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Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 5:36 pm
by Reaver32
[QUOTE=obrad]Why not? I wasn't under impression that they were scared of war, I think they just want to preserve their independency.[/QUOTE]
You find out in kotor 1 that the reason they selkath stay neutral is to make money and to use the kolto as a way to protect themselfs from the sith.(the sith could blow them up, but they need the kolto)
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:40 pm
by Kayos
[QUOTE=obrad]Well, isn't it refreshing to have a planet where it's actually ilegal to kill someone? It's also neutral, so it's the only planet where you can just talk to your enemy. How about this: you have something they want, they have somthing you want so you make a transaction on neutral playground. And the ocean... the beautifull ocean. [/QUOTE]
no. its not refreshing. and its pretty much ilegal to kill anyone on any planet. theyre just more strict on any and all suspects. and if the sith wanted something, wouldnt they just take it. i dont thik theyd go through all the proper diplomatic procedure just to get something that they could easily steal.
[QUOTE=obrad]Don't know much about that planet. Is it something like Nar Shardaa?[/QUOTE]
no. its not a hide out for fugitives. its a multimillion credit industry. theres practically no atmosphere so they (slaves) mine the spice underground. and ship it to the big time gangsters. its a spice planet. a drug planet.
[QUOTE=obrad]Don't know this one either. What's there to do on that planet? And what do they do to ugly people?

there *are* no ugly people. its like they do selective breeding or something. it just doesnt happen. Well more often then not, the Queen Mother is corrupt in some way. She doesnt worry about the well being of her people, just how long she can stay at the throne. if a contender comes to the throne, its not unusual for that contender to show up dead by some "accident". theres a lot of cloak and dagger stuff that goes on.
[QUOTE=obrad]Yes, Dantooine is a great planet and it is essential for the plot.[/QUOTE]
i agree
[QUOTE=obrad]They sould rebuild the Sith Academy, and open some new areas to, idk, find holocrons (real, not fake) or something.[/QUOTE]
not the sith academy. no. maybe another settlement in a different area on Korriban but deffinetly not the academy again.
[QUOTE=obrad]It wouldn't be too bad to find out about Zaalbar's fate, I agree. Maybe Mission Vao is there too.[/QUOTE]
maybe. but mission doesnt strike me as the person to just hang out with Z and watch him be cheif. i see her on Nar Shadaa or some back water planet.
[QUOTE=obrad]I don't think they will be as friendly as the last time. Kreia was manipulating Mandalore, remember? He didn't help you willingly and now he will proceed with his plans to gatter the clans and atack The Republic.[/QUOTE]
Yea. that was Kreia. Shes dead now. and didnt she point out that the exile had nothing to do with what she was doing? and they cant exactly hold a grudge to the Jedi because one, i dont think they even knew that Kreia was a force user. and two, the exile and some of his jedi buddies helped protect there lil outpost from the sith.
[QUOTE=obrad]Got me again. Never heard of it.[/QUOTE]
its a planet with these lil grey skinned fighting machines. theyre right up there with jedi but they dont use the force.
[QUOTE=obrad]I think I allready said that I want it back. Maybe The Promised Land survived, I would really like to actually see it.[/QUOTE]
yar. but i dont think the outcasts would come back from their promised land to the planet that outcasted them.
[QUOTE=obrad]I think they do put one of those in every game. Rakatan planet, Malachor V (I'm not sure, but I don't think they were ever mentioned before), so there will probably be one in KotOR III too.[/QUOTE]
Malachor V wasnt an original planet. but i could be wrong... from what i remember it was introduced in a comic relaying the events of Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma. as for Rakata Prime, im not sure either... *shrugs*
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:35 pm
by DesR85
Yea. that was Kreia. Shes dead now. and didnt she point out that the exile had nothing to do with what she was doing? and they cant exactly hold a grudge to the Jedi because one, i dont think they even knew that Kreia was a force user. and two, the exile and some of his jedi buddies helped protect there lil outpost from the sith.
I don't quite know what happened to Mandalore after the Darth Nihilus incident. Most likely he could have gone back to his hideout at Dxun but that's just mere speculation on my part. In my opinion, seeing that the Sith attacked Mandalore's base in Dxun, he will be more than happy to sign up for any future confrontation against the Sith.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:44 pm
by seejai
i really hate how u dont get to see them at the end
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:00 pm
by DesR85
[QUOTE=seejai]i really hate how u dont get to see them at the end[/QUOTE]
Agreed. Stupid cut content......

