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Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:19 pm
by seejai
the gray jeedai
But on the note of the original question... I always play Light Side. Why? Well, I'm one of the few who actually adore long conversations, I like finishing all the quests, talking to all the people, finding out every little tidbit of information I can get my greedy little hands on. But apart from that personal geek gain, playing LS is so much more fulfilling. I'm not really enjoying myself when I run around screaming "Aaarrgh leave me alone you worms I'll crush you with my awesome DS powers grrrwwaaarrrgghhhh I hate you all POWER!!!!!..." You get the picture.

I play LS because I love all the little people. And deep down I strongly believe in happy endings.

But as to the whole Sith Philosophy vs. Jedi Philosophy vs. Grey Side Philosophy discussion... I guess I'd see it from Jolee's point of view. Grrwaarggh Kill Kill Kill darksiders are annoying, and so are preachy lightsider Jedi. Both the Codes are a bit doubtful. I'd go light side to the end (when you reach the glow and little stars, probably the Jedi equivalent of an aureola :p ), but I'd stay human, as good old Revan so rightly put it.
i have to agree. i love the quests and i feel genuinely bad when i do something bad
altho i always go really light side for the +3 constitution or w/e i would have to say im gray bc some of the jedi stuff bugs me. i mean in the new republic theyre all getting married and popping out kids and i havnt seen any falls to the darkside (well yet im still reading the books)
but anyway jolee is basically my hero. how can u be completly light side and be lovin the handmaiden (and visas). i guess on kotor 2 the girls dont have much of a choice. but in kotor 1 ud think carth wouldnt be like i love bc hes so good and rule abiding
but anyway i dont like killing without reason and i always give money and so im a thoughtless giver hahahahaha :p

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:02 pm
by Revan12200
Jedi Thomas wrote: I would choose the sith but then I would act like a jedi. Maybe this would make myself weak but who said the Sith inheritally had to act all mean and want to kill everything.
Sounds like you’d like to have the option to play as an opposite to one of the Gray Jedi who completed the teachings of the Jedi but operate independently and outside the Jedi Council.
i.e. Gray Sith.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:43 pm
by DesR85
Revan12200 wrote:Sounds like you’d like to have the option to play as an opposite to one of the Gray Jedi who completed the teachings of the Jedi but operate independently and outside the Jedi Council.
i.e. Gray Sith.
Umm, what's the difference between a Gray Jedi and a Gray Sith? Aren't they the same person? It doesn't make sense, to me, to be called either a Jedi or Sith if you're neutral.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:14 am
by Revan12200
I was jest trying to get at the idea that instead of a Jedi being tort light-side teachings and then braking them, there could be someone tort dark-side / Sith teachings and them braking them :)

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:32 am
by Chanak
Remember the topic of this thread - let's not get off track here.

The Dark Side is, as I see it in play, a primarily offensive path to achieve goals. Where a Light Side Jedi would stun droids, heal their allies, and use some universal force powers, a Dark Sider would simply use Force Lightning to remove obstacles in their way. It is purely a matter of outlook, and preference. The Dark Side is perfectly suited for inflicting pain and carnage. If that's your cup of tea, then it's great.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:00 pm
by Reaver32
when i 1st played the 1st kotor, i didnt realize there were bonuses to the alignment. so i was a light sider with all the dark side powers, i was able to beat the game pretty fast, so i dont see the real point of this thread. the darkside, i find at least, too much of a walk-in-the-park to be part of a good game.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:14 am
by Chanak
You're entitled to your opinion, as everyone else is. This isn't a question concerning your experience in either of the previous KOTORs so much as it is a rhetorical one.

In regards to the point of this thread: if you don't post in a manner relevant to the topic, then you're correct, there's no point in it. If all you're going to do is post a flame, then simply don't post. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:09 am
by Sinbios
i played both Kotor with a darkside character first, just because my nature is evil :cool:

In fact u've got more freedom to play as a DS player, slaying the annoying Jedi and the cat :) without suppresing ur own feelings

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:13 am
by moe210
DS is cool

But I could never choose the DS answer EVERY single time. Especially KOTOR I, like when you get to the Under-city, and those beggars are almost crying for credits. I tried to threaten them, but after they showed how weak and soft they were I couldn't resist. That's how I am in real life too, I just can't be too cruel. But that just shows how realalistic this game is!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:01 am
by Chanak
Since it appears that new and relevant discussion has been exhausted, I'm closing this thread.