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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Fas:
<STRONG> ribald? well it just came to my mind. I know it is used often. Don't remember where that is from. Please tell me.}
Well for one - the name of the owner of Adventure Mart in Waukeens Promonade - Don't know any other Ribalds :)
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Post by CM »

Ah thats it, but also read it in a book some where. Thanks.
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Post by Craig »

Faisel wait...
I'm Devious

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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: You got your temperatures messed up, but I’ll take your word for it. Average body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, which is equivalent to around 35 degrees Celsius. Certainly not 70! I still don’t see how you could leave much of a heat trail behind through your shoes, but whatever! :D

Suddenly there was a crash, followed by panicked voices and yelling.

"Where are you! Show yourselves you blasted men, or are you frightened of one lone Elf!" came a yell.

“What now?” huffs Magus, stepping into the hall.

Around the corner comes none other than a drow, his hood thrown back in the confusion. Apparently he wasn’t expecting to see the translucent-robed mage, for he slowly backs off in...fear, yes it was definitely fear. It seemed his reputation had reached even into the Underworld of the city.

But he was drow, and Magus would take no chances, especially since he had come with violent intent. Void quickly materializes behind the dark elf and incapacitates him with a psychic blast. He crumples to the floor, undoubtedly not expecting that form of attack.

“My thanks, Lord Magus. He just suddenly shoved the door down and came raging through. We have no idea what he wanted,” says one of the priests, hustling in.

“Bring him inside our room. I’ll have some questions for him when he comes to,” Magus asks.

“Of course, milord.”

As the priest complies, someone comes bursting through the side door. Seeing Magus, the warrior draws his sword and steps between the mage and Xandax.

“NOW what do you want????” says the unfrightened fighter grimly, ready to strike down the wizard if he makes any sudden moves.

Despite himself, Magus almost laughs out loud. The lad was young, even for humans. This one was impetuous, even foolish, to go about threatening mages of unknown power. That sort of behavior must be how the two had attracted Lazal’s attention...

Magus manages to suppress the laugh into a chuckle. Alarmed, the priest tries to intervene, “Do you know who he is-“ But Magus holds up his hand, interrupting him.

“Weapons away, young warrior. Some day your tongue of swords will slit your own throat.” Magus makes a small motion with his hand, and the astonished fighter finds the sword ripped from his hand and replaced in its sheathe.”

“There, that’s better.” Magus says in satisfaction.

Don’t even dare... comes a whispery voice in Faisal’s mind when his hand moves towards the hilt again. The two red eyes appear right in front of him.

The priest, turning pale at the weird sight, finishes dragging the drow in, then slips out the door with all haste.

“Good. Now we’re all here,” Magus says, looking at Xandax and Faisal, then over at Thryn, who’s remained silent til now.

“I came to ask some questions of you. But I see you all are tired and recovering from a difficult battle. Rest now. When you are ready, I shall be in the front. Sleep.”

The command seems to be more than a mere word. Their already exhausted eyes close of their own volition, and they lay where they are and fall into a deep slumber. None awake until the evening is late, including the drow.

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Xandax »

Yet again Xandax was dreaming – this was happening more often lately.
“Fight me and you will loose – I will have what is mine”
Xandax woke up sweating.

Xandax got up and walked over to a window and looked out.
It was late in the evening the sun had set and the moon was taking its position on the sky.
Xandax got his feelings under control. He had been thought partly by his mother but also by his stepfather, a very experience fighter in his days, how to control emotions and thoughts so he wouldn’t give them away in battle.
”A emotional fighter is a dead fighter” his stepfather had told him – “Use fear as your guide, but do not follow it without due cause – Use anger for power in you attacks but do not reason by it. – Fight every fight as your last, or it surly will be”
“Shield your mind, so your foe can not use it against you” his mother said. This was partly what made it possible for him to enter the enraged state.

Faisal and Thryn was still asleep – this Thryn was a strange fellow, he didn’t say much or give away much about himself.
Faisal, he had much potential – especially if he could create a link to a deity.

“Okay “ Xandax thought as he started to walk toward the door that lead to where this wizard said he waited. “It is time to get some answers about this town - and it seemed that this wizard had plenty of them.”

