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Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:17 am
by Reaver32
[QUOTE=xxVintersorgxx]the entire Star Wars saga was about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader not so much luke Skywalker. The whole basis was that Darth Vader was to bring balance to the force, which at the end of episode 6 he did, by killing the emperor and turning back to the light(and dying). Episodes 1-6 was his story...[/QUOTE]
sry but i do believe the SW story was made to follow luke skywalker since he was the focus in the original trilogy, the Episode 1-3 was just a way to make money and answer some questions(made tons, but weren't very good movies). however, i can see how you linked vader being the main character, but that wasnt his original purpose.
i also dont agree with Revan=Vader since both characters have different backgrounds (dont even know all about revan- fought in mandalorian war, used star forge, came back to kill malak{for gain or justice}, went to the outer rim). Vader, you know the story of being born poor, becoming a fighter pilot(episode 1), becoming a jedi, his mother gets killed by sandpeople= he kills all those sandpeople(episode 2), he gets married/ not allowed by jedi(episode2), gets all angry because he wants to be respected even though he is fueled by temptations(episode 3), kills the younglings and later becomes vader(episode 3). to make a generalization like that seems a little too far fetched.
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:41 pm
by Leet
One main reason i suppos would be becasue we find it exiting so use someon who is so mysterious and has disappeard , just how they built him up to be some super person. Personally i wouldnt playing revan again but id really hate if they brought him bak with no powers and restart, instead they should bring him back lvl 20+ and in somekinda war, maybe the Mandalorian War , so you play in it. Newayz i kinda went off track, but yeh Revan would be pritty cool to play again as Sith Lord or Jedi Master
Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:38 pm
by xxVintersorgxx
Well .... Darth Revan and Darth Vader are central characters of the plot. And.. they are very much similar.
Anakin/Vader and Revan/insert your character here... both started as a great Jedi, where incredibly fast learners.. both one of the best force users of their time, turned to the dark side, (and in the canon) they both redeemed themselves turning back to the light... but thats besides the point.
What I meant by saying Revan = Vader (in KotOR series).. is that they are central to the plot. Even when you are following Luke in the movies, you find the plot sort of revolving around his father...
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:12 am
by DesR85
Well .... Darth Revan and Darth Vader are central characters of the plot. And.. they are very much similar.
Anakin/Vader and Revan/insert your character here... both started as a great Jedi, where incredibly fast learners.. both one of the best force users of their time, turned to the dark side, (and in the canon) they both redeemed themselves turning back to the light... but thats besides the point.
What I meant by saying Revan = Vader (in KotOR series).. is that they are central to the plot. Even when you are following Luke in the movies, you find the plot sort of revolving around his father...
Okay, that makes sense. Now I understand your point about the similarities between Darth Vader and Revan.
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:37 am
by Reaver32
[QUOTE=xxVintersorgxx]Anakin/Vader and Revan/insert your character here... both started as a great Jedi, where incredibly fast learners.. both one of the best force users of their time, turned to the dark side, (and in the canon) they both redeemed themselves turning back to the light... but thats besides the point.[/QUOTE]
Revan wasnt a fast learner, when you play as him, he already had his memory removed, and once he begins training, he pretty much (doesnt realize that he was already trained) knows how to use the force.
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:12 pm
by xxVintersorgxx
we are getting off the point. lol
i would like to see him/her as a main playable char... because the story thus far very much revolves around Revan.. and i want closure !
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:11 pm
by Reaver32
i would like closure also, but i dont want to play as revan again. i do see your point about him always being part of the plot: is it that you like his character and want to play him again, or do you really think that playing as revan again will somehow answer all your questions? Im just trying to put myself in your shoes, not trying to be bothersome or contradictory
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:56 pm
by xxVintersorgxx
Not that I dont think its possible to get this closure.. but id like to mold his path through the story, rather than watching it from another character's perspective..
I think it would really take away from the story in general if it wasnt from Revan's point of view.. I would also like to be able to battle these "True Sith" or whatever he went out to find. It would give you more powers to play with, and you get to play with the "big guns" to start with. My only hope is, that if they do go this path.. the whole mind wipe thing is behind them...
Im not saying that they couldn't make a kickass plot around Revan and not include him/her as a playable character, but it will take an incredible amount of extra playtime and plot twists that may end up being hard to follow. Or they might simply end the story with hearsay (ie. The Exile returns to tell you the fate of Revan) which would leave me, personally, unsatisfied.
The only other real option I see, that may please everyone. Perhaps they make multiple "main chapters" so to speak.. 2 or 3 chapters..
1)A story of a new guy, who set out to find Revan in the republic's time of need(maybe someone not even force sensitive (like a droid) or one of the jedi you could train in KotOR2)
2)Meeting up with The Exile and/or Revan (atleast finding out The Exiles fate)
3)The final chapter (this closure everyone including myself really wants and needs out of this series)
my most honest answer
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 3:54 pm
by Stevie
I thought the big revelation (while not a big surprise) in KOTOR was great, it really added something to the character you play IMO. Those who trash it and instead claim KOTOR II was better in that regard are having a laugh. The big revelation of KOTOR II...the Exile is a 'wound' in the Force, s/he could somehow 'kill the Force', s/he's an 'echo' in the Force, blah, blah, blah.
