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Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:34 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Speaking of the Panthers, they got a steal with DeShaun Foster in the second round. The kid is impressive
Sure hes impressive. But he does stupid things. He got suspended for a number of games last year for stealing (?), or drunk driving (?). Regardless of what he did, it was bad. Theres nothing worse in sports, than a talented athelete that isnt smart enough to not break the law/rules. I hate to see such talent get wasted when a player isnt really thinking about the consequences. If he keeps his head straight, he will be a great runner. I have confidence that he's learned his lesson.
Did you think Chris Weinke was smart last year, or do you think he is too old? And do you think they should have waited a year until he starts for the entire season?
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:42 pm
by Aqua-chan
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:43 pm
by Tybaltus
Welcome back, AC. Im sorry to hear you cant sleep, but its good for you to stop by and get angry at BS.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:43 pm
by Bloodstalker
I think Weinke was a mistake any way you look at it. He was wht, 29 when he was drafted? or 28? they can talk maturity all they want, but unless you are Dan Marino, it takes about 3 years to get comfortabe in a pro offense. That would make him about 31-32. Most QB's don't play past about 35-36 anyway, and I just don't think it is worth it. When he starts getting to the point he can contribute in a big way, they will by neccessity have to start looking for his replacement.
To me, if you take a player with a high draft choice, you should at least want that player, esp QB, to have at least 10 good years in him. I don't understand giving that high a pic to a player who is about to enter his 30's.
Just my opinion of course.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:48 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
I think Weinke was a mistake any way you look at it. He was wht, 29 when he was drafted? or 28? they can talk maturity all they want, but unless you are Dan Marino, it takes about 3 years to get comfortabe in a pro offense. That would make him about 31-32. Most QB's don't play past about 35-36 anyway, and I just don't think it is worth it. When he starts getting to the point he can contribute in a big way, they will by neccessity have to start looking for his replacement.
To me, if you take a player with a high draft choice, you should at least want that player, esp QB, to have at least 10 good years in him. I don't understand giving that high a pic to a player who is about to enter his 30's.
Just my opinion of course.
He actually wasnt a high pick. They got him in the 5th round or something. But you are right about the age-deal. If he was about 5 years younger, he would have been a
huge bargain. Hes talented, theres no question about that. He deserved the Heisman that year. But the age-thing is really a bad deal for him. Thats why I think its a shame that Flutie played as many years in the Canadian league for aslong as he did. He would be a shoe-in for the hall of fame if he played those 10 years in the NFL. Who knows what he could have done to the defenses of the NFL if he played in those years.
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:48 pm
by Aqua-chan
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:52 pm
by Tybaltus
@AC and this is going to murder your sleeping schedule. By waking up at 3 am today, I would have assumed that you would have gone to bed 4 hours ago. And now you cant sleep. I truly feel bad for you.

Hopefully a conversation with BS will eventually get you sleepy, though,

so that you can actually get that important sleep.
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:52 pm
by Bloodstalker
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:56 pm
by Aqua-chan
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:58 pm
by Bloodstalker
I'll do that, I'll put an AC clause on the label
but look on the bright side, you got me for company

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:59 pm
by Tybaltus
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 10:03 pm
by Bloodstalker
Is that sarcasm I detect?

and here I was going to sing you a lullaby

I should have known better than to be nice

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 10:05 pm
by Aqua-chan
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 10:08 pm
by Bloodstalker
Nothing can be that bad
You have any requests? I don't know many sleep inducing melodies
Want me to sing Up All Night? Slaughter rocked.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 10:08 pm
by Tybaltus
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 10:12 pm
by Aqua-chan
DOn't worry about singing to me: my dog is perfectly happy with my place in the bed, and there is pretty much no chance that I can move her, soooo....

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 10:16 pm
by Bloodstalker
Sorry to here about you losing your bed....I can recommend the bathtub, as long as it doesn't leak
you could walk into another wall and hope it makes you drowsy
*this will be the last wall reference I will make*

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 10:20 pm
by Aqua-chan
Well, I'm just going to go overdose on my NyQuil and see how drowzy that makes me.

I'll talk to you boys tomarrow, and if I'm not in while you two are around (I'm going shopping tomarrow, you see.

) then I will see ya around.
Hugs @ BS
Hugs @ Tibby
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 10:22 pm
by Bloodstalker
Later AC *hug*
Well, I guess I'll just crank W.A.S.P. on the stereo