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Aegis »

Virdel awakened alone in a room. He had placed against the corner in the room, his hands and feet bound by leather bonds. As he woke, he felt the after effects of Voids psionic blast. Feeling much like what a hang-over must feel like, he didn't enoy the experiance to much. He shook his head clear of the cobwebs, and peared into the dark room, still using his natural eye sight, he depicted where the door was, and approximitly how large the room was. He slid himself up against the wall further, and blink a few times, gaining a bearing on what had happened. He glanced to his sword belt, empty of course, but some part of him thought his captor would be confident enough to leave them. He chuckled to himself, realizing no self-respecting surfacer would leave a Drow, prisonner or not, armed. It just isn't sane.

As he thought to himself, he heard the soor creak open. He raised his quickly, and looked directly to the door, waiting to see who it was that would be entering. the image did not surprise him. It was the same Magi with the Transcendant coloured robes that entered the room. With him, a pair of translucent eyes, which Virdel quickly leaned was a Hakeshar. He leaned his head back against the wall, his mind quickly forming a plan of escape. The Magi approached him, and stopped a few feet away. A small grin came to Virdel's face as his mind added little details to his plan.

"So you are the Drow that has put this city in a panic." said the mage quietly, and calmly. "Quick skilled, having removed a high level member of the Cowled Wizards." virdel's eyes widened slightly at the fact this Mage knew he was the one who killed Tolgerias. It was disbelief that struck him more though, then shock. "I recognized the cut of the blades. Scimitars, two of them. Also, too effieciently made to be a human, and too ruthless to be a surface elf. So, I came to the conclusion of Drow. Now, only one Drow I know of uses dual Scimitars, but ot only is he a Ranger, but he is Ten-Towns right now. Besides, it would tarnish Drizzt's reputation if he were to do that. And now that I have met you, all the pieces have come together."

Virdel just looked bankly to the man's face, finshing the plan of his escape. "You must be Magus. I have heard many thigs of you." He grinned, and switched from common, to the Drow language. "I also know of Aegis, and his betrayel to you!" Virdel chuckled. His face then took on a grim appearance. He then murmed the words for a globe of darkness. As he and the Mage were surrounded by the black depths, Virdel sprung to his feet, and charged for the door.

Magus stood, unphased by the spell. Not only had oid warned him of Virdel's plan, but Magus had already begun the incantation to remove the globe. Virdel was stopped dead in his tracks as his plan dimished away, leaving him in the middle of the room, vulnerable. He spun to Mgus defiantly, and waited for what was to come next.


@Magus: I didn't want to speak to much for you, but I figured you would've figured out all about the murder. Anyway, it's all yours to continue the conversation. I think I put a pretty good start to it.
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Post by Rail »

@all- if it's alright, I'll join the fray.
Enter Haer, uh wait. Enter Rail! (very different characters, by the way.)

* * *

"I have gathered very little information on the man, Magus," the man began with his usual scowl. "I know he's closely tied with the Cowled fools, though I don't know to what extent. Several of the wizards are frightened of the man. He's had a surprising rise to power, which surely means he's stepped on a few toes."

"Yes," Magus mused, turning to pace in thought. His robes shimmered slightly and seemed to change color ever-so-slightly with each step. "I've tasted a bit of his power, though not first hand."

"Is he trouble?" The man's expression darkened, and he leaned back against the wall of the Ilmater Shrine, adjusting his sword belt for comfort. He was a rather nondescript human, average in most aspects, though his countenance and posture hinted at hidden confidence, while his glowering eyes suggested dark thoughts.

Magus heard the hidden meaning in the man's words and smiled to himself. "I doubt even you could take this mage down alone, my friend"

The man shrugged. "Perhaps not today, but it would happen."

Magus chuckled to himself, but his expression sobered greatly as he realized the man was coldly serious. "You may have better luck trying me, my friend."

"If it comes to that, Magus, I will forewarn you." The darkly garbed man cracked a slight smile, though the mage could never tell when the assassin was truly joking. "I owe you at least that."

"You worry me, Rail" Magus smiled at the joke, though the amusement never touched his eyes.

"We both walk a fine line."

Magus frowned. He was tired of this debate. "Is my path truly more dangerous than your own?"

Again, Rail shrugged nonchalantly. "Perhaps not." Rail seemed about to add more, but decided to leave it at that. Running a hand through his dust colored hair, the assassin glanced at the runes on his forearm, a reminder of battles never to be forgotten. A reminder of the battle he still fought. A reminder of the help Magus had given him and the friendship he still showed, despite their differing beliefs. The runes were of Magus' creation, a form of compensation for Rail's allegiance. A token of friendship. It helped offset the limited use he had of the arm. While it could still function as normal, it would never grip with any strength. Such was the power of Raistlin Majere. No god seemed able or willing to heal the wound.

Magus sighed. It had already been a long day. "Did you gain the item?"

Rail pushed from the wall and strode over to the mage, pulling an item from a pouch at his belt. Halting in front of his friend, he held open his hand and revealed a gem, as black to make the darkest night seem glorious and blinding. "It is one of the last pieces of the crown. I'm sure Aran's holding out on us, but with the pieces I've destroyed, the crown will never be assembled in it's entirety."

Magus nodded thankfully. "This piece took longer than the others." He looked curiously at the assassin, waiting for the man to fill in the blanks.

Rail smiled and dark thoughts seemed to dance in his eyes. "I sold it to a Halruaan wizard first. It answered many questions for me." Magus could fill in the blanks on his own. "You'd be surprised who wants such dark magic."

Magus took the gem from the thief and examined it's dark and shadowed surface before dropping it in a hidden pouch within the folds of his robes. "Thank you, my friend. You have done a great service..." Rail waived him off, but suddenly both men stiffened as if a silent alarm had gone off.

They awaken. Void's voice rang through their minds like bone on steel.

Rail frowned and rolled his eyes. Thanks, Misty. We aren't blind.

Void sighed. If only cutting your tongue out would affect your thoughts as well.

Rail genuinely smiled. If only you had a tongue I could cut, you animated belch! Rail fingered the hilt of his longsword playfully. Turning to Magus, his expression turned wary. I'll be nearby. Watch the dark elf. He cut down Tolgieras without pause and gave Mendlar a good scare in an alley. As an afterthought, just as Rail faded off into nothingness, the assassin added, and Mendlar doesn't scare easily.

Magus frowned. That assassin had a great deal of potential, with the proper guidance. Who that proper guidance would be... Glancing at Void, the mage digested Rail's new revalations and went to confront the dark elven stranger.

* * *

@all- hope you don't mind a prelude to your waking up. I'll try and post as consistently as possible and I'll keep it shorter than this usually. I've been getting absolutely swamped IRL, but will do my best. If needed, I'll post character info, at anyone's request, though there's bound to be a few surprises. :D

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]
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Post by Xandax »

{OOC: @Rail:
It is okay with me that you enter the story :)
I would like a little info of your character though - post it here or in "roleplay discussion" in SYM by craig.

BTW don't worry 'bout the lenght of your post - I've myself posted some large post :)

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Rail »

@Xandax- sure. I'll give you more info tomorrow, but here is a modified version of the original post of my equip. from the "Roleplaying in Athkatla" thread. Some has changed.

Rail, human Assassin CN, Level 24
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 9
Ring of Gaxx
Ring of Spell Immunity, Divination (Immune on equip)
Belt of Inertial Barrier
Boots of Speed
Long Sword +3, Impaler (same as spear)
Darts of the Swarm (splits into several non-magical darts when thrown- 1/3 number of thrower's level)
Thieves's Hood (TOB)
Improved Cloak of Protection +2 (TOB)

I adventured with Magus, though I certainly could not be called a "hero" in the same breath as Magus. I am a killer. I happened to help Magus save the city. He is my ally, though my war is against mages and I fear one day even Magus will succumb to the corruption of the evil powers he wields on a daily basis. We are friends and pray that day never comes.
In the final battle with Raistlin, I lost the full use of my left arm (my off-hand). It is partially healed, though I'll never wiald another weapon in that hand. So, Magus has helped. I'll talk about some of that as the story progresses. Fair enough? :)

Gotta go. See you tomorrow. It's 4am. :D
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
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Post by Brink »

Kierran awakens from his slumber to the sight of a red sky once again as the sun slowly began its descent from the heavens. Grabbing his cloak, he went to look for Old Fitz , only to find that he had already left his sleeping bunk. ”Perhaps he’s just gone out to look for food again, “ Kierran chuckled as he remembered Old Fitz’ love for food, “That man sure can eat a lot for his age.”

