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Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:15 am
by Ur-Quan
If I wasn't able to pick up the sword, and it's still on ground, I stand up, stand with my foot on it's handle, and try to break it, hitting with my weapon.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:37 am
by blank
Esterimas Deed
"Viero try to detect his evil aura again, its possible he has gone invisible instead of being teleported, you should be able to trace the evil path if so"

"Also let have a go at picking this sword up, i am no swordsman but i am a scholar when it comes to these kinds of things"

i then try picking up the blade

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:05 am
by Siberys

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Keb says.


Make a strength check.


You try picking the sword up moments before Vierro tries to break it. It slips from your hands as well, despite knowing full well you had a firm grip.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:16 am
by kozeph

Before Vierro attemps to brake the sword I kneel next to it "What do you seek blade?" and lightly touch the falchion. If nothing happens "Well what do you say if we let our resident wizards try and lift the blade or use your magic to see it actually wants or does?" I look at both Magrus and Grath

"Keb would you like to take a look at the sword?"

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:17 am
by Ur-Quan
Strength check:

17 (+4) = 21

(Next time, feel free to do it instead of me, I wouldn't mind at all)

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:01 pm
by Siberys
(Next time, feel free to do it instead of me, I wouldn't mind at all)
No thanks, as stated multiple times before, I prefer characters to make their own rolls.

Anyways, you do not break it. It doesn't even bend slightly.

Keb gets up and looks at the sword, "Hmm....why is their blood on the handle?" He asks rhetorically.

He takes a knife and pricks his finger, grabs the sword and picks it up with ease. "Well, that solves the issue of how to pick the bastard up.

I'll have to examine it closer later on, not sure what is up with this sword. I can already tell it doesn't have the aura of an intelligent item despite it speaking before so I'm not sure what it truly is.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:36 am
by blank
Esterimas Deed
"Quite a nasty sword that is, lets hope it gives us more good then harm, anyway i'm off to my room, may you all sleep well and the gods guide us tomorrow as we start our journey"

i then leave

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:03 am
by kozeph

"I shall too rest, Killing chickens is hard work" I laugh while I leave to my room
"May we all have pleasant dreams"

taking care to lock my door or put something to restrict entry

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:22 pm
by Magrus
Seeing the random activities going on around him, Magrus is stunned by the disappearance of the figures in front of him, the aggressiveness of the half-orc, and the strange sword. Thinking for a moment, he tries to come up with a place that he could make camp that would be safe for the night nearby and on the route from this town, to where the party would be headed in the morning.

K: Geography check to think of a location for camp:

He makes mention, quietly, to Keb, of the place he has thought of, and says "I shall head there for the night, and sleep in the open, away from these fools, and the orcs they provoke. It shall be near the path you shall be taking, I believe? I shall be waiting for you there."

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:37 pm
by Siberys
Keb looks at you, and almost shouts this but keeps his cool, "To hell with this place, I'll join you. It was supposed to be a pit stop from Starfall, not a place to become the number one enemy of the state...."

He informs the party of the new location for meeting, joins you, bringing his caravan nearby your spot. "Any of you wanna join us, you're more than welcome. Bears and Wolves seem like a safer bet right now than teleporting orcs. We leave at the crack of dawn, so please be there."

A note to players, I've noticed a string of absences lately and while I don't mind having you only post 2 or 3 times a week, there are times I may need you to do that a little more often. If you can't do that, I understand.

Starting Monday the 20th, When the Caravan leaves, if you're characters get left behind, I'm going to assume they are killed by the new enemies you've made.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:41 pm
by malinzaro
Siberys wrote:Keb looks at you, and almost shouts this but keeps his cool, "To hell with this place, I'll join you. It was supposed to be a pit stop from Starfall, not a place to become the number one enemy of the state...."


I join them without thinking too much,

"Finally someone thinks straight around here! I really don't want to find out what is the next step after finding a freshly cut off head on your room's floor. Let's get the hell out of here and fast!"

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:57 am
by blank
Esterimas Deed

i also join with nothing to say but a slight nod and slowly follow

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:57 am
by kozeph

"On second hand I shall join you" I look around "I dont think a lock door is going to stop a teleporting Orc"

I follow after Keb and the others

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:27 am
by Orod
Grath walks up to the bartender and orders a bottle of wine, afterwards he starts hustling after the party "well, at least things can't get worse" he says as he catches up. Then he looks up at the sky to see if the invitation hit the gods of irony. "And we found out which of us was the one to unstable to join, ah I'm sure he just felt like fighting to the death there" as they walk towards the campsite his words get more and more slurred as the bottle runs slowly out of wine.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:50 am
by Siberys
The five players that are still active are Orod, Blank, Malinzaro, Kozeph and Magrus. From this point on, those are the only players for this game, I will not be accepting new players.


