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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 4:59 pm
by Denethorn
As you can tell I have many a time explained that event in the pub ;)

Few believe, until they meet the guy. There are some people like him in this world: when they drink, they don't relax or have fun - they just go wild. This man has jumped off rooves, run around with axes, punched lightbulbs then marched into houses with hoses...

And all in one night :p

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:02 pm
by Magrus
Yep, tweakers. :p

Beware the tweaker friend, he may destroy your liqour cabinet. :eek:

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:39 pm
by Magrus
I like these ideas Denethorn keeps coming up with. :) Henceforth, we shall use "Topic of the Day" instead of "Lesson of the Day". Perhaps someday I'll gather the motivation to go back and edit all of the old ones. Heh. :rolleyes:

Topic of the Day:

In the event you've done something that leaves you on the receiving end of the age-old "female evil eye", don't just stand there. Turn it to your advantage!

When the uppity wench glares at you, clutch at your face. Pretend that it burns, and squirm in fake pain. Scream "Oh
<expletive deleted>! It burns!" and dance around a bit. Draw attention to the both of you and embarrass her. If she tries to leave, run after her and demand something from her to help with the "grievous wound" whilst clutching at your face ;)

I once did this with a girl, I did something stupid and she came up with the "I never want to speak to you again" line, and glared at me. Well, she did. I got lots of yelling, begging, and even grabbing out of her with that one. :p

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:41 pm
by Erenor
That would be unacceptable. Destroying a house for booze would be a travesty. Even an empty one, though that should never, NEVER, happen, smells beautiful! Oh, and for more ideas for this little thing you've got going, don't forget the wonderful ideas presented in the Heathen Citadel.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:42 pm
by Erenor
Well, Mag, you changed subjects right as I got into the first one. But to add to the new one, grabbing her ankles and squirming on the ground in fake pain would add to her embarrassment and prevent her from escaping what's coming to her...

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:47 pm
by Magrus
*chuckles* I won't. ;)

My roommate and I used to save our old liqour bottles. We used to drink a lot of liqour last summer. Wasn't uncommon for us to polish off 4 or more liter or 1.75 liter bottles a week depending on work schedule's and party's going on and what not. We gathered quite the collection.

We were organizing them one day, and noticed there was in a lot of them, tiny amounts of leftover holy water in the bottles! Amazed, we grabbed a funnel, and a little 200 ml bottle, and poured every drop from our collection into said bottle. Dubbing it our "fun bottle" we saved. Then...we ran out of money amidst our drinking spree late one night. Refusing to lower ourselves to beer consumption, yet being late the liqour stores were closed, we had an idea. Our fun bottle was the perfect emergency bottle! Pure liqour of all sorts mixed together! We did shots, and it tasted like peach schnoppes. :cool:

We do this now, take a shot out of every bottle we open, pour it in the emergency bottle, stow it away and save it. Then, if we ever run out, it's there...beckoning. :p

Edit: Yeah, I was typing that up before you showed up and finished and saw your post, just like this time. :o

I don't grab the girl's ankle's. I tell her to do so. More fun that way. ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:51 pm
by Erenor
Sounds like a good plan to me. Must taste somewhat like a Bar Mat, but not as watered down. Those can be rather disgusting at times. And everybody's emergency bottle would taste different due to the different types of alcohol they like! I could go for some peach schnapps right now, but all I have is apricot, peppermint, raspberry, and a little sour apple.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:56 pm
by Magrus
Well, that one was the end result of months of stores, and our friend who through his Mardi Gra party last august deciding to give us the ends of the liqour bottles left over from the party. Most of his stuff was fruity vodkas and other such things. Including a ton of peach schnoppes.

However, our stuff was mostly 151, Myer's Rum, assorted Bacardi's, vodka's, JD and other such things. We tried drinking that, and it was harsh. Adding in all of the fruity stuff our buddy gave us made it smooth. It was like drinking fruit juice. Wicked mix we just tossed together. :D

I wish we'd measured it out and what not, that was GOOD and most likely had an alcohol content of 60% or higher given all of the 151 and Devil Springs vodka we tossed into it. :o

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:59 pm
by Erenor
Documenting things is too hard when you're drunk. Especially when 151, mixed or not, is involved. Besides, it's fun when you realize that you've concocted yet another beautiful combination of hard alcohol from random elements.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:03 am
by Magrus
It is, it's like art, a masterpiece. I had to wrestle the bottle away from my friend to drink some of it. We both were so happy with it, we each wanted all of it. What I really want, is just to end up with $1000. I'll go and buy a bottle of all sorts of random things at the liqour store. Then, just take measuring cups, and little cups, a note pad and test out mixes. I'll record everything first in a list of what I wish to attempt, then mix, and drink.

That way, I'd be able to know what went into the mix, how much, and be able to calculate the alcohol content beforehand. Then, judge the taste and whether it's worth the cost or not to make the drink and such. :D

However...tis expensive. Very expensive. :(

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:05 am
by Erenor
I wonder if you could start some sort of company and get a grant for that type of work. I know a few people that would gladly donate. Not sure you could ask for donations here at GB, but that would be pretty cool. That would be a fun ongoing project that'd never end. Maybe start your own website for something like that?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:12 am
by Magrus
Ha, "Drinking Grants needed!". I would love to do that. :D

I've also wanted to do a burger and shake joint like they used to have years ago. Except, I'd get a liqour license so you could drink there. Spike your shake and stuff. ;)

Wouldn't it be great to head home with a burger, some fries and a 16oz milkshake stuffed with 6 shots of vodka, rum, SoCo, or something like that? Pack it away in the car, get home, toss a movie on, eat your food, drink your shake and your off to a healthy start with the drinking as you eat your dinner. Pre-game for the party. ;)

Or even bring the party to the restuarant. Why be forced to sober up when your hungry? Keep the buzz alive! :p

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:16 am
by Erenor
I know they have clubs and bars and other places that try to mimic home, but they cost too much to drink at. Somebody needs to open a place where you can just raid the fridge for alcohol and mixing stuff. Some huge house or loft or something with lots of funding, lots of booze, lots of comfy couches...that would be awesome! And you totally made me hungry. Now I feel the need for a burger, a drink, and some other greasy food. I think I'll make a shake with my apricot schnapps.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:30 am
by Magrus
Yeah, I went out to say hi to the roommate and he offered to let me cook a burger. :) Free food is wonderful.

Well, the trick is, if I made the drinks with cheap booze, it wouldn't be expensive, at all. A $12 half gallon of vodka is about 64 shots. That's about .20 a shot your paying right there retail from a liqour store. That's not going into cases and wholesale with a liqour license. If I charge an extra $2 to a shake with 6 shots, I'd make a killing off the shake, and people would get 6 shots for $2.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:38 am
by Erenor
And they would love you to death for their cheap alcohol. You could make a killing and afford to support that liquor testing extravaganza you wanted to do. Even better, you could get great prices on booze from your wholesale provider! :)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:07 am
by Magrus
Exactly. The trick is, I'd want to make it myself, and cut down on the costs so I could sell things cheap. Enough to make it a living, and profit from it, but not ridiculous. I could even do it out of my house, which would be a blast if I could do that. Party at my house, 24/7. I can cook loaded. :cool:

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:32 am
by Erenor
Being able to cook loaded is a pretty sweet skill. I'm still working on incorporating booze into almost everything I make. Some things taste so much better with booze in them!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:03 am
by Erenor
OKay, it's official. Magrus never sleeps. He's pretty much on and off for a maximum of about two hours ever! Hey, did you start fixing your house into a burger/druken malt shake shop yet? I could really go for something with strawberries and vodka right now, I don't care if I just woke up.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:06 am
by Magrus
Ha, so true. I just got a short nap in when the baby fell asleep though. :p

No, I haven't. I rent out the guest room of someone else's place. If I had my own, I would. There's a few people around here that do that. They sell sandwiches and stuff for lunchtime for the people who work in the factories and stuff nearby. I'd just need to get the legalities of it down with selling liqour and what-not.

I forgot, there's a seedless watermelon sitting in the fridge I was told to eat. I could blend that and toss booze in it. The baby is leaving in about 20 minutes. drink before noon or not. That is the question. :confused:

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:21 am
by Erenor
I'd say of course, unless you have something to do later that requires you to be sotally tober, oh, I mean totally tober...****'s not even 10:30 yet and I've already started my second drink of the day...

Oh, and what's the deal with this baby? I don't think I ever caught why you're taking care of a kid all the time, though I love them and wish I could. You're always online and watching the little tyke at the same time, so what's the story there?