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Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:48 am
by Altmer1989
MY VERSION::devil:
NAME:darth ultima
EYES:Green w/ red encircling it
WEIGHT:234 lbs.
HAIR:Long and flat(GRAY)-natural colour,medium size irodorian horns on forehead
SKIN:white w/irodorian face paint
CLOTHES:Torso battle armour,the rest is robes(BLACK)
PERSONALITY:Controlling yet understanding at times,Wise,cares what is good for the sith as a whole.But crushes all who oposses his rule as Sith master.
OTHER ABILLITIES sychometry,SpiritTransferance,SithAlchemy,Spear of Midnight Black
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:48 am
by AjaKS
Here's one:
Name: Darth Sil'Kath or Sel'Karth
Hair: Medium, wavy. Black.
Skin: Pale white
Eyes: Changes depending on situation. Sith yellow, but can be black or white.
Age: 25
Species: Human
Homeworld: Unknown
Clothes: Traditional Sith robes
Lightsaber: Dual, but hilts can be join making it double blade, or can fight with one.
Powers: Cloak, Telekinesis, Rage, Enhance Ability, Alter Environment, Choke, Crush, Lightning/Storm, Throw, Drain, Mind Control, Flight.
Personality: Cold, harsh, doesn't allow mercy/weakness or faliure
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:35 am
by bigredpanda
Sithlord1989 wrote:
He's going to make us sit a multiple choice test and tell us what suitable careers there are for us based on the results?
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:37 pm
by KOTORlord
arth Plagueis
WEIGHT:249 lbs
HEIGHT:7 ft 1
POWERS:Force Storm, Force Crush, Master Heal, Death Field, Stasis Field Battle Medditation, and Force Resistance
uel Red Lightsabers
PERSONALITY:Calm, but will get angry when the job is not done and will destroy everthing
OTHER: Has a special ship much like the Ebon Hawk
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:46 am
by Altmer1989
bigredpanda wrote:He's going to make us sit a multiple choice test and tell us what suitable careers there are for us based on the results?
It is not a M.C. those are other abilities that not many have like bastila in kotor 1 how she had battle meditation when no one else did. You see these abillities take a really long time to master but they are some of the most powerful sith abilities there are that is with the exception of Force storm (wormhole version) which can destroy staships, "literally".
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:05 am
by Smiley:)
Okay, here's another one:
Name - Darth Xenioph (Phoenix)
Height - 2.1 m ; Weight - 94.6 kg
Age - 56 years
Race - True Sith
Skin - Flaming
Eyes - Bright Yellow
Hair - Flames
Clothing - Typical Sith lord clothing, but flaming and with a fire cape.
Lightsaber - Orange
Force Powers - Fireball, Firewall, Engulphing Flames, Incinerate, Infernal, Internal Flames, Doom Fire
Personality - Patient, smart, strategist, merciless
History - I don't care. So long as it's not boring.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:37 pm
by Jedi Guardian
Smiley :) wrote:Okay, here's another one:
Name - Darth Xenioph (Phoenix)
Height - 2.1 m ; Weight - 94.6 kg
Age - 56 years
Race - True Sith
Skin - Flaming
Eyes - Bright Yellow
Hair - Flames
Clothing - Typical Sith lord clothing, but flaming and with a fire cape.
Lightsaber - Orange
Force Powers - Fireball, Firewall, Engulphing Flames, Incinerate, Infernal, Internal Flames, Doom Fire
Personality - Patient, smart, strategist, merciless
History - I don't care. So long as it's not boring.
thats a lot of Fire:laugh:
those Force powers sound more like something from Fable
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:42 am
by Smiley:)
Jedi Guardian wrote:thats a lot of Fire:laugh:
those Force powers sound more like something from Fable
Maybe. I never actually played Fable a lot, only a little at my friend's house. So I wouldn't know. I came up with this all by my self.
I could have also put in "Summon Phoenix", but that would be seen as taking from "Heroes of Might and Magic V".
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:58 pm
by KOTORlord
Name - Datr Rdzali
Height - 7 ft 2
Age - 39
Race - Khommite
Skin - Grey
Eyes - all white
Hair - none
Clothing - Mandalore armor(no helmet and can use force powers
Lightsaber - Single orange
Personality - always calm know one knows why he is on the dark side
Khommite - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars wiki website for Khommites
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:21 am
by AjaKS
weird name:laugh:
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:57 am
by KOTORlord
weird name:laugh:
switched the first 2 letters in lizard
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:47 am
by AjaKS
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:25 am
by LordOfSithGods
Name: Darth Death
Age: 10,000 years old
Species: Mandalorian-Chiss-Sith
Title: Dark Overlord Of The Sith
Sith Class: Mastered Sith Lord/Sith Assassin/Sith Marauder. An expert in all fields with no weaknesses.