Kierran puts on his cloak as he prepares himself for the busy night ahead. After leaving a note by Old Fitz’ ‘bed’ (just to tell his ‘host’ that he’ll be alright on his own), he decided to drop by what the slum-dwellers call the Copper Coronet to learn more about the incident he witnessed the night before, and more importantly, about his new surroundings. He felt uneasy that even though he had adjusted well to this new environment, he had made little contact with its inhabitants, and what better place to make new ‘friends’ than at the local inn.


Words could not describe the shock on Kierran’s face as he looked at what happened to the place that was once known as the Copper Coronet only a day ago. Its roof had collapsed and he could barely recognize the place were it not for the landmarks he made out of the surrounding buildings when he last passed by. Looking around, Kierran noticed the man who was bartending the night before, and decided to approach him and seek some answers to the questions that were beginning to form in his mind


@Magus-You can lead me to the group through the bartender now, or let me wander around a bit :)

@Rail-Welcome back buddy ;) .Don't worry about the length of your post :)

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Brink ]
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Post by Aegis »

@Rail: Execellant Rail! Another great player has enter the fray, and we should have a lot more fun now. Welcome.
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Post by CM »

Faisal jolts awake and grabs for his sword which is still there.
Faisal still pretty angry about the antics of the mage, pulls out his sword.
Seeing Xandax turn the corner at the end of the corridor, faisal follows suit stumbling most of the way.
Faisal follows Xandax into the room, where they are supposed to meet.
When Xandax sees faisal stumbling in with is sword drawn, Xandax quickly scolds the foolish boy.
Faisal sheepishly places his sword back seeing the wisdom his Xandax's words.

{OOC @rail the more the merrier!
I am very tired, thus this simple post.}
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Magus »

@Rail: It just wouldn’t have been the same without the dark assassin... And awesome intro, by the way. Welcome to our little gathering. I see you’ve introduced the Crown. And don’t worry about the length of your posts...I sure don’t :D

Kierran sits at a stool in front of the bar, and soon enough the bartender comes over. He wears an unhappy scowl, and the reason is not difficult to guess. The place is a mess. Blood stains are everywhere, and the place stinks of death. Broken chairs and tables still lay about, not yet removed. The bar itself boasts quite a few new scars. But somehow it still sports the usual shady clientele, and business is as busy as ever.

“’Nother one? Can’t you damn maggots a’leas give a man a chance to clean up this here pile of filth ‘fore you muck it up again?” the bartender growls. “Well, don jus stare at me like a frickin moron! What ye want?!” the bartender blurts impatiently as Kierran hesitates.

“Actually, I just wanted to ask a few questions about what happened to this place.”

The bartender snorts. “What’s it look like happened? Some dumb bastard and his fool friend picked a fight with the Bleedin Hammer. Damn rowdies tore the place apart. But one thing’s for sure...those two knew how to brawl, foolishness aside. They took out the entire group, excepting the mage, Derlaz. Bloody bastard was even more powerful than the rumors say. Those two and an idiot elf that joined them were ‘bout to take a one-way ticket to Kelemvor when who shows up but bleedin Magus, himself. The three go sneaking away to lick their wounds while Magus and Derlaz have themselves a few words of mage nonsense. Derlaz vanished, and Magus stuck around for a bit chatting with a patron. Then he up and left, going after the three boneheads as I’ve heard, though why in the Hells he would want ta do that is a fool’s guess,” the bartender mutters, scowling again.

“Thank you, good sir. You’ve been most helpful,” Kierran says honestly, putting down a gold coin. The bartender snorts again, pocketing the money. Whatever.

“I also know of Aegis, and his betrayal of you!" the drow chuckles, mistakenly thinking that the drow language would veil his words. -How could he possibly know of this?- Magus thinks. The secret was a well-kept one indeed.

-Watch out. He’s making his move.- comes Void’s whisper.

Already aware of the drow’s plan, the globe of darkness is dispeled almost as soon as it is invoked. The drow freezes, knowing he cannot possibly make it out of the room before being struck down. He spins around defiantly, ready to rush the mage if necessary.

-Try it, and I promise death’s embrace before you even think to make a step- comes a sinister whisper in his mind. Instinctively Aegis knows it to be the hakeashar. Even if he could miraculously slay the mage unarmed, he could not possibly harm the incorpeal hakeashar. Better to play along for now, and hope another chance for escape comes around.

-Your thoughts are transparent, fool. You will not leave unless Magus wills it. Try and you will die.- whispers the malevolent creature. Its eyes flare ruby red, staring deep into Virdel’s own.

So his thoughts truly weren’t his own, as Virdel had suspected. Til today he had dismissed such gossip as foolish. Well look who’s the fool now, thinks Virdel bitterly.

“Enough. The others begin to awake, and together we shall piece together recent events. Cooperate, and I might just excuse your rudeness. Now come,” commands the mage, turning his back to Virdel.

What an astonishing idiot! One quick chop to the neck and-

An unpleasant shock tingles through his mind, adding significantly to his persistent headache.

So his thoughts WERE still being monitored. Of course they were. Fools don’t rise high. Virdel turns his head to glare at the foul spectre.

It glares right back. –Think ME foul, dark elf?- The creature seems almost amused.

They return to the front, where a grim looking human fighter and another nervous human warrior stand watching their approach. Faisal’s eyes widen in alarm when he sees the drow walking along behind, apparently unbound.

“You forgot to bound the bastard!” Faisal cries, drawing his sword in a flash, with Xandax quickly though doubtfully following suit. After all, this Magus was obviously no fool. Thryn, who had entered silently and unseen by the two warriors, remains cloaked in the shadows, choosing to observe rather than confront.

“Calm yourselves. He is no threat, for now at least. Check your amulet, if you don’t believe me,” Magus speaks, motioning to Xandax, and going over to stand a short distance away at the far wall, where he could keep an eye on Virdel.

A quick look at his amulet confirms Magus’s statement. The wonders never stop, thinks Xandax, sheathing his sword, and pondering how the mage knows the secret he had not yet told anyone.

“I’m a mage. It’s my business to know the nature of magic, whether that be spells or items. Don’t look at me like that,” says Magus wearily, seeing Xandax’s suspicious stare. “I can’t help but hear your thoughts if you broadcast them so loudly.”

He lets that sink in for a bit before going on. Faisal reluctantly puts away his sword, keeping his hand hovering only inches away from the hilt. “Now, to the business at hand. I seek insight into the turmoil currently plaguing this city. I have an interest in preventing this turmoil from escalating into total chaos.”

“I seek information on the mage in red that you two confronted in the Copper Coronet. You may know him as Derlaz. His true name is Lazal. Obviously, you already know his power.”

Now Magus turns to Virdel. “The reason I’m interested in you, dark elf, is that the group Lazal was with had an interest in your head, for some reason. I would like to know what that was.” Magus looks penetratingly into Virdel’s eyes. “It would be in your best interest to tell me, threats disregarded. Lazal may still be after you. And I promise you that if he wanted you dead, there’s not a thing you could do about it by yourself.”

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Magus »

Sorry Fas. Didn't see your post. I'll edit when I get back later.
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Post by Magus »

There, the editing is complete. For those of you that read the post before it was edited, I did some major overhauls (no changes to the part involving Kierran). It may seem the same, but I changed around some important dialogue. Sorry about that. I had to hurry up and finish it because we were leaving, so I didn't get to do the usual self-check. Then, of course, I didn't see Fas's post due to refresh-lag.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Xandax »

“I seek information on the mage in red that you two confronted in the Copper Coronet. You may know him as Derlaz. His true name is Lazal. Obviously, you already know his power.” The mage had asked after reassuring that he was not a threat to Xandax and his new friend Faisal.

“Well even though I’m not sure of your friendliness I’ll tell you what I know, which I’m afraid is not much.
Regarding the turmoil in the city, I know not much from this – other what my new friend Faisal here has told me – some kind of civil war between power groups. As for the tumble with the other band of adventures – even if I didn’t know the drow they were after, I have never been much for an unfair fight, there is no honour in that.
And as for the wizard they were travelling with, which seems to be your main concern, well all I can tell you about him is that he seems protected from weapons whether it be by magic or some form of deities. Plus I hade the strange feeling that his power grew as we tumbled, his magical attacks were gruesome.”

