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Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:16 pm
by Darth_Juro
I for one would like a link or some more info on this so called release.
I for one do not want to play as revan or the exile again. or any of the same groups from the other two(except HK-47 cause come on he was hilarious)
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:01 pm
by Darth Valthri
Darth_Juro wrote:I for one would like a link or some more info on this so called release.
I for one do not want to play as revan or the exile again. or any of the same groups from the other two(except HK-47 cause come on he was hilarious)
i dunno, Juro. i liked some of the characters in the party from K1 and 2, apart from HK-47. Jolee was amusing at times, Carth and Bastila were huge in the story, Mission trying to act grown up was entertaining (the entertaining part was watching her fail), Bao-dur was the first decent alien we got that wasn't immaturish, Mandalorians are always good to have, and do i have to say anything relating to Mira? while HK-47 was awesome, i rarely ever used him. i don't know, though, if i could stand a group consisting ENTIRELY of new people.
EDIT- anyways, thought i'd add in an idea (though i'm not sure if it's the same as, or really close to others that i've seen suggested). it's like the "Jedi Arena" in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, but KotOr style. basically, no jumping all over the place (unless using the guardian ability Force Jump), and instead of the "old-timers" like Luke and Lando and all them, we get Bastilas and Carths and Revans and Malaks and whoever else running around. it'd be an interesting way to see Deadeye kill Malak, imo
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:34 pm
by Tovec
DarthSpiden wrote:it has to be a toatally different setting, like you start off on alderran and you have to go to corousant to get trained be a jedi to use the force. the jedi, however, teaches you, not about the jedi way, just how to use the force, and he feels it is for you to decide the path, hoping you will go lightside.
A jedi that teaches you as a force user not a Jedi and hopes that you choose the light side? While I agree that you need to be trained and Can pick your own way, a Jedi wouldn't just randomly train you and say, "go now and use the force powers - hopefully for good." They would train you with assumption that you would be good. That is one thing they have seemed to have forgotten very rarely out of the starting gates is someone just wholly evil. They need to have it progress like the did in KOTOR I, opportunities where evil is the easier path. Remember that people in most cases, while considered greedy or whatever, are supposed to be good beings normally. Your party should have problems if you randomly kill someone, Carth did, the KOTOR II group didn't.
I would personally like to see them first train you as a dark sider by a Sith doesn't matter where. But they train you and die or whatever and you are left on your own. The good lines will be there but so will the easier path or the ruthless path. The only problem I see with starting you being a Sith is that it's always easier to fall so I think that too often people wouldn't work to be a light sider.
In any case I've already said that to limit problems with gender and alignment they should have either Revan or Exile return but they are neutral. If they were good or evil when they left they return neutral, being scared out of either extreme, they must unite the sith and jedi/republic factions in order to combat the True Sith threat. The one who returned would be leader of the new council of force users, neither jedi nor sith. A Jedi knight, become master, teaches you in the ways of the force but has to leave you to join the council.
Which ever of the two doesn't escape becomes the super-weapon against the combined forces of the galaxy for the enemy. If Revan then they act as a powerful organized force that wins every battle, because they know what the reaction and stance of the enemy. If Exile then they use the destructive power of the Exile to zap the force out of the planet or force or whatever, like Bastilla did except everyone dies instead of just loses.
That's my thoughts anyway.
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:46 pm
by zander811
what if you're a student of revan? well not really a student, no, cuz he's gone and off and all that fun stuff, but what if you're a [whatever revan is]-hopeful? s/he's your "hero" and you want learn the ways of the force and seek out a force teacher and whatever, but the idea here is you can bring revan and the exile back into the game, but much later into the game, you don't have to be them. you can customize your character this way, you're not predetermined for powers and such. I have no plan to propose a storyline, as it will never be seen by anyone with real power over the actual storyline, and I have no time to create one. however, this idea would create the possibility of building off of the first 2 games, rather than create a new one all-together and try to find a way to merge the 3 without seeming silly.
