Page 6 of 18
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:25 am
by Siberys
27+0 = 27
36+0 = 36
96+0 = 96
I'll be stabilized by the next two rounds, so at least I'm not totally dead yet.
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:59 pm
by kozeph
"I say we arrest the gnome and have the proper authorities deal with him" I get down from my perch and try to mend Eimia wounds, I also carry her body to the caravan, for a better treatment.
Heal check 16+2=18
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:23 pm
by Orod
(I then declare combat as over, unless anyone does anything drastic of course)
The Gnome looks up at the closest one in the group "But what about Mentor and Sha'ri? will you just leave them."
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:01 pm
by Jivundus
"True, they may be bandits, but we cannot just leave them as carrion. We should take their bodies back to their families, or at least bury them."
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:03 am
by Orod
The halflings breath is wheezing heavily, and the human continues to cough up blood.
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:58 am
by Orod
The caravan master cries out "more of them" from the caravan, he now stands in his wagon, pointing ahead
(Kolgar and Onid)
You hear a voice cry out "more of them" ahead, from what seems to be a recently made clearance, as it was not there when you left Indion
(you are now on your way back almost three days away from where the wolf struck)
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:21 pm
by blank
Kolgar Bracklebreaker
so first of all cheers everyone nice to get into the action
I'll make a spot and listen roll first,
spot- 12+4=16
listen- 12+4=16 lol
as for my outlook, i am a monk with a rough face, blue eyes and my hair and beard are bronze colored
I would also like to answer that dream you mentioned a few pages earlier, after the creature dies and we have its power within our grasp, I will treat this dream as if i am going through these changes i mention.
I feel the power flow along my arm and throughout my body sending shivers down my spine however now i am a fully fledged monk, no i am a martyr champion of Dagor (theres such a class for ilmater so i am assuming there is the same for dagor), nay i am now a God with my own divine rank and dogma, still not enough, I confront Ao himself and so I preach to him in pure judgment, " Your world is flawed and full with error, "almighty one", let me show you true perfection",
I create a connection between all living creatures on Taruk, from now on ones suffering will be all's suffering, ones pleasure will be all's pleasure, all life is one and therefor we will not harm each other or in other words we will not harm ourselves in fact we will aspire on towards each others true happiness enhancing our own as well.
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:26 pm
by malinzaro
Orod wrote:The caravan master cries out "more of them" from the caravan, he now stands in his wagon, pointing ahead
(Kolgar and Onid)
I look to Kolgar and say,
"I doubt that there is anything evil about a caravan master yelling in this wilderness. Let's try the peaceful solution though, since it could still be an ambush."
I raise my hands up as in surrender and slowly approach the caravan master. I am ready to unsheathe my sword at the first sign of aggression though.
"We are good and honest people here. It's just me and my friend here trying to reach Indion. Everything is fine by your side? You seem worried of something."
x3 Rolls (just in case): 13 , 20 , 9
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:10 pm
by Orod
as you approach the caravan you see three humanoids (kobold with a glowing green blade, a hobgoblin, and a strange looking human) standing atop a small hill, one of them is holding an unconscious creature, that somewhat reminds you of a fey. A teary gnome is behind them, looking at you from between the feet of the hobgoblin.
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:33 pm
by blank
As I recall, a hobgoblin and a fey are more suspicious then two humans,
I slowly approach them saying "We are few survivors of a patrol on our way back to Indion, would you mind explaining your situation?" (I ask the one holding the unconscious creature).
sense motive 11+4=15
or since onid already approached them never mind that?
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:48 pm
by malinzaro
blank wrote:As I recall, a hobgoblin and a fey are more suspicious then two humans,
sense motive 11+4=15
or since onid already approached them never mind that?
Out of game : Don't worry mate, in some tense situations people tend to speak all at once, so I think Kolgar acted perfectly natural. Besides, Onid is a former captain who used to lead troops into wilderness, so while we are out of town and adventuring he might assume the leadership since some habits don't die easily.
Orod wrote:as you approach the caravan you see three humanoids (kobold with a glowing green blade, a hobgoblin, and a strange looking human) standing atop a small hill, one of them is holding an unconscious creature, that somewhat reminds you of a fey. A teary gnome is behind them, looking at you from between the feet of the hobgoblin.
