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Posted: Sun May 12, 2002 10:07 am
by Mr Sleep
@Mr Waesel, good idea :) if anyone wants to add their favourite songs they can go back and edit rather than confusing things by adding them as new :)

Posted: Mon May 13, 2002 9:53 pm
by The Z

Sex: M
Age: 14
Height: 5'4"
Hair: Black
Foot Size: 7
Origin: Canada
Intrests: Hockey, RPG's, Star Wars, Dragonball Z, Unreal (The only FPS I play), Music (Can't play any instruments well though)
Dislikes : None at the moment
Alignment: Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good
Current Crisis: Unknown
Deep Thoughts: D-uh....
Religion: Christianity
Profession: Student
Politik: Haven't thought about it
Favorite Movies: LOTR (Not as good as the books though), The Matrix (All about the Lobby Scene)
Favorite Show: The Simpsons, Dragonball Z, Scooby-Doo :D
Favorite Team: Vancouver Canucks
Favorite Color: none
Favorite Book: The Shannara Series - Terry Brooks
Dream Date: No clue......

BANDS (In no Order)
1) P.O.D
2) Linkin Park
3) Staind
4) Limp Bizkit
5) Disturbed
6) Papa Roach

Posted: Tue May 21, 2002 2:56 pm
by /-\lastor
Name: Laurens Vehmeijer

Sex: Male

Age: 17

Height: 6'3"

Hair: brownish

Eyes: Green

Origin: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Profession: Highskool student

Interests: Pract'ly any RPG, snowboarding, hockey, ps2, ma comp, a b*ttload of webcomics, anime&manga (and drawing it myself), any games-workshop related game, reading, hanging out with friends and shooting some pool, music

Dislikes: Whiners, backstabbers, ppl who gossip, skool

Alignment: Chaotic good

Deep Thought: Why me?

Religion: I was christened but raised to make my own choice of religion, I'm an atheist untill some religion makes sense to me.

Politics: bhuh I'll be dictator of Holland in a coupla years anywayz :D

Favorite Movie: The Matrix

Favorite Team: Ma own hockey team :p

Favorite Color: Black (goes with anything :) ) or red

Favorite Book: any Terry Pratchett

Dream Date: Hmmm pract'ly anyone who'd go with me :p

Favorate songs:
-Linkin Park: In the End
-Monty Python: Always look on the bright side of life :D
-Marilyn Manson: Sweet dreams
-Linkin Park: Forgotten
-Ded Prez: Assassination

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 12:51 am
by Willa_Ly
Sex: M
Age: 15
Height: 165ish (cm)
Hair: Black
Foot Size: ?
Live in: Australia
Intrests: BG2, Forgotten Realms and computer games.
Dislikes : Racists and spiders
Alignment: Lawful Good
Current Crisis: Too many major assignments. Spanning over a long period.

Religion: Jedi (not)
Profession: Student
Politik: ?
Favorite Movie: (I hate this question)
Favorite Team: ?
Favorite Color: Yellow blend green
Favorite Book: Has to be one of R A Salvatore's.
Dream Date: Too young. :D

PS. Notice that many of the Gamebanshee'ers are very young. 14-15ish. I never new this.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 8:24 pm
by Archeron
Well I hope this explains a few things(!?)

Sex: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6'1
Hair: blonde
Foot Size: 10 US
Origin: Kiwi boy (New Zealand to all those who know little about pacific geography, Australia to those who know even less)
Intrests: Snowboarding, Outdoor stuff, Comp Games
Dislikes : Hipocrites
Alignment: RPG-Neutral Evil; for real-Lawful Good
Current Crisis: How to do a 'switch backside five'
Deep Thoughts: BotB, mmm, interesting

*Optional* but interesting nonetheless

Religion: No, not yet, haven't had a life altering moment recently
Profession: Uni Student
Politik: Have no time for politics at the mo, its all depressing
Favorite Movie: Snatch, Lock stock, LotR
Favorite Team: All Blacks (!!)
Favorite Color: Blue (blacks not a colour)
Favorite Book: LotR, Thomas Covenant Chronicles
Dream Date: Senetor Amidala(Natilie Portman)- I just saw star wars, hot damn!

Music ah, well anything by the following:
Smashing Pumkins
Pearl Jam
Jimmy eat world

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 9:00 am
by Somerset
Sex: Male

Age: 28

Height: 5'11"

Hair: Dark Blond

Foot Size: 11

Origin: NB, Canada, now in Bermuda

Interests: Bodybuilding, BGII (duh), Genealogy, Backpacking, Java Programming, Basketball

Dislikes: anything Microsoft, non-Canadian beer, Portland Trailblazers

Alignment: Lawful Good

Current Crisis: Bruised toenail from playing basketball

Deep Thought: I'm almost 30????

Religion: Atheist
Profession: Java Developer / Business Analyst
Politik: mixed
Favorite Movie: Casino / Band of Brothers
Favorite Team: L.A. Lakers
Favorite Color: Gold (see above)
Favorite Book: Lord of the Rings
Favorite Band: The Tragically Hip
Dream Date: Viconia (involves handcuffs)

Posted: Fri May 31, 2002 10:42 am
by gnomethingy
.....First post on sym, apropriate.. considering

Sex : m (I could have written, yes please... but that would have been childish)
Age : 26
Height : aboot 6" mebbe under a wee bit maybe over (last time I had my height checked it was my grandma slamming my head agaist the door frame, messuring tape in hand with a phycotic yell of "LETS SEE HOW MUCH YOUVE GROWN!!!!!)
Hair : None (Sometimes a small amount escaped my vigilant razor, and its sorta red)
Foot size : dunno, not wearing shoes and im not getting up
Origin : Sydney, Australia
Interests : Genneral internet stuff mebbe, not being bored, nutureing the strange thoughs I get at in the early morning, extending on them and writing them down, strange bbc cartoons I watched as a kid and the rest (music an all that stuff everyone likes)...I could go on
Dislikes : drunk people when im sober, sober people when im drunk, annoying music, things you leave lying around that disapear, people who try to sell me stuff over the phone, bad movies, bad music, claims direct adds, people who walk in front of me slowly in narrow spaces, country music, cats / kittens / cat hair, steve penk, tim shaw the demtell guy, kings quality stake knives (see demtell guy), home shopping channel, unfunny standup comics, cool things ill never have (ie, sharktanks, f1 racing teams).. I could go on
Alignment : Chaotic neutral
Current crisis : Wondering weather ppl with think im a sad lowlife after reading this
Deep thoughs : Would the world be a better place if they re aired the magic roundabout

Religion : n/a
Profession : general monkey work / part small buisness owner, operator
Favourite movie : Lotr (ralph bakshi's... for the humour)
Favourite colour : green
Favourite book : Yellow pages L to Z.. for the humerous names
Dream date : one that somehow manages to involve everything I wrote in my likes section

ooohhh favourite songs...
1. tool / ratm, Know your enemy
2. Black sabbath, wheels of confusion
3. Pink floyd, Heroes return
4. The chicken song
5. The chicken song
6. The chicken song
7. The chicken song

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 9:59 pm
by Krynus
Here's ....... me! :)

Sex: M

Age: 18 (19 in October)

Height: 6"2'

Hair: Brown

Foot Size: 13 (US)

Origin: Born and raised Canadian!

Intrests: Computers (games, programming, web design), sports, reading, listening to music, watching movies (and DVDs :) ), the Simpsons, RPGs, Survivor, hanging out

Dislikes : Boy Bands, too much FPS, pop/"classic" rock :) , Algebra/Geometry, ICQ Spam

Alignment: NG

Current Crisis: I need an Avatar... and a girlfriend :D

Deep Thoughts:
"[HOMER:] Ahh... finally a little quiet time to read some of my old favorites. 'HONEY ROASTED PEANUTS: Ingredients - Salt, Artificial Honey Roasting Agents, Pressed Peanut Sweepings,' mmmmm.....
[MARGE:] Homer, I have to go out to pick up something for dinner.
[HOMER:] Steak?
[MARGE:] Money's too tight for steak.
[HOMER:] Steak??
[MARGE:] Uh, sure.... steak...
[HOMER:] Ahhh, the last peanut. Overflowing in the oil and salt of its departed brothers. *Drops peanut* Uh-oh. Something's wrong... *Reaches under couch* OW! Pointy! Eww! Slimy! Ohh! Moving! Uh-huh! Aww, twenty dollars... I wanted a peanut!
[HOMER'S BRAIN:] Twenty Dollars can buy many peanuts.
[HOMER:] Explain how.
[HOMER'S BRAIN:] Money can be exchanged for goods and services.
[HOMER:] Woo-hoo! *Bangs his head* Ow!!"

Religion: Jewish

Profession: Was a lifeguard, will be a camp counsellor in the summer (3rd year), [Soon to be] Computer Engineering University Student

Politik: Politics?!?! I'm Canadian... who gives a ****!!! :D

Favorite Movie: Oh, don't even get me started... I'm that kind of person that likes basically EVERY movie I see. Favorites include The Matrix, anything with Samuel L. Jackson, and a ton more.... as I said, don't get me started :)

Favorite Team: GO LEAFS GO!!!!

Favorite Color: Blue, Green

Favorite Book: Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy

Dream Date: Reese Witherspoon or Angelina Jolie or Michelle Rodriguez :D :D

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 6:23 am
by Andaar Amberfire

Sex: Male
Age: 16 (5 Sept 1985)
Height: 6'2"
Hair: Brown
Foot Size: 14
Origin: Australian with Serbian and Scottish parents

Intrests: Gaming, especially games with good storylines that are involving (like Torment), general role-play, Star Wars :D , most motorsports (F1, Le Mans, rally, V8 Supercars, TARGA)

But most of all...TRANCE, RAVES, PARTIES, DJing!!! I LIVE FOR MUSIC!!!

Dislikes : I dont like people that force their opinions on others, but i dont like people that use that philosophy as an excuse to get away with rubbish ideals and take advantage of others. I dont like selfish people, but does anyone? Also...DAMN INDY CARS...I *hate* those stupid go-karts dammit. And Teenie boppers.

Alignment: Lawful Good
Current Crisis: Year 11...balancing my life
Deep Thoughts: Contemplating Einstein's postulates....actually, I'm an utter liar...I'm just puzzling over what to have for breakfast tomorrow.

*Optional* but interesting nonetheless

Religion: I follow no specific religion, but I believe that there is something beyond our comprehension in the universe, a mysterious force. "God" is not neccessarily an all powerful being...I believe "God" is made up of the laws of the universe and the universe itself...hmm...maybe i shoulda put this in the Deep thoughts bit...

Profession: Professional Bludger :D ...Once I leave high school, looking to join the Air Force as a fighter pilot.
Politik: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for the alternatives." I personally believe that all politics is a load of junk, simply because there are always going to be corrupt, power hungry people taking advantage of the an ideal world, everyone would work together, despite seperate views.

Favorite Movie: The original Star Wars trilogy :)
Favorite Team: North Melbourne Kangaroos (Australian Rules Football)...F1: Minardi (Go Webber!)...WRC: Tomi Makkinen/Lancer EVO WRC
Favorite Color: Red/Green depending on my mood
Favorite Book: The Lord of the Rings and Catch-22
Dream Date: Laetitia Casta and Nikki Visser...a french model and a swedish model...'nuff said :)

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 11:41 am
by Recoba
Sex: Male
Age: 23 - nearly 24
Height: 6'1"
Hair: Brown + shaggy
Foot Size: 12 UK (13US?)
Origin: Nottingham
Interests: Gaming, books, MTBing, sleeping
Dislikes : Having hayfever (bummer for summer), flies that attack you when out on the bike.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Current Crisis: Working too much :) Not enough time spent on GB (Sorry Guys).
Deep Thoughts: I'm Hungry.

