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Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:43 am
by ilmorodivenezia
Do WHAT to my back???
At Twinblade's Camp there's a mercenary who speaks in a thick tough guy Brit accent, "Need someone to watch your back?". The first time I heard it I thought he said "Need someone to WASH your back?". In that still makes me laugh every time I hear him. :laugh:
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:06 pm
by Mephisto
The daemon door
This may not sound funny but it's good to do
On the archioligest quest where you have to spell the name of the daemon door by hitting some stones. Me and my friend put down all the combinations we could think of
this hsit hsti..........
then without knowing we put down "****"
and the door goes
S H I T ****!!!!!!!!
and loads of balvoriens come to attack you
it may not sound funny but it was good at the time
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:10 pm
by Mephisto
triline beta wrote:when druk people sing, and in the begining when the kid says "are you just gonna sit there like a lemon?" in a british accent. It just crackes me and my american chums up:laugh: .
Just so all you yankies know
(no offence)
it's a northen/irish accent
you could call it spaddy
paddy + scottish
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:10 pm
by Sain
mine was fighting bandits, with my solus and lvl 3 beserk and i walked up to this guy who was knocked down, he got up and my character wasnt looking at him and i choped his head off it that position
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:36 pm
by matthewd
Sir_Greyhawk wrote:I find it funny when you walk around snowspire village and as you walk past people you hear some of them saying:
"I Can't belive it, after all the years the northern wastes are open".
Yeah, its not like you havent been living here for your whole life...
Agreed, But i made more of a sentence like:
"I Can't belive it, after all the years the northern wastes are open".
I would have answerd: Are u sirious.. really.. I opend them retard
And I laughed loads when I went to the title shop outside the guild where you can buy the title Arseface.
That one was quite funny to
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:43 pm
by Alien_Newborn
I've got three to choose from, and they're all pretty awesome. First off, I was laughing for about 3 minutes when I first kicked a chicken by accident, mainly because it was so unexpected. Second, I once ran up to some kids in the Bowerstone schoolyard and farted right on a kid's head. The kid yelled "ARRRRGH!" then started running around screaming, while all the other kids laughed at him. Finally, I was once battling a few guards, and I decapitated one with my master longsword. I hit x, and ended up kicking his head into another guard who was coming right for me. The head hit the guard, knocking him over and back a few feet. Right after hitting the ground, he yelled "It's just a flesh wound!" in his Scottish accent. I actually had to pause I was laughing so hard; I didn't know whether he was talking about himself, or the guy's head that had just nailed him in the chest
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:07 pm
by Xenozyne
By far the thing that got me cracking up the most was the first time I decapitated someone. I had lvl 3 slow motion at the time and fired off an arrow. The head shoots off into the air propelled by a massive gusher of blood, floats midair forever spinning in circles, the body hits the ground and then seconds later the head falls too... and then I ran over to see if I could pick up the head and I kick the dang thing like 25 feet. I could not stop luaghing. Then I realized that in slow motion I was able to punt the head, run ahead of it and then kick it again before it hit the head. "Human head hacky sack" kept busy for at least 5 minutes
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:25 am
by troymantis
vulgar thrusting at kids, insulting and swearing at them too once i finished the game(i have fable, not tlc) also, kicking heads at travelers aswell as chickens at citizens
:mischief: also if you punched a kid, you basically look as if you punched the air and the kid squels and crys, kinda evil, but in the end, i have a good character...
oh and giving 50 beers to lady grey in her bedroom is fun
and if you vulger thrust her shes like; 'shut..up!'
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:59 pm
by Anarchy Nooblet
i found it histaricle when i got angry at lady grey and try to kill her, but failed so i had the gaurd kill her
...ahaha the irony is wat rly made me laugh. the men sworn to protect her are the ones who killed her.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:15 pm
by yonment
I think the funniest thing in fable i dont know why is the grave that reads " hear lies owin moore who died from owin moore than he could afford"
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:20 am
by matthewd
yonment wrote:I think the funniest thing in fable i dont know why is the grave that reads " hear lies owin moore who died from owin moore than he could afford"
Yeah thats Awsome, I saw one that said:
Thanks for reading my thumbstone NOW BUGGER OFF
That is quite funny
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:57 pm
by Shadow_Aaron_X
personally the gravestones always cracked me up and the other thing has got to be hitting little kids how many games let you do that?:mischief:
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:45 pm
by Thy Red Dragon
I was in bowerstone,flirting with girls,when this guy comes up to me and said,"actully,thats my wife...":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:04 am
by JoshHJ
I laughed once when I got about twenty towns people to follow me into the wilderness. I started massacaring them all while they were giving me praises. I'm 100% good by the way.
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:05 am
by neutronic_force
I couldn´t stop laughing in the quest Collect Arena´s Soul, when you are in the Arena battling to the monsters and Jack is saying funny things like "Try to get your combat multiplier even LOWER"; "Hero, there's a Quest Card waiting at the bottom of a goo pit for you" or other things that the Guild master use to say
The second time I played Fable, I first did the quest to scort the two traders to Barrow Fields before the Hobbes killing contest and the first time I saw the hobbes was in front of the door that needs to see a combat multiplier of 14 to get opened..... so when I got the first treasere clue that says to start looking where you first meet the hobbes.....LOL it was funny too
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:22 am
by Kyo
Oh.. when your done with the Hobe cave quest.. If you hang around rose cottage to search it, the grandmother starts to talk to you like one of the vilage women who are in love with you.
She poses and fans herself.. too funny..
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:38 pm
by Omega Man
I'd have to say the phrophets in the Fire Heart quest.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:42 am
by yonment
Kyo wrote:Oh.. when your done with the Hobe cave quest.. If you hang around rose cottage to search it, the grandmother starts to talk to you like one of the vilage women who are in love with you.
She poses and fans herself.. too funny..
yeah lol i had to same experience after i noticed her flirting i decided to give here a wedding ring and then she had to say " You could get us a house you know" which made me angry because she already owns a house so i killed her lol.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:15 pm
by DJA
- Being able to buy the title Arseface
- Kicking chickens the first time by accident
- "Something's trying to kill me. This is the best day ever!"
- "Come on" pelvic thrusts
- Flipping the bird at people
- Air guitar!!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:05 am
by orexis_mort
1 getting married for the first time and doing the pelvic thrust by acident
2 people pointing a luaghing due to the title of Chicken Chaser when i was 100% pure evil and killing them all, that actually how i turned evil lol i didnt know about the title traders and kept getting anoyed when they simply luaghed at me.
3 getting all of oakvale pissed at the tavern and then taking every one on a trip to see the temple of skorn
4 returning to oakvale after said trip to the temple.
5 using max bezerk + max multi strike in the arena and defeating wisper in one hit.
6 (spoiler mentioned)
using fourse push on maze and blasting him into the sea. then having to use a bow and arrow to finally kill her.
7 buying the bandit pass and then accidently killing the guy only to get my money back