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Post by Hill-Shatar »

You are not a true heathen... unless, of course, you have been accepted and given your task.

I got mine, and it involved several prominent members dancing naked (3 of the 4 things I needed I got finsihed and did the last one myself). Hopefully you can pass yours.

Just praise tequila and spite COMM.

You can only be accepted into the fold. I just preach. As of yet I am still neutral. :D
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Yeah I have delivered my heathen task. Doesnt sound near as wild as yours though :p
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

Want to know the name of some moderators who have come to pass... it was part of my aslready (as you can see from previous posts here) growing knowledge of the past.
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Post by ch85us2001 »

I shall become a SYM historian!!!!
*sits in front of hill indian style eager to listen*
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

:D Sorry, but I have already read through dozens of threads and look what has happened to me.

Ok, some that have passed, from memory:

Mr. Sleep

and now... Aegis. A couple of others too, probably...
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Mr sleep started the anatomy sticky right? And flagg was a major spammer right? Ive heard of thorin.
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

I am impressed.

Yes, Mr. Sleep was at one time a prominent member. Unfortunately, SYM was purged of all knowledge of many of his posts. :(

I am interested about who told you of Flagg and Thorin. :confused:

Goody was actually Mr. Sleeps thread. At the time you used to get an email whenever one of your threads was posted in. Mr. Sleeps email box was full, the thread was closed, and was lost in the great purge of SYM.
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Post by ch85us2001 »

*cleans glasses with twinkle in eye* I have read back. I have always wondered why it only went back to april 2001. I have also uncovered people called Gruntboy and Waverly
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

Gruntboy, the only moderator to be banned. Waverly, left freely after the old SYM died and went to DCI forums, IIRC.

I am quite knowledgable about many things in that past couple of years. I can even tell you in what thread Kayless left (everyone knows that) and some others as well. :)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

That was sad wasntr it. (SYM split I believe) I shall tonight - 'twixt firelight and water - begin a knowledge quest. I shall toil through the deep waters of the SYM! I shall become particurally knowledgable member! :D

Also know about old Yshania, and Ode To Grasshopper
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

So you are aware of what the SLURRS are? It is time for a test of your knowledge!

*sits down to listen* :D

I have some of the SLURR posts (or close to the most important ones). So I have a good idea what they are. Yshania still visits, anyways... I dont think Ode does. If I remember correctly, he is married now, or a student. I forget which one. :p
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Not sure about slurr. Ode forgot his password, and is now going by a different name (as far as I know). Not sure where Scayde is :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

Scayde is having fun with married life, that evil Twisted Sister. :D Oh, I hope the other twisted sisters read this. :p
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Post by ch85us2001 »

COMM secret disclosure!

Havent read through this. may be the holy grail! Or a bad case of gas from tacos
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

This is some impressive digging. Congrtulations! you are now a young historian. :D An adept. Be proud of your knowledge over others! Except those around during those times... ;)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Ive always been good at playing in the dirt :D

Leno should be funny. "Politician Jeopardy" with bush and others :p *grins*

Ive found some reincarnations of COMM! *gasp* :eek:

Hopefully see you tommorrow! Going to bed now!
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

Reincarnations of COMM? Wow... I want to know about this. ;) :p

Hope to see you tommorrow, Chus. :D Ill try to escape from work.

Well, this time of night is slow, and my name is now effectively listed down the page. :rolleyes: I think its time I left. Good night random non member lurkers. :D
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Post by Fiona »

Sorry I couldn't be there for that discussion. It was very late here. May I say how refreshing it is to see the SF doing something other than perversion :p And with Chu and Hill, of all people. :confused:
Goodnight again
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Post by Ravager »

8 pages of spam since I was last here...more ancient history research? Nice. :p

Of course, it's going to be very quiet on my day off. :rolleyes:
Damn... :(

So, can I persuade a lurker to spam? :D
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Post by Lestat »

[QUOTE=Ravager]8 pages of spam since I was last here...more ancient history research? Nice. :p

Of course, it's going to be very quiet on my day off. :rolleyes:
Damn... :(

So, can I persuade a lurker to spam? :D [/QUOTE]
Did you read the spam? You have a new title :D .
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