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Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:29 pm
by Reaver32
I would like a force power that allows you to pick stuff up(people and 'items') and throw it, and i understand that the objects cant just pop out of the ground. the force disarm idea makes you too powerful unless you make a skill/feat that makes you immune to it(for enemies and yourself i guess).
Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:25 pm
by Darth Valrith
Heres an interesting scenario to help you think about it:
Your fighting off a million mercenaries (sure) and you notice a large door behind them. you open the door withour them knowing and all of a sudden a milllion boma beasts storm out and rampage the mercenaries.[/QUOTE]
love the idea. as i was reading it i thought you were going to suggest something i wanted to suggest: instead of using the force to open the door and let loose bomas and rancors or w/e else, simply remove the door from the frame and pull it towards you and squash the jerks with it (either yank it towards you and it hits them from behind and break their spines, or raise it above them and drop it). if it keeps coming at you, just jump up and going for a bit of surfing relaxation
i also wouldnt mind being able to pick up things with the force and use em against enemies (e.g. rip a computer console out of teh floor and hurl it at a target (or several)). another thing i'd like is if ur in a place with a cliff (shyrack cave on korriban), use a force push (push or wave) and toss an enemy into the chasm. only exceptions would be bosses. dont wanna make game too easy. its too easy as it is
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:44 pm
by obrad
How about using Force to levitate? That way you could actually push the boss off the cliff, but he would just lose some FP flying back on.
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:21 am
by mr_sir
[QUOTE=obrad]How about using Force to levitate? That way you could actually push the boss off the cliff, but he would just lose some FP flying back on.[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure I'd like that, being able to use the force to fly/levitate just doesn't sound right to me and its not something I've ever come across in the Star Wars stories (although I have never read any of the books etc., just seen the films). In the films, when they get themselves back up again after falling over the edge it is using force jump while dangling from a ledge. Something like that after knocking someone over a cliff would make more sense to me in a boss fight than using the force to levitate.
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:59 am
by obrad
But if you can lift a spaceship off the ground (witch Yoda did when he was training Luke Skywalker) why not yourself? And just how did Luke survive a hundred meter long fall after the first fight with Vader, if he didn't use Force to slow his descent? After all, can't you just pick up a stone and stand on it while it's in the mid-air?
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:09 am
by DesR85
[QUOTE=obrad]But if you can lift a spaceship off the ground (witch Yoda did when he was training Luke Skywalker) why not yourself?[/QUOTE]
I don't know what kind of force power is that. Presumably, if that force power was implemented in the game, do you want it to be alongside your arsenal of Force powers or only at certain points in the game?
[QUOTE=obrad]And just how did Luke survive a hundred meter long fall after the first fight with Vader, if he didn't use Force to slow his descent? After all, can't you just pick up a stone and stand on it while it's in the mid-air?[/QUOTE]
Its been a while since I've watched the Star Wars movies but if I recall correctly, Luke fell to the side (short distance) and slid down all the way to that hanging antennae/tripod (or whatever the heck it is) before being rescued by the Millenium Falcon. You don't need the Force to survive that short a fall before the sliding part.
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:30 am
by obrad
[QUOTE=DesR85]I don't know what kind of force power is that. Presumably, if that force power was implemented in the game, do you want it to be alongside your arsenal of Force powers or only at certain points in the game?
I think it's called Force grip or Force lift or something. Someone else suggested it, not me, but I like it.
[QUOTE=DesR85]Its been a while since I've watched the Star Wars movies but if I recall correctly, Luke fell to the side (short distance) and slid down all the way to that hanging antennae/tripod (or whatever the heck it is) before being rescued by the Millenium Falcon. You don't need the Force to survive that short a fall before the sliding part.[/QUOTE]
Yes, you do. It wasn't all that short, and he was wounded already. Besides, if you ask me, he would need Force to survive the sliding part as well.
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:29 am
by Chanak
@obrad and DesR85: Work out your differences in PMs, not on the forum. Any further posts like those will be deleted immediately. Continued behavior in that vein may result in further actions.
@bigredpanda: Trolling is unacceptable here on the GameBanshee forums. Click on the Forum Rules link at the top of the page to reference the applicable statements about that.
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:13 am
by zander811
Force powers would be great if you had in interactive environment, where you can pull apart chunks of the walls and hurl them at your opponents, like Dooku in Episode II.