The plot twist was silly and made no sense, it was just a load of babble.
Hopefully kotOR III will have a much improved plot.
As for whether Revan should return in III, no way, no point in having a level 50 Jedi as the main character! But he, Bastila, Carth and Canderous should make guest appearances, it would be nice to find out what happened to Revan and how his story is resolved.
Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 4:46 pm
by obrad
I don't want him as a main playable character, I just want him to be around, maybe as a party member. As for the level, he wasn't level 50 when you finished KotOR I, but level 20.
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:38 am
by niksa
I liked my Revan character but I don't want to play her again... She's done. However I do want to know more about what the canon Revan did when he left for the outer rim. I don't have to play Revan to find out though.
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:48 am
by radivoje krga
If Revan\Exile come back to Kotor III anything but a quest appearance would be too complicated. So I am just waiting for a fresh new story and characters.
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 4:37 am
by xxVintersorgxx
i doubt KotOR will ever live up to its expectations, and is probably why it hasn't been developed yet, publicly anyway... i still want revan back
Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:56 pm
by LordAzrael3284
I would like to see Revan and the Exile in KOTOR III. In my opinion both the games with their various characters and storylines should come to their conclusion. The Star Wars saga revolves around trilogys and I think KOTOR should follow in suit. So many questions about Revan in KOTOR I answered in KOTOR II just to raise even further questions. In playing the games you know what I am talking about. Seriously Who,What,When,Where,and WHY??? So many possibilities, even more probabilities. I however would like to play another character different from both Revan and the Exile, maybe following in their footsteps discovering their wherabouts and the true sith empire mentioned of in KOTOR II.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:32 am
by xxVintersorgxx
[QUOTE=LordAzrael3284]I would like to see Revan and the Exile in KOTOR III. In my opinion both the games with their various characters and storylines should come to their conclusion. The Star Wars saga revolves around trilogys and I think KOTOR should follow in suit. So many questions about Revan in KOTOR I answered in KOTOR II just to raise even further questions. In playing the games you know what I am talking about. Seriously Who,What,When,Where,and WHY??? So many possibilities, even more probabilities. I however would like to play another character different from both Revan and the Exile, maybe following in their footsteps discovering their wherabouts and the true sith empire mentioned of in KOTOR II.[/QUOTE]
that's agreeable. I dont care so much about Revan being the main character, but more that the story finishes up all the loose ends, and tells a believable and exciting story
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:10 pm
by Revan12200
Revan's Story
I think whether having Revan in kotor 3 truly comes down to if Revan’s part in the Star Wars story is finished.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:44 pm
by DesR85
[QUOTE=Revan12200]I think whether having Revan in kotor 3 truly comes down to if Revan’s part in the Star Wars story is finished.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. If both Revan and the Exile are part of the main story, they should
be in the game and in person. Not somewhere in the background.
P.S. Welcome to the forums, Revan12200.
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:11 am
by Darmos
I would like to see the Exile and Revan again, but not as playable characters. I would envision them as masters in a hidden academy established by Revan who assign quests and teach force powers. Possible story line is that the Exile's crew party members go in search of the Exile, thus starting off as non-Jedi but with a ship. Then convert to Jedi upon finding the academy and progressing up in power from there. That would be interesting to me.
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:25 am
by DesR85
Darmos wrote:I would like to see the Exile and Revan again, but not as playable characters. I would envision them as masters in a hidden academy established by Revan who assign quests and teach force powers.
Just one question. Don't you want to know what happened to Revan and the reason why the Exile goes out to search for him?
Darmos wrote:
Possible story line is that the Exile's crew party members go in search of the Exile, thus starting off as non-Jedi but with a ship. Then convert to Jedi upon finding the academy and progressing up in power from there. That would be interesting to me.
I thought that there are some of the Exile's crew are in the ship before it escaped Malachor V?
I'm not really sure of it myself, given that the game didn't fully explain what happened to the crew after the turn of events prior to the Rebuilt Jedi Academy incident with the three Jedi Masters.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:56 am
by wombat888
why Revan
actually ithink i may of figured out why we want revan back okay then to be honest the first kotor rules and the second one really sucked (storyline wise)
Matter of opinion. I think the storyline in KOTOR I was pretty basic, and that the storyline in KOTOR II was way better. I also think Kreia is about 10 times cooler than Malak.
But anyway - I think people want to play as Revan because he's presented in both games as being, probably, the most powerful individual in the galaxy of his era. He has a lot of positive PR.
He can't be the main character in KOTOR III for exactly that reason. What are you going to do? Start off as a level 20 or higher jedi, and play your way up to level 40 or 50 while toppling empires every other day? Or alternately, did your memory get wiped AGAIN? A bit strange, wouldn't that be?