Heh, I can imagine.
I had lecture about "Planning of Informationsystem" or something like that. The course of diagrams and such and how the whole project of making programs and sch are planned and so on...[/QUOTE]
That sounds a bit like the lecture I have on Wenesdays. What diagrams do you cover?
Mine covers Class, State, Sequence, Use Case etc. It's part of the UML- Unified Modelling Language (sounds more impressive than it is
Okay, I'll avoid the topic of University after. Not trying to bore anyone.
[QUOTE=Kipi]Luckily those aren't going to bother me, cause we don't have Halloween that way..
But then again, we have that kind of tradition in Easter...
What? Kids go around to random houses asking for Easter Eggs or something?
I haven't had any trouble so far today, but it's still early. I might bother to answer the door and give out chocolate, depends how nice I'm feeling at the time...