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Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2001 9:50 pm
by Magus
@Aegis: Ah ha! Now I know this Magus you’re talking about! Actually, his name was MAGIUS. And the staff is the Staff of Magius. He was a friend of Huma, the legendary knight that defeated Takhisis.
BTW, I’ll let you handle the ranger.

@Xandax + Fas: Why don’t you follow craig’s suggestion and start planning? Magus will be tied up with Virdel for a little bit more, and Void is likewise occupied with Kierran.

@Brink: Waiting for your response/reaction.


Virdel didn't respond, he remained still, possibly pondering the offer. After a few minutes of thought, he had come to one conclusion. "Give me my weapons."

“Actual savior...” Magus murmurs with a wry smirk. It was certainly more than one person that slew Raistlin that day. Glancing up, he sees Virdel’s impatience. “Very well. I am satisfied,” Magus replies after a slight pause. He mutters a word of magic, and closes his hands together as if in prayer. When they pull apart, a scimitar appears as if from inside his hands. He hands this to Virdel, then repeats the action for the other scimitar, also handing it to the drow.

“So, do you want to hear me out? The reward will be the same as the others’, though your task will be different,” Magus states cooly, though his mind is elsewhere. So if it wasn’t Fallout or Rail, that left only three other people: Aerie, Keldorn, and Aran. Aerie hadn’t told a soul, preferring to put the ghastly event behind them. And Keldorn surely wouldn’t have spread the story of the Order’s disgrace. So that meant it must have been Aran. –It’s about time I paid him a visit- thinks Magus, a slight frown twisting his lips. Some secrets were never meant to be revealed, and this was one of them. He had a personal interest in the secret remaining a secret.


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2001 10:09 pm
by Brink
@Magus-Sorry :)


"What manner of beast are you?"Kierran questioned the creature in front of him," how is it that you know," And how did you know the purpose of my presence in this city?".Kierran was beginning to feel uneasy conversing with the creature, as if the creature could read his mind...

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 3:30 am
by Rail
@all- Sorry for the delayed response. Did I mention I'm getting swamped IRL? :rolleyes: :mad: :)

@Aegis- right on. I would certainly have wanted Tolgeiras dead, as I would any other mage. Present company excluded, of course, Magus. :D

@Magus- IIRC, in the last story, fairly early on, Void offered to help or instruct Rail, though on what remains unspoken. That was the offer referred to in "Void's Post". I just thought everyone could use an intro to Void. Cast, meet Void. Void, cast. :D
* * *

Rail watched from invisibility as the others left the room until Magus stood facing only the dark elf. The others had proven themselves not to be a danger, but the dark elf had yet to give away any position whatsoever, friend or foe. Scimitars in hand, the elf did seem to relax a bit, though he was still as tightly strung as a Cormyran crossbow. And far more deadly.

A great question still lingered for the assassin. Why had the dark elf killed Tolgieras? Certainly the Shadow Thieves were the main rivals of the Cowled Wizards, but this had no taste of the Shadowmaster's flair or panache. The fool wizard was simply cut down and looted like a common mugging. Why the dark elf? Who was he working for? A lone dark elf simply can't survive long in Athkatla without the aid or alliance of one of the city's power factions.

Tolgeiras! The thought of the corrupt fool disgusted the assassin. Rail had indeed been gone from the city far too long, and the cowled wizards had prospered because of his abscense. It pained him that he had a hand in their rise to power, since Rail had helped defeat Raistlin, and as a result, the wizards built upon the returning people's overwhelming fear of magic. Why can't they see they have replaces one monster with another? A dragon for a hydra.

The scimitar-swinging dark elf moved closer to the windowsill where Rail was reclining, and rather than move, Rail decided to reveal himself. Clearing his throat, he materialized behind the elf, who started ever-so-slightly at the sudden appearance.

Even though he knew the human to be lurking somewhere nearby, it unnerved him just how close the man was to him. The pinnacle of a drow warrior, he let very little show on his face, but he couldn't help but tense at the sound and grip his scimitars a bit tighter. He calmly turned toward the human and put his weapons between them cautiously, but not threateningly.

Rail still reclined on the windowsill, though he didn't quite appear relaxed. Frowning as always, he unfolded his arms only enough to motion the dark elf to sheath his blades. "You should choose your enemies when you have studied them, not when they have studied you."

Virdel tilted his head slightly at the human saying, but but nodded slowly to himself seeing the man was unarmed and apparently meant no threat. However, he preferred to keep his blades in his hands a bit longer, though he did lower them to his sides. "I choose my enemies when and where I wish, human. Pray you are not one."

Rail smiled and shrugged nonchalantly. "Shall I make that a prayer to Llolth, while I'm at it?"

The dark elf tensed far more than when startled, though Rail couldn't tell if it was from his words or his inaction. The warrior's thoughts seemed to spike with the assassin's shrug, though Rail was certainly no psionicist. Hanging around Void, however, you couldn't help but develop a few talents.

Virdel paused for several moments before turning from the assassin in impatience. "Are we finished here?", he asked Magus in cautious disgust.

Magus appeared as if her were interrupted from his thoughts, though he recovered quickly as always. "Indeed, elf. I have no quarrel with you. In fact, I have a task of you, if you will permit it. But first, I must know where you stand."

The dark elf looked confused, unsure what the mage was asking, or unwilling to answer openly.

"Come now, Virdel," Magus responded, causing the dark elf to take a step back defensively. "I see pictures of places and people, but they are unfamiliar to me. I need to know where you stand before I trust you with any amount of trust at all." He left the threat of mentally probing the dark elf unspoken, though it undoubtedly hung openly in the warrior's mind. Magus would never really take such action, but he doubted the elf knew this. It was important the dark elf came even with him on his won. "Trust begets trust."

Rail awaited the dark elf's response, though he kept his eye warily on the young newcomer in the doorway. The one Void had intercepted.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 6:02 am
by CM
OOC {Some news, i will be on vacation for a month period - 27th of july to the 1st of sept - and won't have much time for the comp. So i will try to post a message a week, be off for 4 weeks, so 4 posts. But if there is a need to move my character along you guys can do whatever you want other than changing him in to a cow or a woman! :D }

Faisal took one of the few chairs not totally destroyed and sat down next to Xandax.
He asked the other 2 "Do you have any idea where we can contact the head quarters or any recruiters? I would like some background info on the people before we join, no need to rush in blindly esp. if a wizard wants us to do something for him."

"Or we can..." continued faisal after a pause "or we can spilt up for another couple of hours, i need to see the cleric and it would be best if i do this alone. Also you two can scout out for any information on the Black Helm. So it is up to the 2 of you to decide."

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 6:22 am
by Craig
{OOC But my dude is going into the shadow theives

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: craig ]

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 7:10 am
by CM
OOC {My bad, ok so i will wait till Xandax posts, you can head off to the Shadow Thieves if you wish}

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 7:32 am
by Xandax
Xandax looked at Faisal.

"We might have better luck to infiltrate this organisation individually. If we enter together it could restrict our attempt to access deeper into the organisation. But that is just a thought.”

{OOC: I have a to go on a vacation around 06.08 -> 18.08 where I most likely wont be able to post - but I'll cross that brigde when I get to it.

I'll post later again today :) }

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 11:26 am
by Magus
@Rail: IRL???
Oh I remember what you’re talking about. It was in the Rift, when you first conversed with Void. Ahh, the memories... :D

@Xandax: Do you mean 6 of August to 18 of August?

@all: I won’t be able to post August 11-18 (also part of vacation). Since Fas, me, and Xandax at the least will be gone for that period, perhaps we can put the story on hold then. It’s up to the rest of you who will still be here. If no one else will be gone, we can probably manage for the few days without Xandax, and we’ll have to manage while Fas is gone.


"What manner of beast are you?" Kierran questioned the creature in front of him. “How is it that you know? And how did you know the purpose of my presence in this city?" Kierran was beginning to feel uneasy conversing with the creature, as if the creature could read his mind...

-I can, human. And much more. I’m what you mortals call a hakeashar, though my link to Magus makes me unique- Void pauses to let his mortal mind comprehend. –Much can be seen by peering into the subconscious of you manlings. The way your minds work is so odd. It withholds information even as you search for it.- Kierran is baffled by the cryptic explanation.

Void loses his patience. -I see explaining this is a complete waste of my time. Regardless, know that you seek Magus, and that he will find you when he has need of you. But for now, your destiny converges with the drow’s. Go with him, and you will find your place in this city-

That said, the hakeashar vanishes, leaving Kierran feeling confused and vulnerable.

{OOC: Don’t you just love a good puzzle? :D Can you figure it out? Can Aegis figure it out? :D }


Two glowing eyes materialize next to Rail.

-Your sluggish fleshling minds never cease to amaze me- The words drip with weary sarcasm.


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 11:42 am
by Aegis
@Magus: I get. Don't worry about all of you being gone. I can hold down the fort, and provide little bits of stroy progression. Besides, I'm gonna be busy in the coming months, I finally got a girl I'm after, so I'll be decidating a lot of time to trying to go out with her :D

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 12:44 pm
by Xandax
Xandax and Faisal agreed to split up for a while – this giving Faisal time to finish his business with the priests.
They agreed that they could leave messages for each other with the barkeep in the Copper Coronet if they needed to contact each other – the barkeep all the more happy at the prospect of earning a some easy gold, agreed to this.
Xandax picked up his shield and fasten it on his back together with his sword, and parted from Faisal.
”I wonder if the kid will be all right – he seems pretty new at this adventure business. But of course, he does know some fighting – he did good last time” Xandax thought to himself as he once again was on his own.

Xandax was walking down the street when he noticed a band of city guards. Walking up to them he noticed their insignia. They were Black Helms all right. Thinking this was a good a time as ever he approached what seemed to be the leader.
”Excuse me Sir” Xandax said to him.
“Yes – can I help you?” the man replied.
After a short dialog, where Xandax had explained he were seeking adventure in the city, and had heard the Black Helm were hiring mercenaries he were told to seek out their headquarter in the Government Quarters, right next to the prison, and talk to the officer on duty there.

Xandax made his way towards the quarters while carefully watching the people of Athkatla, trying to blend in, luckily there were a lot of fighting men in town, so the task was not hard.
Reaching the Black Helms building Xandax entered and asked to speak to the on duty officer.
“Yes” a large elderly man approached Xandax, he looked that of a veteran fighter if one could count on the scars he bore.
“Excuse me Sir” Xandax said “I hear that you might be hiring mercenaries in your organisation”
“That we do – but I don’t know if we have need of any right now. Also can you handle yourself in a fight?” the man asked Xandax sizing him up.
“Yes – I’m an okay fighter, I’ve been involved in campaigns in Comyr, the Dalelands, and some north of here, in Baldurs Gate. I can handle myself okay” Xandax seriously underplayed his skills, so not to seem overconfident and be thrown out.
“We’ll see about that, follow me” the man walked into another room. “Wait here” and then he left.
Moments later another man, dressed in normal clothes, and a sage entered the room.
“Hello – so you are thinking of joining the Helm?” he asked. “Well then, we have some questions to ask you before we can let you try out” he continued without waiting for Xandax’ answer.
“The sage will determine if you tell us the truth, sit down” The man sat down behind a desk and pointed to the chair in front of it. Xandax sat down – clearing his mind.
“Are you ready?” the man behind the desk asked.
“Yes, I’m ready” Xandax replied – the sage stood directly behind Xandax now.

“Where do you originate?” the man asked.
“Daggerdale” Xandax replied.
“Why did you leave your home?”
“My parents were killed, so I took up the road”
“Why do you want to join the Black Helm?”
“I seek adventure and gold”
“What do you know of Athkatla and it’s current situation?”
”I know there is some kind of turmoil between the wizards and the thieves”
“What do you think about that?”
“Not much – I care not much for either group of people”
“Okay – that will do” the man behind the desk said, as he got a signal from the sage behind Xandax.
Both of them left the room with Xandax still sitting there.

Xandax smiled pleased, everything he said had been the truth, or at least a part of the whole truth.
The normally dressed man re-entered the room.
“I think we can use you” he said, “Go and talk to Langly, whom you talked to first” then he left again.
Xandax stood up, feeling a bit dizzy due to the sage’ invasion of his mind to determine if Xandax spoke the truth. Xandax walked out to the man, Langly. He showed Xandax to the barracks, and to his bunk.
”This is all you get, for now” Langly said to Xandax. Since you are only a mercenary at this time, you must supply your own weapons – but that doesn’t seem to be a problem” Langly glanced at Xandax’ sword. “You can rest for a couple of hours – I know that sage have caused you some fatigue, lousy wizards” Langly said with contempt in his voice. He was apparently not found of wizards. “Rest now” he said and left Xandax.

Xandax looked around – the room was big, there were about 60 bunks altogether – placed in 4 rows of 15. There were some men resting in a few of the bunks, and some sitting on the bunk looking around like Xandax with their weapons at hand.
“Mercenaries, just like me, or almost like me” Xandax though
Xandax had gotten a bunk near a window looking outside to the square of the Government Quarters. Xandax looked out and ponder at what would happen next.
It started to rain. “Ominous” Xandax thought as he saw the dark clouds hanging low.

{OOC: Long post :)
@Magus, yeah - I'm on vacation in august - not that I care much for it :) }

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 5:36 pm
by Brink
@All-Anything's fine with me :) (I'll post my part later today :) )

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 8:34 pm
by Aegis
"Come now, Virdel," Magus responded, causing the dark elf to take a step back defensively. "I see pictures of places and people, but they are unfamiliar to me. I need to know where you stand before I trust you with any amount of trust at all." He left the threat of mentally probing the dark elf unspoken, though it undoubtedly hung openly in the warrior's mind. Magus would never really take such action, but he doubted the elf knew this. It was important the dark elf came even with him on his won. "Trust begets trust."

Rail awaited the dark elf's response, though he kept his eye warily on the young newcomer in the doorway. The one Void had intercepted.

Still rather peturbed about what had just happened, Virdel looked from Rail, then to Magus who was waiting patiently for Virdel to answer. He had no desire to side with any of the factions, especially the Cowled Wizards. The thought of allying with Magus only lead him to believe that he was one of the cowled wizards himself. Although, their was something about this man, this Magus, that struck Virdel as trustworthy.

"You have yourself an ally. A powerful one at that. I have friends in the city that may help us, if you wish." Virdel stopped for a moment, and gathered his thoughts, deciding on the best course of action. "I will keep their identities secret for now, by I may be able to call on their aid, if need be."

Magus's lips curled up in a smile, seeing he had gained the support of the Drow. No easy task, and he knew it. He nodded in satisfaction, giving Void a small psionic message, informing him of what just took place. "I am glad you have choosen to follow my lead" began Magus. "You will soon see that it was not the wrong choice. Go now, and take our new-comer with you, I will find both you in a days time, along with Faisal, Xandax, and Thryn. From there, we will discuss the future of this city."

Virdel said nothing. He glanced once more to Rail, still sitting on the windowsell, a large grin on his face. He then turned to the door, noticing Kierran for the first time. A small scowl could be seen on his face when he saw whom he told to go with. He shook his head, believing that argueing with the Mage would futile. He walked to the door, and right past Kierran, not even acknowledging him.

He made his way down the steps, back to the ground level. As he made his way out of the Slums district, he heard the frantic pattering of feet as Kierran tried to catch up to him. The Ranger stood beside him momentarly, before even speaking.

"I'm Kierran. That Hakeashar told me I was to go with you." His breathing was slightly taxed, but it returned with ease. Virdel just kept walking, still ignoreing the man. Kierran followed the Drow, a few paces behind. He was in no mood to disobey a wizard of that strength, so he followed Magus's orders...

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 12:00 am
by Magus
@Aegis+Brink: Virdel and Kierran. What a mismatched pair :D


As Virdel finally leaves, Magus sighs deeply, brushing a strand of his long blonde hair from his face, a gesture that looks peculiarly elven. It had begun. Once he had a better idea what was going on, he could decide what to do. Simply destroying all three factions, if even possible, would be no better than remaining idle. Either way, chaos and horrible bloodshed would follow. He could support one of them. Or he could just weaken them. Or maybe a combination of the two.

But Amn had more than internal problems. The surrounding nations were showing alarming signs of activity. To the south, Tethyr, stable for the moment under its current ruler, had recently launched another major raid into the Forests of Tethyr, home of the elves. The fighting threatened to spill over into Amn. If Amn didn’t put up a convincing show of force, the warlike Tethyrians might think it ripe for the plucking, and lauch a full-scale invasion.

Cormyr in the northeast was also watching with interest, always eager to expand its borders and spread its “benevolent” influence. A little infighting would be all the excuse it needed to intervene, invading on the pretense of settling the conflict.

Then there was always Baldur’s Gate and its suburbs to the north. No threat to Amn normally, a civil war would provide the chance Baldur’s Gate needed to make a land grab on Amn’s northern territories.

Amn was a sick nation, indeed. Whatever he did, he had to do it quick. Perhaps the friends Virdel had spoken of could prove useful allies.

-You mean Virdel’s ranger friends?- whispers Void mischievously.

-You didn’t...-

-Well, it wasn’t my intention- Void breathes indignantly. –I came across it while I was skimming his mind for hostile intentions. Seems he thinks highly and often of a certain person there.- His tone refuses admonishment.

Magus shakes his head. But what’s done is done...

At the sight of Rail, Magus forcefully brings himself from his thoughts. He had kept his old friend waiting long enough.

“Rail, I would also ask a task of you. Actually, I think you’ll rather enjoy it.” Magus says, letting a smile show on his face. He could relax a bit for now.

The assassin raises his brows, waiting for Magus to continue.

“I want you to find Lazal and shadow him, noting his every move and word. Stealth is critical. I don’t want you trying to confront him just yet. I’m afraid it would be a battle you could not win, old friend. I fear his power is too great. For now, we must watch and bide our time. Later, perhaps after we find a chink in his armor, we can face him on our own terms.”

Magus gazes intently at the assassin, waiting for his response.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 12:52 am
by Rail
"All mages think they're invulnerable. You should see some of the looks and comments I get when my blade...", Rail stopped with his hand on his sword hilt, knowing Magus' distaste for the assassin's calculated bloodshed.

But Magus already got the picture, and frowned. "No confrontations. Not yet, my friend."

Rail nodded, dark acts eating at the back of his mind, but he kept them carefully in check. Like he always did. "Relax, I will watch him for weeks, if need be. I always do, before I strike. Patience is far stronger than force."

This seemed to satisfy the mage, who grimaced but moved on to other things. "What do you make of them?"

Rail frowned. "A tentative alliance, at best. They seem able to handle themselves with a blade, alright, but they are new to Amn. Athkatla has a way of weeding out the weak. Time will tell."

"They will be fine," Magus began, smiling and shaking his head to himself. "They possess an inner strength, a will. They will be strong allies if we can gain their trust."

"Not an easy thing, if you're a mage, is it?" Rail leaned back in the windowsill until shadow covered much of his face. His tone was half joking, half serious.

No more so if you're a thief, I'd suppose. Void chimed in hauntingly.

Rail smiled, though darkness still seemed to cling to his eyes. He stood up and walked over to the desk, casually examining the sparce furnishings. "So, we finish with the Crown, and move on to this?" He looked up at his friend in confusion. "I have truly been gone much of the time, but I see no side worth supporting, here."

"Yes, that's why I need information." Magus was staring at the door Virdel and Kierran had exited just minutes before. "They will manage the Shadow Thieves and the Black Helm. I will worry about the Cowled Wizards." Glancing over at the frowning assassin, Magus added, "You would get in far too much trouble investigating those fools." Rail smiled darkly in agreement, and the mage continued. "I need you to watch Lazal. I fear he would notice my eyes and intrusions far more than you."

Rail nodded curtly and headed for the door. "He will not know I am there. I will find you when I have something of value."

"Thank you, my friend." Almost as an afterthought, Magus added, "Tread lightly."

"I know no other way." Rail paused in the doorway and flexed his damaged hand, examining the spidery sigils on his forearm. "We must talk about this...," he motioned toward his hand, "when I return."

Magus looked puzzled, but nodded curtly as the assassin turned and dissappeared in the crowd, off to find the mysterious wizard.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 2:56 am
by Craig
{OOC i need ideas for getting into the STG

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 3:15 am
by Xandax
A number of hours had past, Xandax didn’t know who many – but constantly the number for new “mercenaries” had increased in the room. Well Xandax thought of them as mercenaries but the truth of the matter was that they ranged in appearance from farm boys to hardened fighters to what seemed like already Black Helm people. Xandax wonder about what were going to happen.
Then 6 well-armoured men wielding black halberds entered the room accompanying one man dress in a robe.
“All of you – follow me” the roped man yelled out
All the people including Xandax got up and followed the man – the 6 guards walked behind the cluster of people. Xandax quickly counted at least 20 possible mercenaries.
The group was let through a couple of hallways and down a number of stairs to a sizable area.
The area was approximately 30 meters in diameter and about the same high – high up Xandax noticed some blacken windows.
”Hmm – we are apparently going to put on a show – but why mustn’t we see the spectators” Xandax thought as he walked to the other end of the arena.
“You have all asked to join our organisation – but before you are found worthy to do so, we must asses your fighting skills.” the roped man yelled out to tone out the nervous mumblings of the crowd.
“Don’t worry about getting hurt – we have skilled cleric available to heal you.” he continued “Furthermore – if you can’t make it in here, you would most likely not make it afterwards – you knew what you signed up for.”
The roped man and his guards left the arena as the crowd stood and sized each other up. The more experienced fighters in the crowd had already drawn their weapons and positioned themselves with their back to the wall. Xandax had done the same though not to close to the wall – he knew where this was going – the question was only how many had to be killed in this room. Then one window open and the roped figure called out: “Fight – fight for your lives”.
Suddenly several spikes shot out of the wall and the first 3 men collapsed. Then the crowd started fighting. Xandax noticed how the experience fighters charged those that didn’t look nearly as experienced. “No honour, they have no honour” Xandax thought as he slowly walked into the centre of the arena wielding his sword. A couple of men charges Xandax – but he mealy parried their onslaught with a simple manoeuvre and gave them a good whack with the hilt of his sword. So they passed out. Then one of the experienced looking warriors saw Xandax and charged him.
The warrior was wielding a long sword and a short sword. He lashed out with his long sword towards Xandax. Parrying the thrust with his own sword – Xandax rammed his shield into the chest of the warrior with a force that crushed it, the man fell down, death. Quickly only 5 men including Xandax were standing – getting ready to fight them – the door into the arena opened. The party from before, 6 guards and the roped figure entered. “That will do” he said, “follow me”. The 5 men followed the roped man out of the arena back to the room they were in first. Then he left – the guards stayed.
Another man entered the room.
“I am Glam Loyd” he said, “I’ll be your superior officer for you stay in our organization. What I say, is law – you will not disobey me, if you do – you will die.”
He smiled “Welcome to the Black Helm”

{OOC: okay - now what?? :) }

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 3:53 am
by Craig
{OOC i need ideas

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 2:00 pm
by Magus
@Xandax: Nice. :)


He was alone once again. Now to start his own undercover work...

He left the temple of Ilmater, heading into an abandoned building. Inside, he began a ritual of corruption magics. They were foul indeed, an art he had learned from a passing rakshasa. But they would serve his purpose for now. Using them, weaving their illusionary and altering powers, he almost imperceptibly changed the face of the building. The door melded into the wall, becoming immovable, and the glass of the windows became like crystal, hard and opaque instead of transparent. At the same time he erected a powerful barrier against divination around the building. That done, he had only minutes before the Cowled Wizards came to investigate.

Quickly he used the corruptive magics to transform himself. His half-elven features twist and curve, flattening to those of a human. His hair shortens and darkens to a deep brown. Even his robe and items alter, changing color and shape. His glowing purple necklace turns yellow, taking the form of a mundane necklace of protection. His rings take the likenesses of a silver ring and an onyx ring. The staff he had created years ago mutates in his hand, to all eyes a silver staff of minor enchantment. The last to change are his glimmering translucent robes. His trademark, they morph into common adventurer’s robes.

He then turned his attention to Void. It wouldn’t do to have the notorious hakeashar following him around. Focusing his mind, one with the magic, he worked the rakshasan magic. Bypassing Void’s magical immunity was very taxing, even with his cooperation. But soon it was done, and Void’s new form was a sleek black cat.

The transformation was complete, the illusion woven. Beyond contemporary divination, the rakshasa’s corruptive magics were in a way a combination of the well-known human magics of alteration and illusion. He and his items were changed, yet they were not. They were changed to everyone’s eyes, including his own. However, they functioned as one believed they would function. Worn by him, his robes still maintained their original enchantment. But worn by another, they really would be just adventurer’s robes. This powerful magic was thus nearly undetectable. Even a powerful mage would only sense something odd, and even then only on close inspection. Furthermore, the illusion could be detected or dispelled only by certain powerful artifacts, or the rakshasa themselves, outside of Magus.

He heard voices outside. The Cowled Wizards had arrived. Time to flee the scene...

But first he needed a decoy. He hurriedly manipulated the corruptive magics he had weaved, forming a cleft in the opposite wall large enough for a man to squeeze through. He then opened a rift into the Astral plane, and he and Void stepped through. The wizards would never think to look for traces of such an unusual method of transportation, especially with an obvious escape route already there. When the two stepped out, it was noon, and they were outside the city gates. Bribing well the guards on duty, he made it through without a fuss. He then started on his way to the Government District, and the headquarters of the Cowled Wizards, the black cat trailing behind him somewhat indignantly.

OOC: {Kind of awkward writing in the past tense, but I gave it a shot. What do you guys think? Should I try to keep writing in the past tense, or should I return to the present where I’m already comfortable?}


The incident in the Slums District that day made quite a stir. The Cowled Wizards downplayed it, publicly announcing that a rogue mage had gotten loose. But they were quite disturbed. A rakshasa must have snuck into the city. A couple of djinni were summoned secretly to track down the dangerous predator. They set off to the task with an eagerness they specially reserved for hunting these arch-nemesises of genie-kind.


“Welcome to the Black Helm. I know you all are eager to get settled down and all, but right now I would like to tell you your first mission. Tonight we have an arms shipment arriving from down south. Lately the Shadow Thieves have been getting more troublesome, and we have word that they’ll try to rob the caravan just out of sight of the city gates. We’d send some of our own, but extra men are scarce these days. The honorable Lieutenant Calahan himself will be there to keep you in line, and make sure you don’t screw up. A few words of advice: Don’t get him angry. This is an important assignment, and he won’t hesitate to kill any one of you on the spot.”

“Any questions? Good. You will meet the Lieutenant outside the city gates at dusk. Don’t be late. Until then, your time is your own.” Glam Lloyd walks out, leaving the five mercenaries to their own devices.


Thryn leaves the Copper Coronet after Xandax, seeing that he’d be alone for this job. He sees a few panicked-looking Cowled Wizards scurrying around a nearby decrepit building, but decides not to stick around to find out what it was about. He goes to Cromwell’s, surprised to find his sword already repaired. –Wow he’s fast- Thryn thinks, thanking the dwarf. A few blocks away, he sees the building rumored to be a branch quarters of the Shadow Thieves, headed by Mae’Var long ago, though Thryn doesn’t know this. As always, he treads through the alleyways, preferring their shadows to the blinding light of day. As he nears the ominous-looking building, he spots several cloaked figures watching him from all around. Noticing them at all was a testament to Thryn’s skills, as few were so perceptive. Nonetheless, he has the distinct feeling that any wrong move could be his last.

Entering the building, he approaches a plump-looking man selling wares. Apparently it was supposed to be a shop.

“What will it be, good sir? I promise you’ll find not find such quality products at lower prices anywhere else in this fine city. You look like the practical sort. Might I attract your eyes to this finely crafted short sword I acquired from a most generous young gentleman?” The merchant holds up a common short sword that could be found in any of the numerous shops in Athkatla. “Only 10 gold pieces, my good man.”

Thryn wonders what to do next. He spots a fine line running up the opposite wall. A secret door. But surely the merchant wouldn’t take kindly to him just stomping in and opening it...not to mention the hooded figures perched in waiting outside...


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2001 1:03 am
by Rail
@All- sorry it's a long one and it's all about me. :) I was enjoying the writing.

* * *

Rail pulled the hood down lower over his face to keep the drizzling rain off of his face as he walked past the guards and out of the Radiant Heart. The guards once again glanced suspiciously at the departing assassin and one stepped forward as if to intercept, but he was stopped short by gesture and a whisper from the other guard. "Not that one. Leave him be." The guard looked confused, but shrugged and resumed his post.

Too much rain for one day, Rail thought. Especially for this time of year. He was disappointed with his meeting with Praelit Keldorn, but not from any confrontation with the man himself. He didn't mind the lectures he often received from Keldorn. He actually shared much in common with the grizzled inquisitor, though they used different and sometimes conflicting means to the same end, it was still a common goal. However, he'd hoped the Praelit would be more forthcoming in providing information about the wizard Lazal, but it seemed the Order knew as little of the mysterious wizard as Magus. Little was better than nothing, but it was odd that a wizard could rise to such prominence in this city without much of an investigation.

He worked his way through the sparse and rain-spattered evening crowds back to the slums, into one of the areas still tainted by the city's demonic occupancy a few years ago. An odd residence for one of the Cowled minions, thought Rail, though certainly appropriate. He spied the unadorned doorway marking the building in question. Oddly, he noticed there were still no rats, dogs, or animals of any kind that ever seemed inclined to venture near the structure. Sometimes animals seem wiser than the rest of this city's inhabitants

Smoothly ducking into an alley across the street from the targeted building, he worked his way past the refuse to the back of the alley and expertly climbed up the rain gutter to the top floor, where he slithered through a broken window and into a deserted and dilapidated apartment, one only rats seemed able to stomach. Braving the stench and newly rotting timbers, Rail worked his way to the hallway and over to the front apartment. It's amazing what a little gold will rent you in this part of town. 20 gold pieces and the resident was glad to journey to Trademeet to visit his uncle. It beat the unspoken alternative, after all. Magus must be rubbing off on me. I'm getting soft.

Quickly picking the lock and disarming the simple but well hidden gas trap, Rail entered the tiny, unkempt apartment to the alarm of a shadowy man backing away from the window and raising a crossbow toward the doorway. Rail frowned. "Ichar, what's the status over there?"

The man cleared his throat and lowered the weapon, shaking his head with a sigh. "I thought you were someone else," he said with a raspy voice, motioning over the the opposite building where the mage occupied.

Rail smiled darkly. "I doubt he would enter by the front door."

"No, you're probably right." Ichar seemed no more at ease, though he sat back on the stool by the tattered curtains and returned the looking glass to his eye, peering through a hole in the drapery. "Not much has changed over there. Very few have come or gone all day, though I've written everything down as usual." Ichar nodded toward a notebook and an ink quill on the floor below.

"I figured as much," Rail curtly stated, hoping the man would get the hint that he was being relieved. Turning around, Ichar hesitated before climbing to his feet. He began to remove a ring from his hand, but Rail waved him off. "Keep it! You've more than earned it. It served me well, and you may need that if we all get as deep into this as I think."

Ichar nodded respectfully toward the assassin. "I am honored. I know this served you well..."

"Think nothing of it. I have other means."

The man bowed slightly, a tradition bred from studying in Kara Tur, and wordlessly took his leave. Professional and to the point. The brooding assassin trusted Ichar as much as one could trust someone in his line of work. Rail thought of the small "guild" he had assembled here in the City of Coin. Small out of necessity, they consisted of a few thieves, a cunning fighter known for killing wizards, and a priest of Mask. The Shadow Thieves took seriously anyone in his line of work who refused to affiliate with them, or at least pay them off, and his "friend" Aran had repeatedly warned him not to cross the Thieves. Aran and Rail spoke occasionally, though their association was tenuous, at best, ever since Raistlin ravaged the city. It was the best thing that ever happened to the Shadow thieves, but Rail saw things differently.

Quietly, Rail gathered the notebook and quill, putting them in a waxed envelope and secreting it inside his cloak. He left the apartment, locking the door and resetting the traps, and donned a coarse wool cloak, covered in dirt. Grabbing an empty bottle from an incoherent drunk inside the doorway, Rail stumbled onto the street and convincingly weaved his way over toward the other building, leaving little doubt as to how the bottle had been drained. Undoubtedly, he would once again spend several hours hunched in the rain subtly taking notes under his cloak while mumbling drunkedly to himself. Unlike the other observers he'd used, however, he could see things they'd missed. He knew what to look for and how a mage thought. He'd been around mages all his life, and he studied them as acutely as they studied their tomes and spells. There were things their sharp minds overlooked. Gaping holes in their vaunted armor.

Patiently, Rail went back to work. He concentrated on the building before him, letting the magic in his new ring take hold. Slowly, the walls faded in color until they were as clear as glass. Rail could see through the magical darkness that covered the windows. While he couldn't see details, he could see shapes and distinct outlines. Furniture and books, candles and vials.

And, he could see the mage. Rail sat down, continuing his act, surrounded in shadow and the smell of dirt and alcohol, and he watched.

[ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2001 9:51 am
by Xandax
Glam Lloyd and his guards left the room. It seemed as a pretty simple mission, guarding a shipment of supposedly weapons from the Shadow Thieves.
But the tone of his voice and the treats wake suspicions within Xandax.
“Oh well there wasn’t anything I can do right now.” Xandax thought. He sad down on his bunk, and started to clean his weapons after the intermezzos earlier in the arena.
He looked around at the other mercenaries, most of the looked like simple brigands. The other started to talk among themselves and boasting about their heroic deeds and adventures.
“If these people have done all the things they say – it is a wonder that their still are dragon sightings in Faerun” Xandax thought with a smile. Xandax didn’t trust many mercenaries – they were a dangerous lot. Fighting like this for money they’d as soon turn on their master for more money from his enemies then continue to fight for him, and if a fight looked to tough, they just as soon leave the battlefield.
The hours passed slowly, Xandax looked at the sky “A storm is coming” he mumbled to himself. The other 4 people had drunk some ale and gamble some money up – which Xandax reasoned properly were their last.
“It is time to go” one of the men said. Xandax didn’t know his name, and frankly he didn’t care much – if things went as he thought they would – not many of these men would live to see the sun again.
All of them put on their armour and checked their weapons. On their bunks had laid a Black Helm insignia that they should wear on their armour so they were easily distinguishable.
The small group made it’s way through town passing several patrols of guards, Black Helm’ guards.
Finally they were at the gates, and waked a short way out of town when they saw what had to be Calahan, wielding a halberd.