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Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:46 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
yOU FEEL wuzz why?

If you realy do feel that way.. well that is just odd.. when trying new things it shouldn't matter if it doesn't work..

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:50 am
by Yeltsu
Nah, it's just that I was so sure about this character for soloing. Anyway, at least now I can compliment my monk's SR with a cloudkill and\or fireball :D

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:20 am
by neocool00
I'm hoping to complete the fortress tonight. It's hard for me to get time to play, especially since my new pc arrived yesterday. Of course, it's going to take nearly forever to move all my files and get everything setup on it. But I'm so interested in this solo Monk now. Fighting through the caves and the top level of the Fortess has been a real test. My Monk is level 9 now with about 4-5 levels squatted. I get no xp from goblins or orcs, but I figured with the # of levels I've got in my backpocket from squatting, it's really no loss. I'm going to try and not take any more levels until after chapter 2 (that means the entire ice palace w/ level 9 monk). Unforunately, my fire potions are running low, I've used too many trying to get where I am now. I've had to refine my tactics too and try to use the terrain to keep from getting swarmed too bad. I tried to take a screenshot to show you guys/gals one of my battles, but couldn't remember how. I think at this point, all of my battles are going to have to be well planned so that I don't get surrounded to badly. The spell resistance is coming in quite handy now.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:21 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Asriel]I feel like a wuzz though :( not soloing as I planned, well I guess Silver was right in the end.[/QUOTE]

:D :D :D


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:25 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Asriel]Nah, it's just that I was so sure about this character for soloing.[/QUOTE] was worth a try - and quite amusing to read... :)

...but at the end you can never be sure - especially if you fight against the power of math... :D :D

...btw. I think you shouldn't give up that fast ;)


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:38 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Silver dragon i have nothing against you.. and i dont mean to offend you.. but.. soon you will see your math in SPOTTED OWL..

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:59 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Silver dragon i have nothing against you.. and i dont mean to offend you.. but.. soon you will see your math in SPOTTED OWL..[/QUOTE]

...what does a "strix occidentalis" (SPOTTED OWL) has to do with math ?! ;) you intend to solo as monk ? :)


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:20 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Spotted Owl= A$$

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:27 pm
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Spotted Owl= A$$[/QUOTE]

...thanks !


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:35 pm
by Yeltsu
I know I shouldn't give up so soon, but I don't want to struggel through every fight from here on, I want to enjoy myself.

Btw. a fireball casted at my monk in the middle of a fight by my Sorceress, is pure slaughter :D :D

Oh, and concerning your precious math Silver, I see it as the root of all evil, but that's just me ;)

EDIT: I think you should all try to solo a monk, especially you Silver ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:06 am
by neocool00
I completed the Goblin Fortress last night. Inside was pretty much a breeze. One cool thing did happen though. One of the Orc Sharmans managed to charm my monk and everyone quite fighting and was just standing around until it wore off. Well, I thought it was funny. I'm getting ready to head off to the Ice Palace map. My stats that I can remember:

Male Deep Gnome Lawfully Good Monk of the Old Order 9
(squatting 6 levels)
STR 16 DEX 20 CON 18 INT 3 WIS 18 CHA 1
Weapons: Fists(Bludgeoning), Tale of the Executioner's Wife -- Great Axe (Slashing), Crossbow of some sort (Missle-Piercing)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:21 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=neocool00]I completed the Goblin Fortress last night. Inside was pretty much a breeze. One cool thing did happen though. One of the Orc Sharmans managed to charm my monk and everyone quite fighting and was just standing around until it wore off. Well, I thought it was funny. I'm getting ready to head off to the Ice Palace map. My stats that I can remember:

Male Deep Gnome Lawfully Good Monk of the Old Order 9
(squatting 6 levels)
STR 16 DEX 20 CON 18 INT 3 WIS 18 CHA 1
Weapons: Fists(Bludgeoning), Tale of the Executioner's Wife -- Great Axe (Slashing), Crossbow of some sort (Missle-Piercing)[/QUOTE]

...could you have a look on the rolls (AB/AC) when fighting against the remorhazs & golems in the icetempel ?

..would really like to know what happens exactly in these fights !


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:30 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Ones in Battle square are lot thougher than ones in normal game..

