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Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2002 7:28 pm
by VoodooDali
Originally posted by fable

Yes, definitely: Neo-paganism/pagan old fahrtism.
I believe you, Fable. I had 92% pagan old fahrtism, but I'm a couple of years younger than you....

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2002 8:29 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by C Elegans
This is the trick: do you recall all the questions in the latter part of the test where you answer what you think about homosexuality, gender roles, abortion, divorce etc? Now, above this part of the test is the text:


That is why I, and probably you and Aagis too, don't come out with 100% in atheism/agnosticims. If we had chosen "not applicable" to those questions, we would have come out at atheists/agostics, but what we do by answering them is to say they should be included in a belief system.
Which is kind of what I meant about not understanding how I was supposed to answer the questions ;) So if you believe in those things but don't think they should be part of your religion, you should select n/a? I kind of figured it that any religion that might suit (even though I already specified atheist beliefs) ought, for example, to accept abortion, so I didn't check n/a. And I didn't get how the importance ratings were supposed to work either, is it how important that particular thing is in determining your religion? Or how strongly you believe that particular thing?

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2002 8:55 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Georgi
Which is kind of what I meant about not understanding how I was supposed to answer the questions ;) So if you believe in those things but don't think they should be part of your religion, you should select n/a?

Exactly. Otherwise your opinions and ratings will be placed in the different religious cathegories.

I kind of figured it that any religion that might suit (even though I already specified atheist beliefs) ought, for example, to accept abortion, so I didn't check n/a. And I didn't get how the importance ratings were supposed to work either, is it how important that particular thing is in determining your religion? Or how strongly you believe that particular thing?
That's how I replied to, but for those latter questions it doesn't matter if we had already specified ourselves as atheists, the test still place our replies in a religious cathegory if we not check n/a.

I think the importance rating works so that when you check a certain issue as important, the test will look for which religions both share your view and hold the issue as important.

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2002 9:32 pm
by Georgi
Hmmm, new results...

1. Atheism and Agnosticism (100%)
2. Secular Humanism (100%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (86%)
4. Theravada Buddhism (65%)
5. Liberal Quaker (49%)
6. Neo-Paganism (29%)
7. Liberal Protestant (26%)
8. Taoism (16%)
9. New Age (8%)
10. Bahá'í (0%)

That's more like it :D

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 6:58 am
by Mr Sleep

1. Liberal Protestant (100%)
2. Bahá'í (89%)
3. Liberal Quaker (83%)
4. Unitarian Universalism (72%)
5. Conservative Protestant (69%)
6. Reform Judaism (67%)
7. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (64%)
8. Orthodox Quaker (60%)
9. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (57%)
10. Orthodox Judaism (55%)
11. Sikhism (50%)
12. Islam (48%)
13. Secular Humanism (47%)
14. New Age (45%)
15. Seventh Day Adventist (42%)
16. Taoism (41%)
17. Neo-Paganism (40%)
18. Atheism and Agnosticism (37%)
19. New Thought (37%)
20. Jehovah's Witness (36%)
21. Theravada Buddhism (35%)
22. Eastern Orthodox (35%)
23. Roman Catholic (35%)
24. Mahayana Buddhism (28%)
25. Jainism (27%)
26. Scientology (24%)
27. Hinduism (7%)

I don't think they have my religion in there i am more of a non-believer they don't have Liberal Cynic ;) It is like this, i believe in a God, but i don't hold sway with the Christian God and/or any other God that i have heard of, i am not exactly one to worship anythign anyway, anyone heard of a religion that is similar?

What Scientology is doing on there i don't know?!?

64% Mormon LMAO :D :D Erm i think not.

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 7:11 am
by Tamerlane
1. Latter-day Saint
2. Jehovahs Witness
3. Baha'i
4. Sikhism
5. Liberal Protestant
6. Orthodox Quaker
7. Orthodox Judaism
8. Conservative Protestant
9. Liberal Quaker
10. Islam

:mad: Roman Catholic should be on top.

Oh well :rolleyes:

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 7:54 am
by Franke
1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (91%)
3. Atheism and Agnosticism (77%)
4. Liberal Quaker (75%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (70%)
6. Neo-Paganism (64%)
7. Liberal Protestant (57%)
8. Orthodox Quaker (51%)
9. New Age (48%)
10. Taoism (44%)
11. Mahayana Buddhism (40%)
12. Bahá'í (38%)
13. Reform Judaism (38%)
14. Sikhism (38%)
15. Jainism (36%)
16. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (32%)
17. Seventh Day Adventist (27%)
18. Conservative Protestant (25%)
19. Hinduism (25%)
20. Scientology (24%)
21. Eastern Orthodox (23%)
22. Islam (23%)
23. Orthodox Judaism (23%)
24. Roman Catholic (23%)
25. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (22%)
26. New Thought (22%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (19%)


Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 8:38 am
by Leonardo
I don´t even know what a Liberal Protestant or a Unitarian Universalist are, but seems like I am both!