It's dawn, and it's time to leave this god forsaken orc territory. Thankfully your nights go uninterrupted except for the string of weird dreams you tend to be having. Keb is packing up a few last minute things as you wander towards his caravan, and as he looks at you walking up "Oh hey! Good, we're almost ready, go ahead and get inside the crew cabins, we'll be leaving within about ten minutes."

The caravan itself is about 10 ft wide and 40ft long with all the attachments.

You all make your way to various sections of the two sleeping cabin portions of Kebs Caravan. In total there are 5 sections, two cabins each with three bunks, two storage units, and 1 fold-out shop. After stashing up everything away, and sitting down finally, you hear the crack of a whip conditioning the four dire bison to move forward.

There's a strange device on the wall in each cabin, it's like a small black cone with a wire sticking out of the narrow end and into the cabin. A moment later, you hear Keb's voice emanate from the cone. "It's gonna take about a week or so to get to Ardis in Ustalav, don't get Cabin Fever in my caravan," he squeaks over the message cone.

The first day you guys travel, it seems to go fairly uneventfully, except for the massive rain penetrating through these woods.

As the night comes forth, the rain dissipates and turns into an extremely thick fog, you only have vision of 10ft in front of you, everything beyond that has total concealment. The Campfire evaporates much of the fog around you, and Keb's warm meal to you five hits the spot as well.

Keb informs you, "Oh last thing. I made this ring before we left, while the stableorcs were tending to my bison. This'll let me get buy with just a couple hours of sleep, so I'll be sure to watch over the place any time we camp."

Keb finished his rest a bit ago, and now you guys have the opportunity to rest. Any actions beforehand?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:10 pm
by kozeph

I check swiftstar and see if he is well provided, afterward I head to sleep.

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:18 am
by Orod
Grath enjoys his meal in silence and quickly goes to bet.

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 12:16 pm
by malinzaro

I take my meal thanking Keb for the treat and devour it hungrily,

"Keb, how about you tell us some of your adventures? I am sure everyone would be glad for some tales before going to bed."

After Keb finishes his story I get to my bed and try to get some rest.

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:33 pm
by Magrus
After eating, and feeding Nhi some shredded scraps of meat, Magrus looks around the area carefully to see if there are any signs of other creatures nearby, taking as much time as it needs with Nhi on his shoulder. He will look for signs within a 100 foot radius that aren't older than 2 days old.

Perception Rolls: (6+2 due to Alertness) x4




Survival to determine the length of time for any signs he may find:




Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:52 pm
by Siberys

Other than the atypical wolf or deer that roam through these woods, you find nothing of major importance in the tracks. However, the reflection of something metal in the moonlight catches your attention, it's a small dowry near about 110 feet out from the campsite.


"Hmm? Oh sure.

Ahh yes, I remember an amazing tale, about traitors among friends. I had a group of adventurers not unlike yourself a few decades ago, I was a bit young and naive at the time so I didn't really thoroughly interview everyone. I figured money could buy anyone's loyalty.

What happened was, we were preparing to raid a pirate settlement filled with contraband and stolen goods. No one can really claim gold if it's ever returned to the proper authorities, so I figured we could snag a few hundred thousand pieces and make out with it.

I didn't realize that the member of my group leading me there with his "Well informed" rumor was actually third in command to that entire settlement, and planned on using me as a slave with my artifice abilities.

The other members of my party were killed, but I pulled out a last minute creation I made, it was a terrible one but unfortunately...necessary at the time. Through a combination of cold magic, necromancy, and metamagic abilities, I turned a "City location" spell into basically a bomb, and set it off in the facility. It destroyed everything.

Nearly killed me in the process, luckily I managed to leave there with a severed limb and a few broken bones. Sure I was out of practice for years beyond years, and didn't really get back into the artifice trade for a long time, and yeah my leg is wooden," he says, lifting up his pantleg showing a wooden prosthetic limb. "I guess the moral of the story is two wrongs don't make a right, and using horrible magic like that was definitely wrong, even if against the scum of the earth."