Midichlorian count: 100,000. His soul and body is so corrupt and diseased that he is able to punch wounds in the force just by his presence. All life dies in his presence (Not drain health but actually kills cells in body and corrupts force energy any where he goes) He is so corrupt that he is able to kill a planet just by living there for a while. The planet becomes very unbalanced in the force and unstable resulting in huge hurricanes with powerful red lightning storms and deadly acid rains. This only multiplies his powers as he feeds on death, suffering, fear and destruction..
Height: 7ft 5. Very tall but this does not give the usual disadvantages it would have to anybody normal as he is excellent at defending his body and is able to move extremely fast.
Weight: 1 tonne of muscle. As he walks towards you, it feels as though a stampede is coming towards you... When he stands still, force corruption can actually be seen, as the mysterious red mist just appears from no where. This in fact is visual corruption of the force surrounding Darth Death..
Robes & Amour: Mandalorian amour with sith robes... Usually wears a cape and hood up hiding most of his Sith face. Does not wear masks, or any kind of amour on his head.
Eyes: Red and yellow pupils. The rest is all pure black. Staring into his eyes will kill you in minutes. Has highly advanced vision, can see through walls/body/amour/clothes without using the force and your movement is easier to follow even with force speed. Such powerful vision and penetration that it would give away your fighting style, read your mind, your secrets and corrupt you, and if you look into his eyes for too long it will kill you..
Voice: Same language as Darth Nil, aka clown face. Only the language is more well developed with subs on the screen. His voice is so terrifying and painful that is causes the weak to go insane from fear, and damages cells in their body like force scream would.
Weapon of choice: A saber staff, same style as Darth Maul. Hilt indestructible as the beam, as its made by the same technology as the strongest vibroblade in the star wars universe. Colour of beam is pure black, like a black hole it is able to pull all energy into it (including light and force) weakening the enemy.. The edges flash a deep crimson, it causes plague and corruption to any living thing it strikes from the taint of the Dark Overlord.
Force powers: All dark side powers ever created in star wars.. But Deaths powers reach levels never seen before, as he corrupts the force and is able to achieve intensity, and duration levels beyond the limits.
Attitude: Pitiless, ruthless, racist, understands no one can be perfect and mistakes are inevitable, but yet is very unforgiving, high intelligent, master manipulator, very calm and patient, extreme anger though very well controlled, enjoys causing suffering and wounds in the force, highly confident in his abilities, though not over confident, a master planner and tactician.
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:10 am
by Altmer1989
LordOfSithGods wrote:Name: Darth Death
Age: 10,000 yrs old
Species: Mandalorian-Chiss-Sith
Title: Dark Overlord Of The Sith
Sith Class: Mastered Sith Lord/Sith Assassin/Sith Marauder. An expert in all fields with no weaknesses.
Midichlorian count: 100,000. His soul and body is so corrupt and diseased that he is able to punch wounds in the force just by his presence. All life dies in his presence (Not drain health but actually kills cells in body and corrupts force energy any where he goes) He is so corrupt that he is able to kill a planet just by living there for a while. The planet becomes very unbalanced in the force and unstable resulting in huge hurricanes with powerful red lightening storms and deadly acid rains. This only multiplies his powers as he feeds on death, suffering, fear and destruction..
Height: 7ft 5. Very tall but this does not give the usual disadvantages it would have to anybody normal as he is excellent at defending his body and is able to move extremely fast.
Weight: 1 tonne of muscle. As he walks towards you, it feels as though a stampede is coming towards you... When he stands still, force corruption can actually be seen, as the mysterious red mist just appears from no where. This in fact is visual corruption of the force surrounding Darth Death..
Robes & Amour: Mandalorian amour with sith robes... Usually wears a cape and hood up hiding most of his Sith face. Does not wear masks, or any kind of amour on his head.
Eyes: Red and yellow pupils. The rest is all pure black. Staring into his eyes will kill you in minutes. Has highly advanced vision, can look through walls/body/amour/clothes without using the force and your movement is easier to follow even with force speed. Such powerful and penetration that it would give away your fighting style, what you’re thinking, your secrets and corrupt you, and if you stare at him it will kill you..
Voice: Same language as Darth Nil, aka clown face. Only the language is more well developed with subs on the screen. His voice is so terrifying and painful that is causes the weak to go insane from fear, and damages cells in their body like force scream would.
Weapon of choice: A saber staff, same style as Darth Maul. Hilt indestructible as the beam, as its made by the same technology as the strongest vibroblade in the star wars universe. Colour of beam is pure black, like a black hole it is able to pull all energy into it (including light and force) weakening the enemy.. The edges flash a deep crimson, it causes plague and corruption to any living thing it strikes from the taint of the Dark Overlord.
