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Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 1:47 am
by KidD01
LOL @Flaggy, Long time no see buddy. Where have you been ? Flirting again :) Who's the new target ? If you close it, I think you also gonna open a new one called Goody part 3 :D :D

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 1:52 am
by Flagg
Originally posted by KidD01:
<STRONG>LOL If you close it, I think you also gonna open a new one called Goody part 3 :D :D </STRONG>
Of course I would create a new one.. I can't leave you stranded without a Goody... :D :D

Actually I can't be online much, as I have to watch my phonebill... You should however know that I am always flirting.. :D :D

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 7:21 am
by Mr Sleep
Umm just thought i would say hi, and bye, my connection is still crap, but at least i can occasionally post :) (hopefully)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 8:02 am
by Flagg
Hey Sleepy,

All of our connections were horrible today... :(

By Mr. Sleep... :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 5:08 am
by Mr Sleep
Well this is a bump, for what reason? I am not entirely sure, i was searching for the lyrics to a barry adamson song, which i typed once, but i found this instead :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 5:20 am
by Vehemence
Originally posted by Mr Sleep:
<STRONG>Well this is a bump, for what reason? I am not entirely sure, i was searching for the lyrics to a barry adamson song, which i typed once, but i found this instead :D </STRONG>
You have no idea what catastrophic events you've set in motion! :eek: :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 5:31 am
by Georgi
Originally posted by Vehemence:
<STRONG>You have no idea what catastrophic events you've set in motion!</STRONG>
Spam isn't catastrophic... :p :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 5:45 am
by KidD01
Is this a call to Spam rampage again ? :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 5:47 am
by Mr Sleep
Hey Kid, funny that i revive this topic and you appear out of nowhere :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:12 am
by TheDeacon
Originally posted by KidD01:
<STRONG>I found this baby down in the bsement somewhere, I wonder what happen if i bring this up again. Will it become a big hit like its predecessor (Goody) ??? :D :D </STRONG>
I killed Goody once and I can kill goody again

;) :D :eek: :eek:

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:21 am
by KidD01
@Sleepy : Perhaps Goody "is" My calling card ! :D :D

@Decoy : What !!!!!! You try to kill Goody ???? Then you're a Baddy ! :p :D
Hiya Deke, Glad to see you drop by :)

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:23 am
by TheDeacon
@K: I'm the moderator from Hell.... That's where Mr. Satan and his trustworthy companions Flagg and Deke rule... :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:28 am
by KidD01
*Whisper* OK then how about if we give you free date with any chick you want on this board.........or perhaps some purple pills ???? :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:30 am
by TheDeacon
@K: I would be glad to accept, however I think a gorgeous 27-year old redhead will be flaming you for the rest of your life for making such an offer to me. :eek:

Are you willing to risk that? :D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:35 am
by Mr Sleep
I am :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:35 am
by Vehemence
Originally posted by TheDeacon:
<STRONG>@K: I would be glad to accept, however I think a gorgeous 27-year old redhead will be flaming you for the rest of your life for making such an offer to me. :eek:

Are you willing to risk that? :D :D </STRONG>
:rolleyes: But Deke, I'm only 21 ;) :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:37 am
by Georgi
Originally posted by KidD01:
<STRONG>*Whisper* OK then how about if we give you free date with any chick you want on this board.....</STRONG>
@KidD Is that as opposed to the kind of dates you get, where you have to pay for them? :p :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:38 am
by TheDeacon
@V: You must have overlooked the gorgeous part ;)

@Sleep: I don't think you want to take that risk. The last guy who did that was found floating on the bottom of the Hudson :D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:43 am
by KidD01
Nahhh I got My Purple Toga on...An antique which have high flaming resistant - Guaranteed :D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 7:44 am
by Vehemence
Originally posted by TheDeacon:
<STRONG>@V: You must have overlooked the gorgeous part ;)

@Sleep: I don't think you want to take that risk. The last guy who did that was found floating on the bottom of the Hudson :D :D </STRONG>
Oh right Gorgeous, I thought it sad unspeakably evil ;) MUAAA HA HA HA HA HA... er.. sorry... I'll be good ;)

Mr Sleep ---> Image :D