1. Liberal Protestant (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
3. Secular Humanism (96%)
4. Atheism and Agnosticism (93%)
5. Liberal Quaker (87%)
6. Neo-Paganism (78%)
7. Theravada Buddhism (75%)
8. Reform Judaism (73%)
9. Conservative Protestant (71%)
10. New Thought (64%)
11. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (63%)
12. New Age (62%)
13. Scientology (59%)
14. Mahayana Buddhism (58%)
15. Orthodox Quaker (58%)
16. Taoism (56%)
17. Bahá'í (52%)
18. Eastern Orthodox (51%)
19. Roman Catholic (51%)
20. Sikhism (50%)
21. Orthodox Judaism (49%)
22. Seventh Day Adventist (47%)
23. Islam (42%)
24. Jainism (38%)
25. Hinduism (34%)
26. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (31%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (13%)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 9:23 am
by VoodooDali
Secular Humanists and Unitarian Universalists remain tied. Atheists edged out Conservative Protestants after Georgi changed camps. My fellow Liberal Quaker, Sleepy, changed teams and is now a Liberal Protestant!

1. Secular Humanists: Aegis, Waverly, CE, Mysteria, oki101, Frogus, Franke
2. Unitarian Universalists: Ysh, Gwally, Beldin, T'lainya, craig, Thorin, AbysmalNature
3. Atheist/Agnostics: Silur, Mediev, Dottie, Georgi
4. Conservative Protestants: Sailor Saturn, Eminem, Alienbob
5. Liberal Protestants: humanflyz, nael, Sleepy
6. Orthodox Quakers: CM, Kayless
7. Theraveda Buddhists: Minerva, Curdis
8. Mormons: Aragorn Returns, Tamerlane
9. Sikhs: Der-draigen, Morlock
10. Liberal Quakers: Me
11. Neopagans/Pagan Old Fart: Fable
12. Eastern Orthodox: Krusader

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 9:37 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by VoodooDali
Secular Humanists and Unitarian Universalists remain tied. Atheists edged out Conservative Protestants after Georgi changed camps. My fellow Liberal Quaker, Sleepy, changed teams and is now a Liberal Protestant!
I didn't so much take sides as revise my previous options, to be honest i don't think the test covers my belief's, could you put me in Other? :)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 10:04 am
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by C Elegans
Do the SBC and the Church of Christ share most values, or do they emphasize different things? I must say I'm surprised to hear that King James Bible is considered the only true bible, why that particular version and not the older writings?
Actually, yes, the Church of Christ and SBC do share a lot of values, though if you asked them, they'd say no. In 9th grade, I wrote an essay on the similarities and differences between the Church of Christ and Southern Baptists. Since my mom grew up in the Church of Christ, but me and my parents go to Southern Baptist churches, I had the resources to do this. I found that really the only differences between the two are that Church of Christ do not allow instruments in the service, believe that baptism is necessary to be saved, and that you can lose your salvation; whereas the SBC believes that you can have instruments in the service, that baptism is symbolic(a public profession of your faith), and that you cannot lose your salvation. As for everything else they believe, they're basically the same. They even, though neither will directly admit to this, both believe that they are the only denomination going to heaven. :rolleyes: An example of this mentality: My relatives on my mom's side are Church of Christ. My Great Grandma directly told me and my parents that we're "going to hell" because we're going to Baptist churches instead of CoC churches. :rolleyes:

As to the KJV, that's a mentality that seems to have passed down from England. "You're speaking the native language of Shakespeare, . . ., and the Bible!"~Higgins, in Pygmalion(sp?).

When I was homeschooling, we were using Abeka curriculum put out by Pensacola Christian College in Florida. That's an extremely fundamental/conservative Baptist college. In their Bible curriculum(which we stopped using after the first chapter or two), it actually had a section saying specifically that the KJV was the only true translation of the Bible. That the manuscripts used for all the more recent ones were false and such. The truth is that the manuscripts used for Bibles like the NIV, NAS, NLT, etc., are older, and thus more 'accurate,' manuscripts than those used for the KJV. But if you go upto an old traditionalist Baptist(not hard to find in small towns in Texas or the Deep South) and try to tell them that the NIV/NAS/NLT/etc., is a better translation than, or even that it is just as good a translation as, the KJV, they'll get mad at you. :( You can also find the exact same thing in the Church of Christ.

Oh, and I spoke to my dad, and he said that the SBC is not the most fundamental/conservative church in the US. He says the quakers and amish(Sp?) are. Those two didn't pop into my head when I was originally answering the question, though.

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 10:07 am
by Sailor Saturn
Re: Resitting
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
I don't think they have my religion in there i am more of a non-believer they don't have Liberal Cynic ;) It is like this, i believe in a God, but i don't hold sway with the Christian God and/or any other God that i have heard of, i am not exactly one to worship anythign anyway, anyone heard of a religion that is similar?
Well, that sounds to me like somewhere between Liberal Protestant and Agnostic, but I don't know much about Liberal Protestant.

My biggest problem with that test is that on some of the questions, to really answer with what I believe, I'd have to choose two of the answers, but it only allowed you to pick one on those questions. :(

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 10:19 am
by Sailor Saturn
I just went through the test several more times, changing some of my answers some, but keeping them restricted to what I believe. Depending on which side of my beliefs I go with, I'm conservative protestant, orthodox quaker, or liberal protestant. Here's my final results:

1. Liberal Protestant (100%)
2. Conservative Protestant (91%)
3. Orthodox Quaker (89%)
4. Bahá'í (78%)
5. Seventh Day Adventist (77%)
6. Liberal Quaker (76%)
7. Jehovah's Witness (69%)
8. Orthodox Judaism (69%)
9. Eastern Orthodox (68%)
10. Roman Catholic (68%)
11. Islam (66%)
12. Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (61%)
13. Reform Judaism (58%)
14. Unitarian Universalism (57%)
15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (51%)
16. Mahayana Buddhism (43%)
17. Theravada Buddhism (43%)
18. Jainism (42%)
19. Sikhism (40%)
20. New Age (36%)
21. New Thought (36%)
22. Neo-Paganism (35%)
23. Atheism and Agnosticism (33%)
24. Secular Humanism (33%)
25. Taoism (31%)
26. Hinduism (29%)
27. Scientology (27%)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 10:31 am
by VoodooDali
Originally posted by Mr Sleep

I didn't so much take sides as revise my previous options, to be honest i don't think the test covers my belief's, could you put me in Other? :)
Actually, Sleep, I felt the same way. Maybe I'll retest too. I seriously thought it would come out that I am neo-pagan or something. However, most of the questions seemed oriented to Judaeo-Christian beliefs. I tend to believe in lots of stuff all at once, even if it's contradictory.

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 12:37 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by VoodooDali

Actually, Sleep, I felt the same way. Maybe I'll retest too. I seriously thought it would come out that I am neo-pagan or something. However, most of the questions seemed oriented to Judaeo-Christian beliefs. I tend to believe in lots of stuff all at once, even if it's contradictory.
They are definately loaded questions, i would have to answer most of them as Non Applicable and Low priority, i tend to be either cynical or apathetic towards most of their questions, and the ones i do choose seem to make me (as you say) Judaeo-Christian, I would have assumed i would come out Agnostic, i am not, but that would be consistent with how i answered my questions, perhaps we should create a test ourselves that is not biased as theirs is. I might be able to do it, we might get Xandax involved, any php scripters out there who could help?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 3:46 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Mr Sleep

They are definately loaded questions, i would have to answer most of them as Non Applicable and Low priority, i tend to be either cynical or apathetic towards most of their questions, and the ones i do choose seem to make me (as you say) Judaeo-Christian, I would have assumed i would come out Agnostic, i am not, but that would be consistent with how i answered my questions, perhaps we should create a test ourselves that is not biased as theirs is. I might be able to do it, we might get Xandax involved, any php scripters out there who could help?
The only problem with that is that, more than likely, though you try to be objective, you would still come out biased.

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 3:59 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Sailor Saturn

The only problem with that is that, more than likely, though you try to be objective, you would still come out biased.
The person doesn't have to be objective, the questions do, if we were to create some kind of GB pool we would be able to make enough options (due to the rather large cultural differences)

Perhaps i am being an optimist, which kind of argues with my Cynical nature, now you wonder why these tests just don't work for me :D

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 5:22 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Mr Sleep

The person doesn't have to be objective, the questions do, if we were to create some kind of GB pool we would be able to make enough options (due to the rather large cultural differences)

Perhaps i am being an optimist, which kind of argues with my Cynical nature, now you wonder why these tests just don't work for me :D

I had my mom take the test. She came out as Orthodox Quaker. Another thing I noticed, though, was the percentages on the rest of the religions listed for her. They dropped down low fairly quickly. An example: My 12th religion was the same as her 4th religion, yet I got a higher percentage on that religion than she did. My lowest(#27) was equal to religion #23 for her. I haven't quite worked out what that means, though. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 5:56 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by VoodooDali
Secular Humanists and Unitarian Universalists remain tied. Atheists edged out Conservative Protestants after Georgi changed camps.
Well I got 100% in both Atheist and Secular Humanist, so maybe I should be half in each :D

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2002 6:48 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Georgi

Well I got 100% in both Atheist and Secular Humanist, so maybe I should be half in each :D
Or you could elect to be an Atheist three days a week, a Secular Humanist three others, and join a folk dancing club on the seventh. :)