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Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:05 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
Well Dr Elegans there is a rather annoying habit i have developed over time, i think there is a connection with monkey's and their lack of tactile thought, but i digress, i always start every reply with the word "Well", what can be done about this, i see no rational solution, am i going to be forced onto a diet of non-sequitir or maybe a drug ****tail involving ink and several other drawing products...oh and BTW, i think this phenomonen may well have sent me crazy
'Well' sounds so resigning...I would say 'so' is much more proactive than reactive
*places Dr Elegans tray of tea on the desk*
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:11 pm
by Kameleon
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
Well Dr Elegans there is a rather annoying habit i have developed over time, i think there is a connection with monkey's and their lack of tactile thought, but i digress, i always start every reply with the word "Well", what can be done about this, i see no rational solution, am i going to be forced onto a diet of non-sequitir or maybe a drug ****tail involving ink and several other drawing products...oh and BTW, i think this phenomonen may well have sent me crazy
Well blow me over with an inverted vacuum cleaner and call me Norman, Sleepy, I've found myself having exactly the same problem. I've started "Well-watching" in an attempt to curb my usage of the evil word. Can anything be done? Does it relate in any way to the prominence of the Sun next to Uranus in Cancer this month?
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:12 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Yshania
'Well' sounds so resigning...I would say 'so' is much more proactive than reactive
*places Dr Elegans tray of tea on the desk*
Well saying "so" sounds like i might be in disagreement where as "well" sounds like I have come to a concerted conclusion in my own mind
*goes over and looks for buscuits...*
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:14 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Kameleon
Well blow me over with an inverted vacuum cleaner and call me Norman, Sleepy, I've found myself having exactly the same problem. I've started "Well-watching" in an attempt to curb my usage of the evil word. Can anything be done? Does it relate in any way to the prominence of the Sun next to Uranus in Cancer this month?
Well it would seem this is an increasing phenomonen, i think Dr Elegans will have to prescribe something soon otherwise we all might be doing it
Evil word it is, not as evil as sculldugger, but evil it is!
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:15 pm
by Yshania
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:16 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
Well it would seem this is an increasing phenomonen, i think Dr Elegans will have to prescribe something soon otherwise we all might be doing it Evil word it is, not as evil as sculldugger, but evil it is!
I have a similar affliction, but using the work 'ok'. I am in recovery - hence I supply the tea and biscuits
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:18 pm
by Kameleon
Well what do you suggest I do, do I continue to mask the problem by constantly checking the beginning of my posts, or do I admit my problem and just go with the flow? Man.
"so" is just not what we say...and note that you are in disagreement too, beginning your reply with the word so.
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:20 pm
by Dottie
Originally posted by C Elegans
Dearest Dottie, in your first post you did not even hint about the addiction problem you describe below. Instead, you expressed worries about two women you claim deliberately torment you and try to embarrass you. I did extensive back reading in threads where you have been socialising with female member, and could not find any events that corresponded to your experiences. Therefore, my opinion is that your interpretation of these women is unfounded, you are having paranoid delusions. I was simply offering an explanation for your feelings. A psychologist cannot, and should not, support delusions her clients are having, on the contrary she should offer reality confrontation. Concern about the client is always with the clients true best in view, not necessarily what feels best for the client in a particular moment. And I always know what is best for the client.
Now, this is an entirely different problem than the one you first posted. Or are perhaps addicted to the torment and embarrasment you claim to be victim of?
To find out whether your addiction is harmful or not, I need more information. You feel addicted to a certain member on this board, is that right? This is not necessarily harmful in itself, but some points must be considered.
How does the person you are addicted to respond to your addiction? Does he/she seems to be bothered? Has this led to conflicts between you and this person, such as this person explicitly asking you to stay away from him/her?
What signs of addiction can you observe in yourself? Do you get withdrawal symptoms when away from this person? How long time are you able to stay away from the person? How far are you going in your efforts to stay close to this person? Are you stalking the person? Are you mail- or PM-bombing the person? Do act as a peeping Tom?
Finally, what are the reason you feel addicted to this person? It is important that you try to understand the mechanisms behind your actions.
Venerable C Elegans, The reason for not mentioning the addiction in my previous post is
obviously that I was not yet adviced to seek your assistance on the matter at the time. Im not sure why you are attempting to damage my credibility by bringing this up in a suspicios manner, But I would greatly apreciate if you refrained in the future.
I further wish to express grave doubt that the back reading you claim to have done is as extensive and proffesional as you suggest. This is partly because my own interpretation differs, But also due to a concern about your ability to remain unbiased dispite the identity of one of the women I was telling you about. May I propose that an independent investigation of this evidence is performed by a impartial and trusted board member, Weasel for example.
About the addiction I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability.
I have not noticed any discomfort springing from my precence in this person, nor have any explicit requests that I should stay away been made. I have been accused of stalking at oaccasions, But my interpretation of those accusations is that they are not entirely serious.
I have not discovered any withdrawal symptoms other then a slight sense of regret and my addiction have not caused any severe effects on my daily life. The question about for how long I am able to stay away does unfortunatly have to be unanswered as my habits permit a regular contact with the person.
At last I think it would be apropriate if you provided references to prove that you are who you claim to be, And to try to settle any doubts about your proffesionalism.
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:20 pm
by Yshania
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:21 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Yshania
So, you are in disagreement - yet you started your reply with the word well
*malted milks and chocolate digestives - the Jammie Dodgers are for the seriously afflicted only*
So would it be better if i used that word instead of, well, using that other evil word, perhaps i should mix them up and say so, well, maybe, probably, personally, you undersand that the punctuation and grammar of this sentence is lost somewhere in the bowels of hades...
*swipes a malted milk, eye's up Jammy Dodgers...where did
they come from*
Funnily enough i was also using the word "okay", and now i am saying "Cheers" to everything, it used to be no problem, which is no problem
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:28 pm
by Kameleon
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
So would it be better if i used that word instead of, well, using that other evil word, perhaps i should mix them up and say so, well, maybe, probably, personally, you undersand that the punctuation and grammar of this sentence is lost somewhere in the bowels of hades...
Weird, exactly what I was thinking
(see, I prefer avoidance )
We all do it, just find a phrase we like for some reason and start using it repeatedly - I believe one factor that contributes to your popularity or lack of it is whether you notice you are doing it before other people do, or if you only notice and make the conscious effort to change after people have gotten well and truly fed up of you saying "No **** sherlock" for the thousandth time
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:28 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
So would it be better if i used that word instead of, well, using that other evil word, perhaps i should mix them up and say so, well, maybe, probably, personally, you undersand that the punctuation and grammar of this sentence is lost somewhere in the bowels of hades...
*swipes a malted milk, eye's up Jammy Dodgers...where did they come from*
Funnily enough i was also using the word "okay", and now i am saying "Cheers" to everything, it used to be no problem, which is no problem
You could shrug, body language speaks more than words
but looks equally indecisive and confused...
*my PM box*
Ok is an ackowledgement, that invariably does not mean ok. It might mean you agree with what has been said, or that you have considered what as been said and formed an opinion, or that you want the other person to
believe you have applied respective consideration, when in fact you are fighting to get a word in edgeways...regardless of whether you have listened and
heard or whether you are bored and only think you have listened...
Cheers usually supercedes rather than precedes...unless of course they fill your glass first
Oh dear...*grabs a Jammie Dodger*
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:36 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Yshania
*places Dr Elegans tray of tea on the desk*
Ah, thanks a lot Ysh!
Swedish TV has finally decided to show the 2nd half of the Ireland-Spanien game, so I'll be having my tea to the game
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:39 pm
by Kameleon
Originally posted by C Elegans
*eats bowl*
*falls out the door, rolls down the SYM lane, and ends up dead to the world in his Rolling Thunder bunk*
G'night people
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:40 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Kameleon
*eats bowl*
*falls out the door, rolls down the SYM lane, and ends up dead to the world in his Rolling Thunder bunk*
G'night people
see you later
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:43 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Kameleon
*eats bowl*
Oh no, now he will be sleeping for two days...not good for his exams
fills bowl with new pills
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:47 pm
by Yshania
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:49 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Kameleon
We all do it, just find a phrase we like for some reason and start using it repeatedly - I believe one factor that contributes to your popularity or lack of it is whether you notice you are doing it before other people do, or if you only notice and make the conscious effort to change after people have gotten well and truly fed up of you saying "No **** sherlock" for the thousandth time
The interesting point is when people start using your nuances, for a while i was saying "Indeed" all the time then suddently a few people started saying it
@Ysh, indecisive and confused? Me? Surely not!
*good point*
Okay is in theory a way of winging it without agreeing or disagreeing, on doesn't have to be decisive, i quite often say okay to someone and am not listening to them. In fact most of the "okay" statments are made when my boss is telling me things i already know
Cheers is usually a thankyou from me, so cheers for the advice
Damn nearly had it
Night Kam!
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 3:54 pm
by Yshania
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 4:00 pm
by Mr Sleep