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Post by Hill-Shatar »

Woah, is everyone spamming at once today...

Hello assorted people!

...and Juni. ;)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Hipunklet!!!!!!!!! Trying to figure out how I can talk my Mom into getting a new comp so I can get mods for MW and Oblivian! And slade is a drag racing fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a worshipper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

You dont have a worshipper, drag racing just has another fan. Belogical, Chus. :p

We just got a new comp, for games only. Keeps the unwanted viruses off, ect...

Down to the last couple of names, before I PM Buck and ask for him to change it... I dont know if he will though, names are supposed to be kept throughout your time at Gamebanshee...
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Post by ch85us2001 »

My comp would support TES3 but the disk drive is broken :mad: I dont think it would support TES4 thouigh :(
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

Thankfully the significant other is in the money now... we use mymoney to pay the bills, buy food, get furniture, that sort of thing, so the computer we got was right off the market... meaning that it will be obsolete in a month. :rolleyes:
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Post by ch85us2001 »

My stepfather owns a drywall company. He has alot of work but noone will pay. He has over $800,000 in revenue that has been due for more than a hundred days. :rolleyes: My mothers salon is barely squeeking by (october is the slowest month of the year). I dont think well get one till someone needs to plan something (like a floorplan) :rolleyes:
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

The risks of being self employed. However, sometimes the risks are worth it. Lets just hope you guys get out of the gutter...

Its either Hill-Tar, Hill-Thar, Hill-Kar, Hill-Thatar, Hill-Shar, or hill-shatar.

Still havent made a choice.... and I have to PM sometime, or I wont be able to write anything super long for a while.

I may be a researcher, hoping to get a promotion (translation=open my own lab) in the future. The SO is in more... widespread stuff...
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Post by Juniper »

DAMMIT did I miss hilly ??! :mad:

And POOF! I'm back!
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

[QUOTE=Juniper1028]DAMMIT did I miss hilly ??! :mad: [/QUOTE]

Nope, today its mostly just some mapping. The lab is empty thanks to a safety course that I passes six years ago... so its pretty much paperwork. no one to help ir annoy me today...

How ya doin, Juni? Bent out of shape from your job yet? :p

*poof*? I wne t *clash* like a thunderstorm! Then meekly went to look at my PMs...
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Post by Juniper »

[QUOTE=hill1]How ya doin, Juni? Bent out of shape from your job yet? :p [/QUOTE]
Hill-A-Rific!!! hello my dear! :D ;)

Today is another fine-like-sunshine day! Ahh, work is work....takes alot to get me too bent...its fun here..well, most of the time! ;) :D
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Argh I m tired :o
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

Hey you hot youngin...

My work is fun... I am currently watching as two of my co workers put a seireis of cat butt magnets on our freezer... :p
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Oh Im sure the cats appreciate :p
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Post by Juniper »

Hill the littler one....

Two people are having chair races flying down the hall.......I think someone just crashed!

Its ok....phew dont they are being pushed down the hall....i think its gonna be that kind of afternoon!!
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Tell them if they need a crew chief I can do it online :p
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Post by Juniper »

OHH!! can you make the chairs do that flame thing!
That's be sweet!
Flaming chair races! :D
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

[QUOTE=Juniper1028]Hill the littler one....

Two people are having chair races flying down the hall.......I think someone just crashed!

Its ok....phew dont they are being pushed down the hall....i think its gonna be that kind of afternoon!![/QUOTE]

what, the kind when people use the word magnets to print out... never mind.

The boss just wandered in, and is now trying to put magnetrric torusers on the cats (yes, our boss likes magnets). We are all nuts... and there was just a loud bang from the lab over and a lot of laughing, meaning that they... oops, no, with, the guy was using the magnetic thingy to stir some bacteria up. It blew out and turn the bacteria into some sort of milk... todays slow... except for the people wrestling behind my desk...

flaming chair races! WOOT! *Runs to get popcorn*
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Post by ch85us2001 »

You should look at the SYM photoalbum hill!!!!!!!! Theres a big explosion that I know how to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :cool:
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

I have not looked in that thread. Id rather you were all faceless usernames. (kidding)

Ive already seen what many people here look like... I guess Im gonna have to get a digital camera soon, post a picture of myself... :p
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Did you check it today?? theres a new one. Id rather every body remained faceless to. I wanted mag to have long gray stringy hair. ;)
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