say on second planet (after leaving academy on first mission) a jedi/sith capture you and try turn you (You will have know this person befor they became Jedi/sith) giving you a chance to redeem your self and start down the path of the light and you can tell the jedi the plans the sith have or tell the sith the plans the jedi have. Also different races would be a nice touch, npc side missions with more developed npcs and have to chose who you take with you like out of a possible 10 npcs you have to chose which 4 you want to take with you less jedi npcs i liked the jedi npc chars but found it to much that you can have up to 5 jedis in kotor II. I think you should only be able to train some else to be a jedi once you hit your prestige class and only have 1 padawan that you always have to have in your party or left unwatched will slip to the darkside and betray you alsolets hit the core planets were already been in the outer rim for 2 games. And to answere the Revan True sith Problem a true sith should like arrive at jedi temple on corresont and deliver revans lightsaber and tell the Jedi the Real War is about to begin. Cuz no matter how amazing you made revan theres no way he alone can infultrate the true sith in unknown space and survive i mean sure he's superman but superman fighting thousands of suprmen is the same thing as a human fighting thousands of humans you might take out a bunch but eventualy your gonna fall. And have story be completely diff lightside/dark light side you fight sith dark side jedi.
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Post by alpha_hazard »

[QUOTE=Darth Coran]Taris?that'd be sorta hard since Malak incinerated it :rolleyes:

and How could you POSSIBLY not want the planets:Nal Hutta,Kashyyk,Kessel,and Coruscant?

oh nd I want to start in a place that is like a mix of K1 AND K2,in K1 you had a safe city a slightly complicated level,but credits were a dire problem for LSers.and with K2 you have a desolate place filled with multiple maddening things to do with no credits needed.[/QUOTE]

I'm making the assumption that the Undersity Outcast on Taris made it to the "Promised Land" and survived there. Like I said, I was being optimistic.

And I did say I want Coruscant, But I don't see any point in bringing Kashyyk back into it unless you follow revan's path exactly. as far as Kessel and Nal Hutta, I don't know much about them since I've really only played The KoTOR series and seen the films.
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Post by Tovec »

Padawan and KOTOR 3 and Stuff

-What I want in a KOTOR, not nessessarily KOTOR III, is a padawan but not in the same way everyone else seems to want one. I would like a padawan who would follow you outside your normal party as a fourth member, but uncontrolled. The padawan should have to follow orders when you talk to them but not turn by turn like your normal party. Also the padawan would learn from your other NPCs and gain influence from them. Meaning if you instruct you padawan to stay in the ship and talk to someone evil, like Canderous/Mandalore, he will start to become more and more barbaric, evil and warlike. The padawan should learn form your example. The padawan would be included in major decisions as a council to you and your main (Carth, Bastila, Atton, Kreia) characters. The padawan would mainly rely on you to give them their moral core and code. You could teach them the code of the Sith or the Jedi code.

-In KOTOR 3 you should be able no pick a starting prestige class like Guardian,etc. but not have to stick to that exact skill set. Meaning that the Guardians get 10 HP, 6 FP , fast feat, slow skill, etc. per level. Either be able to select which skill set (HP,FP,skill,feats,etc.) you want to invest in for that level. Or, be able to concerve feats, skills, force powers for later level ups. Also no top level is a good idea. Continuing the game after the boss is defeated may or may not be a good idea. First if that was availabe in KOTOR 1, everyone would be celebrated Jedi and have no evil to face, or the evil Sith Lord and no competiton at the core worlds and no challenge from Jedi and other Sith.

-Primarily and Most importantly I want a game FINISHED! I don't care if it takes 5 years, upgrading graphics along the way of course, I want a fully finished and debugged game. At the end of the KOTOR series one should feel either satisfied because the game leads into the movies or that there is no more to be said about 4000 before the movies.

-Thank you for listening to my rant.
--Tovec W. Forest
Bao-Dur: I think he wanted us to give up the Genreal to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters.

Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?

Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.
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Post by Alexander »

Maybe new planets? I would like to see Nal Hutta.
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Post by Alexander »

Maybe voice for our protagonist? Especially if alien, the speech should be in his/her native language. What about player character's spoken responses to someone? And perhaps someplace to rest, like taverns in Baldur's Gate and other RPGs, for example in the cantinas, because why not? Even Jedi gets tired :)
And as someone said, hooded robes would be cool.
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Post by Admo »

**Some small spoilers**

The one thing I really want from this game is the same as in NWN 2. It needs to be centered around the story. Hopefully it will be a bit more challenging than the others, maybe with some NPC death's along the way?

But the most important thing for me is that I'm not the last of the Jedi, that my actions alone do not change the face of the galaxy, that I'm not overly special in any way. I would like to feel a part of the bigger picture, I'm fed up of these storylines where you are a detached and elite group taking on the whole world and single-handedly being in charge of the destiny of every planet you come across.

I want more randomness. For example in the Telos conflict between Czerka and the Ithorians - why couldn't Czerka do something when you weren't around? Why do you always walk in before the chief has been killed? (all light-side by the way). Things should happen when you are off planet, in a more complicated sense. For example if you are on that planet when something kicks off you can deal with it, but if you come back after hearing about it or even just to visit you are too late to deal with it the way you want things to turn out. Too much depends on you. The closest this game got to it was the Onderon conflict, but even then - the game waits for you to get there for the showdown between Queen Talia and General Vaklu. What should have stopped Vaklu winning by the time you return? I would have found it much more interesting trying to hunt down Kavar in hiding and fighting off Vaklu with the Queen dead or imprisoned because I was too slow in coming back to Onderon.

The series, fantastic as it is, and most RPG's for that matter, suffer because you dictate the time schedule, not fit your time around other events. Everything is dependant on YOUR character, and why? You need to make REAL sacrifices, perhaps protecting one person or place while another is destroyed, and being helpless to change that. Ultimately, I think playing the role of a perhaps lesser character is more important as a gameplay experience than changing the world. At the end of first game for example, if Bastila defeats me (not likely I know), I don't want a message saying all of my party has fallen, do I want to quit or reload? I want to see what happens when I die, because time wouldn't just stop and reload for you.
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Post by Xandax »

@Alexander: Please don't post twice like that within such a short timespan. You could easily have editted your first post instead of posted twice.

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Post by Alexander »

Sorry :(
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Post by qt 3.14159 »

Ok, this is going to sound really girly, I'm sure, but I'd like to be able to have random conversations with my party members that aren't part of the plot.

Yeah, I know, it is a silly thing to spend development time on, but after a game of pazaak with Atton I always feel so unsatisfied. Everytime I play cards with someone irl, we wind up cutting up and telling goofy stories. I think you should be able to chat *while* you play cards with a party member. Maybe even conversation choices could distract them and they wouldn't play as well (flirting, etc.). Also, playing with more than one person would be fun. It'd be great to play and chat with Mira and Atton they both seem like people who'd have great stories to tell.
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Post by Davoo »

What kotorIII needs :)


I've just got into the kotor addiction. Difficult to shake! One thing though, and I don't think I'm alone in this is that the third outing of this series cool do with an awful lot more error testing and bug fixing. I've never played a game with so many bugs before and never have i had to fix them myself with config file editing. last time i played kotor1 i killed one main charactor twice. on two different planets. (Meant i got 2 lightsabers though!!) I don't see why using a high spec computer ie way above recomended i should be experiencing slowdown on dantooine in 1 & 2 even with everything on low. Major bug and one that shouldn't be getting though to a sequel on the same engine!

I'd love to see more of the same, the detail is amazing.

Maybe some much more detailed charactor design would be interesting, tat's, scars, hairstyle's or species? There wasn't a really large choice of human's in either so far. Seeing the same faces in different charators is annoying too.

One things for certain I'll be buying it!
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Post by Mace Windu Jr. »

about revan in 3 //\\spoilers possible//\\

i think its a great idea.. but what for the people who played ds? i think revan should return from the... shadowlands? (i think thats where 2 states he is fighting the true sith) as the ultimate sith lord. it would be cool to actually fight against him. I mean youve either seen cut scenes, been him, or heard about him but NEVER faced him(i know about the wisp/ghost on korriban but i want him in the flesh) this way you can brag about killing the most powerful sith ever.
Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi he would slay etched on his soul.
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Post by Aríen »

Am I the only one who wanted to strangle Disciple?

-Ablility to choose who you romance with. =3
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Post by Tovec »

A Good Idea is a Good Idea

I realize the following is old but..

[QUOTE=Darth Lightside]-plot synopsis. You are a jedi at an enclave (probably Dantooine for plot reasons) and there is a disturbance that you are sent to investigate. The search leads you to the old star map cave where the force focus of the area allows you to receive an apparition from the outher rims saying that there is an attack from the true sith mounting in the ouer rims (based on your choices for Revan, the Exile at character creation this could come from one/both of them or if both are dark side, the force ghosts of the dead council from KotOR II) and that you should visit important spots in the life of each Revan and the Exile to find the key to finding your way to the outer rim. You alert the new Jedi council (consisting of Jollee, Visas, The Handmaiden/Disciple (based on Exiles sex), and optionally Bastilla (based on Revan's alignment, replacable by Juhanni) ther are other familiar Jedi based on the choice of The exiles dark or lightness ie Mira/Baodur) and they send you to the unknown world/starforge and Malachor to find clues. At this point they introduce your new character to Admiral Onasi, who gives you a ship to travel in. It is Conveniently the Ebon Hawk and conveniently comes with an astromech droid (T3-M4) and you are allowed to choose one jedi from the academy to accompany you. Dark or Lightsidedness will affect the clues you find and where you start in the outer rim. Which is where you go next. These clues will come from the spirits of Malak/Bastilla (if she isn't on the council) and Sion/Kreia depending on light or darkness. The clues lead you to Korriban or Dxun (either I can't decide) where you use the temple of Freedon Nadd or Exar Kun to open a gate to the outer rim. On your travel you can meet other companions who are also looking for Revan and the Exile. It is possible that they have since taken on students themselves or have other such helpers to recruit, or they can come themselves. Once there you come face to face with the true struggle of light and dark. You meet any combination of Revan/Exile/new Sithlord/Forgotten Jedi hero(who was just corrupted if both Revan and Exile are lightside). Your journey in the outer rims completing various goals (not all the same) for whichever side you are on. It is prudent to note now that once you choose a side, you can't switch. Details of the planet are up to the designers. Upon completing you are informed that you must return to Dantooine where you will explore a new part of the planet to confront the escaped dark lords (or champions of light who have retreated to warn the republic) Epic battle ensues, game over lots of old an new faces (forces ghost are wonderful and I would say this is epic enough to justify so many, it is the existence of the galaxy you are fighting for) you win galaxy saved or destroyed. If you save the galaxy there are at least half an hour of cutscenes where all the loose ends are tied up. If you are dark side, many cutscenes of death and destruction where familiar faces meet their fate and all that. Best Ending to me would be if you are light and Revan and Exile are dark and you ACTUALLY SAVE THEM!!![/QUOTE]

.. I love the idea but you would have to specify/ask which characters are which.. Ex. Bastilla -dead/alive , Revan and Exile - good/evil
Also at somepoint in this series (if they do more than 3) the designers should specify what happens to Bastilla/Revan/Exile/True Sith in definite terms. They can't keep asking vaugue open ended questions - that everyone sees through - to find out the following conditions. At the very least there should be a 'before of KOTOR' cutscene to fill you in on the details of what happened in 1,2,3,etc. even in general terms so everyone can understand. I know that KOTOR 2 can be very confusing to people who have never played KOTOR before (T3 at beginning).

Also the Day/Nigh thing would be great but not in the same way that FABLE has done it. At the very least they sould have some Daytime/Nighttime planets like Curracent(Example only) at night.

Having different races of aliens for you to start with is not a bad idea but you should get different additions for each one. If you can select Mandalorian then you can Regen HP more quickly. If human maybe more Persuasive. Also species related feats like Jawa stealth, etc.

Also no more GOTO like chars! You should be able to choose your team limit the members to like alignment and reduce size to no more than 8. Might need to have an ability to actually drop someone off on a deserted planet - like you keep threatening to do to both Atton and Carth (if evil).
Bao-Dur: I think he wanted us to give up the Genreal to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters.

Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?

Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.
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Post by ILija_grOMOVNiK »

i`d like more gameplay - more planets, bigger to explore because kotor2 can be finished in two days of intense playing! we got 4 planets (and I don`t really count Korriban as a planet of exploration because there is nothing there but enemies=exp.), several endings (defined endings with cutscenes about every planet and important NPC - like fallout2), bigger plot(s) and that ending is not defined by PC-s choices in the last 5 minutes of the game! ending should be defined by PC-s actions throughout the game (because the echoes travel... and they grow in influence and touch many...... :D )
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Post by Cowled Kensai »

The 2 posts above mine could happen if Bioware does it. Unfortunatly I don't think Obsidion can do it, unless they take their sweet time which Lucas Arts wont allow.
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Post by ajdaha »

The Single and Most Important feature I wish to be removed is,
the VIBROBLADE. I mean, what the hell is it?
Get them out, and quick. That should be the first thing to be dropped, and you guys should start thinking of the actual star-wars universe where battles never involve an actual sword. I mean, we don't use swords now do we, why on earth would the fighters in the star-wars universe use swords (made out of metal), especially when blasters are available?
Action/adventure games and role-playing games used to be two separate genres. These days they are merging, and rightfully so. Its time for Star-Wars to follow in the foot-steps of... sayyy Fable (no, not Fable, that failed and was too week at both the action and role-playing sides).
I hope to be able to use the force like, for example the gravity-gun feature from half-life 2. I don't want force powers that have originated from the D&D universe and are nothing to do with the star-wars universe. Like Force Scream, like drain force (the force is not something that can be drainded, it can only be increased within one-self).
So, basically I want force powers like, Force Wave and Force Persuade to stay and be enhanced. I want to be able to explore a free world, like in GTA, I want to be able to use Force Push to catapult myself onto the branch of a tree in Kashyk, and I want to use it to soften my fall when I jump off of that branch.
Every Star-Wars fan had dreamed about how it felt to be a real jedi. Kotor, and Kotor II just brought to us a medium on which we continued to imagine it.
But making Kotor III an ACTION/rpg we shall be able to actually live out that fantasy.
Of course, the game I have in mind can never be built for the Xbox.
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Post by sheehanjuk »

kotor 3 needs to be alot better than Kotor 2

- New graphics engine required
- steamless gameplay(no load times)
- 'do you job' complete a game before shipping therefore no bugs
- more game atmosphere.. KOTOR 1 was superior to KOTOR 2 in alot of ways
- more defintion between classes. they're all very similar. more optional feats for classes maybe
- control maybe only 2 characters rather than 3.
- more freedom of movement.
- less inventory... who can carry all this stuff.. it's stupid. restrict the amount you can carry to..umm common sense. Max 10-15 items. Therefore makes choosing your items very important plus for looting!
- more interactive.. dont 'wait' for NPC to be approach.. let them walk up to us and beg/request!
- sith gain levels quicker(dark side suppose to be easier) but in long haul weaker.
- force powers gain via actual gameplay experince.. quests/trails.. fail the trail no power etc
- more trails, more challenge
- actual boss fights.. Kotor2 was so so so easy and boring
- replay valve Kotor 1 excellent Kotor 2 boring
- kotor 2 was very very buggy and incompete. I didnt replay it. Kotor 1 many many times.
- Nice interact enviroments. Influence people by your mere presence! If sith ran or jedi admire maybe
- make crystals rarer.. it seems nearly every being owns one!
- make kotor3 sole only - 1character pnly
- new story and theme.. kotor2 killed it off i fear
- please please let bioware make kotor3.. and restore some pride and joy
- no armour for jedi.. more automatic power for light and dark jedi
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Post by dorian_gray »

[QUOTE=dayum_skippy]Characters (Controllable):

[QUOTE=Rice~Boi]A better game Engine
Less LESS LESSS LESSSS Loading time!!!
Ability to choose which characters you want

Just get a better computer. This game has zero lag and low loading time on a good pc.
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Post by dorian_gray »


- sith gain levels quicker(dark side suppose to be easier) but in long haul weaker.

This would be contrary to the movies in which the dark side is stronger, as said by George Lucas himself.