Religion: Christian
Profession: IT consultant type
Politik: conservative
Favorite Movie: Black Hawk Down, Matrix
Favorite Team: Norwich City - Go Canaries! Even though we failed at the last hurdle to get to the Premiership :(
Also support : Philadelphia Flyers and Jacksonville Jaguars (not so good recently)
Favorite Color:!
Favorite Book: 'Solo Command' by Aaron Aalston
Dream Date: Err. Cute Bartender down local pub.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 11:15 am
by RandomThug
Who me?

Sex: Male

Age: 20

Height: 5'8, 5'9 on a good day

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Foot Size: 10 1/2 or Eleven

Origin: Torrance, California

Intrests: Observing life in motion. Fantasy, Sci-fi, cult status stuff.... Basically crap that makes you think, stuff out of the norm. Fight the norm, hate the norm.

Dislikes : Ignorance. Sushi. Sluts.

Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral

Current Crisis: Kind of hung over... my leg hurts.

Deep Thoughts: "You ever think about it if you drove off a cliff and while you were falling to your doom, you would hit the brakes... that would be funny" - Jack Handy

*Optional* but interesting nonetheless

Religion: Anti Religion. Very Anti Religion....

Profession: Computer technician at Edelbrock

Politik: Thier all curropt, even the green party will be when they get the same sway as the others. I say vote for the dude who wont blow us all to hell, and will blow the others away.

Favorite Movie: Tough choices... I mean thiers fightclub, payback, falling down, clockwork... I choose two but thier sequels so its ok. Young guns one and two....

Favorite Team: The Los Angeles Kings

Favorite Color: The fiery color of hate

Favorite Book: The Rum Diary by Hunter S. Thompson

Dream Date: Date? How about dream run in the sack with Jennifer Love hewitt.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 11:51 am
by RandomThug

Alright if I am going to do this I'll do it right and top it off with my music choices...

I am very eclectic so my list is always changing, here it is as of today... right now.

1. Flogging Molly - Raise whats left of the flag for me
2. Flogging Molly - Rebels of the Sacred Heart
3. Rancid - Radio
4. Bob Marley - Legend Cd
5. Box Car Racer

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 7:17 pm
by Vinin

Sex: male
Age: 15
Hair:Black, hopefull red tips soon
Foot Size: 12
Interests: girls, track, anime
Dislikes: girls, sushi
Alignment: Chatic good
Current Crisis: what to do with summer?
Deep Thoughts: its summer there are none

*Optional* but interesting nonetheless

Profession: salesclerk hehe, summer job
Politik :D emocrat
Favorite Movie: LOTR
Favorite Team :D EVILS!
Favorite Color :o range
Favorite Book:anything tom clany/tolkien
Dream Date: hmmm, Natalie portman and Kristen Kreuk (lana from smallville)

Fave Bands
Less Than Jake
Reel Big Fish
Nun The Less (THATS MY BAND!)

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 2:13 am
by Locke Da'averan
Sex: Male

Age: 19

Height: 6'1,5

Hair: dark blonde

Eyes: blue

Foot Size: 42

Origin: Lappi, Finland

Intrests: girls, scifi, CRPG, soccer, alcohol

Dislikes : idiotic morons, rain in a hot summer day

Alignment: lawful evil

Current Crisis: going to military today

Deep Thoughts: am i being watched like jim carrey in truman show?

*Optional* but interesting nonetheless

Religion: Anti Religion. Very Anti Religion....

Profession: warrior :D soldier of the finnish army

Politik: there's no such thing as a straight circle or an honest politician

Favorite Movie: LoTR, Matrix, AotC

Favorite Team: SoPa (the team i play soccer in :p )

Favorite Color: blue/black

Favorite Book: LoTR, wheel of Time books

Dream Date: june 5th when i get out of army... oooh you mean a date date, hmm... jessica alba

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 4:29 am
by wiwimu
Sex: F
Age: 20
Height: 160
Hair: brown
Foot Size: 6
Origin: asian
Intrests: lots
Dislikes : onions
Current Crisis: had to finish the omlette mum made that's filled with onion
Deep Thoughts: onions are good for you it clears your system and prevents cancer etc etc courtesy from my mum.

