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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 3:06 pm
by Artega
Hey was there a P&P Middle Earth rpg where there one could meet the hobbits in the shire or go to the elven city or whatever? That would be cool i think. I think also there was a previous post talking about it. I just wanna know what were the games peramiters .


O ps.
Where did Bilbo get Stinger? I forget now adays. And Also what day were the 2 famous hobbits born. My brother who is now reading the LOTR book now says there were born on Sept 22 which is the same day i was born so i just want some clarity

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 1:54 am
by MegaToerist
@Artega: Both Frodo and Bilbo were born on 22 september. :D
I don't know where Bilbo got Sting, however.

TC, Geert

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 2:27 am
by Gothmog
"Where did Bilbo get Stinger?"

Sting, guys.....Sting.

Bilbo got sting the same place Gandalf got Glamdring and Thorin got Orchrist. Out of the troll hoard in chapter 3 of "The Hobbit". :cool:

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 7:55 am
by Wolf_pd
Been working on a 'logic' enchantment buildup for the LotR-gear, but it ain't that easy so far to make it logic and not overpowered. More if I have finished and have my new computer (still waiting :( )

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 4:39 pm
by VultureGFF
Just post what you have mate, I am sure we are ALL willing to enhance the ideas if they are a little of the record ;)

Doe het gewoon :D

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 11:35 pm
by Lothix
Interesting thread.

Here is my input:

For a group of 6 I would pick Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Sam. In essence, the core people who influenced destiny of Middle Earth.

I will start off by outlining the background behind each character and where my suggestions for them come from. All information was taken from The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Silmarillion.
Please correct me if I am wrong in any of my lore. I will not go into details on what the exact stats for each character should be, only give suggestions based on the story.

1. Frodo.

Ringbearer, central character of the story. Should have very high constitution (perhaps a 19), does not need high wisdom since the nature of halflings is resistant to powers of The One Ring.
High dexterity. I agree on Fighter/Thief combo. High Charisma.


- The One Ring. Equipped Abilities: Makes wearer completely invisible, untouchable by weapons lower than +6. A loss of hit points each turn while equipped would be a plus. Somewhat similar to the Slayer Form. Would be neat if it also granted Chaos or Confusion when worn but it won't work since you lose control of the character under such effects.
- Sting, Short Sword +3. Equipped Ability: Detect Traps perhaps (since Detect Orc is not feasible).
- Mithril Chain Tunic +5. Not much to say here.
- Elven Cloak. Invisibility once per day or non-detection.
- Light of Eärendil's star. (Phial). Dispels Magic, grants immunity to fear once per day.

2. Gandalf.

One of the 5 Istari sent to Middle Earth by Valar (consider them gods) to motivate and guide people of Middle Earth in their fight against Sauron. Perhaps the second most powerful being in the realm after Sauron. He was the only one who did not fail. You can perceive him as an avatar of gods. He is forbidden to directly fight forces of Sauron and will only intervene when nobody around has the power to face such opponent. Balrog was a minion of Melkor (the first dark lord) so he didn't count. Balrog was a Maia like Gandalf himself and it was an even fight. Gandalf is a divine spirit. I don't recall why Valar bound him to an old man's body, perhaps to exert greater influence or maybe it was more fitting as an image of a close wizard Merlin? I doubt Tolkien had much to work with while inventing this stuff. He was also the wisest of Maiar. As far as his stats go he should have 25 across the board (as a divine spirit) and maybe around 50 wisdom (considering gods are 250/25,000). Insane Lore. Fighter/Mage would work. What level would they need to be in order to solo a Demogorgon?

"Wisest of the Maiar was Olorin. He too dwelt in Lуrien, but his ways took him often to the house of Nienna, and of her he learned pity and patience." - quote from Silmarillion.


- Narya, The Ring of Fire. Given to Gandalf by Cirdan (an elven lord) when Gandalf arrived to middle earth. IIRC granted wielder infinite stamina and strengthened evocation type of magic. So HP regen and ability to memorize more spells in BG2 terms.
- Glamdring, Long Sword +6. An ancient sword forged some time during the First Age (it is around 8,000 years old..). Instills fear into enemies, shines with bright light when nasty stuff is near. Hit causes monster to flee, Trap Detection perhaps.
- Quarter Staff +1. For spell casting... *shrug*
- Elven Cloak. Invisibility once per day or non-detection.

3. Aragorn.

Last heir of Isildur. He must succeed where Isildur failed. He needs high wisdom (19?). His temptation is not as severe as the way Peter Jackson interpreted it but I think it still exists in a form. High proficiency in Two-Handed swords. He is a human but a blessed one. His lifespan is 3 or 4 times longer than of a normal human. Ranger or Fighter/Druid for class. Decent Lore. Decent Charisma.


- Narsil, Two-Handed Sword +6. Should do insane damage vs. evil aligned and cause evil to flee while casting a courage type of spell on the party.
- Elven Cloak. Invisibility once per day.

4. Legolas.

Mirkwood Elf. Your typical Elf Archer. Skilled with long bows and decent at long swords. High Charisma.


- Long Bow +3.
- Arrows +3. Lorien arrows!
- Long Sword +1.
- Elven Cloak. Invisibility once per day or non-detection.

5. Gimli.

Your typical Dwarf fighter. High Lore perhaps. Proficiency at axes and halberds maybe. (Are there two handed axes in AD&D??). Maybe some in two weapon fighting style. High Constitution as he gets a head wound and doesn't suffer from it much.


- Axe +3.
- Axe +3.
- Halberd +3.
- Elven Cloak. Invisibility once per day or non-detection.

6. Sam.

Halfling Fighter/Thief. Low int and wis, high constitution and charisma. Should be ok at short swords and daggers.


- Short Sword +1. From the tombs.
- Elven Cloak. Invisibility once per day or non-detection.

I don't recall the last 3 having any named weapons.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 1:08 pm
by Wolf_pd
As I said, I hope I can finish as soon as the computer arrives (already two weeks late.. :( ).
Anyway, to get to the story, I have been looking through the Tolkiens books again lately, and then checking some items people suggest for their party and I think the items are terribly overpowered. To give an example, like what Lothix has as idea, Narsil and Glamdring as Long sword +6. Way to powerfull to play, and if you read the story of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, well, then you'll probably read not too much special about the swords. The problem is, that apart from an outstanding quality, in LotR the weapons don't have anything extra (just the elvish swords are magically enchanted and not that much), so that's why I have been thinking of the buildup I already mentioned and this is what I have come up with (only applicable to weapons so far, still thinking about armour and other items).

First of all, quality of the weapons is the main factor that determines the enchantment level (coz there ain't no magic in most weapons). The quality of the weapons is, of course, determined by the manufacturer. I have made distinction between the manufacturers of nowadays and the past, and as some people say, in the past everything was better, wel in LotR it is!
Ok, to start. Let's take a peasant who walks through the countryside with a long sword, forged by a local smithy. Not too much quality, so that will be a normal long sword. Then we go on to Gondor, where the army of Gondor is equipped with high quality long swords, human made, long swords +1. That ain't too extreme. Normal 'modern' elvish weapons are about that quality, so also +1. The better quality modern elvish weapons will be long swords +2. Then the dwarves, same story, normal modern weapons are +1, better quality +2.
Ok, then on to the 'old days'. All weaponry in those days, is mainly forged by elven and dwarves, as they possess the knowledge and the human do not. The old days quality is definitely higher (as Gimli also mentions in LotR). So that gives the normal old days weapons +2 and the high quality +3. This applies to both Dwarven and Elvish weapons. Finally there is one special guy, kinda like Cromwell, who is very good with his work and he could make some +4 weapons (this one I am still not sure about actually, whether to include him or not). He is also the one that made Narsil, which in my story would give Narsil a +4 maximum.
Well, that's it so far, I know, a long story, but it's gonna get longer, coz in the Silmarillion there are several references about skills of the different people and which weapons they were good constructing and which not. That is also the reason why I just made the weapon build-up and not the rest of the items.

Enjoy reading :D and I welcome any comment!

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 4:38 pm
by Asamarathi
Hi @ All
I am new to this board and hope if you don't mind when I add my opinion to this

@ Wolf_pd
I'm glad that someone talkes sense here! :)
With +6 weapons the balrog wouldn't have been a problem. Even the ringwraiths would be destroyed in no time.The rudimentary magic gives middle earth its special kick. But I have no objection against +1 or +2 ones. :D

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 5:15 pm
by Artega
@ Lothix

Instead of detect illusion(sp?), it should be changed to detect evil(aren't orcs evil?) and stinger should have plusses to trolls, ogres and other creatures Hobbits loathe. Another thing is that it is STinger for God's sake and should be at least a +4 weapon or better yet the HObbit Carsomyr+5 and have +5 to those creatures i spoke of earlier. STinger should only be weilded by halfings, of good alignment and should do at about 2d4 dmg.This is just my imput.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 6:31 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Artega
@ Lothix

Instead of detect illusion(sp?), it should be changed to detect evil(aren't orcs evil?) and stinger should have plusses to trolls, ogres and other creatures Hobbits loathe. Another thing is that it is STinger for God's sake and should be at least a +4 weapon or better yet the HObbit Carsomyr+5 and have +5 to those creatures i spoke of earlier. STinger should only be weilded by halfings, of good alignment and should do at about 2d4 dmg.This is just my imput.
I believe that it is Sting, not Stinger. Also, it's an elven blade, so shouldn't be limited to halflings. As to what it should have plusses against, it would be against creatures that Elves loathe. I think it should only be +3 or +4, not +5.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 7:31 pm
by Artega
I don't know where i got stinger from but since it is elven, what enemies would Sting have bonuses to?+4 is a good number i think

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 3:34 am
by Gothmog

Instead of detect illusion(sp?), it should be changed to detect evil(aren't orcs evil?) and stinger should have plusses to trolls, ogres and other creatures Hobbits loathe. Another thing is that it is STinger for God's sake and should be at least a +4 weapon or better yet the HObbit Carsomyr+5 and have +5 to those creatures i spoke of earlier. STinger should only be weilded by halfings, of good alignment and should do at about 2d4 dmg.This is just my imput.

1. Sting (and all weapons made by the master smiths of Gondolin) glow when enemies are near. Gondolin's enemies would include ALL servants of the Enemy...orcs, trolls, dragons, etc.

2. Sting is probably the least powerful of old elven weapons. It's not a "hobbit sword" it's an Elven knife or child's toy. It's only a big deal (to Bilbo) because hobbits have little to no magic of their own. (Although it does seem to be pretty good against spiders!) ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 7:14 pm
by Obsidian
I think many of us here have been corrupted by powergaming. +6 weapons are, well, insane.
Also, Sting has absolutely NOTHING to do with hobbits. The only reason Bilbo got it was that none of the dwarves wanted a pansy-ish short sword. It's not that good, +2 prob, +3 on the outside, with a +2 damage vs evil. That'd be the extent of it.
Narsil wasnt that great a sword either, especially when compared to Alundil (sp). It's also single handed. Probably a +3, with some bonus vs evil and some protective magics to it. Alundil, well, Alundil is around a +5 because is has been reforged, and, I may be wrong, reforging makes it stronger, more magic is infused. (think super saturation in chemistry)
Glamdring, +3.
If anyone knows how to pull up an old thread, get Craigs store, I posted plenty of wpn specs for LoTR wpns on it.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 7:34 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Artega
I don't know where i got stinger from but since it is elven, what enemies would Sting have bonuses to?+4 is a good number i think
I'd say Sting would definitely have bonuses to Orcs and probably Trolls as well. Another likelihood would be evil, ne?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2002 6:59 am
by Wolf_pd
@ Obsidian

I think reforging didn't make the sword stronger. The reforging is only part of the myth. When the ring is found and the sword that was once broken is reforged etc, etc... So based on that, Narsil and the reforged sword are both +3, I think.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2002 9:05 pm
by Obsidian
@ Wolf
I could see that, but the sword would have some kick ass abilities though, resistances to fear, fire damage, Aragorn does some serious damage with it

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2002 9:45 pm
by Gothmog
I could see that, but the sword would have some kick ass abilities though, resistances to fear, fire damage, Aragorn does some serious damage with it

What's your (Tolkien based) basis for this assumption? You have to realize, magic in Tolkien's world and magic in a typical D&D setting are two vastly different things.

Case in point: About the only spells you ever see Gandalf cast are light and simple pyrotechniques....and he's not "just" a wizard, he's a demi-god!

The main value of Andruil is that it is Narsil re-forged. I could see some combat pluses...maybe +2, due to the fact that Narsil was forged by Numenorean smiths...skilled, indeed, but no match for the re-forging done by the Elven smiths at Rivendell...but the main value here is psychological. Narsil is Elendil's sword....the sword that killed (at least the physical form of) Sauron. Note to "movie-only" folks. Isildur did cut the ring from Sauron's hand with the hiltshard of the sword, but that was AFTER Elendil and Gil-Galad slew him in single combat. Isildur's main contribution to the first war of the ring was to ensure there would be a second one! Hardly the "hero" that was portrayed in the film!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 2:38 pm
by Wolf_pd
Ah well, although Isildur was corrupted he was still a great king, but not a smart one :D . Other point taken, Gil-Galad was absolutely missing in FotR. They should have taken him, commanding instead of Elrond.
Another point, if you wanna add such things like resistance to fear, etc, is it possible to give this to the characters without having all those buffed up weapons? Some story elements suggest that. So is it possible to work this into the character instead of the weapons? (this would be a big pro to roleplaying!)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 11:38 pm
by General
I think if you use Shadowkeeper you could add it to your character once you figured out the variable thingy that you need.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 11:41 am
by Wolf_pd
Then I would rather opt for the weaponry, I guess.