Suddenly Xandax noticed the 2 read eyes floating in the air again. “Hmm – it follows this mage around, like a dog.” Xandax thought smiling. “Oh my god it is a Hakeasha” Xandax had fought such creatures in his fathers keep – “If I remember correctly it can be killed with a good sword, but not by magic”
”So you think you can kill me, whelp”
”Get out of my head, monster, and I know I can if I wanted to”
“Stop it – both of you”
Magus interrupted.
Xandax got his thoughts under control, but didn’t do anything else – they could look at his thoughts if they wanted to, for now, Xandax had nothing to hide.

“Okay – I’ve answered with all my knowledge of the situation, now it is your turn” Xandax looked at this mage.
“Who are you? And are you friend or foe of the other mage, Derlaz – Lazal or what ever he calls himself? What is your interest in this turmoil in the city?”
“Oh I almost forgot” Xandax smiled for a moment “I need a new suit of armour and possible other equipment, where is the best place to get this in this city?”
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Post by Rail »

@Magus- I'm going to try a new perspective. Tell me if I'm out of line. :) I think I've got it down, but I could just be arrogant. :D

* * *

Why Magus continues to associate with other humanoids is beyond me, Void thought to himself as he viewed the group before him. Bipedal sacks of fluid! It's a wonder the can even think, let alone transport themselves from one point to the next! With a sigh he continued to himself. Occasional amusement. That's all I can hope for.

The hakeashar drifted around the wary dark elf as Magus continued talking to the troublemakers. Void noticed the dark elf's thoughts drifting from escape to fight to cautious waiting, acutely aware of his surroundings for an elfkin. He was constantly amazed how little thought actually went on in their spongy minds.

Misty, are you even paying attention? The assassin's thoughts drifted over from the area where the shadowed elf had snuck into the room.

Void rolled his glowing eyes at the intrusion. Unlike you, human, I can think about several things at once.

Yeah, Rail thought in amusement, Several useless things.

I hope you are not blaming me that your mind is to simple to grasp my thoughts, manling, Voids own amusement floated on his words. Now, do you need some directions, or is this just useless chatter?

Rail's invisible smile was seen by no one, but the hakeashar knew it was out there. Don't you have a spell to chew on, somewhere? Before Void could respond, the assassin continued. Go easy on the mage-killer. He's a drow, but he's done a good deed for the day. Rail's mind snapped to attention as he sensed the arrival of Thryn's cautious thoughts for the first time. Do you see the sneaky elf entering the room?

Void's eyes rolled even further, if that were possible. He replied with a mighty sigh, Yes, oh Great and Mighty Master of the Obvious, I do see him. Sometimes dealing with humans was so very tedious.

Rail's thoughts only laughed, though behind the mirth was an alert tension, as a drawn bowstring, aimed and ready. Void sensed the assassin creeping silently closer to the hidden elf, no weapon drawn, though that meant little. While no evil intent was visible in the killer's mind, Void knew Rail had the tendency to veil his thoughts expertly when needed. If only the human would listen to his offer...

Trusting the assassin to act prudently, Void turned his thoughts back toward Magus and his conversation with the impudent human.

“Okay – I’ve answered with all my knowledge of the situation, now it is your turn” Xandax looked at this mage. “Who are you? And are you friend or foe of the other mage, Derlaz – Lazal or what ever he calls himself? What is your interest in this turmoil in the city?”
“Oh I almost forgot” Xandax smiled for a moment “I need a new suit of armour and possible other equipment, where is the best place to get this in this city?”

Magus nodded patiently. "Fair enough, warrior. I will answer your query. I am Magus, no friend of Lazal, to be certain. I have had a hand in holding this city together in the past and do not wish it ripped apart by any of the various factions currently vying for power in this struggle." With a smile as if at an inward joke, Magus continued. "And, as for getting your equipment, the best place would be through that hole outside the front door and back into the Copper Coronet, you helped redecorate. Talk to Bernard, though he'll probably charge you double, if he recognizes you."

Void smiled.

[ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]
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Post by Aegis »

“I seek information on the mage in red that you two confronted in the Copper Coronet. You may know him as Derlaz. His true name is Lazal. Obviously, you already know his power.” The mage had asked after reassuring that he was not a threat to Xandax and his new friend Faisal.
“Well even though I’m not sure of your friendliness I’ll tell you what I know, which I’m afraid is not much.
Regarding the turmoil in the city, I know not much from this – other what my new friend Faisal here has told me – some kind of civil war between power groups. As for the tumble with the other band of adventures – even if I didn’t know the drow they were after, I have never been much for an unfair fight, there is no honour in that.
And as for the wizard they were travelling with, which seems to be your main concern, well all I can tell you about him is that he seems protected from weapons whether it be by magic or some form of deities. Plus I hade the strange feeling that his power grew as we tumbled, his magical attacks were gruesome.”

“Okay – I’ve answered with all my knowledge of the situation, now it is your turn” Xandax looked at this mage.
“Who are you? And are you friend or foe of the other mage, Derlaz – Lazal or what ever he calls himself? What is your interest in this turmoil in the city?”
“Oh I almost forgot” Xandax smiled for a moment “I need a new suit of armour and possible other equipment, where is the best place to get this in this city?”

Magus nodded patiently. "Fair enough, warrior. I will answer your query. I am Magus, no friend of Lazal, to be certain. I have had a hand in holding this city together in the past and do not wish it ripped apart by any of the various factions currently vying for power in this struggle." With a smile as if at an inward joke, Magus continued. "And, as for getting your equipment, the best place would be through that hole outside the front door and back into the Copper Coronet, you helped redecorate. Talk to Bernard, though he'll probably charge you double, if he recognizes you."

Void smiled.

Virdel just listened to Xandax speak to Magus and the Hakeshar. He grinned wildly, and shook his head at Xandax's impudence. Though he was in no condition to fight anyone in the room, that was no reason he couldn't lash out verbally. He aimed his dark brown eyes right towards Xandax. "It is never an unfair fight when it comes to Drow, manling. Frankly, for you to even consider the thought, it is insulting." Virdel's grin becomes even wider. "If you wish, I will allow you, your friend, and that shady elf that just snuck into the room to have a go at me. Unless you thin it's unfair. If so, I'll allow that assasin to have a go as well." Virdel laughed at the mere thought of being challenged by three surfacers. Of course there were exceptions to who he was willing to fight, and he voiced those thoughts willing in his mind, allowing both Magus and Void to hear them. The Hakeshar only grinned.

Again he saw the two ruby eyes appear before, and right beside them the assasin and the his knife. He grinned again. His smile quickly turned to a look of annoyance. "If you really think I am completly helpless without my weapons, you are sadly mistaken." His smiled returned to his face as he spoke. He turned to Magus, "If none of you beleive me, just send your pet here to the depths of hell, and cha Tolgerias, or a particular Pit Fiend I sent back there the other day. Believe me, I don't need blades to be dangerous."

Suddenly, Virdel felt another, milder, psionic shock. He dropped to his knees, clenching his teeth in pain. He had been through such pain as a child, growing up in house Mae'Shar, but compared to this.

You will respect Magus, manling. If it weren't for your importance to the situation, you would be dead!

The blast stopped, and Virdel took a few deep breaths, and returned, albeit shakily, to his feet. By now, his long white hair had fallen over his face, and brushed it somewhat out of his vision, and looked back to Magus. "Faithfull pet, no? does it get treats for fighting for you?" Virdel grinned again. "Now, before I answer any question for you, where are my weapons." Virdel's expression quickly turned from amusement to impatience.

[ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Aegis ]
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Post by Xandax »

Xandax didn’t respond to the drows taunt. He didn’t care much – he had encountered drow warriors before – formidable fighters, but their pride were often their downfall.
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Post by CM »

During this whole exchange faisal just sat silently digesting all this information and not likeing it one bit.
Faisal is first to break the silence after the little spat between Xandax and the filthy drow - {OOC no offence Aegis :) }

"Why do you want to know all of this Mage?"

Not knowing what those red eyes were, faisal foolishly asks:

Also could you get rid of that pathetic blimp over your head with the red eyes.
It is ugly looking and giving me a headache.

[ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Fas ]
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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