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Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2001 9:22 am
by Xyx
Yes, like that.
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2001 4:20 pm
by Garrett
Man, you guys are bad!
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2001 4:23 pm
by fable
Okay, look, I want some Camembert. I'm told you guys have fresh Camembert. I'd like a nice, thick slice, maybe with some lean pepperoni (you know, the kind that eats through your stomach lining while you're inhaling it's aroma), and...
Wait a minute. I thought this was the Cheese Guild? Someone told me you could buy cheeses, here. Hmph. I'll just take my Euros, Dollars and Kopeks elsewhere.
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2001 4:36 pm
Fable, I can get you all the Camenbert you need, baby! I pesonally love a little Danish Blue on some wheat crackers, maybe with a Merlot and some "Fruits of Victory".
Sometimes I'll have Edwin cast Time Stop in the middle of a battle and just have a little snack! My protagonist, Bethyana Cheesewell (TM), likes to Pocket Plane out of dungeons and just chill in the Abyss -have a big old crazy fondue party with all of the NPCs and Crespenar serves ****tails!
Hey everyone's invited!
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2001 12:37 am
by UserUnfriendly
I'm afraid the jake made a mistake, one a true cheeser would not make, since I have experiemented extensively with summoning spells. whenever you gate in a demon any summons near it will turn hostile. some demonic overlord thing, since all the summons I'm aware of are chaotic evil. i know invisible stalkers are, and I'm pretty sure about skeletons, and I suspect swords are too.
superior cheese tactic... I've posted this several times, but never in the hallowed guild thread.
Stand near everrard in saradush, and take pot shots at endless spawning firegiants. since you get a nicce free 2.5 mil xp a game start, it only makes sense to double down on the initial investment.
This makes aerie and jaehira real assets, ive major spells to imoen, and makes savarok with vorpal blade and 10 greater whirlwinds a terror to monsters you can whack with +3 weapon. with ravager +6 I had him take on a planar with globe of blades up, and he took it out in 3 seconds and resisted all the damage!!!
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2001 12:44 am
Unfriendly, thanks for the information...I stand corrected. It's good to know that Masters of Cheese like yourself are ever vigilant, looking after the best interests of The Guild.
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2001 4:30 am
by the Refrigerator
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly:
Stand near everrard in saradush, and take pot shots at endless spawning firegiants. since you get a nicce free 2.5 mil xp a game start, it only makes sense to double down on the initial investment.
How is it possible you see those firegiants? With me they are always hidden in the 'fog of war'. My party ran all over the walls of the city but never saw a fire giant.
Is the sight radius variable in TOB??
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2001 4:54 am
by UserUnfriendly
don't need to see them, the npc ai will start them automatically shoot at any targets if you have missile weapon equipped. savorok, because he's such a aevil bastard started shooting right away. the rest followed. all you need to do is put them next to other archers shooting at the giants.
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2001 5:21 am
by polaris
Userfriendly is right. When I talked with Errard in Saradush, Imoen was plugging away with her Gensen bow at Firegiants even though they were in the fog-of-war. Nice bit of cheese User.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 8:15 am
by Garrett
C'mon people we cant let this die down! I have a question. Is it cheesy or cheating to use Shadowkeeper? My vote goes for cheat but I want to hear what you have to say.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 8:30 am
by Tom
C'mon people we cant let this die down! I have a question. Is it cheesy or cheating to use Shadowkeeper? My vote goes for cheat but I want to hear what you have to say.
its not how big your cheese is - its what you do with it.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 2:14 pm
by Xyx
Is stacking the Strength spell to get 18/100 cheese? Can't be done in PnP.
Is casting quick spells in between attack rounds cheese? Can't be done in PnP.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 2:31 pm
STR spell to get 18/00 - not cheese in my opinion. 18/00 is not that great, casting two lvl 2 spells to get it is not such a great deal considering what else you might have memorized (grt spells like mirror image, blur) Also, Str spell lasts 1/turn per level of caster, not all day.
Cast a spell and attack in the same round. Slightly cheesy, but then I think the whole round/turn structure is not perfectly implemented in Baldur's Gate. (and I'm glad)
In any case, it has been well pointed out the attacks per round that characters make is often not what it's supposed to be, so in my mind the ability to cast and fight sort of makes up for that...
I think there are always going to be some areas where a computer game will not exactly match a dice & lead figures game, but I for one really appreciate the advances that the computer allows.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 2:42 pm
by Crassus
A little bit of cheese with the sensate amulet:
The sensate amulet adds 5 hit points to your maximum hit point total. It also adds 5 points to your current total. So if you equip, unequip, and then re-equip the amulet, you've added 10 hit points to your current total (while adding 5 hit points to your maximum total). You can keep on doing this until you're fully healed.
Only clerics and high-level thieves can wear the amulet, though.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 2:50 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 3:22 pm
by Crassus
I haven't tried this out myself, but I saw this mentioned in another post and thought it would qualify as cheese:
If you find a scroll that you've already memorized, erase it from your spellbook and then memorize it again for the experience.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 3:56 pm
by Xyx
Or go into the Inventory, drink a potion (it'll still be there; you use it after you return to the game), replace it with a scroll. Voila, your Fighter just used a scroll.
Never done it myself, though... I prefer Fighter/Mages.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 4:23 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Certain creatuers in the game, like dragons and shadows of the slayer form in the challenges have obscene str. Like 25 or so. Thats why dragon eing buffets are so nasty and have stun efects. Will also increase chances of hit. This is why you can open that locked door in mindflayer dungeon as slayer.
So cast 2nd level wiz spell strength on them, shouldn't turn them hostile, and should work like magic resistacne, the cleric spell. dropping a 25 str to 18 will make them much easier to kill.
This is jsut a theory, someone go test it out, I'm still in the beginning of TOB.
Strength is also great to give party members who don't have str enhancers that killer edge in melee.
Another tactic I've used successfully in the past is equipping ammo less weapons with ammo. equpp the gesen bow ith arrows of biting, your arrows do electrical damage and poison damage.
Say, can anyone explain exactly how the projectile weapons bonus works? I think to hit is weapon's thalco and arrow thalco combined. however, I had trouble hitting kagaxx with +2 arrows and +2 crossbow.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 5:26 pm
Wow, xyx, that is What a cool trick. I assume it would work with a wand as well, not just a scroll (in retrospect I realize this is probably not true. What about a potion that only a fighter can use - have your mage drink a healing potion, then switch it with a potion of fire giant Str?) . You learn something new every day.
Hey just to keep up my end I have a little trick:
Let's say you pick up Korgan and you want to get the Stonefire axe, or maybe you want the Blade of Roses, but you haven't done the Slaver quest yet. Well, if you just kill Lehtinian (remember to talk to him and open the doors to the back room first so you can do the quest later) and then talk to the Barkeep, you'll have the dialogue option "since Hendak has offered me a discount, show me your wares" and you can buy (or steal) the special items even though you haven't even met or freed Hendak yet.
[ 08-13-2001: Message edited by: THE JAKER ]
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2001 7:26 pm
by polaris
You *do* have a +4 to hit bonus if you fire +2 arrows from a +2 bow. However, when it comes down to determining immunities (for those creatures that can only be hit with magical weapons), only the missile bonus counts. Since you are using +2 arrows and Kangaxx needs +4 weapons or better to be hit, the arrows are wasted. This is true in PnP and BG.