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Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 8:21 pm
by The Z
Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
Fire Ants... I'd rather not think about that. *shudders*

*sniffs the air* Either that be Orcs, or me grandda fergot to take a bath for much longer than is accustomed!

That's no orc, that's just Bloodstalker ;) :D . I wouldn't question him about his odor unless you want to get this: *Points to massive bruising and scars on body*.....even a dwarf can't handle him :D .

But a dwarven lady? Possibly...

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 8:37 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf

MORADIM!!!! *breaks free of Scayde's ropes and sets to work hacking and smashing several of the creatures appearing through the forest* :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Clangeddin give me strength!!! *his eyes suddenly appear to glow with their own sparks of lightning, his beard becoming orange-red like fire, and his skin dark and rough like the soil that his people call home*

*flashes, blasts and clouds of vapor appear where he stands and fights, his weapons leading like a beacon of pure zeal and courage*

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 8:41 pm
by The Z
Re: ORCS!!!!
Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
MORADIM!!!! *breaks free of Scayde's ropes and sets to work hacking and smashing several of the creatures appearing through the forest* :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Clangeddin give me strength!!! *his eyes suddenly appear to glow with their own sparks of lightning, his beard becoming orange-red like fire, and his skin dark and rough like the soil that his people call home*

*flashes, blasts and clouds of vapor appear where he stands and fights, his weapons leading like a beacon of pure zeal and courage*

Methinks ye've taken too many shots to the head ;) :D ....there be know battles round these must find a fight thread ;) :D

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 12:57 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf

*He suddenly hurls the hammer towards Z's direction; however, it goes clear over his head, colliding with the rib cage of an ogrillon that was close to plunging his sword in the back of his neck. The hammer gives off a bright flash as it connects, exploding into nothingness but leaving a devastating mark in the ogrillon's midsection, and the beast staggers, gasping for air amid its damaged chest*

Ye best be watchin' yer back there, lad. Ye never know what'll come up next. *hurls his axe at it next, this causing a rush of air around the assailant and knocking it clear onto a rock formation behind it; like the hammer, it dissipates, having being consumed in such a devestating blow*

*the orcs flee as its leader falls dead in the dirt* Derned fool orcs. Always lookin' for someone better the lead them, but always finding a walkin' excuse for one instead. *walks up the dead ogrillon, spits in his face*

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 12:30 am
by Eerhardt
Originally posted by Maharlika
...maybe if Tammy here does some house warming party or something, we can get the other dudes to appear *ahem*Beldin*ahem*Eery*cough*Flibs*cough* :D
I have a few more demons to battle here (read: (L)users), so I'm sorry I can't be around more :( ** cracks open a can of Duff ** I'm hoping things will improve in July, once I've moved to my own place and have my own ADSL. For now, I'll be out in the shadows, walking among you. No worries (c)@Beldin, I'm still around ;) . Catch you all later and say hello to the gang for me, when you see them :) .

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 1:02 am
by Tamerlane
*Waves at the apparition of Eery*

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 6:51 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by Scayde
LOL..I see you are familiar with Texas's fiercest weapon :D

Well, I guess that Connecticut's fiercest weapon would have to be *kettle drum roll* ITS COWS!!! *flourish of woodwind instruments and drums*

Yes, the very nightmare that will send you pinching your nose shut! *flourish ends, and he turns to them* Thank you.

Well, I couldn't think of anything better to mention. Either cows, or the amount of trees. The trees I'd hate to all see get cut down. So beautiful.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 7:30 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
Well, I have to admit, I do see alot of new people and familiar faces at work, but the work I do is pretty hectic, especially when shipments come in. I was going at such a frenetic pace yesterday that around my shift's end, I was a little red in the face!

Man, I've got a HUMONGOUS DILEMMA. It seems that a Metallica concert I'm going to see is on a Sunday in July. I talked to one of my supervisors, and he said that there was going to be a big shipment coming in around that time. However, I don't know how many more years that Met might be doing this, so this could be my big chance, since I haven't purchased tickets yet; they aren't playing live on the east cost too often. Oh god, is this a problem. :(

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 9:06 am
by VonDondu
Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
I think I have a confession to make, something that many of you could have realized. For now, I feel I have to cut the comedy for a moment and get this said.

I admit that the interaction I have on this board is something that really makes me feel alive and kicking. I'm not trying to annoy anyone with the rampant amount of posts I make, with concepts that not many grasp. I just have a severe need to reach out to people, to see where I stand as a human being with my ideas and humor. Something just feels absent when I don't get any bit of a good reply. *"Dream On" by Aerosmith playing on my Walkman as I write this, setting the mood*

Sure, maybe when I really get out in college this shouldn't be as much of a problem. I just see a bunch of socially vibrant individuals in here. It's not that I don't notice you all have the time and input for all I dole out. It's just that I still ponder the different amount of bulletin boards it would take to find the right people to truly understand ALL I have to say. All I'm looking for in this thread is a confirmation of what I'm seeing: the truth of what I've found - when I communicate ideas, I have to expect to not fully be heard/noticed. If such is true, I've known this for much of my social life.

This is just out of respect for all out there. I realize you don't always have to give me attention, and I'm trying to respect your wishes.
I haven't read all of the responses you have received so far, so pardon me if I'm getting off track. I just feel like replying to your original message.

I don't know if message boards are a good way to "reach out to people", but they're a good place to post your ideas and feel as though you're getting some attention. :) Here's a rule of thumb about message boards: you won't always get a reply to each of your messages, but you can be sure that several people (or more) have seen it. I think it's safe to take pleasure in putting your thoughts into words and being clever with the wordplay and the roleplaying, but I think it's best to treat that as an end in itself instead of searching for some kind of "validation" from other people. Indulge yourself. :)

When it comes to my own posts, I'm not as creative as you are. My posts aren't exactly "concise" (I know I tend to be verbose), but for the most part, they are simply straightforward exposition, usually blunt and not very colorful. If you receive a reply like that to one of your more colorful posts, please don't take it the wrong way. I'm not ignoring you or trying to spoil your fun; I'm just not capable of replying in the same style you use.

The "socially vibrant people" you see on here fall mostly into two groups: those who actually talk back and forth to each other in messages, and those who post in a lot of message threads but don't necessarily feel a strong personal connection to anyone here. The former tend to be familiar with other people on here, and the latter simply enjoy talking about their favorite subjects with anonymous strangers. Neither type is "better" than the other. Don't feel bad if you don't feel like you belong to a "clique", and don't feel bad if the people replying to your messages don't seem to remember you from one post to the next. This is an internet message board and it has limitations. But as I said above, indulge yourself. :)

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 9:33 am
by KidD01
Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
Well, I have to admit, I do see alot of new people and familiar faces at work, but the work I do is pretty hectic, especially when shipments come in. I was going at such a frenetic pace yesterday that around my shift's end, I was a little red in the face!

Man, I've got a HUMONGOUS DILEMMA. It seems that a Metallica concert I'm going to see is on a Sunday in July. I talked to one of my supervisors, and he said that there was going to be a big shipment coming in around that time. However, I don't know how many more years that Met might be doing this, so this could be my big chance, since I haven't purchased tickets yet; they aren't playing live on the east cost too often. Oh god, is this a problem. :(

Another case of busines or pleasure :D It depends, old boy. If you can ask your coleague to change shift or cover your shift, you can make it to your "dream" concert provided you can get the ticket. You also need your Spv. approval to change shift - check first before you make simple mistake and regret it ;)