Force powers: All dark side powers ever created in star wars.. But Deaths powers reach levels never seen before, as he corrupts the force and is able to achieve intensity, and duration levels beyond the limits.
Attitude: Pitiless, racist, understands no one can be perfect and mistakes are inevitable, but yet is very unforgiving, high intelligent, master manipulator, very calm and patient, extreme anger though very well controlled, enjoys causing suffering and wounds in the force, highly confident in his abilities, though not over confident, a master planner and tactician.
Okay Im going to end this maddening description of this"sith".I can see you put alot of work into this but dont you think that is a bit over the top.No sith lives that long,and his attitude is completely all over the place if he was that strong he would be overconfident because no one could beat ,and no sith can learn all abilities perfectly.Also darth death was already used. Please next time use some realism on your character Im pretty sure the others on this thread agree.:devil:
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:28 am
by AjaKS
That is a bit unrealistic. May as well just end the game as soon as you begin it. Also there is no way, even the most trained and one-with-the-force jedi or sith could be that powerful and strong. I have to agree with Sithlord1989.
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:40 am
by LordOfSithGods
I'm sorry if my creation seems over the top. But i feel it needs to be, we have seen powerful sith lords like Nililus have powers that could destroy planets with the force.. We've seen what the Exile and Kreia can do, and we all know Revan is stronger than Kriea and has since learned alot more about the force than anybody else.. So the true master of the dark side needs to be more powerful than all of them combined... Some of the previous posts seem as if they have no chance against HK 47 leat alone the more powerful like Nilius, Kriea, Sion, Exile and Revan.. and Also we know Darth Sidious knows every single dark side power ever created, so i thought it would be nice to see him finding the holocron of someone as powerful as Darth Death.. As for his name, well i couldn't think of a good enough name so i picked Death, which can be changed any time i feel like it.
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:07 am
by LordOfSithGods
Sithlord1989 wrote:Okay Im going to end this maddening description of this"sith".I can see you put alot of work into this but dont you think that is a bit over the top.No sith lives that long,
If Yoda can live for 900+ yrs, then don't you think a Sith Lord can? Especially a Sith species thats extremely strong in the force.. It doesn't have to be realistic, it's star wars, anything is possible, if Nilius can kill planets with the force i feel that the master of the true sith should be stronger in every way..
and his attitude is completely all over the place if he was that strong he would be overconfident because no one could beat ,
Then why isn't Darth Sidious overconfident? Living for 10,000 yrs makes him a very wise Sith who has learned to not be overconfident.. Plus he knows anything is possible with the force, including his death, intelligent and wise people with alot of experience are never overconfident!!!
and no sith can learn all abilities perfectly.Also darth death was already used. Please next time use some realism on your character Im pretty sure the others on this thread agree.
Really? What about Luke Skywalker, Revan and Sidious? Besides you have never seen a true Sith, so shut the f**k up, and stop trying to act like you're GL!!
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:32 am
by Lex.mkr
Name: Darth Norris
Status: Lord of Life, the Universe and Everything
Age: (age of the Universe) + 1
Race: Darth Norris
Eyes: 666
Hair: Durasteel & cortosis ore alloy
Skin: Durasteel & cortosis ore alloy
Lightsaber: He doesn't need one.
Attitude: He wins. Period.
Force Abilities: Roundhouse Kick
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:11 pm
by AjaKS
So he hides in the middle of the Galaxies Core does he? :laugh:
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:17 am
by Altmer1989
LordOfSithGods wrote:If Yoda can live for 900+ yrs, then don't you think a Sith Lord can? Especially a Sith species thats extremely strong in the force.. It doesn't have to be realistic, it's star wars, anything is possible, if Nilius can kill planets with the force i feel that the master of the true sith should be stronger in every way..
Then why isn't Darth Sidious overconfident? Living for 10,000 yrs makes him a very wise Sith who has learned to not be overconfident.. Plus he knows anything is possible with the force, including his death, intelligent and wise people with alot of experience are never overconfident!!!
Really? What about Luke Skywalker, Revan and Sidious? Besides you have never seen a true Sith, so shut the f**k up, and stop trying to act like you're GL!!
Well it looks like we got a feisty one, Well how can I put this delicatly Yoda lived that long because of his species,and anybody could see darth sidious was completely overconfident, he fooled everyone in the republic,and the reason no sith can learn all FPs perfectly because they are not perfect,true some have mastered many stong powers but no one has EVER learned all.Oh and you should watch your lowly sith mouth,you dont know whether or not I've seen or met true sith.I'll tell them you said hi! :laugh:HEHEHAHAHE:devil: