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Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 5:06 am
by Xandax
I'll ad an 's so it'll be "Blades of The Banshee" - 'kay?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 5:08 am
by Nippy
Yep dats cool thx man!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 5:24 am
by Xandax
Okay people - I've added some new logo's/banner - all the other have been deleted and I'm to lazy to edit all the posts :D

But here are some suggestions:
(I like botb-2+ botb-3 best myself)
[url=""]Banner botb.gif[/url]

[url=""]Banner botb-1.gif[/url]

[url=""]Banner botb-2.gif[/url]

[url=""]Banner botb-3.gif[/url]

[url=""]Banner botb-4.gif[/url]

[url=""]Banner botb-6.gif[/url]

[url=""]Banner botb-7.gif[/url]

Remember colour can be change quickly if desiered - so don't hold back.

[ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 5:45 am
by Weasel
I will look at them this evening.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 9:26 am
by Aegis
Well, All I want in this endevour is a chance to defend Guild honour. Possible a Captain of gaurd or something like that. Just give me the chance. Trust me, in games like this, I am quite insane in battle, and it pays off.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 10:38 am
by Xandax
I've though of some possible names for the ranks - what do you think?

Warrior Wing(Division/branch or something) – consisting of fighters + kits and Fallen Paladins/Rangers
Warlord of the “Blades of The Banshee”
Warrior in the “Blades of The Banshee”

Rouge Wing – consisting of thieves kits and (bards??) + kits
Shadow Master of the “Blades of The Banshee”
Thief, Bard in the “Blades of The Banshee”

Nature Wing – druids and rangers + kits.
Great Druid/Grand Ranger of the “Blades of The Banshee”
Druid, Ranger in the “Blades of The Banshee”

Divine Wing – clerics and paladins + kits.
Chosen Priest/Chosen Paladin of the “Blades of The Banshee”
Cleric of <deity>, Paladin (of <deity> (if wanted)) in the “Blades of The Banshee”

Magi Wing – mages, sorcerers.
High Wizard of the “Blade of The Banshee”
Mage, Sorcerer in the “Blade of The Banshee”

We could also, when the guild is up and running, put more ranks into each wing.

[ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 11:16 am
by Xyx
Originally posted by Tamerlane:
<STRONG>I was wondering, will you be able to colour co-ordinate your characters in NWN, because that'll make the guild a lot more presentable. And a uniform of sorts, usually generates a lot of attention.</STRONG>
I vote for black! :D
Originally posted by Nippy:
<STRONG>I think that there should be this for the divisions:

Nature People
Godly People
That would mean lumping together people with a totally different outlook... Ethos and Alignment do not necessarily match between two members of the same class. There might be Fighters that worship Pelor the Sun God, Bards that do not enjoy music much (have one of those in my PnP group; fancies himself something of a warrior-mage), and, most importantly, Clerics of opposing deities. You wouldn't want to put those in the same room, would you? :D

Also, there are different types of players. Powergamers and Roleplayers don't always mix that well.

Not that there isn't merit to the idea, mind you. People will probably hang out with their adventuring party for the most time, so having a place to "get away from it all" (such as a guild library, training ground or temple) would be the ideal place to meet others and roleplay.

If the die-hards make the Guild an interesting and welcoming place, I'm sure the rest will sort itself out. :)
Originally posted by Nippy:
<STRONG>If there is a dual class or multi-class in the case of the dual-class you must stick with your first choice of class. Multi-class may pick one of the classes that they are.</STRONG>
There are no duals in D&D3, nor multis in the way you know them from AD&D. Instead, each time you gain a level, you get to choose that level's class. With some minor restrictions, you can choose any class you like. I expect about 50% of players to choose at least 2 classes.
Originally posted by Nippy:
<STRONG>What do people think? The council would vote on things and report the decisions to the Lieutenant, the Lieutenant would then distribute the information through the guild.</STRONG>
Obviously I think it's a great idea. :) Guild leadership should not be taken lightly, though. If it looks like fun, you're probably doing it wrong. :D A good guildmaster has to be both a diplomat and a strategist, both a Powergamer and a Roleplayer, placing the interests of his (or her) guild above everything else. I wouldn't want such a position...
Originally posted by Xandax:
<STRONG>I've added some new logo's/banner</STRONG>
I like number 4. :) Dark yet shiny. Could it be a one-liner? Maybe we could work a sword or something in there, whith the text engraved in the blade?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 11:33 am
by Xandax
@Xyx: regarding wings in the guild: just because people belong in the same wing, dosen't mean that they go on adventure together - what we must strive after when adventuring is to be able to put together a diverse band of adventure - so I don't think ethos would be a problem (maybe :D ) - plus the thing that binds us all is GB :)

