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Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 8:29 am
by Xyx
Originally posted by nael
did you ever play any other mods?
Nope and never will except for Return to Windspear, which, in my eyes, will be the very best of all.
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 9:27 am
by garazdawi
I'll have to recommend NWN, especially for its toolset
I cannot get enough of the game.
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 7:31 pm
by nael
Originally posted by Xyx
Nope and never will except for Return to Windspear, which, in my eyes, will be the very best of all.
and why is that??
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 10:57 am
by Xyx
Originally posted by nael
and why is that??
- It'll be rock solid. This mod is not rushed. It'll be done when it's done. Really done, not "ready to ship" done. It is well-tested and totally nit-picked apart. You should not be able to find any inconsistencies in the plot, everything has a reason.
- It will have good AI.
- It is rich in detail. Attention gets paid to the little things as well. No sets of dialogue options all leading to the same answer. Quality over quantity.
- Loads of custom content. Creatures, music, AI, areas... most of it is new. Most speakers have portraits and there's real voice-over.
- It is based on a good, epic story.
- It is as true to pen and paper AD&D as is feasible with the ToB engine.
- Variety. The mod offers opportunities for all kinds of play, Good and Evil parties, roleplayers and hack-n-slashers. The mod has its own difficulty setting, so you can specify how tough you like battles and still play on Core Rules!
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 12:29 pm
by kopywrite
Originally posted by Xyx :and still play on Core Rules!
Sounds does it work? Spoil me please..
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 7:52 pm
by nael
so, what is the story line?
how many extra areas?
Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2002 8:09 am
by Xyx
Try the
Return to Windspear fan page for information about size and content. As I said, the mod concentrates a bit more on quality than quantity.
The custom difficulty setting means you set the mod's difficulty through one of the conversations at the beginning. You will be asked how much you like "challenge" or somesuch, then you answer things like "please go easy on me", "bring it on" or "I'm INVINCIBLE!!". This difficulty, rather than the game's difficulty, is used to vary the numbers of opponents you face (and a few other nasty tricks as well). The idea is that you can leave the game's in-built difficulty slider at Core Rules but still specify how hard you want your battles. A very simple and elegant concept... I'm surprised we're the first mod to do that. I tried to get this into Ascension but Dave wasn't interested.
Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2002 11:46 pm
by Snoop Dogg
Hey everyone - I just noticed this thread.... I read all the pages up to page 9 but then i skipped to the last page (pg 98) so can somebody please summarize the previous 89 pages in 25 words or less
BTW i play a drow assassin because assassins roq!
Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 7:42 pm
by nael
Originally posted by Snoop Dogg
Hey everyone - I just noticed this thread.... I read all the pages up to page 9 but then i skipped to the last page (pg 98) so can somebody please summarize the previous 89 pages in 25 words or less
BTW i play a drow assassin because assassins roq!
to summarize...i posted that girls were already laying out by the pool and wearing miniskirts down in texas. kayless, upset since he lives on the frozen tundra, summoned the hell orca to attack me. 90 pages later here we are, the finest collection of knowledge about thieves and magic users. we vanquished all of our opponents and only we remain of the guilds.
try to track down the 1,000th post, there's quite a bit of summary in that area...
Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 8:05 pm
by Snoop Dogg
wow thanks for that!!! (even though you went over the specified word limit)
Its good to see this is the only surviving guild cos the others sounded like they were just a bunch of blouses
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 2:58 am
by Kayless
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 6:09 pm
by Snoop Dogg
so does this thread still get used?
*shameless bump*
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 9:44 pm
by nael
it experienced a good resurgance not TOO long ago. xyx was posting quite abit of his extensive knowledge.
every once in a whiel someone would still chime in with a question. but for the most part it broke down to spamming with just enough content thrown in to keep us on the forum.
yeah the other guilds sucked. the league of divinty never stood a chance, and there were several fighter guilds that just never took off.
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 9:55 pm
by Snoop Dogg
Cool bananas
Well after a couple of months of trying to get into neverwinter nights and restarting it time after time with different character I have finally given up on it because it is just so boring
Ive finally decided to go back to BG2 for another run through but thought I might try and solo it through with my elven assassin... This seems like a pretty daunting task so I was wondering if anyone has soloed the game with a thief before or even attempted it?
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 4:42 am
by Daragen
Ah, a group of mages. I have slain many sorceresses in the land of Sanctuary, but have until now never travelled to the forgotten realms! You shall not outlive this day, of that I swear!
I am a member of the viz-jaqtaar, and you shall die, so the corruption of magic cannot live on!
Assasins, I have no feud with you (being one myself) but if you align yourselves with my enemies, then you shall perish as well!
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 5:42 am
by Xyx
Forum wars are sooo boring...
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 10:59 am
by nael
@snoop- soloing with a thief is definitely doable. i personally found it boring, because the characters abilities do not noticeably get better as you progress through levels. i you think you'll notice when your pickpocket ability goes up 5%?
assassin is good since you can look forward to your backstab bonus increases.
you have to remember to role play. you cannot attack things head on.. you have to do a lot of hit and run tactics. hide in shadows, sneak up, back stab, run away, close a door, etc. use your poison ability when you know have a tough opponent. of course once you get high enough in levels, it is a piece of cake. especially if you have TOB and get 'use any item'.
good luck!
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 3:06 am
by Daragen
Ah, so you will not take me seriosuly? hah, this thread is old, and dead. The mages are dispersed. I come too late
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 6:35 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by Xyx
Forum wars are sooo boring...
Now, yes. But there was a time when it was kicking.
Originally posted by Daragen
Ah, so you will not take me seriosuly? hah, this thread is old, and dead. The mages are dispersed. I come too late
About a year too late, my friend. But you can always look back at the good old days and smile.
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 12:58 am
by Daragen
Out of Character
Yep, Im up to page 60. So far I have almost had four heart attacks from laughter, and have sprained my wrist while rolling on the floor in hysterics