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:49 pm
by SonofRevan30
Definately see both of your points
i definately see how limiting it would be for a prequl perhaps a 4th kotor could be a prequel where u start as a young jedi just gettin initiated for training thats truly what i would love ot be able to determine the entire life of a jedi but i fear im getting ahead of myself. The story lines are extremely vast for a sequel and revan could be brought back maybe the exile finds him badly wounded and he slowly recovers therefore making him playable halfway through the game i think that would solve the him being to powerful problem. Nontheless my desires for this game are to start as a young jedi perhaps a mission or two before you meet a jedi who realizes how strong you are in the force then trains you and there are several missions as a part of your training and you could not only determine your own path but your final destiny could be to reunite with the exile and revan and fight the "true sith" think about how endless the possibilities there would be you could choose your home planet with each planet making the game different beginning missions you could be an alien race of some short etcc... think about all the possiblities this would make a fantastic game. Thoughts?
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:38 am
by DarthSpiden
you know how in kotor 1 , how you could pick a base class like scoundrel, scout, and soldier, then as you progress pick a jedi class? In kotor 2 you could pick your jedi class in the beginning, like guardian, sentinel, or consular, then as you progress, pick a prestige class, like marauder, assassin, lord, weapon master, etc. Well I think in KOTOR 3, you should be able to start off as a base class, like scoundrel, etc. then become any jedi or dark jedi option you want, like dark jedi guardian, etc., then progress a little further and pick a prestige class!! It would make the game a lot longer, because say there are about 10 levels of base class, 15 levels of jedi class, then you can pick prestige class and have a good amount of training until the end, like a whole 2 planets worth of quests and experience.
EDIT: also what I meant by a jedi who teaches you but doesnt show you the lightside path, was that a jedi that has fallen but doesnt know it, kinda like atris, teaches you , and doesnt really teach you the lightside way, but a corrupted version of it. That way in order to go lightside, you would have to seek more help, and to go darkside you would have to seek help, starting the game perhaps??? I don't know, it is like 6:00 in the morning and maybe I am just rambling!
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:33 am
by Vaughn Whynot
one word HOTH...
but not like in the movie but before everyone turned it into a war zone
there always seemed to be some sketchy business with that planet
ohhh and be able to wield a sword/lightsaber with a pistol
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:02 am
by czone
I know i've posted it before but I've edited it.
My suggestion:
On the main menu you can choose two games wich are: dark history and light history. On dark history Revan was Dark and the exile was dark. With light history Revan was light and the exile too.
A cutscene will begin with this: () and will end with this )(.
()You are the son of Bastila and Revan/Daughter of Carth and Revan. You must choose how Revan and the exile are called and how they look.
Revan has returned with his/her son/daughter(the rest of the time i call them MC of main character). The new Council(wich is: Bastila, Revan, exile, Atton, Brianne(Handmaiden)/Disciple and Mira) says that you should be trained by the exile. While you are in 'training' a second Mandalorian war begins. But this time the Mandalorians are aided by the sith. The exile must go back to Coruscant, leaving you on Alderaan. He says that your first test as aprentice will be to get to Coruscant. But when hes gone the sith attack )(You are in a massive battle with tanks and mandalorians and sith all over the place. You must fight your way to the nearest sith command post. But then Jolee Bindo drags you away and makes sure that you survive. When the battle is over(the sith won) Jolee says that he will meet you in some city(i don't know a name) You will have to build a speeder to go there.)( Thats were you will begin playing with other characters and stuff. Later you must help the Republic on Kashyk and later go with either the Republic or the sith
You must choose how the exile is called and how he looks.
()Revan has returned with MC. The Sith council(Bastila, Revan, exile, Atton and Brianne) thinks that you should be trained by the exile. While your training the exile hears that 'the plan' has begun. The exile must go back to Malachor V, leaving you on Kashyk. He says that you have to go to Coruscant on your own. But when hes gone the Republic attacks )( You are in a massive battle with tanks and Republic soldiers and even Jedi. You must fight your way to the nearest command post of the Republic.() When your there you will say that your from the Republic and that you need transport to the town from Zaalbar wich has survived the attack of Revan and then honoured his life-debt. They say they can't help you and then your contacted by the exile by telephaty and he says that a friend is waiting in the house next door. That will be Visas. She says that she will meet you in the nearest town thats still in Zaalbars hands. You have to build a speeder to go there.)( Thats were you will begin playing with other characters and stuff. Later you hear that Mandalore has attacked Alderaan with the help of the Sith Council and the Star Forge. Later you will need to help on Alderaan. And later in the game go with either the Republic or the sith.