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:17 pm
by Bada-Bing-Boom
Alright here's my opinion. Manaan wouldn't be too bad, the Promise Land on Taris wouldn't be so bad either. here's a list.
Nar Shadaa
Korriban(rebuilt Sith acadamy)
Here's a wierd idea. Peragus II, the planet not the mining facility. they would establish a settlement there but because of the exposed core the atmosphere would be all mixed up so it would have mixed climates.
Another list
Nal Hutta
Mustafar(maybe do something with HK-47 to go with SWG Trials of Obi-Wan)
Plaxay(new planet)
and some more new planets
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:41 pm
by Kayos
[QUOTE=DesR85]I don't quite know what happened to Mandalore after the Darth Nihilus incident. Most likely he could have gone back to his hideout at Dxun but that's just mere speculation on my part. In my opinion, seeing that the Sith attacked Mandalore's base in Dxun, he will be more than happy to sign up for any future confrontation against the Sith.[/QUOTE]
exactly. so i dont think that mandalore would have a problem if you stopped by. and being a Mandoalorian leader, candorous prolly moved the base to a different planet after the attack anyway. so i guess the real question is: do we want to go to Dxun or do we want to go to a Mandolorian Base planet?
and im pretty sure peragus II blew up along with the mining facility.
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:35 am
by Bada-Bing-Boom
But with Dxun the Mandalorian camp wasn't the only thing there. Maybe you would go there to do something with the Freedon Nadd tomb. Or maybe you're looking for someone that crash landed on the moon.
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:32 am
by Kayos
urg... i am so sick of crashing and or already crashed space ships i could puke. if its not your ship thats crashing, its one that you gotta find on a back water planet. urg.
id rather go to dxun to find out some more about the attack the republic launched. remember it was the first Mando controlled planet they blockaded? i think thad be cool.
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:07 am
by DesR85
[QUOTE=Bada-Bing-Boom]But with Dxun the Mandalorian camp wasn't the only thing there. Maybe you would go there to do something with the Freedon Nadd tomb.[/QUOTE]
Just a thought. Why do you want to revisit Freedon Nadd's tomb? I don't see anything interesting on that place after the Onderon uprising by that General Vaklu.
urg... i am so sick of crashing and or already crashed space ships i could puke. if its not your ship thats crashing, its one that you gotta find on a back water planet. urg.
Same here. Also got kind of sick of the numreous crash landings in KOTOR 2. Twice on Telos, once in Dxun and the final one in Malachor V. Sheesh.

Its as if the whole crew were jinxed or something.:laugh:
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:31 am
by obrad
[QUOTE=Kayos]i dont think that mandalore would have a problem if you stopped by.[/QUOTE]
Oh, yes, he would. I don't know if you noticed, but Mandalorians are assembling there to launch attack against Republic. They want war. They want to kill. It's the purpose of their lives. If not for Kreia in part II they would have treated you the same way they treated Onderon military scouts.
They don't have to hold grudge against you to kill you.
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:07 am
by niksa
I don't care which planets are in it, but I would like to have more than 4 or 5.
It's a galaxy, right? Let's have some more planets to reflect this whole, you know, galaxy concept.
I'm not saying we need a trillion planets, just.... you know... more than 5 planets with a couple 4-room areas. :/
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:23 am
by DesR85
I don't care which planets are in it, but I would like to have more than 4 or 5.
It's a galaxy, right? Let's have some more planets to reflect this whole, you know, galaxy concept.
I'm not saying we need a trillion planets, just.... you know... more than 5 planets with a couple 4-room areas. :/[/QUOTE]
I agree here but just a suggestion. What about dividing the number of planets into different sections like the Core Worlds section, the Mid-rim section and the Outer Rim section? In each of these section, there are a certain number of planets.
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:35 am
by niksa
[QUOTE=DesR85]I agree here but just a suggestion. What about dividing the number of planets into different sections like the Core Worlds section, the Mid-rim section and the Outer Rim section? In each of these section, there are a certain number of planets.[/QUOTE]
That would be quite cool.
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:48 am
by Kayos
i agee. that would be quite kick ass indeed
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:43 pm
by evive
my two credits worth....
This would be my dream wish list.
So, first off, I'd like to have almost all the planets from KOTOR I & II.
Taris (would love to see the rebuilding process - and visit the undercity dwellers who've found the "promised land")
Dantooine (perhaps as an exclusively Jedi planet to regenerate / train / upgrade kind of place.... spiritual rest, yada yada)
Tatooine (with more freedom and a speeder to explore with, and more than one city!)
Kashyyk (optional explore only planet - more range)
Manaan (more underwater stuff)
Korriban (rebuilding.... and maybe more ruins)
Unknown World (optional explore only planet - more range)
Telos (more restorations zones, and the polar plateau secret academy??)
Dxun (optional explore only planet)
Onderon (optional explore only planet)
Nar Shadaa (imagine even more of it?)
Bespin (the SW5 floating city in the clouds)
Naboo (including most definitely the underwater cities)
I would love if we could land in more than one place on some of the planets too! Also, some of the planets listed above are for explore purposes only.... that way those of us who are in love with the universe itself can get an extra hit!
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:24 pm
by Reaver32
[QUOTE=evive]Taris (would love to see the rebuilding process - and visit the undercity dwellers who've found the "promised land")[/QUOTE]
in kotor 1, it was destroyed, juhani said that her homeworld was destroyed, and malak orders to wipe the planet from the galaxy.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:48 pm
by evive
[QUOTE=Reaver32]in kotor 1, it was destroyed, juhani said that her homeworld was destroyed, and malak orders to wipe the planet from the galaxy.[/QUOTE]
Ahhhh..... I knew that, but assumed "destroyed" was on the same lines as Dantooine was "destroyed" in KOTOR II.....
Too bad..... was always really curious about the "Promised Land"!
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:44 pm
by Reaver32
malak says he rained fire down onto dantooine, and when you see the jedi from the enclave when you vs malak, he says that they are some of the few that survived the attack. i didnt mean to dash your dream of going back, i liked the planet too, but it has been destroyed most likely New Hope style
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:04 pm
by quiksylver
[QUOTE=Reaver32]malak says he rained fire down onto dantooine, and when you see the jedi from the enclave when you vs malak, he says that they are some of the few that survived the attack. i didnt mean to dash your dream of going back, i liked the planet too, but it has been destroyed most likely New Hope style[/QUOTE]
the only thing is that the Sith didnt have anything with enough power to totally obliterate an entire planet at that point. And in Star Wars Empire at War they mention about how Taris creates spaceships for some of the fleets. So it must have been rebuilt.