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Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 2:24 am
by frogus
*Frogus enters the room.* With his Semi-permiable Occular Membranes of Infravision+3 and fabled Word-A-Day Calendar of Infinite Adjectives+5 he is looking mean, lean and...ermm...*Frogus searches frantically through the Word-A-Day Calendar of Infinite Adjectives+5 with a desperate look on his face*. He is looking mean, lean and velvetine.

Who wants some?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 2:34 am
by Sailor Saturn
*twirls her glaive*

*bops AR on the head with her glaive* :D

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 2:37 am
by CM
*attacks SS with his two handed sword "Darkflame destoryer" + 6, (+12 against females of SYM, + 15 against females who are DF)*

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 2:52 am
by Tamerlane
+12 and 15? thats way too cheesy even for you Fas :p

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 2:56 am
by CM
Hey if a hug does around 100 HP damage every hug, even with resistance, well i need some cheese! :D :D
And who said cheese is bad? :p

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:01 am
by Beldin

**steps into the fight with his portable shine-thrower**

May I remind you that killing fellow SYMbionts is NOT considered good behaviour ?

@CM: Shame on you. Fighting with females like that. You hurt them more by ignoring them ! ;)

@SS: I'm shocked. Such a fine looking, nice young lady - with such slender and firm tighs under this nice miniskirt - wielding such a fierce weapon ! Put it down. You'll bruise your hands... :)

@frogus: I should've known that YOU were behind this.... NOW go to your room and stay there until you find out if you're a boy or a girl. If in doubt - ask Kayless - he/she should know by now.... :p ;)

Ok folks, the killing is over - get moving....

No worries,


Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:03 am
by Tamerlane
Originally posted by CM
Hey if a hug does around 100 HP damage every hug, even with resistance
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Ignore the cheese remark and fight on :D

Your all that remains between us and an onslaught of hugs.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:05 am
by CM
Originally posted by Tamerlane

Your all that remains between us and an onslaught of hugs.
Thanks alot! :p
That is really re-assuring.
Like i want more hugs!

Anyway haven't actually hit a female yet, and ignoring them might work after all.
ALL DF are on ignore now!
GO ME!! :p

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:11 am
by Beldin
@CM: Come over to Rolling Thunder (tm) and have a drink or 3 .... Did you know that alcohol makes really BAD breath - and smelling like THAT you're completely UN*hug*able !

**hands Fas some tea with shine-enhancement, takes him by the hand and gently leads him over to where Rolling Thunder (tm) is parked**

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:14 am
by CM
*passes the tea to Tam*

I want to be unhuggable, i don't want to be an outcast of society! :p

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:17 am
by frogus
@frogus: I should've known that YOU were behind this.... NOW go to your room and stay there until you find out if you're a boy or a girl. If in doubt - ask Kayless - he/she should know by now....
You frumious bandersnatch! I'll have you know that my gender has been ascertained. Thanks to conclusive photographic evidence, my sexual organ has been identified over in the frogs, batman! thread.

*smites Beldin with Improved Dictionary of Poetic References+2*

have at you!

nice new avatar BTW! and also, how do you get those graphics in your posts?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:18 am
by Beldin
@CM: That's for you to decide, but since I've started SLURRing I haven't been hugged. And when I WANT to be huggable I can always take a shower and brush my teeth...

**takes a gulp out of the pint'o 'shine in his off hand**

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:22 am
by Tamerlane
Originally posted by CM
*passes the tea to Tam*
Image Stares at the tea...

Notices something isn't right, passes it to frogus.

Image Yes we will see the effects nowImage

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:23 am
by CM
Frogus we saw the organ, but was it male or female, i couldn't figure that out! :D

Also beldin, i think i won't shower for a month or two.
That should keep them away. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:25 am
by Tamerlane
Originally posted by frogus
how do you get those graphics in your posts?
Use the [ IMG ]***[ /IMG ] command ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:26 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by frogus
*smites Beldin with Improved Dictionary of Poetic References+2*
have at you!
nice new avatar BTW! and also, how do you get those graphics in your posts?
**Beldin ducks to avoid the book beong thrown at him**

Thanks for the approal - I took the librety of using the holy symbol of all Helldesk employees for my Avatar. :)

The grapics I'm using - it's quite simple I use them the same way like Kayless uses his just have to put the link to the graphics between [ img ] this: [ img][ /img]... (and having some free webspace on a server somewhere surely helps... ;) :D )

No worries,

Beldin :cool:

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:34 am
by Rob-hin
For examle, for could go here or here .
Just click on a smilie and copy the code that appears. You can just paste em here, no need for [ img ]. (no spaces)

like this: Image

When you want to post an self made gif or jpg, then you can use the IMG button in the repley screen.

like this:
Image Image Image

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:42 am
by Tamerlane
Oh, come now Rob-hin

Your just using that as an excuse to start posting elmo pictures. :p ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:45 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Beldin
@frogus: I should've known that YOU were behind this.... NOW go to your room and stay there until you find out if you're a boy or a girl. If in doubt - ask Kayless - he/she should know by now.... :p ;)
Hey, I’m all man bub! *Kayless accentuates his statement with a series of exaggerated Jim Carrey-esque pelvic thrusts* Image
Originally posted by Beldin
The grapics I'm using - it's quite simple I use them the same way like Kayless uses his just have to put the link to the graphics between [ img ] this: [ img][ /img]... (and having some free webspace on a server somewhere surely helps... ;) :D )
Yesss. Soon we will have another gif jedi (or gif sith if you prefer). Excellent! Image Image

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 3:53 am
by Tamerlane
Originally posted by Kayless
Yesss. Soon we will have another gif jedi (or gif sith if you prefer). Excellent! Image Image
Hmmm, I knew I was the odd one out. Image