Playable planets(2 or more cities on every world)
Malachor V
Nar Schaddaa
Unknown World(dark)
Maybe some other Unknown World in the outer regions at the end of the game)
Playable non-MC Characters
Exile(from level 20)
Revan(from level 30)
Wookie of kotor 2
And 7 new ones.
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:27 am
by Darth Valthri
czone wrote:
Playable non-MC Characters
Exile(from level 20)
Revan(from level 30)
Wookie of kotor 2
And 7 new ones.
"wookie of kotor 2" is hanharr, and no ty. Juhani? ugh. in place of those 2, i'd put Mission. afterall, zaalbar and she go just about anywhere together. also, i think Carth and/or Bastila should be in. other than that, though, i agree with your list. though, 7 more people on top of 11 is a bit much. that'd be a total of 19 people. K2 only had 11 i think
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:16 pm
by Aerosmithrules!
The Exile
Bastila(Jedi Master)
Atton(Jedi Knight)
Handmaiden(Jedi Master)
Bao-Dur(Jedi Knight)
Mira(Jedi Knight)
A revived Jedi Order, many more jedi than in both KOTORs
Simular, lurking, Sith
Stronger Republic
The fates of Jedi Masters, previously unknown, to become known
Better Graphics
More Control
Less Glitches
More Detail
Clearer ways of completing subplots
No "random" lightsabers
Joining the Jedi or Sith Order from beginning of game
More differences when being a Jedi or a Sith
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:50 pm
by Darth Valthri
Aerosmithrules! wrote:The Exile
Bastila(Jedi Master)
Atton(Jedi Knight)
Handmaiden(Jedi Master)
Bao-Dur(Jedi Knight)
Mira(Jedi Knight)
A revived Jedi Order, many more jedi than in both KOTORs
Simular, lurking, Sith
Stronger Republic
The fates of Jedi Masters, previously unknown, to become known
Better Graphics
More Control
Less Glitches
More Detail
Clearer ways of completing subplots
No "random" lightsabers
Joining the Jedi or Sith Order from beginning of game
More differences when being a Jedi or a Sith
agreed with everything
, especially the chars and the no broken items thing. the glitches, though, mostly come from a 1-year production time.
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:10 am
by Darth Skittle
What i want
Yavin IV
Nar Shaada
Byss(Why not its in the outer rim and your headed there after Kotor II right?)
Dagobah(woot even though yoda aint alive yet)
Some new sith guys
Admiral Onasi
Usual Lightsabers but with new customizable hilts(make them a little stronger please lol)
Story Line:
If you want to help the jedi you should be able too and become a jedi master
or you could choose to help the sith and eventually become their leader same goes for jedi or you could be neutral. Starts off as you going back to the mid rim planets then start heading to the outer rim in search of revan you find a sith presence then you confront tehm he asks your character to join them blah-blah-blah.
You should be able to get the sith lord suits inclduing the hood unlike Kotor II which got me pissed or the jedi robes
Kotor II fighting system was great I enjoyed it but this time in one part of the game you should be ablke to pilot a fighter
"I can hear in the Echoes in the force" - Visas Marr
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:43 am
by czone
Yeah that wookie of kotor 2 thing i forgot to edit and mission was no jedi and neiter a wookie so i didn't liked her
but she could be a light one...
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:52 am
by Chizzy
What will probably happen if they made 3
A year after the defeat of Malak, Revan left the known space, having remembered the remnants of the ancient Sith Empire he had rediscovered as the Dark Lord, also known as the "True Sith". Hoping to put an end to the threat it posed before it could attack, Revan bade farewell to the nine comrades who had accompanied him on his quest, knowing that none whom he loved could safely accompany him in the places he had to walk. It is also believed by some that he sought exile after the Mandalorian and Sith Wars, thinking that because he brought the Sith upon the Republic, and then lost control of that power, that was his own personal failure.
"It would have helped," Darth Traya would later remark about Revan leaving Bastila behind, "had he made her understand. But she was always strong-willed, that one, and did not understand war as Revan did." Then Revan disappeared, leaving the Ebon Hawk with T3-M4 and HK-47 on Malachor V, on the edge of Known Space.
