Uhm, I'd want to add my opinion about taxes, earned incomes and such.
My father pays about 50%
base taxes from his income.
Then you have to add all the little and conceiled taxes that are not counted explicitely
when you pay the base ones.
Then you have to add all the taxes that a family pays when buying goods of any kind.
Then the (very high) taxes just for the
owning of cars or houses or whatever.
Then... I could go on.
I can't do an exact exstimation, but my father, basically, creates
more richness
for the community than for himself and his family.
(For the sakes of semplicity, I exclude my mother's incomes from the reasoning).
Does he deserve to enjoy the rest (less than a half) of his income?
Forgive the little usual dramatic story, but it's really functional to my arguments.
Well, he came from a family definetely not rich.
They lived in 15 in an apartment, not so small, but still...
He started university, and I can assure you, university in Italy at his times was REALLY hard.
It was really meant to SELECT, not to graduate all those who payed.
The university was at Pisa, so he had to reach it every day by train.
Soon it became evident that in order to keep the pace, he had to study while in train, both
in the morning and in the evening. Then he had a little time after dinner, and of course,
he used to sacrifice Saturday and Sunday to his studies.
When he completed the first brillantly, he took
ANOTHER course of study.
Again I point out the level of difficulty of the italian university in those times, which
isn't unequaled anywhere in these days, I'm sure.
When he completed the second, he started his work as a free professionist, and slowly
he build up something. Not without difficulties but let's forget those, for now
On the other hand, I saw many of my friends, at 15 or so, leave the school for a manual
work of some kind. I'm not speaking about persons in extreme need... I speak about
guys who didn't feel like keep the studies. They wanted some more money *immediately*, they
wanted to buy themselves a scooter (or later, a car), and mostly, they wanted that kind
of work to have freedom. You have to work 8 hours, starting from the morning, but at 5 P.M.
you're free to go out with friends on your new scooter.
The evening, you can go out without worries.
You see where I'm going. On a side, you can decide to
sacrifice your youth, to
your resources and your sweat to try build something of your own.
And mind you, you're never out of worries. Nobody grants you the work will go well.
You have to keep the profile high, you can't just stop to work at 5 P.M.
The work NEVER leaves you, as well as worries, so every day, every hour it's just the same.
And I can testify it goes exactly this way for my father. I almost never see him, out of
the context of his work.
On the opposite side, you can choose NOT to sacrifice your youth, gain money immediately,
find a work where you have the sureness to get paid at the end of the month, even if
probably not with an enormous salary, and keep for yourself a fraction of time everyday
free from worries, or at least, free from worries related to work.
Please forgive the extreme semplicity of this scheme, I'm aware things are not always so
simple, as well as I'm aware I myself have been a total parasite for quite some time
And I am not considering here situations of extreme need.
But I am convinced that the system of rewards/tradeoff has to enter every possible implementation
of social system.
But you can't just count the hours of work of two persons and compare them!!
You have to take ALL in consideration.
About the sharing with the poorest...
Well, I could gladly accept what Fable and CE are proposing, and have taxes even more raised,
for the genuine aim to help the survival of poor populations and kids.
I've already said it, this is a *priority* indeed, while bringing all at the same level
of richness isn't (and it is even impossible, IMHO)
The problem is, who would grant that money end where they're meant to?
As a marginal comment, I say that about the children sold to sex slavery, we should start solving
the problem making a Great Pyre with those who abuse of them.