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Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 6:00 pm
by Weasel
Enters Sly........
Your father is being held until a date can be set for his execution.
It is for the good of all man/womankind. Just remember the good times and shed not a tear in his fate.
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 6:44 pm
by The Z
What shall we do with the rest of his family
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 6:46 pm
by Bloodstalker
I think they are already being taken care of
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 6:52 pm
by Weasel
Enters Sly..
His son, Dottie....being as he has not been corrupted as of yet by his father, is given parole and a recommendation for not falling for any of Weasels deeds.
His wife, given a recommendation for trying to correct Weasels deeds. Plus she can file for separation if she likes.
{Exits} Sly {/Exits}
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 6:56 pm
by Dottie
Am I allowed to send him letters? Or have I heard from him for the last time?
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 7:32 pm
by Weasel
Enters Sly
For a limited time 'He' can recieve mail... but only after I have read it to correct any mistakes that might slip thru.
Information must be limited to the vile cretin or he might get ideas
{exits} Sly {/Exits}
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 7:42 pm
by Dottie
Dear father,
I hope your not having it to bad in Slys prison. It was foolish of you to ressurect him, but I guess you know that already. There is one thing that I've always wanted to ask you though, that I feel under present circumstances can wait no longer. Am I a bastard? You never told me anything about my mother, or if i have any siblings or other relatives that still may be alive for that matter. I would be greatfull if you wrote back and told me before the day of your execution. If there is anything you want me to take care of here, feel free to ask.
Your son Dottie
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 7:54 pm
by Weasel
Enters Sly
Originally posted by Dottie, EDITED by Slyweasel to be shown to the cretin Weasel
Dear father,
I hope your *** (Deleted) having it to bad in Slys prison. It was foolish of you to ressurect him * (added !!!! for good measure), but I guess you know that already. There is one thing that I've always wanted to ask you though, that I feel under present circumstances can wait no longer. Am I a bastard? You never told me anything about my mother, or if i have any siblings or other relatives that still may be alive for that matter. I would be greatfull if you wrote back and told me before the day of your execution. If there is anything you want me to take care of here, **** ****(Replaced with ' Please find someone else') to ask.
Your son Dottie
To be fair, I have decided to show you what I, Sly, have edited out of your post. I will now go down to the pit and try to give him the message.
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 8:22 pm
by Weasel
The return message
Hi son,
As you can tell, I'm up the creek without a paddle and my boat has a leak the size of the State of Rhode Island. I was told to be sure to tell you I'm being treated well. The stale water is not as bad as it would seem. But enough of my dire strait.
As to your mother, ....there was a reason I never said anything. Please listen to reason before you judge me.
In the beginning I looked for a partner to help create a ultimate Tyrant. My search was in vain. I only wanted the best for this child of mine and would not settle for second
(If you can get by the last part...I will continue)
Little did I know that the enviroment would have more of an effect than my genes. One unseen hurdle that in my wisdom I missed.
Now to the next question....any siblings or other relatives.
First siblings..
(EDITED by Slyweasel)
Foul of the Longname... *** ***** *** **** ******* ******.
Craig was my last experiment...a attempt to beat the enviroment...sadly, I will not live to see the end result.
Now other relatives..
My wife Minerva, even though she never saw eye to eye with my plans.
(With that the last part)
"If there is anything you want me to take care of here, please find someone else to ask."
I can see from your message that some part of you will never forgive me, and sadly I can't blame you. Never the less, I did plan ahead for this day and have most of the lose ends tied up already.
Your father, Weasel.
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 8:41 pm
by Bloodstalker
*stares slack jawed at this entire spectacle*
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 8:54 pm
by Dottie
So I am weasels clone then? I am sad he did never find a woman worthy of him, But I guess this was for the best. Now I can only hope one day my blood will shine through... And weasel shall be proud in his grave when he looks upon my achivements.
********* - Maharlika ?
Foul of the Longname... *** ***** *** **** ******* ******.
** - Must be CM...
********** - der Moench
***** - Nippy
So, what are the other ones? and what did weasel say about foul? Help me out here BS.
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2002 9:03 pm
by Bloodstalker
Actually, I could probably tell you what Weasel said about Foul, but it would likely get me banned.
Or, I could be wrong and Sly was just covering for Weasel professing his true love and admiration of the Puffin Keeper
As to the others, I have no idea, but I do have my suspicions.
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2002 1:49 am
by Weasel
Enters Sly
I would never coverup for Weasel.
{Exits} Sly {/Exits}
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2002 3:09 am
by Tamerlane
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2002 4:51 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
I have tried for at least a year to convince Georgi she is mentally disturbed for my own amourous gains.
I gave advice that may prove to kill AC's computer, and still torment her over Anomen
Don't worry BS, I can understand both of these. Though convincing Georgeous that she's mentally disturbed may not have been the most effective way of going about things...
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2002 8:18 am
by Georgi
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Though convincing Georgeous that she's mentally disturbed may not have been the most effective way of going about things...
No, Odie thinks that actually driving me to insanity with incessant hugs is more effective...
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2002 8:33 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2002 9:43 am
by Bloodstalker
Thank you for your understanding Ode. The maddening thing is, I am simply trying to help her get over her condition.
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2002 12:24 pm
by Logic IsAThreat
sorry to just go so incredibly off topic and spam like this, but hey BS, could you send me a link to the in search of love thread that you made, i never read the whole thing and the begining was very funny, gracias.
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2002 12:32 pm
by Bloodstalker
Sure thing. here's the link