It has been shown in the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords that T3 was programmed by Bastila to return to the Republic if something happened to Revan, and to contact Bastila if possible. T3 returned in the Ebon Hawk and found the Jedi Exile. What happened to Revan in order to activate T3's mission is unknown, although the navigational computer of the Ebon Hawk was locked by the time he found the Exile.
If you read that, the third knights of the old republic (if it comes out) should be revan looking for the true sith. I don't know if you agree with me but it seems logical.
Anyway that is the case maybe you should be a new character searching for revan then in the climax maybe you find him and the true sith and you join up with him. Once you defeat the boss or what ever you talk to revan (kinda like kreia in kotor II when she tells you things) and he tells you his past, what he was doing, and his whole history.
The characters in kotor 3 should be
Main character (you)
canderous (because he was in both kotor's and he tells you things about revan when he remembers something)
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:57 am
by Aerris
1st i want is to be a bit longer(1st and 2st are really short) interesting characters that will join u(awcorse i would like to see old guys like jolee,bao dur and HK-47 too.AND PLEAS SOME OF THOSE YODA GUYS.
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:06 am
by Chizzy
also found this
Obsidian On Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 3 News
We'd be happy to do KOTOR3 if that's what LucasArts wants us to do...
Speaking to TVG about the in-development NeverWinter Nights 2, Obsidian's Feargus Urquhart was also happy to discuss with TVG the current "will it/won't it" situation surrounding LucasArts Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3.
"We have been talking with LucasArts to do KOTOR3 since August 2004 and we hoped to do it since KOTOR2 was done. LucasArts is thinking what they want to do with it and we would happily make KOTOR3, if that's what LucasArts wants to do."
So it seems ideas are on the table, whether or not LucasArts will conclude this trilogy faster then they do with others, however, remains to be seen.
We'll have the full interview with Urquhart soon...
dont believe me? go to then search knights of the old republic 3 and i think click the first oen
Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:50 am
by DesR85
Chizzy wrote:Obsidian On Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 3 News
We'd be happy to do KOTOR3 if that's what LucasArts wants us to do...
Speaking to TVG about the in-development NeverWinter Nights 2, Obsidian's Feargus Urquhart was also happy to discuss with TVG the current "will it/won't it" situation surrounding LucasArts Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3.
"We have been talking with LucasArts to do KOTOR3 since August 2004 and we hoped to do it since KOTOR2 was done. LucasArts is thinking what they want to do with it and we would happily make KOTOR3, if that's what LucasArts wants to do."
So it seems ideas are on the table, whether or not LucasArts will conclude this trilogy faster then they do with others, however, remains to be seen.
We'll have the full interview with Urquhart soon...
dont believe me? go to then search knights of the old republic 3 and i think click the first oen
Wasn't that article posted a long time ago?
Because I remember seeing a similar news article like this a year ago somewhere in the GB news section.
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:46 pm
by Tribblemaker
I bet it wouldn't be TOO hard to make a kotor 3 yourself, not with today's technology. I mean, in this thread there are some pretty good ideas for storylines. With the right software it would be EASY.
First, become an expert animator and computer whiz.
Just get friends together for the voices.
Then make a site where the finished game is downloadable.
Games are like books nowadays, so anyone can write one.
(If you watch "On The Lot" you'll see that alot can be accomplished in the area of Special effects in a really short period of time)
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:43 pm
by Darth Spawn
i hav just finished reading all your posts and there all great ideas but there is a must we need.... an extreamly out there twist that changes the storyline and shocks even you just like in kotor1 "you know wat i mean"
like something like you turn out to be the last of the true sith or something or you are revans son or etc
oh yah im finally back
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:47 pm
by Darth Valthri
Tribblemaker wrote:I bet it wouldn't be TOO hard to make a kotor 3 yourself, not with today's technology. I mean, in this thread there are some pretty good ideas for storylines. With the right software it would be EASY.
First, become an expert animator and computer whiz.
Just get friends together for the voices.
Then make a site where the finished game is downloadable.
Games are like books nowadays, so anyone can write one.
(If you watch "On The Lot" you'll see that alot can be accomplished in the area of Special effects in a really short period of time)
very true, mostly. jsut curious though, about your comment relating to "On The Lot". if it's true that a lot can be accomplished in a short time, why did K2 suck? at least, more so than K1...