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Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:02 am
by Ravager
[QUOTE=Juniper1028]**APPLAUSE** congrats on your high morale standards!! :p [/QUOTE]

I just wonder when it happened. When did I acquire those standards... :p

[QUOTE=Juniper1028]It is a little early here.....i gotta get warmed up......hold on.... :D ;) [/QUOTE]

I've got to do that literally, quite cold here. Keeps me more alert though, I suppose. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:11 am
by Juniper
I've got to do that literally, quite cold here. Keeps me more alert though, I suppose
**creeeak** door opens for inappropriate comments...... :D ;)

Those newlyacquired moral standars could come into question........oh wait, there yours, not mine!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:14 am
by Ravager
[QUOTE=Juniper1028]**creeeak** door opens for inappropriate comments...... :D ;) [/QUOTE]

Well, I know you wouldn't make any inappropiate comments...
Especially referring to me. :D ;)

[QUOTE=Juniper1028]Those newlyacquired moral standars could come into question........oh wait, there yours, not mine![/QUOTE]

Oh, I'm sure you have perfectly high standards yourself. Yep, I'm confident. Can I test them? :p ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:22 am
by ch85us2001
[QUOTE=Ravager]The opposite to people that have 5 minutes of because they've won a reality show. :p
That's Z-list.


And beng a drag racing god Im on the E-list. E for extreme!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:24 am
by Juniper
[QUOTE=Ravager]Well, I know you wouldn't make any inappropiate comments...
Especially referring to me.[/QUOTE]
Now, why do yo think that?? :D ;) because I'm generally "well behaved?"

[QUOTE=Ravager] Can I test them? :p ;) [/QUOTE]
Now, how exactally are you gonna do that.....I'm fantasticly curious... :D ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:24 am
by Ravager
A god to whom in the drag-racing sport? :p ;)
Now, how exactally are you gonna do that.....I'm fantasticly curious...
I can't go around revealing secrets like that! :p

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:26 am
by ch85us2001
To all the drag-puplings! Duh!!

Oh and I wasn't around yesterday juni. So . . . *kisses juni* Er . . .

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:31 am
by Ravager
Drag- puplings?

Are they learning the art of cross-dressing? :D ;)

Slade must be part of that fan-club. Always asking if you're around. He even PM'ed me to ask that. Suddenly I'm your PA chu? Who died and gave me that job?! :p ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:34 am
by Juniper
ch85us2001 wrote:Oh and I wasn't around yesterday juni. So . . . *kisses juni* Er . . .
Wooooo, WaaWaa.....I certainly didnt see that coming....... :D ;)

I can't go around revealing secrets like that!
Awwwww....please?!! ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:34 am
by ch85us2001
*snaps fingers* wheres my double mocha soy latte?!?!?! I ordered it an hour ago!!!!!! What kind of PA are you???!?!??!?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:36 am
by Ravager
[QUOTE=ch85us2001]*snaps fingers* wheres my double mocha soy latte?!?!?! I ordered it an hour ago!!!!!! What kind of PA are you???!?!??!?[/QUOTE]

I'm going on strike!

"What do I want!" "Freedom, Better Wages, Sanity and More Appreciation!" "When Do I Want It? NOW!" :D

@Juni, it has to wait until we're the only two here... :p ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:36 am
by Mccool
I'm Sick today!
Meaning i can sit here for a bit, yay!
*chough* *thud*

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:38 am
by Ravager
Nice to see you here, a shame you're ill.
Hope you feel better soon.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:40 am
by Mccool
Thank You, but if im well tomorrow i won't be here, however, im off for the first week of november, so i'll be able to come on from early morn to late night!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:40 am
by ch85us2001
*leans juni back and sweeps her off her feet romantically* My dear I think I love you . . . not really I just want a super-delicous-spam-roll! Please! :p

@Mccool I was sick last night as in my toilet will never be the same color again :D

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:42 am
by Ravager
[QUOTE=Mccool] im off for the first week of november, so i'll be able to come on from early morn to late night![/QUOTE]

Luky you, I have University from now till Christmas with no breaks :rolleyes: . I don't go on Tuesdays or Fridays though.

Can I get a spam roll or assorted treat from the goody bag too?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:45 am
by Mccool
Well i feel sorry for you and your toilet.
If i cough anything up it'll be a lung. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:45 am
by ch85us2001
Wow I went from sweeping juni off her feet to puking in 4 seconds! A new record!!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:47 am
by Juniper
There is some nasty icky sickyness going around here......

hope you feel better mccool!! :D
Wow I went from sweeping juni off her feet to puking in 4 seconds! A new record!!]
Eeesh, heres hoping the 2 arent related! :D

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:47 am
by Ravager
I have much more finesse than you, chu. :p ;)
Eeesh, heres hoping the 2 arent related!
That's what I meant! :D