Regarding the logo/banner, I could very well make it a one line banner - that would cause the sparkles to be very similar though, since I'm using the computer to animate the logo. As for putting swords in - I'm all for trying, but I can't draw a sword, so others must make such a banner/logo.

I've slowly started building a website - and for now it will be located at [url=""][/url] - wich will redirect you into [url=""][/url] - you decide wich page you want to use.
There is some tweaks I have to work out with my personal website, such as the "favicon" (the little icon in your favorite list) where I for my personal website use a smiley, but that doesen't go well with our guild :D

That is all from me for now - if you look at the page, just remember it is under construction.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 11:45 am
by Drakron Du´Dark
There are no kits on 3rd.
Only pestige classes but they are not to be included in the game, at least is what is being sayed.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 12:55 pm
by Nippy
This is good, people are coming up with good ideas. I think instead of having just one guildmaster we should stick with a council that decides the decisions that need to be made. A vote, I think is the right way to go.

[ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Nippy ]

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 1:57 pm
by Aegis
I just want to command a small portian of the forces, namely the fighters. You guys have have a discussion about Guild leader. Also, we should have person who runs it all, then the five individual leaders. From there, we can seperate the members into Captains's, Liuetenants's, and troops. The Captain would be the next under the Warlord for instance, then the Liuetenant, then troops. I want to be the captain, as I'd rather not deal with the actually running of the Guild.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 2:03 pm
by Nippy
See this is the thing, I want to play not just organise. I would be glad to organise stuff but I don't think one person should be the head of it all. It needs all 5 people to make a fair desicion. With 5 people we get a majority and we can all make fair decisions. What are people's opinions on having a squadron commander who mingles with the troops like Aegis says.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 2:18 pm
by Xandax
I like the idea of a council that makes decisions best. But I still think we should have a "Guildmaster" even though the person is just a "front-figure" without any power.
(or maybe we could make it a Council of Six with 5 "wing-leaders" and one guild-master, with the Guildmaster with 2 votes in case of a tie)

But I like the idea of a Council of Five - and desisions being made in this council by a simple majority.

But maybe we should figure out which classes people are going to play so we can get organised.

As for fearing to much "organisation" will interefeer with playing - well, there is still about six months to get the organisation to function - and one it is up and running, phasing in new people/recruits( :D ) should be simple.

What did people think of my "wing-leader" names?

[ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 2:24 pm
by Nippy
I like the new wing names. Ok this is bound to be a hard question but who do people think should lead the wings?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 2:37 pm
by Xandax
I wouldn't mind having something to do with the magical part :)
But it isn't anything I'm dying to get :D

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 3:08 pm
by Nippy
Ok people put down want your probable class will be and then we can vote for people.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 3:11 pm
by Xandax
Uhh - popular contest - I like them, well actually I don't I always loose.

Well as things stand now - I'll be playing a CN Mage - so I'm up for wing-commander ( :D ) of the magi-wing.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 3:11 pm
by Aegis
Heh... Command... I like command....


I think it should be a vote, so here starts the tally.

Warlord: 1 for me :) :D

Shadow Master: Weasel (Causes he's so devious :) )

Great Druid/Grand Ranger: whoever wants it.

Chosen Priest/Chosen Paladin: Nippy

High Wizard: Xandax

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 3:18 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG><snip>Shadow Master: Weasel (Causes he's so devious :) )
That may be - but I think he wants to play a paladin :)

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2001 3:35 pm
by Nippy
I imagine Weasel wants to be the Chosen Paladin but I hate playing rangers, I dunno I'll do whatever people want to vote me in for. (I like fighters btw!) :D