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:46 pm
by Yeltsu
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Ones in Battle square are lot thougher than ones in normal game..[/QUOTE]

True, I just fought the one from the battlesquares, had my ass whopped. had to run around shooting it with my crossbow just to avoid getting killed. I had no problem with the normal ones you meet though.

btw: I just lost at rank five in the battlesquare. the problem wasn't that I was killed, it just took so goddanm long time to kill some of those creatures :mad:

gonna try again later

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:19 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Asriel]True, I just fought the one from the battlesquares, had my ass whopped. had to run around shooting it with my crossbow just to avoid getting killed. I had no problem with the normal ones you meet though.

btw: I just lost at rank five in the battlesquare. the problem wasn't that I was killed, it just took so goddanm long time to kill some of those creatures :mad:

gonna try again later[/QUOTE]

...ok - that would explain the difference ! the calculation "monk vs. remorhaz" was based on a battlesquare remorhaz... your chances to win against a BS remorhaz should be close to 0 without levelling up to improve your monks AB dramatically!

...and yes - you will have a very hard time to kill a higher bonguards, drowned undead, gelugons or elementals in 60 seconds with your fists - so your only chance will be the mace of disruption and hope for a critical miss when they made there fort save (btw. drowned undead are not affected by disruption for some reason)!

btw. strange thing that the BS monsters are tougher then the normal ones !!!


Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:42 am
by neocool00
I've cleared out most of the first level of the Ice Palace. The hardest fight so far has been with the Ranger you run into on the way to the Ice Palace. He kept panicing my Monk and apparently I couldn't save against it. I think I ended up fighting that battle like 4 times before finally killing him. The Remorhazes were only a problem if I didn't Mirror Image and Blur myself before the fight, including the queen. Crystal golems didn't hit me either as long as I was blurred and mirrored. The Ice Golem Champions gave me some problems until I remembered that I had a Flaming Star +1 mace in my bag of holding. I've also switched to using Great Swords now that I found Winged Blight. That makes killing them Auriles easy. Now it's just a matter of 2 to 3 hits with it and they are gone. I copied down my stats to show how I've done:

Vassago Male Deep Gnome Lawfully Good Monk of the Broken Ones 9
Current XP 242567 (10 levels squatted)
STR 16 DEX 20 +1 CON 18 INT 3 WIS 18 +1 CHA 1 +1
Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Pick Pocket & Diplomacy
Feats: Deflect Arrows, Dirty Fighting, Dodge, Improved Evasion, Axe 1, Great Sword 1, Crossbow 1, Mace 1, Missle 1, Quarterstaff 1, Small Blade 1, Stunning Attack

Yeti Skin Cloak: +1 Cold Resistance
Winter Wolf Hat: +1 Cold Resistance +1 CHA
Lucky Knucky: +1 to all saving throws
Sash of the Black Raven: +1 Attack Bonus to all attacks & Immunity to Confusion & Feeblemind
Chameleon Ring of Dexterity: +1 to hide, +1 DEX
Ring of the Wise: +1 WIS
Periapt of Wound Closure: Increased regeneration rate
Witherbranch Boots: Immune to Entangle

Winged Blight (Two-handed Great Sword)
Damage: 2d6 +1
Attack Bonus: +1
Enchantment: +1
Damage Type: Slashing
Bane: +3 Attack Bonus vs Humans
+2D6+3 Damamge Bonus vs Humans

Flaming Star +1 (One-handed Mace)
Damage: 1D8 +1
Attack Bonus: +1
Enchantment: +1
Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Special: Flame +1D6 Fire

Heavy Crossbow +1
Damage: +3
Attack Bonus +3
Bolt +1 (1D8+1, AB +1, E +1)
Bolt +2 (1D8+2, AB +2, E +2)
Sparking Bolts +1 (1D8, AB +1, E +1, Shock +1D6 Electrical)

I've also got Gauntlets of Weapon Skill (+1 Attack Bonus), but I prefer to have the Periapt of Wound Closure equipped for now.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:53 am
by Yeltsu
See! I told you the Ramorhaz' were easy!

So much for your precious math Silver, when you use the wrong numbers ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:19 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Asriel]See! I told you the Ramorhaz' were easy!

So much for your precious math Silver, when you use the wrong numbers ;) [/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Ones in Battle square are lot thougher than ones in normal game..[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=silverdragon72]...ok - that would explain the difference ! the calculation "monk vs. remorhaz" was based on a battlesquare remorhaz... your chances to win against a BS remorhaz should be close to 0 without levelling up to improve your monks AB dramatically!

btw. strange thing that the BS monsters are tougher then the normal ones !!![/QUOTE]

...have a look at my previous posts:

it was always stated that the calculation was based on a BS remorhaz !


Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:17 pm
by Brynn
[QUOTE=neocool00] Crystal golems didn't hit me either as long as I was blurred and mirrored. [/QUOTE]

You fought the Crystal Golems? :eek:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:17 pm
by Brynn
[QUOTE=silverdragon72]...have a look at my previous posts:

it was always stated that the calculation was based on a BS remorhaz !

Is that different form the ones you meet outside?