Being able to cut through doors, not just stabbing them, would be great, too. By cut I mean like Qui-gon was doing in Episode I before the blast doors were sealed. I know someone's gonna say "well what if you're not supposed to go through a specific door?" then it can be like a top-security door, where it says "impossible," only this door can say "the door is too thick to cut through" or something to that effect.
Get rid of "Saved" when someone shocks you and you don't get hurt. Make the lightsaber catch it, or you catch it like Yoda in Ep II.
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:58 pm
by DesR85
[QUOTE=zander811]Force powers would be great if you had in interactive environment, where you can pull apart chunks of the walls and hurl them at your opponents, like Dooku in Episode II.[/Quote]
Agreed. So far I haven't seen any game that has interactive environments apart from Half Life 2. Well, if the next game allows to do so, as you mentioned, it will be a lot of fun and enjoyable. On the plus side, you can use the environment to your advantage in solving puzzles and dispatching enemies.
Being able to cut through doors, not just stabbing them, would be great, too. By cut I mean like Qui-gon was doing in Episode I before the blast doors were sealed. I know someone's gonna say "well what if you're not supposed to go through a specific door?" then it can be like a top-security door, where it says "impossible," only this door can say "the door is too thick to cut through" or something to that effect.[/Quote]
That would be a really great idea. I always wanted to slice through inaccessible doors. But as for thicker doors, I agree with you that it will be impossible to cut through. But maybe you could have some alternative way of opening doors like using a mini computer to hack into the nearby console to bypass the door or something similar.
Get rid of "Saved" when someone shocks you and you don't get hurt. Make the lightsaber catch it, or you catch it like Yoda in Ep II.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. I was starting to dislike that 'saved' whenever you attack someone with a Force power. The guy could've at least dodged/blocked that blow to show that your hit didn't affect him/her. As for th lightning block, I agree that at least you have the ability to use the lightsaber to absorb it.
EDIT: Removed some inappropriate sentences.
Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:25 am
by obrad
I think they should make bonuses given by battle meditation stack with multiple casts. That way you could actually make character chanel on that power ( tell him to cast it over and over ). How can it affect war if it just gives you +4 to hit,damage and will? And why is it called meditation if you just move a hand and that's it?
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:26 am
by pk10222
It would be cool if you could get some of darth treyas powers like the multiple force crush and the floating light sabors

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:35 am
by DesR85
[QUOTE=pk10222]It would be cool if you could get some of darth treyas powers like the multiple force crush and the floating light sabors

Multiple Force Crush? I think lining up the force crush power at the combat menu should be enough, unless I could be wrong, that is. About the floating lightsabers, I did mention this idea once a long time back but yes, its a good Force Power. Just add some more neat additions like these lightsabers can come from your inventory (since you collect quite a number of them). Good for crowd control, that kind of force power.
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:08 pm
by Darth Valrith
I have another idea for lightsaber combat. in the last 2 games, the lightsaber came back to your hand after throwing it. but i cant say i saw that happen with vader when he threw it at Luke. i think after you throw it, it should sometimes just jab into an enemy and kill them at that point (only at certain health levels. obviously not at full health). when they die, you have to go to the corpse and gather the "Remains" and voila! there's your lightsaber again.
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:51 pm
by zander811
I would like to see a reaction to force, not just getting parralized, maybe some writhing in pain on the floor w/ shock. And I want them to react likewise if they don't get hurt, like absorb it w/ the lightsaber or hand, or w/ push you could use your own push to stop it, that way if you're tired, you can't stop a push, like it would be in "real" life. Stuff to that idea.
I want to add how I didn't like how you could call upon the god of force push by sticking your hand in the air and viola, your opponents are thrust against the ground. Ya, idk about you all, but I distinctly remember in many Star Wars movies the jedi throwing multiple enemies against the ground w/ 1 push. Fix that.
And DesR85, I guess I didn't make clear what I meant by saying that you can't cut through ALL doors. I meant that if there was a door you were not supposed to go through, like in KOTOR I where Bastilla gets captured, you're not supposed to reach her. Those instances you shouldn't be able to cut through the doors. All other doors are accessible, like would be in the movies.
While I'm on the subject of cutting through doors, I'd like it to be like the Ep III game, where you can stab/cut a hole in the doors, that way it wouldn't be the exact same thing every time, and would add some variation.