*Optional* but interesting nonetheless

Religion: freethinker
Profession: graphic artist
Favorite Movie: erm actually there is too many and i love them all
eg. The matrix
Favorite Team: i just watch the cute boys regardless of their teams hihi
Favorite Color: erm green
Favorite Book: Life and death in Shanghai
Dream Date: with a high school teacher

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 8:31 am
by Mianna
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Height: 1,63 metres
Weight: Not much, I´m quite slim...
Hair: Long,light brown with blond stripes (yes really)
Eyes: Amber (mostly green but can change color) looks like half-elf eyes...weird
Origin: West coast of Finland,VERY small village near Vaasa
Favourite music: Trance & dance
Hobbies: Get my ass kicked by my two big brothers...
Occupied: Student and in social life occupied as well...

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 5:11 pm
by Tybaltus
Real Name: Walter
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'7''
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Origin: American
Favorite Music: 80's, Industrial, Techno/dance
Pets: unfortunetly none-my tropical bird died a couple months ago at age 9 :(
Interests: RPG's! I like to analyze football, baseball and NASCAR. I also have interest in robotic combat
Occupation:college freshman
Dislikes: Overconfidence, unfairness, excessive pride
Favorite Movie: Clue, and Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Favorite Book: First They Killed My Father (A dramatic book recalling life in Cambodia at wartime)
Religeon: Protestant (Christian)
Current Crisis: Eh.....getting the college work done and still maintaining the fact that Im a slacker, through and through. :D
Alignment: As a person who follows nature and believes in it: True Neutral

Favorite teams in sports:
Baseball: Boston Red Sox, Toronto Blue Jays, St. Louis Cardinals
Football: New England Patriots, St. Louis Rams, Cincinnati Bengals
NASCAR: Jeremy Mayfield, Matt Kenseth, Kurt Busch
Hockey: Boston Bruins, Phoenix Coyotes, Detroit Red Wings

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 7:01 pm
by Obsidian
Name : Griff
Sex: waiting for the right girl. (M)
Age: 17 (still can't drive)
Height: 5'10
Hair: Very short, Dark brown
Eyes: Green-hazel
Origin: Canadian/English/welsh
Fav. Music. - Punk, Pennywise, Bad religion, Avril Lavigne, Bif Naked, LiveonRelease, Letter to Cleo, the list goes on.
Fav Song. The Worlds On herion by ALL
Pets- A 13 yr old cat I love dearly
Interests. The Ladies, Rugby, Soccer, Leadership, politics, and the like.
Occupation- Professional Lifeguard. Part time soldier. Full time student.
Likes - Fine wine/beer. Women, good friends and nice cars.
Dislikes - Small minded people, unfair authority, people who are in charge of me when I am better qualified then them.
With A million Dollars - Buy my way into high society
Fav Movie. FotR, Matrix, lots more that I liked. 5th element etc.
Fav Book - A breed to come. Unknown Author, LOTR trilogy.
Religion - Naturalist. Pagan I suppose.
Current Crisis - So many pretty ladies.

Deep Thoughts - 2 really. If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where would that leave the one god?
Sometimes shallowness is so thorough, it's almost like depth.

Politiks. Wannabe Anarchist. Liberal.

Dream Date. Avril Lavigne.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 7:04 am
by Nomer
Name: Nomer

Sex: Male

Age: 37

Height: 5' 9"

Hair: brown

Eyes: blue

Origin: Alaska

Intrests: RPGs, history, wildlife conservation

Dislikes : Pollution, greedy people

Current Crisis: Not to get eaten by large bears, while at work

Deep Thoughts: How can I take Alaska for myself?

Religion: Enough to get by

Occupation: Working on Masters for Conservation and with a little military histroy thrown in. Working for Fish and Game Department. Studing the spawning grounds for Eco. impact and what the effects will bring in the future.

Politics: Anything that has to deal with helping the eco-system.

Favorite Movie: Iron Monkey

Favorite Sports: Hockey and any kind of car racing.

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Book: Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose

Dream Date: None, a nasty divorce can want you to be by yourself for a while.