@Rail: It just wouldn’t have been the same without the dark assassin... And awesome intro, by the way. Welcome to our little gathering. I see you’ve introduced the Crown. And don’t worry about the length of your posts...I sure don’t
Kierran sits at a stool in front of the bar, and soon enough the bartender comes over. He wears an unhappy scowl, and the reason is not difficult to guess. The place is a mess. Blood stains are everywhere, and the place stinks of death. Broken chairs and tables still lay about, not yet removed. The bar itself boasts quite a few new scars. But somehow it still sports the usual shady clientele, and business is as busy as ever.
“’Nother one? Can’t you damn maggots a’leas give a man a chance to clean up this here pile of filth ‘fore you muck it up again?” the bartender growls. “Well, don jus stare at me like a frickin moron! What ye want?!” the bartender blurts impatiently as Kierran hesitates.
“Actually, I just wanted to ask a few questions about what happened to this place.”
The bartender snorts. “What’s it look like happened? Some dumb bastard and his fool friend picked a fight with the Bleedin Hammer. Damn rowdies tore the place apart. But one thing’s for sure...those two knew how to brawl, foolishness aside. They took out the entire group, excepting the mage, Derlaz. Bloody bastard was even more powerful than the rumors say. Those two and an idiot elf that joined them were ‘bout to take a one-way ticket to Kelemvor when who shows up but bleedin Magus, himself. The three go sneaking away to lick their wounds while Magus and Derlaz have themselves a few words of mage nonsense. Derlaz vanished, and Magus stuck around for a bit chatting with a patron. Then he up and left, going after the three boneheads as I’ve heard, though why in the Hells he would want ta do that is a fool’s guess,” the bartender mutters, scowling again.
“Thank you, good sir. You’ve been most helpful,” Kierran says honestly, putting down a gold coin. The bartender snorts again, pocketing the money. Whatever.
“I also know of Aegis, and his betrayal of you!" the drow chuckles, mistakenly thinking that the drow language would veil his words. -How could he possibly know of this?- Magus thinks. The secret was a well-kept one indeed.
Watch out. He’s making his move.- comes Void’s whisper.
Already aware of the drow’s plan, the globe of darkness is dispeled almost as soon as it is invoked. The drow freezes, knowing he cannot possibly make it out of the room before being struck down. He spins around defiantly, ready to rush the mage if necessary.
Try it, and I promise death’s embrace before you even think to make a step- comes a sinister whisper in his mind. Instinctively Aegis knows it to be the hakeashar. Even if he could miraculously slay the mage unarmed, he could not possibly harm the incorpeal hakeashar. Better to play along for now, and hope another chance for escape comes around.
Your thoughts are transparent, fool. You will not leave unless Magus wills it. Try and you will die.- whispers the malevolent creature. Its eyes flare ruby red, staring deep into Virdel’s own.
So his thoughts truly weren’t his own, as Virdel had suspected. Til today he had dismissed such gossip as foolish. Well look who’s the fool now, thinks Virdel bitterly.
“Enough. The others begin to awake, and together we shall piece together recent events. Cooperate, and I might just excuse your rudeness. Now come,” commands the mage, turning his back to Virdel.
What an astonishing idiot! One quick chop to the neck and-
An unpleasant shock tingles through his mind, adding significantly to his persistent headache.
So his thoughts WERE still being monitored. Of course they were. Fools don’t rise high. Virdel turns his head to glare at the foul spectre.
It glares right back. –
Think ME foul, dark elf?- The creature seems almost amused.
They return to the front, where a grim looking human fighter and another nervous human warrior stand watching their approach. Faisal’s eyes widen in alarm when he sees the drow walking along behind, apparently unbound.
“You forgot to bound the bastard!” Faisal cries, drawing his sword in a flash, with Xandax quickly though doubtfully following suit. After all, this Magus was obviously no fool. Thryn, who had entered silently and unseen by the two warriors, remains cloaked in the shadows, choosing to observe rather than confront.
“Calm yourselves. He is no threat, for now at least. Check your amulet, if you don’t believe me,” Magus speaks, motioning to Xandax, and going over to stand a short distance away at the far wall, where he could keep an eye on Virdel.
A quick look at his amulet confirms Magus’s statement. The wonders never stop, thinks Xandax, sheathing his sword, and pondering how the mage knows the secret he had not yet told anyone.
“I’m a mage. It’s my business to know the nature of magic, whether that be spells or items. Don’t look at me like that,” says Magus wearily, seeing Xandax’s suspicious stare. “I can’t help but hear your thoughts if you broadcast them so loudly.”
He lets that sink in for a bit before going on. Faisal reluctantly puts away his sword, keeping his hand hovering only inches away from the hilt. “Now, to the business at hand. I seek insight into the turmoil currently plaguing this city. I have an interest in preventing this turmoil from escalating into total chaos.”
“I seek information on the mage in red that you two confronted in the Copper Coronet. You may know him as Derlaz. His true name is Lazal. Obviously, you already know his power.”
Now Magus turns to Virdel. “The reason I’m interested in you, dark elf, is that the group Lazal was with had an interest in your head, for some reason. I would like to know what that was.” Magus looks penetratingly into Virdel’s eyes. “It would be in your best interest to tell me, threats disregarded. Lazal may still be after you. And I promise you that if he wanted you dead, there’s not a thing you could do about it by yourself.”
[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]