Page 8 of 10

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 5:45 am
by Eerhardt
** finishes the bucket of spiked tea ** I believe it was your move :D

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 5:47 am
by CM
Post 6

*seeing E-man finish the spiked tea, Fas lights a match and drops it into E-mans open mouth, since he is 90% shine, this should be fun* :D

Fire in the a**hole :o :p :D

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 5:55 am
by Eerhardt
post n°7

[Hero font]Ha, COMMunicator, you should know better [/Hero font] :D ** belches a roaring flame in Fas's direction **

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:00 am
by CM
*Having read that earlier and remembered, Fas ducks out of the way pours gallons of de-shined extra strong tea into E-mans mouth* I love it when a plan comes together :D

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:13 am
by Eerhardt
number 8 - burrrp...

[French accent]You and your pitiful Mullah lackeys will never get me to consume anything wizzout ze proper alcohol percentage - I spit your weak tea in your zjeneral direc-sion[/French accent] ** sprays the tea all over the COMMunicator ** I pity the fool who messes with the shine :D ** grabs Fas by the waist and performs a reverse supplex **

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:32 am
by CM
Post 8 - almost there

Head reeling from the reverse suplex, fas moves back as E-man comes charging forward and fas dives out of the way, while e-man runs right into a turnbuckle. "Man this shine does man them stupid". Turning around E-man gets a knuckle sandwich while Fas prepares him for a tombstone pile driver.

My finishing move and you know when the finishing move is put on you are out for count :D

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:48 am
by Eerhardt
post number 9

Who are you calling stupid :mad: ? Learn to count first, COMMunicator - you're only up to 8 posts :p ** pulls Fas over his head, slamming him against the floor. While Fas is still weary from the blow, he tilts Fas in the air and throws him out of the ring into a tea stand ** :D

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:57 am
by CM
Post 9 . 1 to go

Falling into the tea, Fas quickly drinks it all up giving him hyper active powers. Being on a large amount of caffine makes him faster and more insane than normal. He climbs back in the rings, grabs E-man in a headlock and gives him a noogie, then gives e-man a wedgie only to find out he has no underpants on :eek: :o :D :D , instead he resorts to the old favorite, a wet willy (ie i stick a wet finger in your ear) :D

What are you on about? My posts says number 8. You need glasses :D :p

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:14 am
by Eerhardt
number 10 - done

... or a screenshot :D ** pulls Fas' finger out of his ear, sticks it up the COMMunicator's nose, tilts up the COMMunicator's chin and sends Fas flying true the air with his finger up his nose with his Windmill Uppercut **

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:27 am
by CM
Done as well

Taking the finger out, Fas shoves it down E-mans throat and then tombstone pile drives him.

Ha ha you are done sucker :p

Now i have to get back to work. :)

See ya friday, i doubt i will be on tomorrow :)

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:41 am
by Eerhardt
** takes a well-deserved powernap after Fas tombstone pile drives him and holds up a picture the referee made ** :p - better make better time on Friday, Fas ;)

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:48 am
by CM
Now the screen shows a number 9 however what does my post show? A number 8. And it does show any type of edit either. So your screenshot is a fake :D good try though :p

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:51 am
by Eerhardt
Save it for the judge - he has some interesting pictures of you too :p :D

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:53 am
by CM
Damn is the Fascam really earning money?
HLD i want my royalties.
Though i worried why you have pics of me :p :D

And what does it show an edit?
Does it look like it has been tampered with?
Is there any physical evidence on the web page saying it was ever 9?

Your screen shot is a fake :p :D

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 11:53 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Originally posted by Minerva
*Minerva wakes up and stretches*

Ummm, is this stiill going on??? :o
**Ode enjoys the view of the strectch from his seat next to Minerva**Image :D

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2002 11:43 pm
by Scayde
*whistling, clapping and jumping up and down enthusiastically*...

Yeaaa Eaaryyyyy, WooHoooo

*drinks several shots of Quervo to quench voice*
:D :D :D

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 2:35 am
by CM
Sorry guys, i am swamped with work.
Thank god i only have 2 more weeks.
I can only post after lunch today around 2 CET.

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 2:41 am
by Eerhardt
I hope things remain calm here then...

** tumbleweed blows by over the arena floor and the faint sound of a harmonica to the tunes of Il Buono, Il Bruto, Il Cattivo can be heard in the distance **

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 2:46 am
by CM
Damn....hey dont even count on the 2 pm thing.
I just got informed we have a meeting at 2.
Why do they always want to do things at the last moment?
I think i am gonna kill the people i work with

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 5:48 am
by Scayde
Darn, ....Bummer, ...
*Picks up pom poms and leaves arena*
:( :rolleyes: