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Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2003 3:47 pm
by frogus
and me reflecting on the glory of SYM
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 1:20 am
by Beldin
Me in my own , personal
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 3:57 am
by Azmodan
me caught in the art of spamming SYM
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 3:31 am
by Littiz
Very low-def. pic of my band..
Unbearded and almost shaved, but still I'm the second from the left
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:56 pm
by The Z
Don't blame me if I look like a skateboarder. I'm not. Really I swear!
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 8:51 pm
by oki101
After some fine line persuasion with Tybs he finally managed to make me post my picture here.
Now this took me a lot of effort so be nice.
I had to FIND the camera. (Not been used for 2 years)
I had to FIND the charger.
I had to charge the batteries.
I had to take the picture.
I had to install drivers and programs.
And finally had to post it.
I`m unemployed. I`m not used to all this work.
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:25 pm
by C Elegans
Me and Dottie. We are not drunk, nor on drugs, it's just 6 am and we've been up all night.
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:18 am
by C Elegans
Maybe this one is too dark, what do you think?
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:42 am
by C Elegans
Another picture, brighter, but bad quality...
I'll save the scantly clad pictures until Fable is back
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 8:25 am
by Littiz
Close-up of me (left) and friend..
We BOTH managed to have an imbecile expression this time
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:06 am
by Maharlika
Last November...
...when Kat and Trey visited me.
The first pic was at the airport and the other was at a floating restaurant by the river just outside Bangkok.
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:49 pm
by Gruntboy
My desktop...
My sanctuary/command nest.
"God Bless America..."
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:57 pm
by Annatar
Well I don't have a digital camera or scanner but here's an artist rendition of my friends and I on a road trip.
I'm farthest to the left...
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 6:49 pm
by Azmodan
ok, im bored, but it IS actually me.... just a little manipulated.. havent touched my eyes and mouth though
Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:22 am
by Littiz
just received some pics of last Friday, thought to share
Finally, I ALMOST appear in a shot
, so.. enjoy my two guitarists if you want
(that is, 1/3 of the band)
What a night!
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 7:02 am
by Karembeu
Um...saw "Gruntboy's" magnificent work in another thread and thought....damn wouldn't I want to be there with the gang...
Anyway first photo is the "macho-Julian" Actually it's from my "military-service" about three years ago. I'm busy polishing my weapon making it ready for combat...
(To anyone with a dirty imagination, that last line might sound like something....else)...
And no, as you can see I am fully clothed which means no associations with "Grunt and his pantless marines"...
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 7:03 am
by Karembeu
Second photo is "Julian the ponderer" about a year back. I can't really remember what I was thinking about there...probably how the upcoming football-season would unfold...
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:43 am
by Karembeu
New pic coming up, this time it is depicting my furry little friend "Rambo"...
(Once again, to anyone with an "imaginative" mind that may sound like something dirty)...
Rambo was my oh so cute little rat. A year or two ago, he packed his bags and went to "rat-heaven"...
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:14 pm
by Aegis
Well, let's hope it works for once
Huzzah! It works for once. This is probably the most up to date photo I have, which was actually taken a couple months back, and before I grew the beard.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 9:19 pm
by VoodooDali
I don't have many photos of me. Bought a digital camera last summer, and bf lost it immediately after our trip to Turkey (with all those pics, sigh).
Me being charged by big horse at 2/15/03 protest march in NYC.