I'd just like to be able to use more forms of persuasion on civilians, whether it be force persuade, or pull out a lightsaber on them, or threaten more.
And idk about the throwing lightsaber thing, if you're in the middle of a big battle, and you lose your lightsaber, you're screwed.
Also, I'd like to see more ability to make your own path. Path of the light means killing the sith and making peace in the Republic, path of the dark is kill the sith and take over the family business, but what about nuetral? Why can't you go off and say "screw it, I'm doing my own thing"? I'd like to see that. Also, if you can take over the sith empire, or just end it, why can't you take over the Republic? Or at least end it for real, not just get a movie that says "hey, you took over, but you don't get to rule, you pretty much just have to guess what happens." And seeing as how it's prolly gonna be the last game in the series, they don't have to worry about where to start the next one. If they do make another one, you could choose how the last one ended, by choosing to start "game 1" or "game 2." If you start light, it'd be "oh, the sith are after you...again." If you start dark, it'd be "there's a rebellian against your empire" or something to that effect.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:39 am
by DesR85
[QUOTE=zander811]I would like to see a reaction to force, not just getting parralized, maybe some writhing in pain on the floor w/ shock. And I want them to react likewise if they don't get hurt, like absorb it w/ the lightsaber or hand, or w/ push you could use your own push to stop it, that way if you're tired, you can't stop a push, like it would be in "real" life. Stuff to that idea.
Agreed. But I would only want the guy to be writhing when he/she was force pushed and hit something hard like a wall before falling down. That's more logical to me. I would also want to see people reacting to the environment, especially when hit by a grenade or force pushed. Anyway, its fun to see people falling off the railings or the edge of a platform again instead of getting stuck onto the said platform even though you know that force pushing him off the edge will make him/her fall off. Another thing to add is to see the railing break.
I want to add how I didn't like how you could call upon the god of force push by sticking your hand in the air and viola, your opponents are thrust against the ground.
That hand stiking to the air looks irksome. Its as if he's summoning something or invoking some powerful magic which instead just turns out to be force push? Come on. Just give him/her the hand pose of facing forward rather than upwards.
Ya, idk about you all, but I distinctly remember in many Star Wars movies the jedi throwing multiple enemies against the ground w/ 1 push. Fix that. [/QUOTE]
Ragdoll physics is the solution. HAVOK Good!

Anyway, back to the point. Yes, its about time that force push gets the power it deserves. In fact, they should include some radius so that you know the range and effect of your force push. That will give some sense of logic rather than pushing just one guy when the others are clumped together.
And DesR85, I guess I didn't make clear what I meant by saying that you can't cut through ALL doors. I meant that if there was a door you were not supposed to go through, like in KOTOR I where Bastilla gets captured, you're not supposed to reach her. Those instances you shouldn't be able to cut through the doors. All other doors are accessible, like would be in the movies.
Well, that could come through a cutscene where there is nothing you can do but just straightaway go away from the area. I don't like it when you still linger around even though that person ask you to leave the door.
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:41 am
by zander811
Again, I fail at making myself clear, I guess I need to work on clarity. This time, I failed to make clear that I want writhing to be part of being shocked. Pushed, yes, I want reation, other than the look like someone pulled the carpet out from underneath you.
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 12:12 am
by DesR85
I wonder if this force power might be good because this idea comes from Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (seen the E3 demo, by the way). Its about this fireball except that you control the movement of the fireball with your crosshair. So, if you aim your crosshair at an enemy, you will be able to direct the fireball towards the enemy and hit it, especially when he/she is moving. Good also for hitting enemies that are airborne.
P.S. I think that this fireball of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic seems to have taken a page from Half-Life 2 about using the laser on the rocket launcher to direct the missile.
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 3:53 pm
by Darth_Juro
I'd like to see a power called Force Manipulation.....think of it we have force crush,force push,choke,lightning...but what about a power that can make someone or something do what you want it to do?
Example:Taris KOTOR I, Slums, there is a sith trooper next to like 100,000,000,000 turrets...if you attack him the turrets kill you. Say you have Force Manipulation and you can make the Door guard of the Beks or the club bouncer attack him without risk to your health?
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:16 pm
by obrad
Well, you do have Force Confusion in the second part. Target of that Force power fights on your side for a period of time. Isn't that just what you are suggesting?