Back to the game :
I look carefully at the strange gathering, curious who might be the leader of such a colorful gang. I naturally move my hand and grip the sword in a carelessly motion. Then I smile and ask looking at each of them as in not knowing who is the person in charge,
"We heard some distress calls. Perhaps anyone can explain what is going on here?"
Sense Motive: 18+4 = 22
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:48 am
by Jivundus
"Nothing to explain. Care to explain that?" I say, looking pointedly at the sword
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:10 am
by blank
"As I just said we are a patrol from Indion" if i have some kind of note from the sheriff or whatever to prove that i show it, "Therefor you are all under our jurisdiction and it is our duty to keep the roads safe, we mean you no harm as long as you explain yourselves, and as for the sword, we are outnumbered and you seem to have been through a battle, not to mention suspicious figures" i nod to the hobgoblin and the fey
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:19 am
by Jivundus
"As it so happens, we too are entrusted with a task by the sheriff. Our duty, however, is concerned with that caravan yonder. If you will excuse us, Mr Official, my companions require aid." With that said, I ignore them both, pick up the captive bandit, and return to the caravan, looking for a shovel.
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:00 am
by malinzaro
Jivundus wrote:"As it so happens, we too are entrusted with a task by the sheriff. Our duty, however, is concerned with that caravan yonder. If you will excuse us, Mr Official, my companions require aid." With that said, I ignore them both, pick up the captive bandit, and return to the caravan, looking for a shovel.
I relax a bit since it seems that there is no ambush threat so far. I turn my attention to the golden hair human,
"I think you are too harsh to judge us, everyone should take some common precautions while traveling, especially this dangerous roads. Beasts and bandits hit first and ask questions later and we obviously aren't that type. If you are true to your words and serve Indion's sheriff maybe joining forces would be the smarter move so you, your companions and us solve the tasks and return to Indion in one piece. What do you say?"
To the DM: I already made an sense motive roll, can I know the result?
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:00 am
by Orod
Your experienced gut-feeling tells you these are experienced individuals, though you sense no harmful intentions from these adventurers, not even from the hobgoblin.
The hobgoblin seems to be up to something, and judging by your experiences you should not let your guard down around it, the others seem to be in league with him in some way. Although a shadowy gang, you know you have no legal reason to assault them.
A hand sticks out a shovel from the back of the first wagon, seems the merchant have heard what you said, he seems to be unwilling to let you know what is inside at this moment and is quick to pull the curtain shut. "I'll let you guys deal with this, just tell me when you are ready to go." the caravan master says, sitting perfectly still, although shaking a bit in the cold.
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:37 am
by kozeph
I look at the strangers and remain silent, when they say their part of the militia I relax.
"Then your timing is perfect, we where just attacked by bandits" I nod toward the gnome and at the fallen human "You would do us a favour if you could take them to the city for trial"
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:57 am
by blank
I tell Onid i wish to speak with him privately for a moment, after taking a few steps away from the group I say " It seems we are currently headed separate ways, they are heading to mainport while we to Indion, it is likely that they are to report to indion after they have completed their task however should we really accompany them for another few days after a 3 day walk towards indion, not to mention they were hired for this job and us for our patrol task, if we decide to join them we should at least send a message of some sort to the sheriff informing him of the situation, also if we take custody of their ambushers they might try to escape and we are only two, what do you suggest?"
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:26 am
by malinzaro
blank wrote:I tell Onid i wish to speak with him privately for a moment, ... what do you suggest?"
I scratch my head not sure what is the best course of action, even though I wanted to help the hobgoblin the assignment the sheriff gave us is very important.
"I believe you are right Kolgar. We should not waste too much time at this moment. We don't want to disappoint the sheriff on our task. The less time we lose wandering aimlessly, the less people get killed by that wolf. We should proceed to Indion immediately. Even if we might find a good tracker in another city, the sheriff must know what happened to the rest. Care to explain the situation to the strangers?"
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:39 am
by blank
lol we each edited our posts a few times so now i am not sure what we decided
okay lets try to sum this up, we will suggest a merger if we are able to send a message to the sheriff on doing so, otherwise we will continue our way to indion agreed?
orod will write our course of action i guess